Thursday, September 12, 2019

as long as you are unfolding the principles of higher wisdom

To All Who Would Understand and Serve the Intent of Hierarchy:                                                                  

  Most of the seething unrest that permeates the atmosphere of the planet today is a manifestation of that human selfishness which seeks to manipulate men.  This type of control works through cleverness of wit and sophistication that always takes into account man’s susceptibility to pride and what is referred to as “snob appeal.”  People are being forced by their own vanities and emotions into the position of being manipulated, and they have allowed themselves to become puppets of their own limited imaginations.  The Great White Brotherhood is currently seeking effective means of bridging the chasm between popular opinion and the progressive instruction which the Masters seek to convey to mankind.  Thus it is Our hope to restore a climate of spiritual receptivity that may be accelerated into a golden-age understanding that will promote peace and harmony upon earth.
  The hungers in the hearts of men for spiritual bread gnaw at their serenity and often drive them to commit acts of which they are later ashamed.  Humanity’s destructive momentums of self-condemnation are often shifted to a collective scapegoat or to an individual who becomes the target of the personal malice of millions.  The solutions to mankind’s present problems are not apparent to those who are embroiled in them.  These problems are compounded on the one hand by an extreme narrow-mindedness and on the other by a fanatical liberalism.  To have what We may term a hardcore of knowledgeable disciples upon the planet who are devoted to enlightened humanistic interests does not guarantee that the remainder of the population will adopt the correct attitudes which will bring about improved conditions in human relations.
  We must be able to use those in different states of spiritual awareness, according to their highest capacities, who will act as mediators in the world of form.  These must act neither on the basis of fear nor on that of misguided love but on the hierarchical principle of a chaste intent.  This is the intent whose only goal is the enlightenment of humanity and the creation of a broad spectrum of tolerances that will not be found so far afield of true freedom as to give no voice to the discrimination of the Christ mind.
  We are interested in establishing a rapport between differing modes of spiritual thought that will bring about a long overdue synthesis of understanding, including a codification of religious terminologies with a view to making what We may term “the occult” more easily assimilable by an evolving humanity.  It is unfortunate that through the years many have been used to complicate the structure of the teachings which We have sought to build as a bridge of comprehension over which a bewildered and seeking humanity might pass.
  One of the messages that We must get across with the help of Our disciples is the practicality of the councils of the Great White Brotherhood.  The most complex problems are seen through Our eyes as resolvable through reasonability, affability and mankind’s own willingness to implement the solutions We offer.  Therefore in the final hours of this year We enlist the aid of the students in spreading abroad the good news of the higher teachings of Christ to all who will give ear to the voice of God that still speaks in the wilderness of humanity’s consciousness, saying:  “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.”
 We cannot condone the actions of those who thrive upon the poison of malicious gossip nor do We hold guiltless those who spread lies about others.  If those who consider themselves to be among the vanguard of the spiritual forces of the world are to remain effectively aligned with the hierarchy in their outer service, they must hold to the cardinal principles of virtue in their dealings with one another.  At the same time they must exhibit internally an attitude of compassionate comprehension toward those whose zeal at the beginning of the path causes them to feel, albeit sometimes rashly, that they are more efficient standard-bearers than those who have for many years been continuously engaged in a form of service to humanity.
  It is not necessary for a student on the path to judge the merit of another disciple or of another movement in order to be effective in his own particular calling.  We of the Hierarchy are not so much concerned that people work together in the same avenue of expression as We are that they learn to concentrate their energies and their attention on the purification of their individual worlds and whatever avenue they have chosen as an outlet for their expression of the Christ.  Only when individual man has resolved his personal problems by improving his attitude toward his fellowmen can he become an effective mediator in the arena of world action where he will encounter many schools of thought.
  The time has come for visionaries to understand that it is not necessary for them to build a house in which all of the people of the world can live.  These must understand what We have termed “the law of the wheel within the wheel.”  This law has to do with the interchange of the microcosm and the macrocosm, and it reveals that all manifestation must be patterned “as above, so below.”  Pur et simple this means that any endeavor regardless of its size can manifest the same cardinal virtue of sincerity which the Brotherhood advocates--for all who would embrace the truth can learn to outpicture within their own field of service an aspect of the design of the universal temple.
  Millions can drink from one spring if the water be pure, for there joy is conveyed, and this is the purpose of Our Brotherhood.  Men and women do not need to be joined together as an incongruous pile of lumber haphazardly nailed together.  But they do need the essential spiritual conveyances of service and of technique which bring peace to the heart and expand their knowledge of the mysteries of the Christ.  Working with the central purposes of hierarchy they will then draw forth the necessary harmonizing factors that will make all life one.  On the other hand attempts to integrate religious groups and ideas often bring about a segregation of both, as people through encounter may become less tolerant of one another and less inclined to accept one another’s concepts and goals.
  Evolution in a spiritual sense comes either gradually or suddenly to men; and it is difficult for those in either category to appreciate the progress of those in the other.  How wise was he who said “With all thy getting get understanding.”  The business of educating humanity along the spiritual path is a great necessity at the present hour, therefore We are most concerned with the cutting edge of the sword of the Spirit that is held in the hand of the devotee, for it is the correct implementation of the Word, referred to in the Scriptures as the “sword of the Spirit,” that is all important to the evolving soul.
   Whether you fight under one flag or another, as long as you are true to yourself and to the activation of the power of faith within your heart, as long as you are unfolding the principles of higher wisdom and removing the impediments of dogmatic interpretation that have prevented your acceptance of truth through the years, as long as you are amplifying a selfless love that recognizes what is real in the scientific manifestation of being you are a part of Our vanguard.  We want you to feel, each and every one of you, that the need for individual spiritual unfoldment is paramount.  Then We want you to see the value of collective associations and examinations of truth that follow the theme of the hour which must ever be acknowledged as Christly discrimination.
  Many rash deeds are done in the name of altruism whereas, if a little foresight had been exercised, much pain would have been spared to the self and to others.  Our concerns then lie in the forward movement of mankind in a service that is guided by the wholeness of cosmic reasonability and justice and in a purity that is free from personal pride, a purity that adheres with maximum effort to the principles of honesty for which there are no substitutes.
  As it has been said “God give us the freedom to do the right as we see it.”  May We then call forth in all of you the blessing of freedom to see with the eyes of the Spirit the vision of one man transposed to become one world.  For only through the life-patterns of the masters of wisdom, only through living in keeping with the pure truth of Being will man and what he does become permanent.  He will not have to backtrack or to recycle old errors, for he will have transcended the world and all that’s in it.  Press on; keep on keeping on.  Only victory lies ahead!
        For the Hierarchy I remain graciously,   Vaivasvata Manu    Pearls of Wisdom 12:41  
Cherished Children of My Heart,
  We would ease tension and not create it.  Yet the appalling waste of time that is engaged in by mankind in the pursuit of trivial affairs may one day be regretted.  People say that they do not have time to pursue spiritual studies, prayerful intercession on behalf of those in need, meditation and the things of the Spirit.  And many shun faith in spiritual endeavors until they themselves come to the place where they are sorely in need of assistance from on high….At this time I would like to deal with certain problems which arise in the field of religion that are often most disturbing to the children of men.
  Many of you will recall my Son’s words to Peter “Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat.”  The phenomenon of sifting the spiritual man or woman as wheat has often been observed, even in your time.  This sifting of men’s devotions does hurt to the children of God who yearn to pledge their faith not only to Him but also to embodied men and women who are about their Father’s business.  When those who are supposedly engaged in the business of serving the spiritual needs of man--whether in the East or in the West--do not uphold the principles of truth and honor, when they manifest a spirit of criticism toward individuals or segments of society and their own lives afford meager example of Christly virtue those who look to them to set the example for the age are often keenly disappointed.
  Most spiritual seekers have at some time in their lives manifested great idealism.  This idealism causes them to yearn to bring into their lives elements of spirituality that will draw them very near to God and to their fellowmen.  When they see those who claim to espouse the divine cause, those who profess to be teachers of righteousness--ministers, priests, learned pundits or church officials--engaging in practices that are unkind, unholy, unethical or that compromise in any way the true teachings of the Christ these idealists are sometimes driven, almost in a spirit of despair, to discontinue their own search for God or to reject the reality of God in themselves and in others.
  The damage that is done by these would-be leaders who go forth in my Son’s name but carry not his Spirit is incalculable.  Yet I would speak to those who have suffered the pangs of disillusionment, and I would say to one and to all “Remember, in order to have disillusionment you must first have illusion.  Look only to the real which God has implanted in every man, and then you will not be disappointed in the unreal which man himself has unwittingly created or accepted in his world.”
  Strange as it may seem there are some individuals who have consciously sought to manifest evil.  These dark spirits, pursuers of luciferian tendencies, mistakenly think that the knowledge of the world is the brilliance of reality which they seek, and they look upon the kingdom of God and His wisdom as though they were foolishness.
  Observing the great caravan of lives returning to the heart of the Father We are concerned that the simple beauty of the pure in heart shall be the goal of every man.  If man looks for purity of heart in himself, he will also look for it in others.  And if he does not find it, he will want to invoke it.  Yet in this strange drama of living to rise in an ever-ascending spiral of cosmic reality men must also understand the importance of true discrimination.  My Son said “By their fruits ye shall know them....Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”  
  Whereas We have again and again stressed that men ought not to speak ill of one another or to gossip, pointing out the corrosive dangers involved in such activities which border on condemnation and judgment, We have also said that spiritual people should realize the importance of learning to discern the difference between good and evil.  How else shall the follower of the Christ understand the meaning of the words spoken by Paul to the Corinthians:  “What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  and what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?”
  Evil deeds are self-declaring whether they are practiced by saint or sinner.  And if the saint be truly all that the name implies and he commit one or more mistakes while his life is filled with good deeds, if he is a saint, if he is truly a child of God, he will be grateful to have pointed out to him the error of his ways.  But if he stand behind the shield of personal egoism, defending himself as one who can do no wrong, he will not retain the purity of heart that will enable him to see clearly the path that lies ahead.  In this connection may I say to all, to those of learning and to those who are struggling to master their worlds, bear in mind that the love of God is tangible and real.  You should strive continually to express it, but you should also realize the difference between the divine character and the character of human creation.  It is not wrong to be able to discern the difference between good and evil; in fact it is absolutely essential that one develop spiritual discernment, for these differences are often most subtle and difficult to perceive.
  There is a certain danger even in the statement “All is love.”  For whereas all is love as it exists in the highest consciousness of God, love in order to be practical in the world below must be willing to recognize the weeds in the garden that are to be plucked out.  Those who are blind to these facts of life and those who lead the blind will personalize the weeds and defend them as though they were their own.  For many through pride have fallen from lofty positions; but the pure in heart shall see God within themselves and within others.  They shall be unafraid to name the condition that is acting in their worlds, and they shall be careful to differentiate the real from the unreal in their discernment of others.
  Yet courage is needed, for evil is not personal.  It is simply magnetized to the world of men by reason of their own lack of faith in themselves.  If men had faith in themselves, they would find it easier to have faith in God.  We seek then to generate greater faith in the children of the light and in all men, knowing that in the simplicity of their faith will be born that devotion to service and that understanding which will ultimately create a new sense of worth in the people of the world.
  How wonderful it is for individuals to be able to have and to hold a sense of worth about themselves and about their lives.  The self is the gateway to God.  When God is found doubt and fear vanish.  And if a friend does not measure up to one’s ideals or to one’s expectations--or even if the self falls short of the mark--faith in God and in His leading, in His ultimate purpose made manifest for all will strengthen the bond of reality in the consciousness of men and enable each one to realize that the Christ is the true worth and the only measure of a man.  Faith will bring peace midst turmoil and spread the balm of healing truth that, in plucking out the thorn of error, desires only the manifestation of health and wholeness in the body of God on earth.
  The Hierarchy warns that there are wolves in sheep’s clothing, that some of these know they are wolves and that some know it not.  Notwithstanding, all can rely upon the Christ of their own being, upon that great reservoir of celestial light that pours out the precious nectar of His holy wisdom, the oil of His anointing and the waters of purification upon all who will receive Him.
  May I ask that you keep the bond of faith in the midst of turmoil, serene yet actively aware of the need to know the truth that is above persons, places, conditions or things, the truth that alone can make and keep you free.        I remain your Benefactress in cosmic diligence representing the light of the world,     
                                                     Mary   Pearls of Wisdom 12:44
Heart-friends of the Ages,

  The numberless radiance of God bears silent witness to the finite manifestation of magnificence in nature which appears as beauty, utility and service to humanity.  Gratitude should fill the heart every day, for gratitude forms the wings of a spiritual song that establishes communion in the world of the individual with the highest glory, the Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
  In this age when the hungers of humanity are often for superior wisdom the simplicity and the tremendous power of the little child, whose silent eyes tell the miracle of nameless wonders, remind all of the singular grace of God that creates a sense of belonging for every soul in the universe who will accept it.  As your heart fills with gratitude for the manifold blessings in your life I ask you in this year of Our Lord 1969 to remind yourself of the nearness of heaven to humanity.  For only a few short years ago all who are now embodied stood at the gates of birth and death, waiting to step through the veil of flesh into the realm of temporal manifestation.
  Now that you have established ties in the business of living, affinities and affections, desires fulfilled and unfulfilled, glorious hopes and unfortunate fears you should come to the safe conclusion that the schoolroom of Earth is a place for training--that it is a place where all must learn that the highest pleasure is the joy of discovering the spiritual meaning of life, of mastering the pressures of earthly existence and of securing the heavenly opportunities which life presents.
  The family of nations by reason of its heterogeneous nature is seldom reflective of the highest good that is to be found in the consciousness of the individual.  Let those who seek wisdom understand that the scum that rises to the surface is the offscouring of all things and that the valuable ingredients in life are not always readily apparent to all.
 Millions of individuals whose pure hearts are yet in embryo seek earnestly to do the will of God and to solve the mystery behind the riddles of life.  Many are beginning to find out that in the world of form only God and the followers of God will allow them their freedom (for neither the ascended masters nor their true representatives will ever interfere with the freewill of the individual).  Whereas most people—family, friends, organizations, societies, religious groups, commercial enterprises, governments, armies and all sorts of worldly associations—continually demand of the individual his life, his fortune and his sacred honor.  
  The manipulators are everywhere, and freedom is constantly imperiled by them.  Wise is the man of the Spirit who values his freedom enough to see through the miserable schemes that come in almost any guise, seeking to deny him his God-given right to pursue a life of spiritual enlightenment.  What do you suppose, humanity of Earth, is behind all of the dreadful forms of control that are being exercised upon your unsuspecting selves?  The challenges are everywhere to be found:  in the field of education, in the employment marts, in the theater, in the arts, in the world of financial speculation and banking and in the ordinary parlor game of chance.
  Such diversions combine to draw from men their life’s energies by holding their attention bound for as long as they will hear.  Because of the variety of experiences that are available in the marketplace, when men tire of one pastime, another is offered.  And thus they while away their lives without ever realizing that the power of a heartfelt gratitude can draw into their worlds the cosmic lodestone of spiritual reality that will communicate the gift of understanding for which their souls pray.
  In the name of freedom I say, let us open the eyes of the people of the world!  Many of you whose eyes are already partially opened to the schemes of those who control the media take delight in ferreting out the shocking truth and in pointing it out to others, but are you aware of the fact that the wolves of darkness also masquerade as the exposers of the dark ones?
  Now let no one interpret Our statements to mean that We are directing criticism against a particular organization, for We are not.  We are simply reminding you of the fact that treachery and intrigue are often exposed where they are least expected.  But withal We would sound a note of great hope that you might understand that your greatest power lies in the pursuit of spiritual goals, in living a life of honesty, of integrity, of truth-telling, of humility, of submitting yourself to the higher powers from the spiritual world.  For They together with your own beloved Holy Christ Self will assist you to develop the Christ consciousness within yourself and to create an awareness not only of the higher mind but also of the higher planes of consciousness.
  Those who dwell in the mundane are often involved in silly games that have proved to be both amusing and deadly.  There is a book that has recently been published on this subject entitled Games People Play.  I am here to tell you that it does not meet with Our approval, for it has a tendency to create in the mind of the reader a spirit of cynicism which We would avoid.  It promises him an escape from the entrapments of the world by making available to him the knowledge of how he and his contemporaries are often taken in by one another, but in reality the author has spun a concoction that We consider to be unwholesome because it destroys men’s faith in one another.
  In heaven’s name I say, even if the world were three-quarters blackguard, do you think that We intend to fill Our consciousness with the substance of mankind’s deceit?  Let all learn then that although it is not Our desire that you should be gullible We would rather have you innocent than to have your minds involved in a constant battle of seeking to outwit the situations you encounter in the business of daily living.  On the other hand We do not desire to have the students remain innocent to the extent that they have no knowledge of how to protect themselves.  We simply do not wish the need for protection to overshadow the reality of the light.
  You will find, blessed ones, as you pursue the pathway to Our abode with the full reality of your being that We are well adjusted, balanced and wholly sincere in Our offerings of higher wisdom which are calculated to cut across the lines of the human domain and establish the ascended masters’ sense of victory and God-control.  But as long as the shapes of darkness fill your mind how can the light penetrate your being?  Yet unless the light penetrate the dark shapes and transmute them into light man will remain bound by the limited sense of his imaginations and confusions.
  We want to see every chela and every seeker on the Path establish himself in the higher wisdom of the God-intent by meditating upon the nature of freedom.  Freedom is a quality of God for which all men should be thankful.  Yet the possession of freewill does not in itself assure humanity that their assumptions made on the basis of their freewill are correct.  Freewill is but an open door.  Through this door humanity may walk and choose their dwelling place on the other side.  If that dwelling place be a mansion of light, well and good; if it be a hovel of darkness, how pitiful.  Life is opportunity, and freewill is the gift of opportunity to all, but the use you make of it will always be yours to determine.
  There are many forces that seek to prevent the students from assimilating the depth of wisdom in Our releases.  But there is one power that can release you from them all, and that is the power of your own mighty I AM God Presence who when called into action always obtains the victory.  Will you understand then that midst the seeming complexities of life there is a beautiful and a sweet simplicity in the innocence of the divine child that seeks expression in humanity at any age.  There is also to be considered the height and depth of Hierarchy which would lead men into all truth.  Each release from Our heart that comes forth in these weekly Pearls of Wisdom is designed to establish a forum of righteousness in the hallowed circle of your consciousness, thus uniting all searchers for cosmic truth on the one path that emerges from the many.
  How thankful mankind should be that the guardian spirits of the race, the ascended masters, are preparing new and beautiful releases to make the instruction of the seven holy weeks preceding the advent of Christmas most vital and informative.  For these spirits possess within themselves the power to change the mortal consciousness as it hearkens to the noontide sense of freedom and hope that diligently leads all to the feet of their own God-reality.  Every word We say, each thought and line when rightly understood is a timeless utterance of truth.  It is a message winged from Us to the heart of one or many.

      Magnifying the tide of freedom I remain, 
                                                   Saint Germain     Pearls of Wisdom 12:45

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