Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The tearing-down of the old city of Jerusalem

  Men should learn to stand within the citadel of being, insulated by the currents of the Holy Ghost but capable of reaching out in mercy’s name with the response that is dictated by their own inner God nature.  They should lovingly place themselves upon the ladder of availability, going up or down so that their awareness can coincide momentarily with the ups and downs of others as the elevatorlike consciousness of humanity rises and falls. Thus the compassionate ones, taking no thought for their lives, descend to the level of greatest need to raise up the downtrodden to a higher response….
  But God is above mankind’s religion, He is even above those doctrines which they have come to accept wherever these differ with the true aspects of love.
  I wonder if mankind have ever mused upon what would happen in the world if all men professing to work for God were really doing so.  Their loyalties then would be to Him rather than to their egos, to the bringing-in of the kingdom rather than to the building of a Tower of Babel, to the establishment of the joys of God in the lives of others rather than to the indulgence of their appetites and passions…
  And how wonderful it is when mankind can reach out to the Law and see it as the counterpart of love and mercy that will establish the unifying power of the Holy Spirit upon earth!  Then much of the chastening of the children of God will become unnecessary, for they will be one with the Law even as We are one with Him….
  I also know how easily they wrest the Laws of God to their own destruction.  But it is wrong to forsake one’s faith in God in those moments when being true to oneself means going against orthodox tradition.  For unless the Spirit of God is permitted to lead man into the laws of truth, even that progressive truth which defies tradition and the warps of the carnal mind, the present generation may well continue to be divided on both fundamental and disputed points of the Law.
  Above all, men should understand and apply the law of brotherhood and not be so hasty in their judgments of one another.  For in many cases right when we have sought to establish a very special assistance to one whose prayers evoked that assistance, his own dogmatism and loyalty to traditional concepts have become the enemy of all truth, barring him from receiving Our intercession.
  So deeply dyed is the consciousness of mankind with many wrong concepts about God and Spirit’s intent that they have failed to apprehend the basic laws of the universe so apparent in man and nature.  The reason We continue to discuss the problems of religious bigotry is that the spiritual progress of the world will be effectively stayed until the people rise above the level of their dogmatic interpretations of life, their ego-centered logic and their sense thralldom--as some might say, the world, the flesh and the devil.  For it is those who deify evil through the instating of spiritual wickedness in high places who are guilty of perpetuating darkness in the world, even more so than that which is the result of what men have called pure evil.  And so the liar is often more deadly than the lie….
  We long to see the effect of the divine level of understanding upon mankind, for We know that only through understanding will the nations promote true brotherhood in place of their brittle intellectual concepts and human conquests.  So many the world over still move in the realms of mortal thought and feeling wherein they desire to be thought well of, without realizing that this in itself is a reflection of their own inadequacy, their own feelings of inferiority and insufficiency.       
                                -Archeia Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 15:31
  How mighty indeed would be Our thrust for light’s purpose if men would bring themselves into harmony with the universe and with one another!  When they see each meeting as a confrontation between opposing philosophies, a testing of egos, when they transfer thoughts of fear and failure to one another they lose the balance of the Middle Way and quite frequently do not recover their loss in the space of a lifetime.    -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:39

  The tearing-down of the old city of Jerusalem was not only an act of prophecy but also a leveling of man’s false concepts of himself, of those limiting concepts which in the old man had a tendency to go unrecognized because each man sought to exalt himself.  Once the destruction of the human ego with its false set of values takes place the New Jerusalem, symbolizing the spiritual recognition of all achievement as God’s, comes into view in individual man. 
                          -Archeia Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 15:41

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