Wednesday, July 11, 2018

we send our signal, our light-and-sound ray to your hearts

      As you then have gazed upon the children gaze also now upon the forces of darkness as they build dense pockets of substance in the world--of hatred and deceit which is intended to create a struggle between classes, between people, between capital and labor, between the Negro and the white races, between Jew and Gentile, between bond and free, between America and other nations of the world, between the power of Communism and the power of capitalism, between all sorts and manners of varying manifestations.  For the powers of darkness have determined in their own hearts to set brother against brother, nation against nation and people against people.  They are determined to create confusion and a maelstrom of darkness everywhere upon the planetary body. And I want you to be able to see it with me tonight—for this is not the creation of the Lord Christ, it is the creation of the dark forces of the world and is sustained by human thought and human consciousness as individuals entering into a sense of struggle feel a constant need to reinforce themselves by actually arming themselves against their neighbors and against various individuals upon the planetary body with the idea that the power of God cannot deliver them.
  Let me say to you then that the power of infinite light is everywhere manifest.  And as you gaze upon the awful conditions of the world and as you gaze upon the struggles--the class struggles between peoples and those who incite mankind to riot–understand that the immaculate concept is the God-given panacea whereby you will be able to assuage all human grief and wipe away all tears from human eyes and consciousness because God is.         
(by iSndelar)
          -Elohim Cyclopea:  12-29-1969 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
      I call for the raising up of the true levels of God-government. And I call for the cleansing of this nation of all perverted uses of drugs and of the death-drug known as marijuana…(which) is considered innocuous when it is among the most deadly--transforming a consciousness of a people into lethargy and sloth and interfering with the flow of the sacred fire and interfering with the correct role of man and there is the confusion of the sexes in the sacred fire...and the weakening of the nations by the misuses of the light in homosexuality....
  Let the sacred fire go forth in the name of Shiva!  You have but to give that token of obedience and love and service to find yourselves literally inundated with sacred fire, literally catapulted into the years of your self-mastery, self-worth and usefulness unto the Brotherhood....Therefore let the temple be cleansed….The acceleration of the light of God must come and is coming by the Word and the call and the decree of the Messenger and the chelas and all lightbearers everywhere.  Your cells must become brimming with light, cups of light.  You must have a greater and greater joy and a greater and greater penetration of the Spirit.        
                         -Elohim Cyclopea:  10-6-1978 at Camelot, Los Angeles
     Light from the heart of Maitreya is the key to the contact of our youth, to the raising up of our youth--to the restoration by the flame of resurrection of mind and soul and heart within the body temple, fortified by living truth!
  I AM the Goddess Meru, Mother of a civilization ancient and new!  I AM the Presence here keeping the flame of illumination with my own beloved Meru, keeping the flame for the youth of this hemisphere and the whole world.  I AM in pursuit of the Christed ones who have gone astray.  Burdened therefore by the drugs of these decades they no longer function in the divine capacity of their leadership role.  Blessed ones, only these Christed ones can lead all the rest from the nest of scorpions into which they have fallen.  Therefore let us go after the lightbearers!…
  For this is what the legalization of marijuana is--it is the legalization of death.  It is like legalizing abortion, euthanasia, all forms of genetic engineering and suicide itself:  it is the guarantee of the individual that he will be protected in the right to die.
   There are some who cannot die, for they have never lived.  We are not concerned with these, for they must ultimately succumb to the law of their own mortality and to their own lifewave.  We are concerned with the living who have become the dead and who must be raised from the tomb.
   You must raise Jairus’ daughter, the daughter of the father in the earth who has gone the wayward way of the death drugs;  you must raise then the widow’s son.  You must come under the dispensation of Elijah and Elisha, of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.
  You must understand that some are already dead to the voice of their own Christ Self.  But because they are of God it is the divine decree of Alpha and Omega that they shall live again and live to enter the heart of their living Christhood and mount the flight of golden stairs to their own God Presence….
  Let us demand lovingly of Cyclopea the all-seeing Eye of God to be fastened upon these children already enslaved or targeted for enslavement by the fallen ones.  Let us be so in tune with Cyclopea that we will find them by our own contact with the focus of Elohim in the Royal Teton Retreat….
  Almost greater than the lie of World Communism is the lie of marijuana itself, which continually proclaims its harmlessness--like the scorpion and serpent and wolf who hide behind the sheep, claiming their innocence with the bleating sheep whom they devour.  Dear hearts, truth is a most penetrating ray.  Let it go forth with all the crystal clarity of the whitefire that is delivered by the crystal complement of the all-seeing Eye of God….
  Dear hearts of light, let us turn to the divine complement of Saint Germain for cosmic justice to descend through her heart from the Great Central Sun for the judgment of fallen ones who have targeted the youth, as vampires to take their light, their very lifeblood, their very essence.  Why, they would take from them the pure crystal light descending through the crystal cord the very moment that it reaches the brain and enters the physical body.  They snatch it through the openings created in the cells of the brain, in the nerve cells.  Those separations, as well as the cloggings, are for the redirecting of the very nectar of the Buddha into the greedy mouths of the discarnate entities who take that nectar of Life and therefore perpetuate the growing, rolling momentum of the marijuana conglomerate entity, which is now one with the worldwide money beast, for the vampirizing of a generation and more….
  Let there not be the legalization of the death of the avatar in America!  From the heart of the Mother-flame of this hemisphere to the heart of Himalaya we send our signal, our light-and-sound ray to your hearts on behalf of those whose souls cry out for deliverance.  For they are captive, they are addicted, they are bound.  Go forth and release them from their chains!  And in the name of God bind! the death entity that ensnares them and keeps them from the blessed heart of Mary.
  By the physical hand of God through you, by your physical heart and voice and speech and Word, by the very force of the light of the Mother that you draw down into your temple I say:  go forth in all of the power of the living Word and know that in your adoration of the Buddha there is the Buddha’s adoration of the Mother and the Mother’s seed within you.           
   -Lady Meru:  6-13-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
                          -Lake Titicaca


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