Sunday, January 30, 2022

how the battle of Christ and Anti-christ works

 1)  In the time of the composing of the US Constitution the issue of slavery in America had not been well understood.  Washington basically bypassed some issues that he could not quite thoroughly realize.  Hamilton who was a Mason like Washington and Jefferson however had much affinity to the bankers.  Washington thus had approximately two points of uncertainty—how to coherently address or not address slavery and the issue of a centralized banking structure which Hamilton advocated.  When Guy Ballard meshed with Saint Germain these two points of unfinished business naturally remained for this initiate Ballard to address during his culminating decade of the 1930s; afterward then Edna Ballard and then other groups also have labored on both these matters of slavery and centralized or monopoly finance.  Also before the 1930s these issues were rampant.  Lincoln faced both issues.  Close reading of Lincoln’s life reveal that he knew both issues were very crucial in this land and in his own day.
  Now we need to look further.  The Spirit of Christ is opposed by the spirit of Anti-christ.  In the US Civil War the seat of power of the Southern states or Confederacy was South Carolina and Jefferson Davis was their exponent of division of the country.  The roles play out across the centuries.  Sometimes a  soul of promise may fall under the influence of the dark plot.  Therefore the karma involved therein must be resolved as cycles ripen.  All comes forth from the light and returns to the light, the oneness in reality.  This is deep or esoteric.  Yet a country in order to progress must at some point accept the principle of their existence consciously and in action via devotion to that cause or root principle.  The oneness is a high calling.  So we see that the national drama of a land like America is played out repeatedly, sometimes very sharply.  Lincoln knew his role and the issue which entailed two parts—the obvious one of slavery of black folk and even of American Indians and the more entrenched and covert issue of banking monopolists.  Yes, Lincoln said to one of these monopolists one day at the White House “I’m the master here!”  But a plot even of central bankers involved European finance lords and how they could oppose Lincoln who was not aligned to them.  Jefferson Davis fit their bill, their plot.  Some Northern financiers fit their bill as well, including Jay Cooke who met John Wilkes Booth around 1864 at Astor House, NYC to “arrange things.”  Money necessarily is involved in high affairs.  Yes, Booth was connected to Jefferson Davis, yes, Booth was connected to Northern financiers and in turn there was a group called Radical Republicans involving for example Ed Stanton, Sec. of War in the North, who were involved in a conspiracy to oppose Lincoln covertly and they did operate.  Now it was revealed by Balsiger and Sellier that the Booth diary had missing pages which surfaced in 1974 at the Stanton descendants home amid their relics which they asked an appraiser to value for them.  So the appraiser contacted some more specialized people and the extra pages which the Booth diary no longer contained once Stanton got possession of said diary and decoded certain Booth handwritten pages—ah, Stanton could not afford that the whole conspiracy be brought to light, yet 109 years after the assassination indeed these missing diary pages did come to light with their very telltale items from the hand of Booth because Booth realized he must himself be some kind of a pawn in a large game, hence kept a diary.
  So the payments for Booth’s operation were in part from Confederate leadership and also from Northerners, obviously a double-game indeed.  The rivalry of Christ and Anti-christ is a deep game.  Some of the players are caught in the double-agent area, some are caught in a crossfire like Northern secret service chief Col. Laf Baker who reported officially to Stanton, some are more simply focalpoints of Christ and Anti-christ.     
  Cycles come rouund, history repeats; now the US is again in great crisis almost as though the Civil War did not quite end.  Yes, slavery legally was abolished by Lincoln by decree.  Yes, Lincoln had some karma.  Yes the other issue he faced was more insidious.  Now the US by law since 1913 does have central banking and finance monopoly.  Many are not aware who could be aware of this difficulty, how a covert operation has ensnared America and much of the world—central banking finance monopoly with unbacked paper money and so forth.  Much treachery from within is our karma because the Christ light has not been well enough adhered to and worked with.  The price of liberty, one could say.
  In the current international arena involving virus and vaccine we experience in America and throughout the world many covert operations.  When we in America do not understand our own history of Christ and Anti-christ to any profound degree then more trouble is at hand of course.  Every generation faces these challenges.  When we do stand, face and conquer it is because of deep commitment.  The nefarious ones have commitment too.  Their policy is not “Stand, face and conquer “ but some twisted version thereof because their sophistication and pride and such distort things, even past at times their own awareness of what their own motive, goal and plots really are.  In other words they have interior issues.  Those of Christ light have interior issues too but not quite like that of the dark ones.  Our path of light incorporates true brotherhood, purification and faith in Divine Providence.  So there is certainly a difference twixt the two groups of Christ and Anti-christ.      
  Another Anti-christ would appear from the East, I believe twas prophesized in Revelation.  Perhaps it’s Putin and the Chinese Party bosses.  Yet Kissinger and the Serpent are very active in America now for quite some time.  Many are entangled who either belong to the darkness or who have been entranced by them for awhile.  At any rate the battle rages during Armageddon.  We as a land of liberty, justice, God-dominion are not yet out of the darker woods.  Edgar Cayce knew and told that the lessons reach across long periods, that the Great Pyramid complex was fashioned about 10,500 B.C. and involved overcoming gravity.  He had to know such matters because of his role.  Someone must lead the sheep of the fold, someone must show forth the essential pattern or drama at hand.  Cayce said he would come again after that embodiment.  Yes, the role continues.  In the meantime there are little sleeping prophets and so forth to carry forth the mission.  America does not have to go down into another Civil War but the light must be sought, chewed upon when discovered and pursued and put to good use.  That is how karmas are resolved.  Revelation too is vital—I shall add a bit on who Jeff Davis was via masters on high who like Cayce have high consciousness.  -R, Sunday, January 30, 2022, Siskiyou County, California
2)  And the straying of these little ones from the path can be understood only in the light of a vast conspiracy.  For what have they done?  Perhaps faltered and fallen in the way here and there, but their hearts’ love of God has never been modified or compromised in their heart of hearts. Though they have sinned, they have loved the Lord.  Though they have strayed, God has loved them.
And therefore you see, setback after setback can be explained only by a third party and its presence.  This you understand, even as Gandhi understood it and knew it.  Facing the adversary and confronting even that fallen one, that Jinnah who, like those in the United States led by the forces of Jefferson Davis, determined to divide India as they determined to divide the United States.
  And this division and this sowing of the seed of Serpent opened the way therefore for the assassination of that one and for a mass slaughter and bloodshed—also projected, dear hearts, from these ones who occupy the territories of Earth whom you call the aliens, and so they are. For they are alien to the light, alien to the natural order of things, unto the high calling of the sons of God.
  It is not the will of my Father that any of these little ones should perish.  It is not the will of the people that they should be the instruments of death.  It is not the will of lightbearers that mechanization man should overtake Earth, inasmuch as they have done so again and again.   

            -Gautama Buddha, delivered via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wesak, April 26, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 26:41
3)  Thus this mortal combat even threatened this very soil as one of the representatives of these forces from beyond this planet rose up to create the divisive elements and to align that similar seed of Gog and Magog in the War Between the States. (3)  This attempted division of America came from these very ancient rebels beyond this system that were part of the Nephilim ones, even those fallen ones.  They came fully arrayed with their armies and spacecraft and have continued to despise the children of the light.  But their despise has no end when it comes to their determination to destroy one another.  For they are determined that not two, but one between them, shall rule the entire universe.  Such is their ambition.
  Does it sound somehow like ancient gods of Rome or beyond on Atlantis or the war of the gods on Lemuria or even prior to Lemuria?  Well, beloved hearts, it is the same—the one.  These archenemies therefore, blinded by their mutual hatreds, unite only for the destruction of the living Word and the Christ who is their common enemy.
  This they have done time and again when it came to eliminating those who held the flame of freedom.  Otherwise they never end their engagement of rivalry, and thus it has been the complaint of both men and angels:  the viciousness of political campaigns in this nation itself and in every nation in the world, as these rivalries have resulted in murders—as in the Philippines, as in nations of Africa--and they cannot endure that the rival should succeed.      
               -Archangel Uriel, delivered via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet October 7, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom  26:52

(3)  Jefferson Davis (1808-89), aided and abetted by the international bankers and power elite.  See David Balsiger and Charles E. Sellier, Jr.:  The Lincoln Conspiracy (Los Angeles: Schick Sunn Classic Books, 1977)…………………….
4)   In their book The Lincoln Conspiracy David Balsiger and Charles E. Sellier, Jr., demonstrate that bankers and politicians North and South plotted to eliminate Lincoln. The authors worked from the missing pages of John Wilkes Booth’s diary and recently uncovered letters and documents to show that the plot against Lincoln included not only the frustrated racist John Wilkes Booth but also Edwin Stanton, Lincoln’s secretary of war who coveted the presidency, and greedy bankers who wanted Lincoln out of their way.
  Booth talked with financier Judah Benjamin, a Confederate cabinet minister who took him to meet the president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. Davis arranged funds for Booth to conduct trade for the Confederacy and Benjamin arranged for him to meet with important Northern speculators, including Philadelphia financier Jay Cooke.
  Cooke invited Booth to a meeting at Astor House in New York.   There he met gold and cotton speculators, bankers and industrialists.  Among them were Cooke’s brother Henry, political boss Thurlow Weed, cotton broker Samuel Noble and the Radical Republican senator Zachariah Chandler….
  Prior to and during the Revolutionary War (1776-83), the elite had been composed largely of civic-minded individuals.  Sociologist C. Wright Mills in his influential study of the American ruling class, The Power Elite, said that from the years spanning the Revolution through the beginning of the nineteenth century, America’s elite were “political men of education and of administrative experience, and, as Lord Bryce noted, possess a certain ‘largeness of view and dignity of character.’”
Mills says that during the next period of time, roughly from Jefferson to Lincoln (1801-65), “no set of men controlled centralized means of power; no small clique dominated economic, much less political affairs....For this was the period...when the elite was at most a loose coalition.”
  Nevertheless a power elite had some control over the government even prior to the Civil War.  In 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt, a bonafide member of the Establishment, wrote to Col. Edward House (a Kissinger-like figure):  “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”   

           -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 31:9


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