Saturday, January 22, 2022

Purity reveals all.

  I come bearing the scroll of cosmic history; and I read the record of ancient civilizations–some of Light, some of darkness–and the fate of their evolutions.  In order to draw for you the future of a planet, I must first draw for you the past and then allow you to draw your own conclusions.  The writing is on the wall.  History repeats itself; hence mankind must learn a lesson from cosmic history….
   Now if a lifewave uses the flame of unity to come together and to meld  carnal consciousness, then the end result will be the beast, the serpent that becomes the dragon at the end of the spiral of its precipitation.  Thus the perversion of unity was the cause (on Maldek) that was set in motion that resulted in the flying-apart of the very atoms of that planetary home when the two lifewaves evolving there–one assigned to carry the flame of Alpha and the other to carry the flame of Omega–instead of uniting in a spiral of oneness chose rather to amalgamate their carnal-mindedness for the greatest holocaust that has ever been seen in this solar system.
    Among those evolving on Maldek were lifestreams and souls of high principle dedicated to truth, yet all were destroyed….
    When mankind depart from that perfection, that wholeness then they are vulnerable to the most horrendous forms of astral manifestations that float right through the grids of their own consciousness because these are less than perfect and therefore serve as a magnet to magnetize energy-veils from other worlds, from interstellar space….
   Thus they came without a name and without a country.  And they embodied among the holy innocents and those who had not yet capitulated to the Luciferian lie. Parents of these ungodly ones who still retained the spark of divinity found that when they came to the age of the return of karma, between twelve years and fourteen years, they could no longer control these children; they could no longer teach them….By and by, these laggard souls amalgamated forces with fallen angels who had been forced to take embodiment because of their allegiance to the Fallen One; and thus the team of fallen angels and laggards became an ever-present menace, growing and growing in giant proportions upon the planetary body.  And thus the golden mean of consciousness is found somewhere between the two (elevated and gross); and that golden mean becomes a mediocrity that goes neither up nor down but walks the middle of the road and thinks that it is highly clever and that it cannot be touched.
    And thus the laggards and the fallen ones taught mankind how to dodge returning karma, how to dodge the effects of causes they had set in motion….This may be hard for some of you to understand; but by forbidding intermarriage between  laggards and Earth people and making this a part of orthodox tradition there is a failure of the greatest kind.  For it is an omission and a loss of opportunity for the laggards themselves to evolve and to attain greater heights of light and manifestation.  And by that mingling they might be converted to the Christ and to light.  This also preserves the wealth within families century after century, guarding that wealth and therefore preventing lifestreams from having the karma of having deprived others of wealth or of having to earn their daily bread by the sweat of their brow.  And thus the karma, instead of returning and manifesting, continues to build and to build and to build because of the isolation policy of  laggard races….
    the fiat went forth from the Lords of Karma: “Henceforth let every seed bear after its kind”; and it was forbidden that such an unholy and an ungodly situation should occur again. And these miscreations (via genetic engineering) then were canceled out by cosmic edict through the Flood which was the sinking of Atlantis.
    I tell you that the last days of Atlantis were wicked indeed; and the very ones who caused the destruction of Atlantis have come again, returning into embodiment.  Joining forces with darkness, they have created a culture in direct antagonism to the culture of the Divine Mother.
  …their ridiculous strife, which has as its end not the glory of God, not the freedom of man but the pride of ego and ruling of the planetary body through Luciferian consciousness of a one-world focus.
    I say to you then, Hierarchy is concerned this day that these same races, these same two groups of laggards now embodied and centralizing their energies in the Middle East, are coming together for that confrontation–the same confrontation which they had on Maldek….
   You have the authority to challenge the Luciferians.  You have the authority to challenge those who take precious holy innocents to the slaughter,  to the battlefields in a continual round of killing that amounts to nothing–absolutely nothing–in the sight of the Karmic Board.  You have this authority by the power of the Christ that is in you; and in the name of Jesus the Christ, you may give the commands of perfection that will allow us to enter in and do the perfect work which is so necessary in these troubled times.
   Thus the handwriting is on the wall. History repeats itself.  The only power that can check the widening spiral of the pride of the people of Israel on the one hand, and of the deceit and treachery and intrigue of the people of the Arab nations on the other, is the authority of the Christ that occupies the position at the heart level to challenge this yin and yang perversion of Alpha and Omega. …And thus, going to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, Jesus the Christ came to save that remnant of souls who embodied here that they might have the opportunity to bring the entire planet into a golden age and thus redeem that karma of having destroyed another planetary home….
   And the etheric city of the New Jerusalem that is focused over the Holy Land is the place prepared; it is the city that descends out of God as a bride adorned for her husband.  It is the place where Jesus and Mary reign supreme as the true focus of Alpha and Omega for the Piscean Age and the true king and queen of Israel.
   Thus do you see, precious hearts, that all the forces of darkness and the demons of this earth have tried to prevent the release of this message to you this day.  But it has come forth by divine authority and by divine direction from the heart of Alpha and Omega that this knowledge might be etched in fire on the etheric, mental, astral and physical planes, that once and for all those who have usurped the position of authority among mankind might be exposed and seen for what they are.  

                 Rakoczy Castle, Transylvania
-Divine Director:  at Santa Barbara via Messenger ECP,  Pearl 17:5

    You look to Maitreya for initiation.  I say, God looks to you to initiate the fire of freedom on Earth, to initiate the correct use of freewill and correct implementation of His Laws.  To initiate is to begin, to start, to set in motion, to introduce.  For every gift that is received, a gift must be given.  Instruct the little ones in the teachings of the Law and receive the instruction of Maitreya. Commence loving life free, and know the meaning of the love of God loving your soul, propelling your soul unto infinite spheres of love….
    But whatever you elect to be, see to it that you have exercised your freewill without interference from the fallen ones and the cult of the Liar set in motion as a direct challenge to the Mother and to the culture of the Mother.
    Now by initiation cultivate light!  Cultivate the flame of the heart so that you can start a new era of God-awareness of Life becoming life, not death….    Let seeds of the Cosmic Christ come forth in the spring!  Let them ripen in the summer and let them be harvested in the autumn!… And with you one and all I declare the mantra of your freedom:  “I AM–God in me is–the way, the truth and the life!”
 …for as you allow the faculties of your consciousness to penetrate the nightmare of sensuality in death and the death cult you are the instrument for cosmic rays of Cosmic Christ to penetrate to the depths of the astral, to rescue souls caught in  grips of gross manipulation.…Bring fruits of victory to the Divine Mother!  Be conquerors over hell and death with Christ the Lord and pursue with all diligence the three d’s (discrimination in heart, discernment in mind, determination at throat chakra) of your disciplined divinity.
   In the mastery of the flame of harmony is the momentum of Almighty God to consume the depths of degradation, the abomination of desolation standing in the place where the flame of the Mother ought to be….
   Hear this, hear this–
The mantra of the freeborn,
The salutation of cosmic morn,
Consummation of all that mourn:
“Lo, I AM come to do thy will,   O God!”
  Now let the law of harmony
And the science of energy flow
Be fulfilled in the spoken Word of Maitreya and of chelas  on the path of initiation.
I am with you unto involution of creation/ Into the transmutation of creative evolution.     

                               -Maitreya:  Pearl 18:53

    I am the angel immaculate.  From snowy peaks of Shasta, from the Himalayas and Rockies I send forth the piercing light of purity which unfortunately reveals aberrations of the divine plan as well as the soul’s immaculate conception in the heart of God.  Purity reveals all.…
   Jesus admonished “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”   Those who begin the ascent, the arduous climb to the highest summit, must not turn back when initiation confronts them in the way; for the alternative to passing every test and submitting to every initiation is to be subject unto the concentrated release of one’s own karma.
   More greatly to be feared than the tests and the trials of the path is the outer darkness that comes when the soul deserts the flame, deserts the battlefield of the Lord for that most questionable of all human commodities–human comfort….When you turn your back on the flame, you can count on nothing. The dispensations of mercy and opportunity dispensed at the hand of the Lords of Karma are not the option of the fallen ones or of the children of God who have fallen f rom grace. …
    When mankind shall receive the Mother in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit then they will have unlimited access to the flowing fountain of her purity, her all-consuming love.,,,Let the fallen ones with their satanic rites tremble!  Let those who have mutilated the cattle on the plains of America know that the judgment is nigh!  They are broken this day by the rod of Almighty God!  Let those who defend their rites of black magic and witchcraft also know that judgment is nigh, for you cannot take the purity of the Divine Mother and use it for selfish motive….
   There are those who say in their hearts:  “Let us do evil that good may come. Let us compromise the teaching of the ascended masters.  Let us go around the Christ and enter the Lord’s house at the side door.  Let us convince mankind that we are  practicing the divine art.  Let us prove by distortion of Mother-flame that our way is the acceptable way.”  These gather in their covens and in their dens of iniquity professing to serve the light.  I say, they have usurped the light and they shall pay the price.  “There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”  

                         -Archeia Hope:  Pearl 18:42 


Do not question my word.  For in the moment when you read this communication from on high, sent and signified by the messenger of the Lord, you will know that I am standing in your presence.  And if you will close your eyes and meditate upon the sun centered within your heart, you will receive the flow of purity from my causal body and the golden-pink glow-ray of the angels of my band….
    •    Know this, O chela of the Law, that I can and I shall come to you in the first fiery glimmer of the dawn that is the hope of the resurrection of the son of God. … And behold the death of the wicked and of the generations of the wicked. For the fallen ones and their carnal creation are brought to naught on that notable day of the Lord–the day of the release of sacred fire….    What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  And what communion hath light with darkness?  Do not allow sympathy of the Luciferians to prey upon the very light of your soul!  Do not allow your consciousness to be entertained by the so-called sorrows of Satan!  Do not feel sorry for those who do evil; for they too have the option of walking away from their evil ways….               

  2222213444444443321Proclaim the coming of Christed ones and rebuke the devils who usurp the pure energies of the Mother and of Holy Spirit.  See how your love, replacing all sympathy, will go forth as the compassion of the Law to compel the children of God who tarry in their childish ways to rise to the standard of the Christ.   

                -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearl 18:41
    •    …………………………………..............................

Let this be the acceptable word of the Lord that comes forth from your mouth, the sacred instrument of the voice of God.  Let this be the acceptable word, the fiat and the command uttered unto the atoms, molecules and precious electrons of being.   “I AM Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of being!”  Let this be your finding of yourself in the whitefire core of the central sun on this the acceptable day of salvation and the appointed time of the judgment.  Children of the One:  Forge your God-identity! 

              -Archeia Charity:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:38

   America, rise from that position of being bent over and on the ground and on your knees, groveling there in the dirt from the hatred and the jealousy and the darkness and the condemnation of those who are jealous of the light!
  I say, America, look up and see the hosts of the Lord!  Look up and see the Faithful and True and the armies of heaven!  Look up and see the defenders of the light!  These armies are composed of recruits from the Christed ones of every nation. And therefore let us build a forcefield that is impenetrable, impregnable.  Let us build a forcefield, a bastion of liberty, a fountain of light so that all peoples may come and drink from that living fountain of Mother Liberty….
  Now I tell you, my prophecy goes forth that those usurpers of the abundance of the light of the Mother in America—those who are taking the grain, the golden light of her wisdom and nourishing those enemies of world freedom—are called to accounting this day, and they shall give an accounting to me in person! I am demanding a report from those individuals in embodiment who are signing away the lifeblood of the Christed ones by their treaties and their favors and their commercial pacts!    

         -Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 13, 1975 in San Francisco,  Pearl 62:45

    I place myself as your Guru Mother in Mother….I involute into the flame.  The flame involutes into the sphere.  And I rise to the heart of the Great Central Sun.      -Omega, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1977 in Pasadena,  Pearl 51:19


  I submit that the call to the archangels—directly to the heart of Archangel Michael through the decrees already written and this rosary for the protection of the path of the Great White Brotherhood, for the protection of true souls of light and the worthy and the instantaneous judgment of the usurpers of the light—will go a long, long way in curtailing the advancement of abuses and therefore the incurring of karma for you and me and the increasing numbers of Ascended Masters who have come to join our cause of freedom from great heights of cosmos and the inner silence.  

                    -Saint Germain: on January 1, 1986 , Pearl 29:21 


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