Wednesday, December 26, 2018

unless there is an immersion of the self in the sea of universal wisdom and purpose

Mt. Eddy

      The alchemist who insists on exalting his own human will and ego in contradistinction to the divine Will and Ego cannot possibly receive the great gifts which the Spirit seeks to convey.  I know that many people are reluctant to release themselves completely into the hands of God.  They are willing to go part of the way and they gingerly step forward when the higher will seems to flatter their own; but because they have not let go of the human will they find in the end that their efforts are unrewarded.
  Man cannot bargain with God.  Nevertheless cosmos is far more ready to give every good and perfect gift to man than man is ready to receive it….Those who are schooled in the knowledge of the world may believe in their hearts that they have found through academic pursuits the key to the governing of the senses and to gaining entree into the realms of the Spirit.  We say, not so!…
  The key then to the practice of advanced spiritual alchemy lies in the alchemist’s understanding of the purposes of the Brotherhood and in his consciously yoking himself together with those who are pledged by word and deed to the fulfillment of those purposes.
  Little do men realize when they begin to pursue the study of alchemy how deeply involved it will become and how deeply they will become involved in it.  For unless there is an immersion of the self in the sea of universal wisdom and purpose the soul cannot be saturated, the sponge cannot be wetted and the energy so needed for transmutation cannot be evoked.
  If I seem to be releasing the secrets of the ages slowly into the minds of the hurried and harried students who would like to overcome all things in a moment, let me say that you today are receiving from the retreats of the Brotherhood more information than we ourselves received in the past when we were undertaking our own novitiate....     Parts of life you do not view
Right now, but one day will
If you will only learn to listen and be still,
Knowing I AM God within.
                                          -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:7 

124.  Your happiness lies in understanding the divine energy at the root of the universe….Guard the roots and fruit and give away the leaves for they renew themselves each year.
323.  Think of the stars that always give their light to humanity.  Be like these stars and give your love, wisdom and knowledge to others.  Only when everything is given can you receive.  

333.  If you desire the gates to be opened to you, use my sign.  I said Beauty, in combat and victory.  I said Beauty, and failure was covered by Beauty.  Mountains blossomed with Beauty.  And you must give entrance to the flowers of Beauty; let the children approach.  Bow before Him who brought the Beauty of the great universe.     -Leaves of Morya’s Garden 1924
     You do me honor, beloved, to provide yourselves a living chalice and a living flame for my descent.  Therefore, grateful for every precious gift of your heart to the living Spirit of Cosmic Freedom in the earth, I salute you as compatriots of a cosmos that we ignite for Liberty’s flame….
  Blessed ones, I have heard, I have delivered, I have seen surely the handwriting in the stars above you.  Know then, beloved, that our awareness of these conditions spans the ages.  Surely you realize that in our retreats and by the advanced technology we also use, we have plotted the course of systems of worlds for millennia, both in the past and into the future, for all must one day meet.  The precision with which these cycles occur, beloved, is entirely dependent upon the humanity with which we deal--whether or not an evolution may subject itself unto its own creation or transcend it.  This is the question, then:  to be or not to be above the darkness descending, to be or not to be in the center of the light.  The Law of self-transcendence is a gift from the heart of God; so is its understanding and application….
  I tell you, beloved, though the human consciousness may be unpredictable, though it may fail to realize and appreciate the potential of Christ within, I say, the soul does know.  And I remain the champion of all souls in the age of Aquarius until the Lord God himself should take from me that opportunity, God forbid….know that you may achieve the same as I have done.  What man has done, man can do!  And therefore never, and I say never, never allow the mediocrity of the mud-slides of the planet to come upon you and to snuff out that hope for God-realization!…For much will change, much will be set aside; entire kingdoms may come to their judgment.  Yet you must be found out of the way.  For this very process to occur world chemicalization is in order!
  Thus, beloved, while you fully believe in a complete and total victory for the light, you also secure yourselves in the physical octave.  You get out of the way of the wave of human karma and the waves which rise in world cataclysm.  You secure yourselves-- and from a bastion of light, from an inner retreat you direct waves of light into the earth and know that our angels will save all that can be saved….
  But you have an equal gift of freewill and an access to unlimited power in your I AM Presence and its direction through the science of the spoken Word.  Therefore the [untoward] effects of another’s exercise of freewill may be challenged and transmuted by yourselves….Therefore know that freewill comes down to the gift of the world that is you. You in the microcosm, as this Messenger has repeated to you often, may raise up such a fire and such a light as to be a conversion point for millions and to be the springboard of your own victory and ascension in the light….
  It is an age when the world can be so accelerated as to draw you into higher and higher vibrations until you realize that the old physical nature of the planet has itself been transcended.  As you change your diet and outlook and let the sign of the mantra be the seventh ray you will see that the new world is in a higher vibration and octave than the last.

  Blessed hearts, I am walking with you into this new world.  I take you, each one, by the hand.  I am walking with you unto the hour that the natural course of your life on earth is fulfilled that by the hand I may lead you into the Royal Teton Retreat.    
                -Saint Germain:  2-13-1988 at San Francisco via Messenger  E C Prophet

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