Thursday, September 19, 2019

The manifestation of the virtue of the heart differs greatly from a forced servility.

15.  We shall manifest miracles in your days--but discern!  Let your heart be your judge and faith your power.  Be content with the true Indications whispered to your spirit.  
169.  The faithful will discern the voice of the stranger.  The morning Sun is beheld only by those who arise early.  But dark are those who miss the early light. 
188.  Discern in the new happenings the battle that was foretold. You already know how strained is everything.
322.  On your way you may perceive a heart--a vessel brimming with spirituality.  Know to discern it.  If you recognize it, try to approach as closely as possible.  Remember, spirituality like flame kindles new fires and like a miraculous magnet, attracts.    
-Leaves of Morya's Garden 1924
 II, viii, 5.  As the hand feels the thickness of a fabric so must the spirit discriminate the depth of events.    -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
297.  Which time can teach people to discriminate between the great and the small?  The time of contentment alters and distorts reality.  The time of wrath bends the sword blade of life.  The time of sorrow humiliates. The time of enslaving labor dulls.  It is difficult for the unliberated consciousness to discern anything in the darkness.   -M:   Agni Yoga 1929
11.  Apathetic humanity does not discriminate wherein lies progress; it basks in a temporary florescence, evading the realization of that which eventually may become the destruction of our planet. 
245.  Not to notice wiliness or falsification means not to be discriminating.  Discrimination only on the morrow is not worth much, such perception will not prevent one from falling over the precipice.  But how sensitive must be the accumulation of sagacity!  In each school the development of fast thinking must be taught; without it how can one pass through the flame?
400.  Little do people know about discriminating in the essence.   -M:  Infinity 1, 1930
388.  The ability to discriminate in the stimulus of thought and its consequence can bring expansion of consciousness.    
-M:  Infinity 2, 1930
67.  Let us calmly discriminate in all the details of life not for self-vindication but for the investigation of our nature and acceptance of the measures of perfection.
78.  One must discriminate the circumstances; where is the new touchstone?  Thus with sharp-sightedness we reach the realization of joy for each probation.  
197.  let us discriminate between commonplaceness and daily labor because many people seek contradiction where it does not exist.   -M:  Hierarchy 1931
34.  None will be able to discern so many shades of flame as people of fire.  None will be able to love the water so much as the people of this element.
59.  an obscured mind may invent a thousand justifications to conceal that which has long since been inscribed in the scroll of karma….The night is not dispelled for the apostate!  Yet this is not a punishment, it is but the consequence of the sowing!  The heart knows how to discern the seed of treason.
76.   The boundary between the worthy and unworthy is very sinuous; only the heart can find its way through all the fissures of the brain….the physical eye is so very crude that it cannot discern even the next stage of the bodily transformation.
125.  Following the law of the heart one can clearly discern in each manifestation useful and harmful characteristics.  Seldom are all properties of an action good or bad, but the heart understands where are the sparks of light and the dust of darkness.  The new cannot be built according to conventional, prejudicial and earthly thoughts.
213.  One must primarily discriminate where there is Good and where essentially there is harm.  Thus the flaming heart will discern immediately where obsession is concealed.  
302.  Formerly only psychic illnesses were connected with evil thoughts, but it is time to discern the multitude of the most varied physical illnesses that are born of thought.  Not only diseases of the heart but most of the stomach and skin diseases are the consequences of destructive thoughts.
353.  The heart will be first to thrill, the heart will be first to quiver, the heart will be first to discern much before the judgment of the brain dares to reflect.  Without undermining the tortuous path of the brain can we disregard in silence the most direct attainment of the heart, the arrow-like ray to which the miracle-heart is equal?  Thus one can be united with the heart and bulwark oneself against all attacks of evil. 
388.  The nearest may not discern their own because the heart is inactive.  It is not without reason that the Teaching of the heart is so needed for the life of the future.  Otherwise how will you cross the boundaries of the worlds?
403.  Can he who is dark in heart strive upward?  Will he reject lie and self-love in the course of life?  Will he conquer fear when facing the future?  Thus discern that he who fears the future belongs to darkness; this is the surest touchstone.
433.  through minute sensations the sensitized heart begins to discern.  One must acknowledge the idea of the significance of delicate sensations, but one should not become a bigot delving into the dogma of petty divisions.  The heart will indicate the tortuous line between the vital and the conditional.
466.  Effulgent is the White Chain from the Mountains of Light. These are significant times when even the humblest discern the magnificence of the White Chain.  All Indications should be fulfilled so that the specks of imperil may not impede the might of the White Forces.  It is even beautiful to brush away all pettiness when titanic bodies are shaken.
468.  The heart is aware of where there is deviation, where curiosity, where a desire for knowledge-- discriminate thus between the ones who approach.  But do not entrust the fire to the superficial, do not entrust the counting of pages to the curious.  Many misfortunes come from over-trust which is intolerable where the treasures are guarded.
525.  You know how greatly We oppose any conventional habits, yet one must discriminate between habit and immersion in saving grace.   As an example solemnity combines in itself ecstasy and ascent and a defense against evil and the turning toward Hierarchy.  Thus solemnity is a salvation, but it must be absorbed and maintained.  In the midst of disintegration and destruction can there be solemnity?  But for a solemn consciousness destruction does not exist.
557.  You already understand that darkness is evoking the unmanifested forces of chaos-in this is the particular magnet of the forces of darkness.  Against this all rays and currents must be reinforced.  You already sense this reinforcement.  One must apply seemingly coarse currents which can penetrate chaos.  There are few who can discern this distinction, for their attention is not propelled in this direction.  Even the grossest manifestations that elude the human brain are inaccessible to the consciousness.  How much easier the battle would be if humanity could respond to the most essential foundations of Existence!
573.   The Teacher who gives and trusts must take into consideration a great number of conditions.  He must take into consideration not only the personal merits of the one who receives but also the qualities of his immediate surroundings and karmic and astrological conditions as well. The subtle heart prompts one how to discriminate in this complex current of conditions. 
585.  To see naught, to hear naught--yet faith up to the highest degree of cognizance--this is a quality of an Arhat. The striving of the heart--this also is a quality of an Arhat.  The ability to discriminate in great and small is also a quality of an Arhat.  Husbanding of the basic energy is also a quality of an Arhat.  Constant desire for Good is also a quality of an Arhat.  Courage and patience are also qualities of an Arhat.  It is absurd to regard the essence of an Arhat as something beyond Earth.  He evolves on Earth as a leader of hearts.   
-M:  Heart 1932 
27.  Observation of people who love the structure of flame constantly yields new deductions.  Approaching fire we begin to discern the rhythm of energy which produces all combinations.
220.  Let us not demand that all people think alike.  It is good if they can discriminate between light and darkness.  But subtle vibrations are not easily perceived.     -M:  Fiery World 1933
48.  Some may ask why I speak of a Leader and not of a Ruler.  The difference between them is enormous.  The conception of Ruler presupposes the present and the ruling over something already existing, but the Leader manifests the future in the very significance of the word.  He has not received anything already built; he leads, and each of his actions impels forward.  The Ruler knows that which is already built and accomplished, but the Leader confronts nothing which is already affirmed and must bring the people to the mount of Perfection.  If the burden of the Ruler is great, then the responsibility of the Leader is still greater….
Precisely the Leader must discriminate between hypocrisy and sincerity.  The manifestation of the virtue of the heart differs greatly from a forced servility.  The Leader has the power to discern this quality.   -M:  Fiery World 1934
554.  It is not discriminating to say that all childish diversions are identical.  Even in common games each child manifests his own individuality.    -M:  Aum 1936
140.  One must have enormous patience and observation in order to be discriminating in the jungles of contradictions due to chaos.  One has to love one's work in order to find therein rest and justification.     -M:  Brotherhood 1937

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