Monday, January 17, 2022

What then?

It is a giant network and it has long moved throughout the matter spheres for only one goal: to take millions of its own kind in order to devour the light of one son of God who has descended into matter.  They will stage a conspiracy for thousands of years to accomplish the undoing and the fall of a single son of God.
  We who are in the etheric octave of matter as well as in the octave of absolute Spirit need not fear this devouring process. But mind you well, we are deeply concerned, gravely aware of the jeopardy of souls in whom there yet exists a divine spark, albeit sometimes small, of souls who come and hear the Lost Teachings of Jesus and go out and hear many other voices and are fascinated by the cult of UFOs.
  Hearts full of fire, understand that the sons of God in earth are not in great number, yet the salvation of these is the reason for being of Sanat Kumara.  There is a chaff that is burned and there are the tares that are bound in bundles and burned.  Realize then that that which is saved unto everlasting Life is the good wheat of the [genetic] seed of Christ.

          -El Morya,  delivered at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood
Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 8, 1987, Pearl 30:46
The immune system can be compromised by other factors. Dr. Robert Becker, an authority on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health, integrated data from numerous sources that strongly suggests that ELF waves, which are generated by solar flares, lead to a decline in a person’s ability to fight off disease. …
  The outcome of chaos will probably be increased government control of the economy.  When things get bad enough will Americans trade their economic freedom for the security of more and more government control?…
  A decline in the immune system is associated in turn with a number of new diseases, including AIDS, Legionnaire’s disease and Herpes genitalis.lecture given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet May 22, 1989 at Chicago,  Pearls of Wisdom  33:9
Keynesian economics provided a framework for politicians to artificially spur economic growth in the short run to help insure their reelection. But it inevitably leads to recessions or worse.  In the long run it leads to economic disaster.
Keynes said that the way for governments to intervene was to encourage full employment through spending programs such as those of the New Deal and through authorizing a central bank to fine-tune the economy through control of interest rates. …
  The most recent so-called irreversible change we have seen in the Soviet Union is the fragmentation of the KGB into three parts.  It remains to be seen how the intelligence service will function, but it is not time to celebrate the demise of the KGB.  It has been reorganized and renamed a half-dozen times in the last 70 years.   -based on a lecture given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 14, 1991 at New Orleans, Pearl 34:63
 What then when people do not have leaders who can interpret their scriptures for them, leaders who can extol life as the manifestation of God–from a blade of grass to the tiniest manifestation of the microbe, of the amoeba, of the algae, to the greatest manifestation of all, man and woman and child made in the image and likeness of God?
  Look at the social issues, beloved.  Look at how mercy is denied to the children as they are not properly educated and as their innocence is taken from them at an earlier and earlier age, as they must have discussions in the classrooms concerning AIDS, concerning sexual activities and the “how to” of the entire gamut of sex.
Beloved ones, this has been introduced by the fallen ones and [in some cases necessitated] by the absence of true heart-ties of parents to their children, [parents] who ought to know how to educate their families concerning these issues.  And therefore there has been foisted upon this generation a division between parents and children; and [the parents] have now been displaced by teachers who come in the name of the protection of children, and [often the classroom] has been the violation of their innocence.  
-Kuan Yin, delivered by   Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Holy Saturday, April 18, 1992 at  Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 35:16


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