Sunday, September 22, 2019

Make your way back to the hearth of the aum. Forge the path, carve each step!

1)    Scarcely are We able to organize and plan for an endeavor before the desultory forces of negativity are at work attacking the lifestream, character and plan of those who represent Us….when your heart beats in adoration to God and in attunement with His purposes there is a connection, a strand of great light between your world and the world of divine freedom.  The flow of divine energy over this cable is buoyant and all-knowing.  The mysteries God seeks to convey to the minds of men are the mysteries of His heart that embody certain freedom for each lifestream.
  To mortal consciousness with its latent and developing sense of soul the voice of God is often heard as a whisper within the round-tower of man’s heart.  The clash and clamor of the world are intended to drown out the voice of God and to make His words seem uncertain and vague.      
(by Sindelar)
             -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:38
2)   As We consider the practical meaning of a purified heart We must conclude that the universal manifestation of purity of heart would solve most of the problems of the individual and the world collectively.    -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 9:8
3)   Why do you suppose that We have established through the ascended master press used by the Summit Lighthouse a perfect means of distribution for Our words?  It is to uphold the concrete examples of ascended master love before mankind and to provide a forum through which We can speak on many specific subjects when Our counsel is needed….
  Spiritual warfare too has its requirements, and I hesitate to think what will happen to the world itself if one of Our most able voices were to be closed off simply for lack of enough interest and support.      -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 9:38

  The energy released from the Godhead, the Daystar from on high, the lodestone of power or the I AM Presence scintillating in the octaves of perfection immediately upon entering the octaves of matter assume the negative pole of being in what is called the nightside of manifestation.  This is the minus side of life where the plus fling of potential released from Spirit enters into material qualification….The north arm of the cross represents the dayside of life and the three lower arms the nightside….
  Divine love as the living Christ, the Sun behind every son of man, is both personal and impersonal and it is fulfilled measure for measure in everyone of you through the cycles of the law in your being, the law that is ever love in manifestation.  When you exercise it the Law of Love unite the purity of justice, mercy and freedom in perfect balance through the threefold flame within your heart.    -Saint Germain:  “Trilogy on the Threefold Flame of Life,” 1966, via Messenger Mark Prophet
5)  Harmony begins with the heart.  Harmony is the light of the Mother negating the spirals of disintegration throughout the planes of Mater.  Harmony is your own Christ Self dispensing the fires of love, wisdom and power as the communication of the Logos to the nightside of life.  Harmony is the light that bursts in winter in the birth of the Manchild.  
  Harmony is the law of a cosmos--the sternness and the fire of the Father who in the Mother becomes the gentle caress of the Holy Spirit.  Harmony is the energy of God in the whitefire core bursting from the polarity of the Father-Mother God in Spirit unto the fulfillment of creation in Mater.  Harmony is the energy of life in perfect alignment on the circumference of being.  
  Harmony is you poised in life.  Harmony is you centered in the God-flame of the heart.  Harmony is the threefold flame burning away the debris of the centuries.
  Your heart is intended to rule your head, your soul, your consciousness, your life and the flow of energy which defines your identity in God.  If you are to succeed on the path of initiation, the fires of your heart must be tended, intensified and expanded….
  Now let us consider how the disciple of the Cosmic Christ takes the three d’s to implement his own divinity, carving the path of Deity by discernment, discrimination and determination.  Take the faculty of discernment.  It is the exercise of the yellow fire of the second ray.  It is to separate with the mind, to recognize mentally, to detect with the eyes of the mind.  Discernment is a faculty of the mind that enables the soul to understand the shades of difference as it examines manifestations in the relative plane of life and death, good and evil.
  Once you have discerned the factors and the facts of a given situation the torch is passed.  And in the pink fires of the third ray you exercise the action of discrimination, and by the penetration of the Holy Spirit you isolate distinguishing characteristics--the differences between qualities, person­alities and choices in the planes of matter.  Discrimination is the assessment by love that results in the exercise of good judgment.
  Thus the faculty of discernment in the mind becomes discrimination in the heart, and the resulting manifestation is the wise and judicious implementation of the best plan for the best results, given the circumstances of time and space.  The assessment then of mind and heart becomes the judgment that is carried out through God-determination.  By determination the disciple in the way of initiation delivers the thrust of the will of God, of action that becomes precipitation--good works bearing good fruits for a good harvest in the Lord.           
                     -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:50
6)   Souls of humanity, awake!  Come forth from the tomb of matter and live!  Make your way back to the hearth of the aum through fire and flood and storm and snow, through the wailing of the discarnates in their woe.  Forge the path, carve each step!  Then take that step and let no man displace you in the way.
  Chelas who would know more of these steps must apply a balanced threefold flame to the three d’s of their disciplined divinity.  You cannot expect the ascended masters to give you the formula complete.  We give you keys that you might discover the formula of your own initiation.  That formula is locked in the heart of your I AM Presence and in the magnificent spheres of your own causal body of light.
  Through the exercise of the law of harmony you make your temple fit every whit to be the habitation of the Most High God who is the flame of harmony.  The flame of harmony is the flame that contains all of the rays of God as a chord of cosmic fire, as the symphony of the seven rainbow rays spiraling from the whitefire core, moving in the rhythm of the laws of harmony which govern the music of the spheres.  When you have the flame of harmony you contain the indomitable force, the veritable fusion of the light of Alpha and Omega that courses through your four lower bodies, that flows as the light of seven spheres and makes of your four lower bodies vehicles for the expression of the Cosmic Christ consciousness.  The white light of harmony becomes the crystal of the fiery blueprint of creation….
  Through meditation, activation, invocation, consecration go!  Study to prove thyself approved of harmony!  And when you have a crystal of harmony crystallized out of your soul’s contact with the arc of life bring it to me here at the Royal Teton Retreat, and I will show you wonders of the cosmic wonder of the birth of the Manchild.            
   -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:51 
7)    Those who would put on and become the consciousness of the Christ must affirm the mantra of life, not death. Thus in the affirmation “I AM the way, the truth and the life” is the liberation of souls bombarded by the stimuli of the death-peddlers.
  The cult of sex is the cult of death.  It permeates every facet of the mechanized civilization characterizing twentieth-century existence on Terra.  It is the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit of mankind’s carnal desire in order to devour the soul and the potential of the soul to achieve in this life liberation through the path of initiation….
  Come, O chela, into my heart, and let me show you a vision of the world wallowing in the thralldom of the senses.  Whereas the Prince of Peace is born to fulfill eternal life in the children of God, the fallen ones have planted their seeds of death within the subconscious minds of the Lord’s creation, and they have programmed the computer of the subconscious with the data of death so that the children of God will unconsciously fulfill the laws of mortality, limitation, and confinement leading to the death of the soul….
  Those who have chosen the ways of death are not satisfied to keep it for themselves.  In their craving for death they would swallow up millions of souls with their dark momentum of self-destruction.  Therefore the freewill of individuals on Terra is no longer free.  The freedom to be the individualization of the flame of life is no longer guaranteed.  For while mankind think they have the freedom to choose to be, the energies of their four lower bodies are being manipulated by the death-mongers through the media, through subliminal advertising, through psychic rays and death rays and projections from other planes of consciousness where astral hordes and discarnates already in the throes of death are increasing the pressures of death on Terra.
  Now while you have the gift of life exercise your freedom to reclaim your freewill, free from all (wayward) influences known or unknown--etheric, emotional, physical or mental.  For the world is reeling under the deplorable influences of a mass hypnosis that threatens to engulf the children and the youth, the mature and the aged, one and all in a relentless rushing death-rapids. This is the impure river of the astral plane that is the perversion of the crystal-clear river of the water of life (Rev. 22:1).  It is the perversion of the crystal stream of God’s energy flowing to the soul directly from the heart of the I AM Presence in the Great Central Sun….
  My message then to the Keepers of the Flame and to all who are determined to keep the flame of life is this:  if you would have the initiations of Maitreya, you must guard the citadel of consciousness by the action of invocation to the Most High God.  You must call for the sealing of your entire consciousness, being and world through the blessed protection of the tube of light and violet flame.  You must call for the sealing of all levels of consciousness in the planes of matter from all influences less than the Cosmic Christ, your I AM Presence and your own Christ Self.  In the name of Jesus the Christ and in the name of the living God you must demand the routing from your own subconscious of all those influences that have ever been inserted there by the fallen ones who have come in the night and sowed the seeds of the Evil One that they might grow as tares to strangle the good wheat of the virtues of the Christ….The campaign that is being carried on through the media, which is the warfare of death itself, is only the tip of the iceberg.
  Considering then all that opposes the flame of life, the rising of the feminine ray within you and your initiation on the path I admonish you with the full momentum of God-reality focused in the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother to keep close to your I AM Presence and Christ Self, to give your invocation to the hosts of light that They might intercede for the rescue of an ignorant humanity--a humanity so loved 
of God….Invictus, we are one!                
                   -Lord Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:52 

                         -Higher Self and Tube of Light

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