Tuesday, September 25, 2018

25% of Uighur population to so-called "learning class", but those who were sent "did not come back."

  11-7-17 About 99.7 percent of the Uighur Muslim population in China's Xinjiang Province have reportedly been cajoled and coerced into donating blood to a government-run organ bank.
  According to a report in the Epoch Times website, oncologist Anwar Todi Bogda recently held a lecture in Taiwan where he exposed live evidence of human organs for profit.
  Bogda referred to the Communist Party of China's (CPC's) "universal health examination," the name of the Xinjiang Uighur massive blood project, aimed at establishing organ matching database.
  Bogda showed photos inside her cell phone and pointed out that there was a fast-track specially opened for transport of special passengers and human organs at an airport in Xinjiang.
  Only Uighurs have reportedly been asked to draw and donate blood. The Uighur population about 15 million to 20 million
  According to a survey carried out by U.S. investigative reporter and author Ethan Gutmann, this year, 99.7% of Uighurs have completed their blood tests.
  Physicians have pointed out that organ harvesting has become an industry in mainland China.
   According to Anwar Toto, the CCP recently sent 25% of Uighur population to so-called "learning class", but those who were sent "did not come back."  He believes that the Chinese Communists are making blood matches for organ transplants.
  He said live organ harvesting has formed an industry in Mainland China.  About 600 hospitals will be approved for this purpose.  Doctors, in order to win surgeries, have launched "promotional programs.”  Some websites give free gifts of 20 organs, 4 hours will be able to find a matching organ.
  The CCP has no ethical bottom line.  He urged that anyone who wants to change organs in mainland China should think twice about otherwise becoming an indirect murderer.  http://www.iuhrdf.org/content/997-uighurs-xinjiang-forced-donate-blood-organ-matching-database
  In the U.S., which leads the world in organ transplants, according to
Fortune magazine, a heart costs US$1.4 million, a lung US$862,000 and a liver US$813,000.  It’s an incredibly lucrative business. After all, someone who needs an organ as a matter of life and death will pay practically anything for it. 9-19-16    “The ultimate conclusion is that the Chinese Communist Party has engaged the state in the mass killings of innocents, primarily practitioners of the spiritually based set of exercises, Falun Gong, but also Uyghurs, Tibetans, and select House Christians, in order to obtain organs for transplants.”   https://international.thenewslens.com/article/82726
many organ tranplants paid by insurance, medicair and medicaid    https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/CertificationandComplianc/Transplant.html
9-19-16    “The ultimate conclusion is that the Chinese Communist Party has engaged the state in the mass killings of innocents, primarily practitioners of the spiritually based set of exercises, Falun Gong, but also Uyghurs, Tibetans, and select House Christians, in order to obtain organs for transplants.”
  The authors claim that detained Falun Gong practitioners were forced to undergo medical tests before their results were put on a database of living organ sources so quick organ matches could be made.  https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/true-stories/the-reality-of-human-organ-harvesting-in-china/news-story/14d3aa5751c39d6639a1cc5b39f223b7
  Making this far worse, though, are the revelations that authorities aren’t waiting for death to claim their bounty. In an effort to increase the chances of successful transplant, Gutmann writes, the organs are often taken from prisoners while they are still alive.
Gutmann estimates that to date, more than 64,000 Falun Gong practitioners have suffered this fate, with more being added to the count every day.
  Given the way it’s demonized by the Chinese government, Falun Gong’s origins were shockingly simple.  A man named Li Hongzhi sat outside on the corner of a “rundown apartment block” in 1992 to teach “very slow, meditative exercises to anyone who was interested.”
  This would seem innocuous, but there was another element, “a hardcore Buddhist morality system of compassion, truthfulness and forbearance,” that accounts for the movement’s rapid growth and stunning popularity and helps explain why the Communist Party came to perceive the movement as a threat.  https://nypost.com/2014/08/09/chinas-long-history-of-harvesting-organs-from-living-political-prisoners/

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