Friday, January 7, 2022

originof Sars 2; origin of vaccine kill-shot scheme CORRECTED


     J. B. Fourtillan       9-1-21  Professor Fourtillan, video in English here   who appeared in "Hold-Up", he has been interned in a psychiatric hospital against his will.  Jean Bernard Fourtillan professor of pharmacology and toxicology speaks out about the origin of SARS CoV virus.  He is a hero among the heroes.
Fourtillan exposing the SARS-COV- 2 conspiracy.  They faked it so that they could roll out the genocidal vaccine. This is why they locked him up.
(At 6:13 of link begins Fourtillan’s view of Sars2 origin.  Fourtillan’s files in both French and English are here)   08/01/22 Pour nous contacter :
Published June 21, 2021  WHAT IS INSIDE VACCINES?  FRENCH DOCTOR, Fourtillan, TELLS.
  Jean Bernard Fourtillan found the truth about SARS-CoV-2
   Dec 16, 2020  Professor Fourtillan, who appeared in "Hold-Up", he has been interned in a psychiatric hospital against his will. Jean Bernard Fourtillan professor of pharmacology and toxicology speaks out about the origin of SARS CoV virus. He is a hero among the heroes. Fourtillan exposing the SARS-COV- 2 conspiracy

. ….............................................*Dossier GB covid 19
   …The process for making a Covid-19 vaccine by the Institut Pasteur and its financing by CEPI, was announced on 03/19/2020:CEPI finances the development of a vaccine against Sars-CoV-2, a project carried out by the consortium of the Institut Pasteur, THEMIS and the University of Pittsburgh The first clinical trials of the Covid-19 Vaccine have started at the Jennifer Institute at the University of Oxford (official announcement dated 04/24/2020): - Video (04/24/2020): First clinical trials of the Covid-19 vaccine, carried out in healthy volunteers at the University of Oxford- Article from the newspaper Marianne (04/30/2020): Vaccine against Covid-19? It maybe soon thanks to an Italian-English collaboration. As an Expert Pharmacologist-Toxicologist specialized in Pharmacokinetics, I carried out, at the Biomedical Research Center CEMAF (my own company), regulatory phase I studies in humans for 30 years. These studies, it should be remembered, are mandatory for the registration and marketing authorization of new drugs. CEMAF was a Phase I Center, approved by Healthcare Agencies around the world, where I carried out pharmacokinetic and tolerance studies for new drugs when they were first administered to humans, on behalf of pharmaceutical laboratories.
 ………................................................................ › 2021 › 02The Whole Truth
    4 fragments of HIV1which give to vaccinated people: AIDS syndrom and Immunodeficiencyas a consequence DNA sequences from the malaria germwhich give Malaria to vaccinated people157 additional DNA and protein sequences(see Patent US 8,243,718 B2), whose presence and role are unexplained Nanoparticles which will allow  definitive control of people vaccinated thanks to 5G  The calamities of the Vaccine they want to inject in your body                                          The ChAdOx1 n-CoV-19 vaccine they want to inject in your body contains ChAdOx1 n-CoV-19: Covid-19 coronavirus carried by the vector virus ChAdOx1  Nanoparticles described in Microsoft Patent PCT/ US 2019/ 038084, which will control you thanks to 5G Disinfectant:s: either Thimerosalor Formaldehydeand antibiotics
  COVID-19 is an artificial coronavirus made in France by the Institut Pasteur from natural Sars-CoV coronavirus-1st Step: Sars-CoV-1 was produced by a first patent (2003:European Patent EP 1 694 829 B1 and US Patent US 012 .82 24 A1) from Sars-CoV collected in Hanoi before 2003-2nd Step:Sars-CoV-2 was a continuation of the first US patent US 012.8224 A1, protected by the second US Patent US8,2 43,718 B2 (2011), from Sars-CoV-1-3rd Step: Covid-19 was produced from Sars-Cov-2 by inserting into its genome 4 sequences of HIV1 (RNA AIDS virus) Finally Covid-19 is the result of several genetic manipulations of a strain of Coronavirus Sars-CoV,associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), resulting from a sample listed under the number 031589, collected from bronchoalveolar washings of Sars infected patients by scientists of Institut Pasteur, before 2003, at the French hospital in Hanoi (Vietnam) Covid-19 was made in France by French scientists at the Institut Pasteur from natural Sars-CoV, then transferred to Wuhan where the People of Institut Pasteur released it, When she says: "Covid-19 is not a Chinese virus", CHINA DOES NOT LIE! unbeknownst to scientists in the Wuhan laboratory and the Chinese government
      Doctor Frédéric Tangy is the father of the Covid-19 Doctor Frédéric Tangy Director of Vaccine Innovation at the Institut Pasteur Publications related to coronaviruses and vaccines 1-2003: Inventor in Patents EP 1 694 829 B1 and US 012.8224 A12-2005: Publication: Frédéric TANGY and Hussein Y. Naim. Live Attenuated Measles Vaccine as a Potential Multivalent Pediatric Vaccination Vector. VIRAL IMMUNOLOGY, Volume 18, Number 2, 2005, page 317-3263-2011: Inventor in Patent US 8,343,718 B24-2014: Publication: Nicolas Escriou, Benoît Callendret, Valérie Lorin, Chantal Combredet, Philippe Marianneau, Michèle Février,    Frédéric Tangy. Protection contre   le coronavirus du SRAS conférée par le vaccin vivant contre la rougeole exprimant la glycoprotéine de pointe. Virology, V olumes 452–453, March 2 014, page 32-415- 2020: Paris-Match article from April 9-15, 20206- 2020: Paris-Match article from May 14-20, 2020 See Document 2 ………………...................................................…
      J-B Fourtillan, pharmacologist, né le 7 octobre 1943 à Bordeaux, est un pharmacien français, expert en pharmacologie et ancien professeur des universités. Certaines de ses prises de position sont contestées par la communauté scientifique. Il est poursuivi par la justice pour des essais cliniques illégaux. …Ces essais ont en partie été menés à l'abbaye Sainte-Croix de Poitiers, à Saint-Benoît17. L'Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé considère qu'il s'agit là d'un essai clinique illégal car non déclaré et se déroulant dans un lieu non autorisé (une abbaye) et l'interdit mais les deux associés récusent cette affirmation18,19,20. Au contraire, Jean-Bernard Fourtillan écrit une lettre au président de la République lui demandant l'abrogation de l'obligation vaccinale des nourrissons (qualifiée de « massacre ») et la généralisation de l'emploi de ses dispositifs transdermiques pour guérir non seulement la maladie de Parkinson mais aussi l'épilepsie, la sclérose en plaques et les cancers21.
   À l'automne 2019, une enquête est ouverte par un juge d'instruction pour « tromperie » et « abus frauduleux de l’ignorance ou de la faiblesse d’une personne vulnérable »22. En mai 2020, Jean-Bernard Fourtillan obtient à Bordeaux la condamnation pour diffamation d'un dirigeant de l'ANSM qui l'avait accusé de charlatanisme3. Cependant, en juillet 2020, Jean-Bernard Fourtillan et le fonds Josefa demandent sans succès devant le tribunal administratif de Poitiers l'annulation de l'interdiction de l'essai par l'ANSM23,24    Le 7 décembre 2020, Jean-Bernard Fourtillan est arrêté par la police dans le cadre d'une enquête sur ces essais ; il était recherché notamment pour exercice illégal de la médecine25. Trois jours après son incarcération à Nîmes, il est hospitalisé sans son consentement dans un établissement psychiatrique d'Uzès26,27 ; il est libéré , le 17 décembre, sur décision du juge des libertés et de la détention et placé sous contrôle judiciaire28,2. Le 15 avril 2021, il est arrêté à Chaudes-Aigues, puis incarcéré à la maison d'arrêt d'Aurillac29 car il n'a pas respecté les obligations de ce contrôle30,31

       April 20, 2021
    Message sent by Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan  … I communicate to you this revisionist text of Jacques Attali, extracted from the Future of Life, Michel Salomon, 1981, which confirms, in the slightest detail, their satanic and eugenic project prepared since a long time:
    “In the future it will be a matter of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years old, man lives longer than he produces and he costs society a lot. Then the weak, then the useless who bring nothing to the society because there will be more and more of them, and finally the stupid ones.
“Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we will not be able to execute people or make camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. The population is too large, and for the most part useless, and this is something that is economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly than for it to deteriorate gradually. We won’t be able to test millions and millions of people for intelligence either, you bet! We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
“We will have taken care to have foreseen the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus take care of itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse by themselves. “
(Excerpt from The Future of Life, Michel Salomon, 1981)
    To view the video in French:  Now that you know the truth, you must follow the recommendations of Artemisia College:
“Do not/no longer obey the orders of the criminals, refuse the mask, the distancing, the confinement, the false vaccines… On the other hand, take charge of your health! You think that by obeying it will stop… when it is because you obey that it continues… Everything can stop in a few days if you decide to. “
We must end it quickly. We can do it by denouncing them with the evidence of our video.”
Courage and confidence, Friendships to all
Jean-Bernard Fourtillan
*Expert in pharmacology and former university professor.

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