Tuesday, December 11, 2018

the giant who captured the Black Dragon (Uighur legend)

599.  A legend of the Uighurs speaks of the giant who captured the Black Dragon and chained him with many fetters. The giant left his sister to guard the dragon and himself hastened to the end of Earth to announce his victory.  But when the giant reached the distant lands he heard his sister's call and understood that the dragon was rending the chains. The giant hastened back, but when he saw the seas he realized that he would be late if he continued by this way.  Hence the giant determined to go from one mountain to another, avoiding the seas, the forests and the marshes--only thus did the giant arrive in time.  And as the dragon was cleaving through his last chain the giant again chained the Black Dragon.     -Morya:  Heart 1932
   Yes, beloved, this is a planet of war.  When have there not been the Nephilim wars upon Earth?  When have there not been family feuds, rivaling clans, gang warfare and rivaling political factions?  Why  even heads of state and nation have had those who oppose them brutally murdered.  War must cease if a golden age of Aquarius is to come.  
  We say, begin with yourselves and use the Lord’s mantra of peace and his mighty shield for the guarding of the solar plexus.  Rejoice to check off each day that you have said “Peace, be still!  Peace, be still!  Peace, be still and know that I AM God!” or when you can say at the end of that day “Truly I have not allowed an incorrect vibration to emanate from the place of the sun (solar plexus chakra) which is the place of the sun of peace.”  Onward, lightbearers of this age!  Onward!  My teaching is for your refinement of soul and mind and heart.  Depart then, depart then, depart then from nests of gossip and unseemly conversation; rather be with Mary, your Mother.  Rather be in her heart and know that through that immaculate heart all things shall b fulfilled in Cosmic Christ Peace.
  I bow to the flame of peace within you; if you do not have that flame, I bid you raise it up.  For I should like to come again with Aloha and find on the altar of your solar plexus a living flame of peace to which I may bow and which I may then seal, then ensconce, then protect by rings of light and then increase!  For our goal is to give you the empowerment of Peace that was given to your Lord and Savior; here is the true saying:  “All power of Peace in heaven and in earth is given unto me.”         -Elohim Peace and Aloha:  4-8-1993, holy Thursday, at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana

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