Wednesday, December 26, 2018

that remnant of grace that can cut you free

    We see the outer form as the stairway to the infinite and the machinations of conspiracy as the net of neglect.  Men have neglected the things of the Spirit; they have lived solely toward outer purpose.  They have been enmeshed in darkness and the seeds of death have been scattered amongst them.  Immortal life has remained as the jar upon the shelf while the thing of beauty and joy forever has been a lost object.  Now we summon the devotees of the Spirit.

  We summon the children of faith, we summon the elect to a new principle, to an old principle made new, to the eternal hearth, to the center fire surrounded by devotees….The hardening of the arteries of the milk of human kindness has created one of the darkest epochs in all the stages of man’s evolution.  Without love there is no life….
  For all that humanity have been is as nothing until the day that they become illumined as one body by the knowledge of the living Christ.     -Morya El:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:19

   Hearts of light!  Faith does not manifest from a pool of guilt, and goodness, joy and divine happiness do not come forth from the negative facets of life….
  In most cases the battle of life is not won on momentous decisions, beloved ones, it is won on the little day-to-day experiences whereby in turning your hearts unto Him you find that remnant of grace that can cut you free from the negative aspects of life that never have and never will satisfy the fiery soul made in the divine image.
  We consort with little children; we consort with those from higher octaves preparing to step through the veil of birth.  But are we not also willing to consort with all, to communicate the energies of faith that we have garnered and to offer them to any soul yearning to be free?…
  What a misfortune it is that men are easily swayed from the path by those who have not acknowledged the glory of God within themselves, who have failed to apprehend the nature of the Christ consciousness as being a part of themselves, who continually identify with the state of separation.  How marvelous it is when the pathway of faith is suddenly revealed, even to the mind, as a mighty shimmering ribbon of light substance connecting the individual with his God Presence.  How delighted we are when invited to walk upon that ribbon right into the heart of the devotee and to assist him in the unfoldment of that graciousness of Spirit that will create out of any environment those qualifications of the God-flame that infuse the outer expression with the culture of the soul that is within….
  To encourage the divine vision then I say:  let the tangible realities of the ascended masters’ realm be a part of your life!  You have involved yourselves time on time again in the senseless chimera of glamor and illusion based entirely on human associations.  Now let yourselves become involved in the divine romance and in the knowledge of our reality, for we are eager to assist you!        
-Archangel Michael:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:35   

(Messenger's invocation:)  Archangel Michael, hear my call!
Supply the faith to help us all
Rise up now and be complete
Cast down error at thy feet
And magnify our faith.

Faith descends to set me free
Faith moves mountains
Helps all be
Victory’s flame of faith.

Michael’s praise so great
Overcoming power
Flowing every hour
God’s refreshing shower.

Angel Faith descend
Love rays without end
Change all darkness into light
All unbelief into faith
By the power of Michael’s sword
Release thy cosmic grace.     

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