Saturday, June 30, 2018

Will you not then first and foremost take up the study of all of my dictations?

 Will you not then first and foremost take up the study of all of my dictations [which I have released] even through these two disciples, your Messengers?  Will you not search them to discover the keys of this age that is known in some quarters as the Age of Maitreya?  Then will you not see that all others [of the spiritual hierarchy] who have released by the Holy Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood the vast Teaching set forth have also been my Messengers–the ascended masters, the angelic hosts?  Can there not be even a treasure-mapping of these teachings?  Can there not be a choosing one by one of a single gem of a virtue to embody, come what may?  Can we not be together a mass of crystalline substance as one body, one forcefield, truly endowing and instilling the consciousness of the Universal Christ to a planet?        
                                              -Maitreya:  6-30-1988 at RTR, Montana
To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around—

     What is it you mirror, O children of Earth longing to be free?  Is it the ephemeral fashions of the day or the eternal garments we wear?  In this great duality of active life which derives its motion and energy from an inner flame, where goes your attention, beloved ones?  Your petitions and requests pass often in review before me and I am so reminded at times in some instances of these words of two thousand years ago:  “Ye know not what ye should pray for as ye ought”!
  To pray, to petition or to decree is all an attempt to call forth that which you desire.  If your manifold desires mainly exclude the inner but include much of the outer, you are eating the husks of life even if you receive all that for which you ask.  But if you turn your attention, beloved ones, more and more often upon the ascended host, ought it not to mean that you shall mirror us even if at times somewhat imperfectly?  For it will still be our image, God’s image, the Christ image, your own individualized flame of immortality which is being magnified within you for the pristine purpose of taking at last its rightful dominion which will set you free in accordance with the original divine plan!
  You see where your treasure is there will your heart (your full attention) be also.  And inasmuch as the words “by their fruits ye shall know them” do unto the present day have patent meaning so shall that meaning be exemplified and called forth into living reality by your own Christlike daily conduct, my earnest ones.
  Now the Great White Brotherhood is not a fable nor is it a mysterious organization to be dangled before the uninitiated as something which sets you apart from others or distinguishes you with temporal honor; neither is it intended to extinguish you in the ignominy of sincere but abject humility but rather in the dignity of Divine Providence to provide an avenue or protected outlet where the Christ-light of the many can go forth in ordered service, divine dignity and everliving purity.  This will glorify that precious spirit of divine unity which good fortune has so wisely enscribed in these words from the Great Seal of the United States of America as E Pluribus Unum (One Out of Many) which in its greater meaning comes full-circle to read:  Many Out of One in Unity of Action—political, educational and religious who shall draw nigh unto their Creator in a feeling of such oneness as will glorify the ageless Christ of all whose active unity is ever dwelling in the one light of every man!
  The coming days should be exalted as priceless days of opportunity when the cosmic seed of our endeavors should sprout and expand the results of the recent far-reaching deliberations of the Darjeeling Council which are presently being revealed in many ways to the eyes of every sincere and alert student of the light whose own zeal and faith thus widen the panorama of Life’s love and the consequent loveliness of Life itself which will then expand to include the greater meaning of the lilies of the field and their glory; the sanctified life and its glory; the golden ripening grain and its glory; the heavenly manna and its glory; the Christ-victory that overcomes the world and its glory; and the nearness of the Presence of God to you hourly as you are held every moment in the keeping of His real and tangible holy angels and their glory!
I, Maitreya, wish for each one that all these glories of God and many more may become daily more real to you than even the changing skies themselves or the climate of Earth!
Behold, in the many planetary mansions of our Father and of His Christ the light of every world twinkles its individual welcome across the starry realms of space right into each heart where that blessed anchored ray connects all with the same Christ-reality of immortal life.
  I AM ever your attention to God each day in the victory 
of freedom’s unfoldment,   
                                               Lord Maitreya:   Pearls of Wisdom 3:5
      Thought must ever be governed in order to produce the harvest of perfection intended by the Father of all life—and yearned for by so many unascended today!  The etheric record, the span of memory from each individual’s first and earliest embodiment until the present day, contains within it an indelible record which must either outpicture on the screen of life in order to produce cosmic balance and justice in the affairs of mankind or else be transmuted by spiritual alchemy or by a mystical process such as the blessed and proper use of the violet fire of freedom’s love and forgiveness!  While many men idle away hours in developing their negatives (that is, their human tendencies—much in the same manner in which a photographer develops a photographic plate) mankind would do well to use instead every method which God affords whereby they may transmute, heal and bless the “Book of their Life” (their own etheric/memory body).  To begin again—to begin anew countless times—is better by far than to be blown off-course or to follow the whims of those blind leaders of the blind who refuse to hearken to the voice of conscience or to listen to the voice of God!
  Truly, the laborers are few, and the harvest is plenteous.  The time of threshing, the time of purging and of purification in this golden age is at the very door!  Love however not fear, should be the welcome to draw men to the harvest festival with rejoicing.  The cultivation of joy in contemplation of divine possibilities which are the blessed hopes of heaven is a wise way of expanding the light activities of our dear chelas who understand the hourly need to bring the practicality of a mystical Christianity into daily action before men that they may see the good works of the children of light and desire to be like them!
  I AM the smile of God bestowed on all the children of faith,
                                               Maitreya:    Pearls of Wisdom 3:39
       With the coming of the New Age old things shall indeed have passed away!  Men have thought destruction for so long that the main part of the whole prophecy mentioned above, upon which most have thought, has been in connection with destruction—and especially planetary destruction or the downfall of civilization.  Let me hasten to assure all mankind that while cataclysms do occasionally manifest by natural law the passing away of the old order is purposefully to clear the way for the building of the new!  This always brings the birth in consciousness of Christ tendencies or divine propensities.
  You have perhaps heard it said even by your earthly mothers  “As the twig is bent—so the tree is inclined to grow.”  You see, the inner intent of the heart in man is in part inherited.  Of course whenever war entities or hate entities and other mass-created, malign influences which cause the world so much personal and planetary unhappiness are removed or transmuted, the world or individual breathes free for a moment—but only long enough for someone to again start the chain reaction of misqualified freewill in the same old discordant pattern which for centuries and millenniums has made suffering on the earth and in mankind’s experiences.  Therefore,only by universal acceptance by the world at large can final victory come to Earth and its multitudes, and only by rising in consciousness to your own ascension can you find personal escape.  There is no other way!
  The inner intentions of the heart are developed only in two ways: either by hallowed attunement with your own God Presence I AM or by listening to the mass voices of discord from the megatons of misqualified energy which mankind have created.  Seed produces in kind.  Therefore the only safe counsel comes from above where all cosmic virtue and purity are born.  That which raises you into your ascension comes from above, that which pulls you down into discord is from below.  It is that simple.  Forget then personality, even injustices, forget even your own needs for a moment if need be and concentrate on service to others in the holy name and power of the Christ.  Do this and you shall find life even among the illusions of so-called death.  The great Law cannot be broken!
  Every day is a “portion” of the holy season of eternity.  Through externalization of God’s kingdom in your own hearts and upon this dear Earth you shall in dignity and wonder unravel the sweet mystery of life which is my own keynote!  (Victor Herbert’s “Ah Sweet Mystery of Life” is beloved Lord Maitreya’s keynote.)
Rending the cosmic veil you shall come face to face with your own Divinity without end, and in the magic circle of the Presence of God you shall know that charmed existence which, while making all life one, also gives to each one an endowment of such peace, power and protection as only God can give.  Remember, I had like existence upon earth to your own present state and by the transcended power of my own God Presence was raised to where I now wear such garments of eternal Life as you shall one day wear.
  It is absolutely essential then that you do not faint or become immersed in states of hopelessness where you begin to feel out of touch with God, for all such feelings are only the result of too much thought about the illusions of self and mundane life,with not enough contact with the reality of your own Holy Christ Self and Great God Presence I AM.  The remedy must be applied constantly.  You did not wander away from the light in a moment—sometimes it takes more than a moment to find your way home—but it is dangerous to delay the journey when life offers such grand opportunities.
  So blessed ones who have delayed or postponed, begin again, and you who have long plodded continue!  Keep on, and on and on!  The most shadowed hour is just before the dawn of initiation.  Many of you are nearing great cosmic initiations.  Hold fast the light, the doorway into the eternal day of God.  I AM your Friend, Companion and Brother,     
(-N. Roerich, 1933)
                                          Lord Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom  4:10
    The fashion of a man like the slowly changing evolution of the flowers and trees will pass away, but the eternal verities of your own Holy Christ Self change not, remaining constantly anchored in the uplifting transcendence of your God Self.  There is always a desire on the part of students to advance and to make progress—and this is quite understandable to us.  Yet we desire especially to point out that in the consciousness of the divine Image you have already attained your victory!  It is therefore the easiest and best way for you to recognize that you already possess all of God, do not need to wait for it and have but to praise and bless into manifestation the full reality of your divine Being!
  Condemnation which seems much in vogue among mankind is the most dangerous practice imaginable.  If I may speak plainly, dear ones, more harlots and more lepers were created by those who pointed their fingers in accusation at other harlots and other lepers in past ages than can ever be imagined.  The moment a lifestream misuses energy which is all God-given to castigate some other part of life they immediately attract to themselves the selfsame temptation that other individual was facing.  It is true the mills of the gods sometimes grind slowly and therefore they do not always reap the immediate effects of their acts, but sometime they will.  Often they may find that they lack even an equal strength in withstanding the specific temptation which the person they condemned faced and are therefore more wanton in error consciousness than even the one whom they condemned!   
  Numerous examples are found in the scriptures where seemingly dissolute or criminal figures seemed to center around the life of Jesus and find benefit thereby.  There is the notorious figure of Dismas (the dying thief) to whom Jesus uttered the words of pardon “Verily I say unto thee—today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”  Then there is the woman Magdalene who became one of the chief lady disciples, and the Samaritan woman at the well, whose marriage status seemed questionable to the moralreligionists of the day.  All these found in Jesus solace, peace and friendship, attaining greater blessings than some of the self-righteous among mankind. This poses the question to some as to whether morality has value.  Here let me say firmly and clearly yes, but only value to the conscience of each lifestream as it is true to the leanings of divine guidance, and then secondarily to the conscience of its neighbor by its use of divine love and care so as not to knowingly cast a stumbling block in his pathway.
  Yet above all it must stand out clearly that the development of each one’s latent divinity is the purpose of life on earth and does not or cannot include the authorized condemnation of others whose understanding and illumination may not be as great as the understanding the observing one has attained.  Wise are they therefore who pray for the soul of all men, thus showing forth the divinity and friendship of Jesus for all and never discriminate to condemn but only to personally avoid snares.  The ascended masters feel that even the young disciple ought to be wise enough in Christ (the Light) to know that if God made all men by one Spirit to a gloriously uncommon destiny—the ascension—then all ought to help one another to it, and never, no never in any wise act so as to discourage or hurt any one of God’s little ones who are all knowingly or unknowingly seeking the path back Home.
  My message therefore for the hour is in the name of the Cosmic Christ (in which capacity I long serve) and in the name of the Buddha (the budding and unfolding divinity of ourselves):  you shall elect to be a Christ in manifestation and love!  Stay the restless energies that retaliate, the sharp word, the angry thought, the sense of personal injustice—for all this is vanity.  Replace it by the fullness of that love which—sweeping aside prejudice and error—lifts, exalts, heals, serves and is Godlike in manifestation even as it is Godlike in consciousness.
  I remain the standardbearer for the age,  
                                                     Lord Maitreya:   Pearls of Wisdom 4:39
Disciples Seeking Initiation into the Mysteries of Reality:
      The Grace of God commendeth each one to the feet of Holy Reason for self-discernment that the way of victory may be made plain.  Now with the seasonal flood of knowledge that is being released it is essential for mankind to cultivate the discriminating faculty’in order that time may be well utilized in assimilating the most useful principles.
  We know the striving of the pure in spirit to elevate in themselves each godly principle to a realization of such transcendent beauty that all effort in attainment is forgotten in the purity of victory.  Others feel the impulse to relive each painful episode along the way.  They do not pause to consider that unless care is used while engaging in retrospection they may rekindle their old momentums of struggle and a loss of their progressive momentums will almost certainly follow, however slight.  For purposes of gratitude and introspection a brief review will serve to show that victory can be obtained even over what seem to be desperate situations.  The wave of the future needs the pure vision of creative power in order that the transcendence of the divine nature might be effectively called into action.
  Now when we probe the mysteries of reality we must also instruct upon the existence of batteries of dark forces which seek to rob the disciple of his realization of reality and the blessings that might be called into action through that realization.  To secrete the illusion of fog and confusion concerning many aspects of life by glossing over the more unpleasant and unsightly aspects of human creation is to further involve men in the maya of mortal concepts rather than to extricate them from such dilemma.  Once the downward spiral has begun the individual moves still lower into subconscious pitfalls of discouragement.  This fosters doubt and prevents the powers of light from effectively overcoming evil with good.
  Each lifestream should see how the word initiation can be used to interpret the process inherent within its meaning:  I-niche-i-action—the I, or ego, must find its niche of cosmic intent or purpose and call the great power of God into individualized action for sustained personal and universal freedom.
  When the reality of God becomes a part of man’s conscious identity what wonders are wrought!  Then the banner of the soul, flying from the ramparts of Life, inspires each moment with an onward push.  Ceaseless misconceptions and feelings of uncertainty must be uprooted, yet in the process the wise will seek constantly to establish virtue wherever blight is removed or rendered inactive.  Transmutation of old negations must be followed by a reeducation of the energy patterns involved in order that nothing may be lost but that all may be constantly exalted and retrained in the ascending spiral.  It was on this subject that Jesus was instructing when he said to one whom he had healed “Go, and sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.”
  The meaning of reality itself must be sought, and not in the human lexicon but in the great records of almighty perfection which the screen of nature holds side by side with those elements which may seem foreign to the divine purpose.  The excellence of the creation, descending from the heart of God, commingles with old and new interferences which are continuously being set up by mankind through his misuses of knowledge and power.  Great care must be used in distinguishing the real from the unreal and in determining the inherent goodness of a specific manifestation.
  There is no finer instrument than the humble, gentle faith of a true believer in the justice of God whose every thought, charged with mercy, pursues understanding as a reason for being and knows that the fruit of that which is attained can never be lost.  Such sweet attitudes of pure love do not exact from the Godhead binding promises as a reward for good behavior but hold secure the knowing, whether evidenced outwardly or not, that God cannot be mocked nor His purposes thwarted.  Such as these are content to rest the mind and being from either the sense of struggle or the sense of loss.
  Since all things came forth from God and can only manifest the real as the intent of God is manifest within them, nothing can ever be lost.  If there be any loss, it is of mortal or human qualities but these were never endowed by God with either permanency or the self-regenerative qualities of true creation.
  The reflection or inverted image of the Divine which animates man and nature is ever an outflow of abundant life energy which in its inflow or return back to the Source carries the fruits of the quickened consciousness of individual man.  As man lets go of imperfection and securely holds the hand of God in full faith that the reality of being and the full revelation thereof will unfold as the search not of a casual hour but of a lifetime of diligence he finds personal fulfillment accelerated in each moment through the very processes of realization and acceptance.
  Acceptance then is an attitude of mind and heart which must be nurtured and sustained each day through conscious affirmation.  Merely to momentarily acknowledge truth is to be lifted as in an airplane above the mountains, subsequently to descend to lower altitudes.  Daily to magnify contact with one or more of the facets of God-reality is like rising on a chair-lift up a mountain slope; each day is one of progressive attunement as the Summit goal draws in closer view and the valleys are left behind.
  Precious ones, have no sense of strain if the rarefied view be obscured at times so that God does not seem luminously manifest.  Keep on increasing your understanding of reality each day, knowing that the law of regularity assures steadfastness in the climb and, by engagement of thought and feeling in the ritual of attainment you are weaving strands of light whose strength will carry you over each approaching chasm.
  For your expansion in the Christ light I AM    
                                                  Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom  8:29
Landmark revelation of 1965:    
-continues  at page 13 of this link: 

      While the mysteries of Christ have been contemplated by many, only the few have penetrated the depth of the wonders of his certain knowledge, his inestimable outreach, his power of ineffable light, calculated to part the veils of illusion and reveal the infinite capacity of God to externalize, not only in the natural order but also in the spiritual order, a kingdom without end.
The more men meditate upon the Christ and upon spiritual things which buoy up the heart above the restless tides of human thought, the more intense will become the light around them and the farther they will see into the internal mysteries of Being.  To relate the life of the Christ to the self is the Father’s intent, for thereby the mighty molding board of the Spirit through His Grace may sculpture the living soul into the fashion of the divine plan.
The life-force in man must be governed, not just by reason and desire but by the pure potential of Be-ness, the mysterious comprehension of the light by itself.  If the fingers of the Law of God discover anomalies in the life pattern of an individual and the result be a chastening, it is always for the purpose of greater spiritual fruit and a more abundant life to the one whom God has desired to try.  To know God is to be known of Him, and the rule of order by Law establishes in all dimensions a steadfast rise in the comprehension levels of spiritual Grace.
  When Grace is understood,it is perceived as the God-race—G standing for “God” and r-a-c-e for “race,” hence grace or “great race.”  It is a race in the sense that it is a contest between the philosophies of men for the winning of “the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” even as it is the swift acceptance by the sons of God of heavenly patterns for the establishment of the divine kingdom upon earth.
  Men may say “I am a citizen—I am a native—I am a recipient of the power of a great nation.”  But when the desire for unity is stripped of all spirit of competition there can be only a cosmic plan, a cosmic dream, the thoughts of the Infinite One.  The lesser images fade into obscurity or to the background, so great is the revelation of the pure intent of the Father.
  Men must seek to raise themselves before they can come to the point of transfiguration.  To raise the self is to bring it to a point where the power of the light can penetrate the substance of their own world, not only by their request but also by their invocation.
Examine the word raise.  The first two letters refer to the power of the Son of God, the power of light itself, the power of Ra (see the Egyptian word Ra, from whence comes the word ray).  Then take note that the I (Eye) or lumen, the organ of vision, or the ego of being, is the third letter in the word.  This is followed by se (see).  The full meaning of the word then becomes in all of its glory “the light of God I see”—or “raise” which is synonymous with “rays,” denoting the extension of the power of the Sun from its center out into the field of darkness.  As it was stated by John the Beloved, “The light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
  The purpose of our work in this day and age is to see to it that men do comprehend the light and that they walk upon the path of faith.  The meaning of raising the self then is to bring the self to a place where it is capable of discerning the light.  When the light is discerned it cannot help but reveal the shadows that exist in the lower self.  Whereas some men have said to themselves before the light shone in the darkness of being “We are very good,” after they have perceived by the power of the light the conditions they were in they were ready to cry to the mountains “Fall on us, and hide us the face of Him that sitteth on the throne.”  Yet punishment or estrangement is never the divine intent, for there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, and His mercy endureth forever.  By the power of Truth the exposure of the darkness of the self takes place and then mankind is able to bring the darkness to the light in order that the light can transmute and redeem that darkness.  We deem this the process of the resurrection.  It is a 
re-urging of the uprightness that is now and always has been within man—within the Spirit of man.  “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the Law of the Lord; and in His Law doth he meditate day and night.” 
  The hour has come when the devotees of the Laws of God upon earth can no longer afford those indulgences which in the past have been so lightly taken for granted.  If the initiatic process is to be externalized in a lifetime, it must be recognized that each day is precious.  Therefore the ritual of the resurrection signifies the raising up out of the darkness all of the shadowed substance that has been superimposed upon man, to bring it to the light and to transmute or change its nature into the nature of the light.
This is the emergence of the “Corpus Christi,” the body of Christ, out of the tomb of materiality.  It is the rolling away of the stone of matter which signifies the calcination of the carnal mind with all of its densities.  It is the purification of the countenance, the refusal of the soul to be enslaved by the legions and tribunals of Caesar or the power of the Sanhedrin.
  This denotes that the soul must be freed from all banal influences of either church or state, for both church and state have come under the influence of nefarious powers from time to time which have made them instruments of a diabolical sort even as they have been instruments of great good; hence the soul can no longer afford to brook the tyranny of family, friends or outer conditions of temporal power in any of its forms.  This does not mean that men should not be subject to the laws of the land or that they should fail to recognize legally constituted authority.  However it does mean that they should recognize the superiority of the heavenly intelligences and not permit the tyranny of mortality to put a yoke around their necks, denying their God-freedom.
  By releasing their light into manifestation through the Presence of God which dwells in man as the Holy Christ-flame within the heart they “rise from the dead” of corporeal substance, of the paper world of illusion that has far too long held man in bondage.  The tangible reality of the radiant living Christ blazes through them because they have willingly and lovingly invoked it through their consciousness and through their flesh forms.  They are able then to summon by the power of the spoken Word the mighty angels who assist each emerging Son to “roll away the stone” and to “come forth from the tomb—victorious.”
  In addition to this they stand at the portal of transfiguration and are ready for the second initiation into the reality of Be-ness.  That which is within man, that which is the active—divine Principle, the Spirit, the Animus, the Divine Ruach—all in complete harmony will prevail and man will ultimately reestablish his relationships with God and humanity from the viewpoint of the initiatic level.
  There is a difference between the natural man and the spiritual man.  This was clearly demonstrated in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  His outpicturing of his transcendental ministry was ordained by the Grace of the Eternal Father through my hand, and I stand ready to assist all who would experience the beauty of the Resurrection Spirit in their lives this year.  Each individual can come to a point of conscious knowing of the wonder of the light and none will ever regret it, as they have often regretted mortal passions.
  Now then let us go and see the place where the Lord lay.  Within yourself envision the threefold flame of Life and God-intelligence, sealing you in His Grace daily.  I AM your mentor in Christ,   
                                              Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 10:10
         The subject of sensationalism and of the phenomenal comes before us.  While the magnificence of tcosmos is paraded every moment before the consciousness of mankind through the avenue of the five senses and through response mechanisms of an inner aesthetic sense behind the physical senses, the world still hungers and thirsts after greater knowledge of universal Law.
  Understandable though this may be, the megatons of divine energy foolishly invested by mankind in the pursuit of the unusual and as a result of an avid curiosity produce little more for those engaged in this pursuit than the poking around in old rubble where consumption is complete and false hopes continue to buoy up the sagging human energies of men.
  When great achievements are made they are seldom the  discoveries of the curious, the profane or the ego-motivated.  The dedicated scientist or researcher, the scientist of the Spirit who searches out the mysteries of God with humility and dedication, with understanding and necessary persistence is the one to whom the reward is given.  As Jesus long ago proclaimed of John the Baptist, saying “What went ye out to see?  A reed shaken with the wind?  A man clothed in soft raiment?  A prophet?  Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet.”
  These same laws apply today to the researcher in the things of the Spirit.  We cannot deny that there are in manifestation organizations whose tenets and expressions are immediately recognizable as being ego-motivated and error based; but when contacting the pure expressions of the Great White Brotherhood and their avant-garde endeavors for mankind it is often true that behind the outer appearance that strives for the beauty of Christ-perfection there are the little unredeemed pockets of energy yet awaiting purification.
  Men who seek to judge others must not judge them by their negatives but by the great positive tides of cosmic energy that stand behind every worthy organization as salutary purpose.  Many have said, after coming directly under our radiation and the dawn of awareness that comes early or late in an individual’s ministry of expression, that they are so grateful for the expansion of light into their worlds and that they only regret the many years they have wasted in fruitless striving.
  Carelessness often misdirects one’s motives, for motive too requires its own molding factors.  Thus the disciple must apply to the intelligence of the Christ mind for a release of divine assistance in creating the very matrices that will subsequently direct his thoughts and feelings in the formation of the divine character of man from the heavenly blueprint.  Man in the state of becoming is an uncut and unfinished stone; the smoothening efforts required to complete the nobility of manifestation are very great, yet the heavenly Grace freely given to him is sufficient to execute a noble work with both alacrity and craftsmanship.    
  Responses stemming from the feeling of being alone may lack the easy precipitation of Christly nobility which is based on the understanding that all life is one, and those responses that come only from the brittleness of the human mind may lack the heart qualities of comfortable flexibility, of cosmic conformity, which so gently adhere to principle that the divine nature is breathed out with every breath.  The painful sense of struggle that men establish all about themselves, either through indifference or a sense of unworthiness, often results in grey tones in the aura, a muddying of the cosmic stream as it passes through individualized form and consciousness, and a failure to externalize cosmic patterns.  Inasmuch as the struggle of this age is very great and the crucible of life filled with poignant experiences, some enlightening and some destructive, men must seek to wend their way through time-space barriers into the eternality of God by faith in right action.
  To seek to disprove cosmic Law requires familiarity with it to the uttermost, and therefore the early aspirant for spirituality would do well not to condemn nor to seek to express negativity of thought and feeling toward his fellowman, for after all he is accountable for that which he releases.  The records of the saints are often marked with their initial rejections of cosmic Law and subsequent returns to the very rejected principles which, by their wholehearted acceptance of them, became to them a chasuble of righteousness.  The adornment of the Spirit is very much involved in one’s communication with the power of infinite light that stands behind the screen of matter.  The opacity of human thought and feeling has successfully blocked this light of God that never fails from reaching individual men again and again, yet they fail to recognize it.
  To remove impediments is to incite progress, and there are no greater impediments in existence than those personal negative thoughts of judgment in men’s hearts which thrive on personal egoism and the fact that men feel most capable of gazing upon our best servants with feelings of disrespect.  It would be one thing if these feelings were warranted, but where they are not there is also the judgment that must follow.
  The strategies of the Brothers of Darkness are entering now into the relationships of young people as well as those between the young and the supposedly more mature:  human rebellion is being fostered and resentment encouraged on all sides as a means of vampirizing mankind’s energies.  The youth need to search because the old matrices do not satisfy, but again and again they are being provided with false goals whose lures never give them the permanent satisfaction they crave.  Now a very real and ever-present danger threatens the world, and it is to counteract this threat that we would set true goals of respect and nobility before men.
  The breaking down of old systems of theology and even of science in some cases need be no excuse for a lowering of the standards of personal relationships between people.  The standards of the golden rule are cosmic Law, and mankind have no right to enter into an aura of obscenity.  That which is done in the name of art and culture today that borders on the obscene or on abuses of life principles will one day produce a frightful karma in those whose psychicism is most of all a thing of hurt to themselves and to those whom they influence.
  Time is of the essence in this matter, and unless men are to change their ways the harvest will indeed be frightful.  Cosmic initiation looms before these young people if they will only understand that the means is not through LSD or erotic experience but through the renaissance of a spiritual culture which they once rejected in the very times of life when Enoch, the seventh from Adam, was winning his victory; when Joseph stood in the highest honor at Pharaoh’s court; when Solomon was building his temple; when Christ was walking in the corn fields; when Saint Francis was counseling his disciples (1181-1226); and even when the Brothers of Light first began to acquaint the Western world with the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood (1875).  As was spoken of by one of your poets:  “And they, while their companions slept, / Were toiling upward in the night.”
  Thus shall the thrust for a purpose go forth again, and the cosmic court be enlarged to provide new offices for millions.  “Feed my sheep” is today a cry for teachers who are willing to be taught, for disciples who are willing to be disciplined, for men who are willing to respect the order of the universe even as they have unduly respected the chaos from which it seemingly sprang.
  Let us lift men into the light before the moment of darkness is too tightly secured and the age is lost.  In cosmic vigilance I remain,     
Pearls of Wisdom 10:34
Friends on the Summit Road,
      Thoughtless acceptance of the best gifts of life does not enable the student of divine mystery to take proper spiritual advantage of his God-given opportunities.  Consciousness is an ever-flowing stream of energy which should be examined for its content and volume with a view to improving one’s use of this greatest blessing to the aspirant.
  The subject of initiation seems to hold a great deal of mystery for the uninitiated.  This awe of the unknown is compounded when his search for higher truth is hindered by unclear concepts.  It is the will of heaven to bring to the mind of each aspirant the beauty of the divine nature.  Those who would tear the veil from the face of nature may carelessly destroy the very beauty they seek to wrest from the sacred mysteries.
  A childlike trust, a deep-rooted faith and a steadfast devotion should be sregarded as the best means of developing the divine consciousness and a sense of the nearness of God.  He who seems remote to those who are caught in a mesh of problems is in reality so close, so concerned and so loving that His very closeness to the self makes it difficult for the self to acknowledge Him.
  The greatest initiations and the greatest revelations of the sacred mysteries can be invoked through simple faith in the imminent possibility of deliverance from those conditions which seem so deeply entrenched that one could very easily consider them to be hopeless.  Not so with God.  As was spoken to Abraham of old by the angel visitant “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”
  Yet men will acknowledge that they sometimes try to bargain with God “You give me this, and I will give you that.”  This by cosmic Law they cannot do.  For when men tempt the Law by making promises that they may intend to keep but then do not, they are the losers; for those who dispense the quality of mercy that is inherent within the Law are bound by cosmic rules to search the akashic records and to observe the conduct of each applicant for mercy.  Then after examination of the personal history the decision is made as to whether the best interests of the individual are served by the merciful act of withholding descending karma or by letting fall the arc of the Law.
  Wise then are all who in their erstwhile cosmic bargaining to enhance their positions recognize the need to appreciate the blessings which life has already afforded them and not to be overly prone to complaint even when circumstances seem for a time to go against their best interests or what they think are their best interests.  After all who can say better than the Lords of Karma (who have at their disposal the complete file of the life records of every man, woman and child on the planet) as to just how the soul is best served?  Those who really understand the purposes of initiation are aware that in this day and age many of the initiations of the disciples are taken in the world outside of the temples of the Brotherhood.
  This means that those undergoing various tests may not openly see the hand of God or of the Karmic Board in the manipulated flow of their contact with various individuals and situations in which they find themselves, which may or may not be to their liking.  If they could see what takes place behind the scenes they would be less inclined to react as they sometimes do to circumstances which are intended to create the opportunity for a flow of healing love to pour through them, blessing one or more lifestreams with whom they may formerly have been involved.
Nevertheless there are always those individuals who are reactors.  Blinded by their own uncontrolled passions they allow themselves to become upset over the unimportant or matters which they could not change in any case, thereby creating a springboard for the manifestation of recurring hatred or dislike.  The opportunities of life that afford man the means to overcome in little things are intended to fortify him for those greater struggles that come at the apex of events to produce opportunity for what we may call the giant leap into the arms of divine identity.
 The tendency of mankind to anthropomorphize various aspects of the Deity from time to time qualifies his consciousness with concepts which must be transmuted.  While God by the great wheel of His Law is able to make contact with man at any point in the individual life cycle and to intercede on his behalf and render magnificent assistance, man by reason of his misconceptions of the Deity frequently interferes with that assistance and prevents its descent as drops of mercy from on high.
  Wise then is the soul who learns to retain that natural plasticity of mind and consciousness which will keep open the door to his highest good.  The ways of God are so much higher than the ways of men that in expressing understanding they too frequently employ the old familiar idioms, neglecting to consider that in assessing ways of the Divine they must use the building blocks of a new language of the Spirit and a set of transcendental values.  This language and these values must be inculcated into consciousness.  They must be builded into character, and they must precede the manifestation of greater understanding.
  As we deal with the expansion of the consciousness of God (of man’s awareness of God) in the manifest body of God on earth,we look to every religious activity and to every spiritual endeavor to further our aims and we gently lead by the hand those who are ready and willing to be God-taught.  But alas there is that quality of human pride in men which sometimes causes them to reject the highest truth simply because it does not come to them in a form or through a medium with which they are familiar and which they have already accepted.  This attitude does not always promote the greatest progress.
  God who works in strange and mysterious ways wondrous to perform exhibits His love in both high places and low.  To impute to a manifestation of His love any degree of negativity is an error, for the heavenly manna that falls upon the desert of self to make it to blossom as a rose cometh to delight the earth below in answer to a call and, although the vessel be lowly as the sandy floor of the desert, the manna is not.  It is soul-nourishing, divine food upon which the fledgling strengthens his wings to soar to the greatest heights of attainment.
  Receive then the manna of the divine mystery as the beautifully contrived blessing from the high watch of the spiritual overseers who gaze out hopefully on the fields of man’s experience, helping him to extract from those fields a harvest of qualitative grace.  Such grace becomes sufficient for each day.  For the Hierarchy in these days of trouble upon the planet continues to show that now more than ever the nutritional value of the manna from above, of the Word of divine delight, gives the courage to take one’s stand with the Hierarchy.  This is increasingly important to each seeker for strength and illumination.
  The process of illumination, of initiation, of expansion of consciousness is never-ending.  It acts to convey each man even as by the Spirit of the Lord to that place in cosmic progress where his profit is indeed recognized by him as the obtaining of that greatness of soul which God seeks to convey—the best gift of Himself, the pattern of that manifestation He so dearly loves.
Our Brotherhood awaits the investiture of each aspirant with those white robes of divine righteousness, the beautiful symbol of true initiation.  In His Grace I remain your humble servant,       
                                              Lord Maitreya:    Pearls of Wisdom  11:8
    May I reveal to you the tenderness of God.  May I expand the forcefield of His light around you and within you.  May I complement the great fire-spark within you with the flame-intensification of initiation.
  Initiation is the steps that lead to the fire of the Sun. Initiation is the pathway toward achievement that step by step takes man by the hand and enables him to see the great blazing reality of God—I AM!  Your I AM Presence is the fire of the Sun! Your I AM Presence is the radiance of God!  It is the splendor that in holy wisdom directs your way.  It is the splendor that in fiery love enfolds you.  It is the splendor that is power to overcome, power to take yourself under the direction of God by an act of the will.
  For, time on time again you have stood at the crossroads of decision and you have said to yourselves “Which way shall I go?” And then the world has beckoned and all of your past momentums have beckoned, and they have said to you “Come this way.”  On the other hand, on the right hand, the powers of Light were also beckoning and aiding and calling, and it became a question of which you would heed.
  And sometimes the mists have enclosed the great dazzling power of your own reality until you could not see or hear or feel the power of God—of reality— for all of the loud, strident voices of the world and of past choices you had made.  These became the dominant theme in your world.  “Go this way,” they said—and so you moved toward the left-hand path of discord and jangle, of entanglement in the skeins of karmic rule.  And you became temporarily in your own eyes a fool.
But God has said “Hearken ye unto me, all ye who live, that ye may live.  Hearken ye unto Me, all ye who live, that ye may live!  Hearken ye unto Me, all ye who live, that ye may live in My immortal Image!”—in the image of Truth, in the image of ascendancy, in the image that steps forth into perfection.
  Beloved hearts of light, you are not now immediately able to manifest the fullness of your perfection, for you are dwelling in the finite world.  You are dwelling in the world of time and space, and here in this world you must understand, you are ruled by many forces.  But we would free you from all forces except the forces of the Light!  And when this occurs in its fullness and you are enfolded by the radiance of your God Presence,then at that moment the great door to the eternal realm swings open and you are no longer a part of man’s thought and feeling.  You are a part of God’s thought and God’s feeling.
  And the feeling of God is the feeling of abundant love—of an overpowering love to those in prison that they may be free, an overpowering love for those on beds of pain that they may be healed, an overpowering love for those that are young in years that they may mature in the fullness of Cosmic Christ Law and Love, growing up and being tutored in all things perfect and lovely.  We then say to you today, as initiators of the grand design, that the grand design lives in you, that the divine symbol in you is one of cosmic Truth!  The fire of the soul leads man onward beyond the walls of stone of many centuries of recalcitrance and calcification that have left men in caves of darkness and primitive emotions and a sense of struggle and fear and uncertainty.]
  We move you forward into light as you put your hand in ours!  We move you forward into light as you understand the power of the Spirit of God to assist you in moving away from your world all undesirable forces, all undesirable thoughts, all undesirable conditions and transmuting them into light.  For only ight should live, and Light is the Christos.  Light is the light of God that never fails.  It is the beautiful whitefire lotus which creates a throne of beauty on which the individual consciousness does sit and finds itself surrounded with the fragrance of God!—the fragrance of God, the fragrance of God.
  Be still and know that I am God.  Be still and know that the I AM within you is God.  Exercise with me now in a spiritual exercise.  Consider your I AM Presence above you in space. Consider your I AM Presence, behold its face—the face of God, the face of divine reality, the face of your strength, the face of your inward being.  Identify now then no longer with  changing physical consciousness.  For this moment in initiation inwardly be the God Presence:  you are the God Presence!
  As Archangel Michael said “You give me your doubts, and I will give you my faith.”  So now say to your Presence:  “I give you my imperfection, and you give me your perfection!”  Then feel the cascade of that power as it descends around you and know that that moment should be remembered forever.  For it is the moment where according to your capacity you step out of physical sense consciousness, out of self-consciousness, out of the cocoon of ignorance you have builded in ignorance around yourself and out of limitation into limitless light and perfection!
  When you learn to do this once you should understand that you can also learn to duplicate it.  And when you learn to do it again and again you will find yourself able to master your world and know the power of freedom that is within.  This power of freedom that is within you as an individual is the solitary key to Being that all should have, that all should know, that all should feel.  This solitary key to Being is your own.  It is your unique splendor, your unique grace—the Grace of God that belongs to you because it was given to you from the beginning.
  El Morya said long ago “From the beginning we were winning!”  And thus we convey to you the God-mastery of life that shows to you that you are the perfection of your Presence, that nothing else can take dominion in your world.  When that becomes fixed in consciousness to such a degree and level that no outer condition is able to take dominion over it then, you see, each step of the way becomes God-guided.  Each step of the way becomes God-guided because you are able to exercise the prerogative of being all that God made you in the beginning.  And thus the strength that wins from the beginning is yours now, and sin and sinning is no longer that to which you bow.  For in ignorance men have bowed to sin and the strain of sin that it has put upon the soul.  We come then today to yield all of this to the fires of divine Love.  We come to yield ourselves to His Grace that step by step we may climb those golden stairs of celestial radiance not only upon our prayers but upon all of our doings.  For man’s doings must become God’s doings.
  The principle “It is the Father in me that doeth the work” must be conveyed to all.  And out of the splendor of that design the ashes must fall from the cloak.  And man must see himself arrayed in shining garments, each one more splendid than the one before—until as you step up this stairway of cosmic radiance you understand that it is God that walks in you, that it is God that talks in you, that it is God that lives in you, and that all of the canopies of reality that He has sought to convey to you through the years are themselves little steps leading to Him— each one leading you higher, each one inspiring you to greater love until at last the world will come to know that love and God are synonymous.
  Each human being will come to know that his own I AM Presence and God are unanimous; each one will come to know that all worlds turning in space are one with Him, that the music of the spheres is a concordant memory, a concordant discovery, a concordant reality that ties man to all that is real.
  And now I, Maitreya, for the moment of conferment [of the power to overcome] say (please rise):   May the angels of God refresh your souls.  May the angels of God bring a sense of the benign into your consciousness that you may never forget Him but bind Him upon your being.  May the angels of God seal you in your hearts and upon your foreheads with His memory.  May it never depart from you or the moment in which we live—the moment of splendor when we give to you our light.  For this morning I am giving of my light to you and I am causing it to expand throughout Los Angeles and the world.  As a moment of triumph for the soul of God within the heart of a lotus or within the heart of a rose I am conferring upon you the love that glows and represents the fire of soul.
Be at peace then and as you go through the moments ahead—the little seconds that are niches in the minutes, the minutes that are niches in the hours, the hours that are niches in the days, the days that are niches in the years, the years that are niches in a lifetime, in the centuries, the millenniums and all time and timelessness—understand that reality is all that you should seek.
  Learn as the divine swan, the paramahansa, to separate with your bill the nectar of God from the evil of the world.  So shall you be free and the design of God shall be upon you.  My peace I give unto you.  Peace such as the world has give I not unto you! But the light that ye are I give unto you, and the authority of Grace give I unto you—and the shining of your splendor.  I thank you.   
                     -Lord Maitreya:  8-2-1970 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet
O Mankind, Awake!
         Myriad diversifications like glittering pieces of glass strewn in random fashion upon a game board litter the world with confusion. The kaleidoscope of human nonsense, rearing its head from human slime, dares to poke fun at those towering manifestations of Cosmos to whom is accorded the direction of mortal affairs from inner levels.
  Strident voices raised in a cacophony of mockery reminiscent of the last days of Atlantis echo as a solemn warning to those who are dedicated to producing a spiritual climate upon earth.  That which can be brought to pass through many hearts and hands united in holy service will enable all people from the little children to the aged to receive the bountiful gift of divine aid, if those who have been called will stand, ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to produce the miracle of the Golden Age.
  Men say that social pressures and the trends of the times, like crushing and grinding gears, have eliminated the high standards of living and have trapped them into those degrading actions which throughout the entire historical stream have spelled the doom of civilization.  Let me say then to those men and women of cosmic vision who can see the beautiful glyphs of spiritual initiation standing as marble stairs, whitened and waiting the feet of the initiate:  now is not the time to raise the white flag or to throw in the sponge!
  Those who know how to divide humanity have been quite successful in so doing. The battle has been long, but the war between the Legions of Light and the denizens of darkness is not yet ended, although the victory is unquestioned.
  They have sought to divide those whose skins are darker from those whose skins are lighter. They have gloried in the responses they have evoked from the ignorant to promote a din of destruction in the family of nations. They have exulted in racial dichotomies and in their dividing of the generations, turning fathers against their children and children against their fathers. They have gloated in the mockery of one religion by another, hoping all will fall under the hammer of self-destruction.
Without recognition of their Divinity, without compassion for their humanity civilization cannot mount; the nations of the world will be as nothing–reduced to the chaos of whistling winds shrieking in the dark night of their souls’ anguish and desolation.
Ours is the hope that climbs into the Master’s chair. The tiny babe born in hope, nurtured with wisdom and schooled in courtesy and order will bring to fruition a Golden Age society longed for by many hearts, both Above and below–and there the Light shall beam.
  Two thousand years ago a wise carpenter born in Bethlehem prophesied the signs that would appear in the last days.  Later the Apostle Paul, tutored by this Prince of Peace, commented “When they shall say Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them.”  The beloved Master in his presentation of timeless Truth always showed the great unity of Life and its divine purpose.  He revealed this purpose as the kingdom of God within every man.  He taught Paul that this kingdom was not meat or drink “but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost,” albeit he also stated that all substance is holy–vibrating, dancing electrons, joyously fashioned by the Eternal God–saying to Peter “What God hath cleansed that call not thou common.”  Thus the Great Alchemist affirmed for all time the impartial Law of the kingdom of the Spirit, the mighty airy voice of a Cosmos directed.
  Without cosmic direction so beautifully born within him by divine decree man could not govern his thoughts, his feelings, his desires.  He would fall deeper and deeper into the bottomless pit of the carnal mind.  And as the theologians of the world have through the centuries distorted the great Christine truths so without cosmic direction humanity would continue to distort the interpretation thereof.
  But we are concerned to open the eyes of all, to show them cosmic consideration.  His Eye is over the righteous and His ear is open to their prayer.  Men seek in mysticism, in theology, even in the study of the ancient art of necromancy to find some power unto salvation or unto their own design.  Let them know that a God of infinite Love has long ago completed that design which is the joy of the Eternal Spirit, the cup that runneth over.
  Let men hasten to do His will. Let men understand that in all their getting they have not gotten understanding. Let them be made to know that their theology is devoid of practical meaning and of the infinite perceptions of the Masters of Spiritual Wisdom. Let them understand that there are great treasure-houses of knowledge guarded by Hierarchs of The Brotherhood who stand ready to reveal the Law of Life, waiting hopefully to bestow upon mankind the eternal Truth that will make them free.  But when they hear it they do not recognize it, for they suppose that some strange craft of the wit, some ancient ritual of darkness will lead them to a higher dominion.  There is only one way, and that is the Way of the Eternal Christ.  It is the way of victory, of vision, of beauty, of transcendence, of eternal love.
  Let the little children be taught cosmic Truth.  Let them be taught how to live in harmony with the universe.  O mankind, awaken to the world of true spirituality, the golden circle of pure Light and Love vouchsafed to you in the name of the Christ!  This is the cup of cold water that you may drink in hope and thereby perceive that in Him your life is at last elevated out of the harshness and cruelty of a mundane existence.  “They shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest,” the Lord has said, “for they shall see Me face to face.  And I will be their God and they shall be My people.”
  Let all men understand that they must garland together those spiritual flowers of cosmic devotion that in united love speak of the promise of one kingdom under God.  These are not the harbingers of the schemes of the dark ones who would rally mankind under the satanic banner through a host of traps they employ to hypnotize the brains of the people.  Let all understand that the Spirit does not require such underhanded devices to achieve its glorious ends, for the great bond of cosmic Love is a magnet of such force and dimension as to call all homeward through that sweet obedience which is true cosmic joy.  Other devices may temporarily titillate the senses, holding mankind’s beating heart in a vice grip of passion, but these can never deliver the human race from its misery, nor can they provide the Sacred Eucharist that will change them from darkness into Light.
  I am called the Initiator, but how shall I initiate those who do not even understand the meaning of initiation?  Men have a long way to go “because strait is the gate, and narrow is the Way which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it.”  Wise is the man who understands the tactics of the dark ones who would divide the world and plunder its temporary glitter.  Wise is the man who understands that the real satisfactions of the soul emanate from the Spirit of Life and from those cosmic dogmas proven by Angels, Archangels and Cosmic Beings to be a measure of the eternal path.  Follow onward, for my Way is Light!  Those who walk in darkness as the deceivers of mankind, those haughty spirits who disavow the Laws of God and the calling of the saints–they shall fall into their own snares, and when they cry out no man will answer them.
  Long ago he said to the children of the light “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is Light.”  Let all take on themselves the burden of the Lord and be diligent workers in the Father’s vineyard.  While the day is yet with man I remain devoted to the salvation of humanity from darkness unto Light,               
                                              Maitreya:     Pearls of Wisdom  14:13
Children on the Ladder of Light’s Attainment:
      The process of initiation is a continuing one for all.  Some fail to realize that even a babe is not bereft of God.  A lack of sensorial development or mental maturity is no indication that the soul does not comprehend, through the light in the window of being, Life in its infinite ranges.  The never failing Light of God posited within the heartflame of man always knows and cannot be deceived.
  Human attempts to explain the warp and woof of the universe according to mortal mechanical concepts are understandable, but they do not afford the opportunity for clear seeing that is needed before the initiatic system can be meaningful.  Therefore those who aspire to the initiations of the Brotherhood probe beyond a mere surface rationalization of the causes behind the effects which they observe in their physical environment.
  The lessons of life are learned in two ways:  through the gathering and storing of data by the outer and inner mind, and by the assimilation of knowledge through the eyes of the soul at conscious and subconscious levels.  As the result of both methods the individual may at intervals in the time stream find the net gain of his soul-tutoring coming forth on the surface of his consciousness with profound admonishment.  Thus the process of enlightenment goes on whether or not it is recognized as such by the conscious mind.  We cannot decry this process nor do we fail to encourage man to study to show himself approved unto the living God.
  The callousness of those concerned only with the gratification of the senses is indicative of their emotional immaturity and lack of understanding of the larger concerns of Life.  Those who are concerned with the mandates of the Almighty are also concerned with getting on with the purposes of Life.  They do not wish to experience further delay and the frustrating dalliance of a purposeless existence. Their discontent–the hallmark of true progress–is almost an aberration in the eyes of the world.  They are restless of soul, eager to find the answers they seek and not unwilling to place personal peace last and divine knowledge first. As their Wayshower said,“I came not to send peace on earth, but a sword.”
  I think also that the knowledge and light of Truth may easily become a lash to the outer man; yet we know without question that the outer man must be conquered.  For man is a dual being:  he is both human and divine.  Thus the purposes of Life are calculated to inspire men to forsake the former and to engage their attention with the latter . Some have spoken out against this view as an impracticality.  Well, it seems to us who have attained by the Grace of God that man is impractical either here or there, in heaven or on earth, in Spirit or in matter.
  Can we not seek then for our unascended chelas that perfect balance of body, mind and soul which we outpictured that they may bring into the realm of mortal affairs the practicality of the Spirit that enhances the quality of life for their fellowmen as well as for themselves?  Can we not also expect that they might bring at least an equal amount of their God-given genius to bear upon the process of attaining that spiritually natural habitat in which they will ultimately dwell in the foreverness of God?  Must humanity totally neglect the things of the Spirit in order to complete their round of mortality?  I do not think so.  If they will maintain the proper perspective between human and divine, they will certainly devote a reasonable portion of their lives to acquainting themselves with that wondrous realm of God-delight so totally foreign to many who yet dwell in the veils of time.
  Now we have observed that the things of the Spirit are becoming of increasing interest to mortals, and by their explorations they are raising themselves and the world to a new step in cosmic initiation.  Meanwhile unfortunate devices of cruelty are being employed to promote bigotry, prejudice and misunderstanding among men.  Racial tensions stirred by agitators accomplish little good in the world, while the fruit of a just understanding and the fair and intelligent examination of every problem confronting the children of God produces the miracles of faith that enhance the brotherhood of man and the building of the kingdom of heaven upon earth.
  Whereas the Fatherhood of God is obvious in higher realms the permeation of His love and intent could also be seen in lower realms if man would will it so; yet humanity must have patience if they are to fulfill their destiny.  It is haste that construes so much evil in the world–haste, and man’s failure to take an impartial viewpoint when Good and Evil must be adjudicated.  Because right methods are clear and easy, wrong methods need never to be used, yet they are.  While men may decry situations not to their liking, let them remain spiritually unmoved midst the disturbing panorama of world events being used to produce fear, division and economic imbalance across the globe.
  Among the initiations the planet is currently passing through is one similar to that which humanity faced both preceding the destruction of the planet Maldek and during the period of the last days before the Flood.  This test involves the employment of creative genius and power to the glory of God.  In the aforementioned epochs scientists engaged in genetic manipulation and the creation of animal forms that took into account neither spiritual Law nor the existence of the Karmic Board, thus aborting the cycle of fulfillment that always follows the correct use of divine opportunity.
  Man’s attempt to alter the structure of the DNA molecule and thereby gain control of the human embryo is not new; successfully accomplished in past eras it may be achieved once again in this age.  When respected and rightly implemented by wise men of divine attainment this feat of science will present such marvelous possibilities to the race as to appear miraculous–albeit all miracles are the demonstration of natural law.  However the great danger in such discoveries lies in their misuse by corrupt men who, while playing God in the realm of matter, neglect to play God as they ought in the realm of Spirit.
  The possibility of failure, individual or collective, in the spirals of initiation is not to be taken lightly.  If the planet as a whole is to pass victoriously through the tests of this age, religion and science must go hand in hand, the one providing proof for the other in this time of advancing cycles.  The kingdom of God that is within you is the foundation for the successful pursuit of the initiatic process at the individual level.  And only through initiation, first at the individual level and then at the planetary level, is the miraculous sense of the divine restored and retained within human consciousness under the guidance of the ascended masters.  Our services are yours.  We offer them to you and to those among humanity who will believe in our existence, in our sincerity, and above all in the sincerity of God.  Thus together we hold the balance, the health and the sanity of lifewaves moving on to perfection through the grand initiatic process of the Father of worlds without end.
  Devoted to His service and to the service of the Universal Son of God I remain confident of your confidence in our purposes.
       Triunely One,    
                                             Lord Maitreya:   Pearls of Wisdom  14:41
Beloved Followers of Truth,

        There is a seeming conflict between that which is taught in the East and that which is taught in the West.  And in all conflicts, whether real or imagined, there are destructive manifestations. Yet any instruction that is valid provides the natural conferment upon man of greater spiritual Grace, of a higher measure of internal peace and of that spiritual progress which signifies the consummation of acts of measured purpose.
  It is my desire to call to the attention of mankind what may be termed the drift of circumstances in their lives.  Those who think that events occur by chance should pause to consider the spiritual gain that can be made by all who are interested in the evolution of the soul through the implementation of God-direction from higher levels, or at least of that direction which comes from the exercise of the highest impetus of the mind.  Remember that inherent within all–though it be overlaid with the mire of sense consciousness–is the seed which God implanted within the soul. And from that seed comes the supreme ordering of man’s life.  The man of happenstance who permits anything to happen in his life for the sake of experience without attempting to direct the flow of events according to the higher direction of the Christ mind or even the discrimination of his own better judgment, may findhimself standing still rather than moving forward in the will of God.
  In matters of initiation only the few in each age are able to receive the best gifts conferred by the Brotherhood; only the few actually make contact with our realm.  The very thought that we do not exist as long as it is held has a tendency to annihilate our influence in the world of the individual who holds it.  As it was said of old, without faith it is impossible to please God.  The consecration of one’s personal faith to cooperation with the heavenly hosts, as an activity of communing with the saints, is an initiatic step that raises the disciple ever higher in the bestowal of the Grace of God.  And his life is beatified in many ways as he integrates his consciousness with the true culture of the Spirit which unfolds from the divine seed germinating within his being.
Unfortunately men often do not recognize the presence of the divine seed in their life.  And only through recognition–the recognition of the germinal power of the light–can the cultivation of spiritual qualities begin which leads, from glory unto glory, to those progressive changes that form a ladder of light within oneself.  The ladder is a symbol of man’s potential, and the climbing of the ladder the measured rising of the soul through those initiations which can come to all.
  In reaching out to mankind through the veils of obscurity that they have spun with their thought and feeling processes I continue in the name of the Brotherhood to pursue the awakening of men to the great potential that lies within them.  If not within themselves, then within whom?  Many are willing to consider great possibilities for others, but they deny them for themselves. They do not realize that self-depreciation is a subtle tool of darkness that prevents them from accepting from the hand of God those magnificent concepts of self-appreciation which produce the uplifting changes after which their souls truly hunger.
  It is not enough for men and women to simply ask in prayer; they must learn to act as though they had already received.  Remembering the promise of the Lord “Before they call, I will answer,” they must learn that the alchemy of self-transformation can produce in their lives, through the childlike attitude of expectancy, the manifestation of the Spirit of cosmic unity.  For to expect an answer from God is part of the ancient system of alchemy, the practice of which would greatly benefit modern man.
  It is a mistake for a man to pray for that which he ought not. Heaven is not blind; neither is divine justice.  Yet the trust of God in the man whom He created is such that in conferring upon him the gift of freewill the Lord agreed to honor his creations and his covenants.  If man makes a mistake and prays for that which he ought not, he still has in the alchemy of his own freewill the power to manifest whatsoever he will.  Nevertheless those manifestations which are not the will of God eventually show forth his wrong decisions–just as those which are the will of God show forth his right decisions.  All should therefore pray first for the guidance of Heaven that they may ask correctly and receive according to the higher plan.  And what a mistake man makes, placing the souls of many in peril, when he fails to do this very thing–to ask for divine intercession in the form of divine direction preceding his prayers for the fulfillment of his desires.
  Wrong prayers–the invocation of that which is undesirable for oneself or others–may take the form of witchcraft or black magic. To ask God for wisdom—so beautifully phrased in the prayer of the Master Jesus “Not my will, but Thine be done”—is not a fatalistic attitude; for there are more choices in the will of God than man is aware of.  Out of the reservoir of God’s supreme knowledge and by His guidance man is able to select those noble ideas which fulfill the desire of both man and God and bring forth a uniform concept–a concept of you and I (u-n-i meaning you and God).
  While one with God is a majority the individual must not usurp his authority by invoking that which may grieve another part of life.  That union of spiritual consecration between God and man which always produces the answers to prayer correctly and speedily cannot fail to take into account the universal harmony of the brotherhood of man—what benefits one must ultimately benefit all, for the divine plan for one must necessarily include the divine plan for all.
  In writing down for you these seemingly simple ideas, O men and women of the twentieth century, it is my desire even as it is the desire of those who work with me to reach those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.  That they might be filled is our prayer.  The simple, childlike faith we confer upon you now is an offering of great value, and this you can appreciate if you will review the mistakes of those who do not possess it.  As it has been said, more things are wrought by prayer–the prayer of absolute faith in the goodness of the will of God–than this world dreams of.
  Now I would make known to you the operation of certain laws which may at first seem strange.  Because man has freewill and somewhat to say concerning the manifestation in his world through prayer he can invoke both good and evil; for prayer is a two-edged sword.  Therefor, unless it be a conscious blending with the will of God and the desire for individual fulfillment in divine destiny it may become, through impure motivation and a subconscious willing, the means to implement the plans of men rather than the plan of God.  This often comes about through the misuse of freewill when men fail to begin and end their communiqués with the Deity with the words of Jesus “Not my will, but Thine be done.”
  Retaining in consciousness the image of the desired object man releases into this desire image–whether perfect or imperfect–the energy he receives from God in answer to his calls.  And when his desires are thus fulfilled he says “My prayers were answered; it must have been the will of God.”  This, beloved ones, is wishful thinking.  The fact is that his prayers were answered because they were the will of man; and right or wrong the great Law honors that will.  Only thus can man learn the responsibilities of being a co-creator with God.  To each one is given a divine plan.  That plan is perfect and complete.  To call for the fulfillment of that plan is the best and safest means of bringing all to a higher measure of Grace through the manifestation of the abundant Life.
  Remember, O hearts of mankind, that each message from us is a penetration through the veil and that there are many people whom we seek to contact and many whom we do.  There are times when the blessing of a simple thought is to be desired; then agai, a more complex statement of the Law may be required in order to convey a higher truth.  Inasmuch as there are many positioned upon the ladder of life, both above and below each soul, you should understand our universal message as one that is destined sooner or later to reach all.  There are different points that must be stressed in different ways that the measure of Grace and sense of reality which we would convey might bring to each one the genuine fruits of the Spirit.
  It is wise that men should be unafraid to be reborn.  When the Master said to Nicodemus “Ye must be born again” it was a statement of universal healing.  For in man’s daily rebirths into the higher way the heart and mind are illumined, and the pages of the days record, step by step, that hopeful emergence into light which removes the sting of death and darkness.
  Unto all I confer the hope of initiation as a goal worthy to be sought.  For as man becomes more and more one with God through Christ and solar awareness the flame of the Everlasting Son burns more brightly within him.  He follows the threads of self in that rightful dual sense that pays homage to the perfection of God right while recognizing the imperfections of man that can and shall be overcome.  Being unafraid to accept the framework of change, man welcomes the acceptance of change in his own life–a change from a minor glory unto a major one.
  By your faith you shall be made whole. 
   Devoted to the unfoldment of the Light of the Eternal One in the name of the living Christ I AM        
                                                 Maitreya: Pearls of Wisdom  15:10
A Golden Scroll of the Solar Lords
   I speak for the Hierarchy of Light.  And I speak for the Christ incarnate in every man, woman and child evolving upon Terra.
I, Maitreya, come from the Court of the Sacred Fire and from the Great Central Sun—I come bearing witness of Alpha and Omega and I come with a Golden Scroll in my hand.
  I stand before you this night, people of Atlanta, people of America, people of the world.  I come to read you the scroll of the Solar Lords, for they have declared this day that divine Opportunity should show Her face once again in this hour of travail, in this time of testing.  I unroll the scroll that is written upon with golden letters of living fire:
   To you, sons and daughters of the Most High who have chosen to go forth into time and space to expand the power, the wisdom, and the love of My Being I proclaim this hour as the hour of triumph for the golden opportunity of the Divine Feminine.  And I send forth my messenger Maitreya the Cosmic Christ to initiate the spirals of the resurrection of the culture of the Divine Mother.
  Here in this ancient focus of light where so long ago that flame blazed forth, here upon this point in space and time I send forth the unity of purpose and the fire of My heart.  It is a golden ball of precipitated fire.  You would consider it a tiny acorn in the sense that within this ball is the fiery purpose of the unfoldment of that divine culture which this day we declare is once again resurrected in the plane of Mater.
  This golden ball is like a skein of light from which each one may draw a portion of the pattern of the divine culture.  And as the essence of the sacred fire is taken in, absorbed by each one who dedicates himself in this hour to the resurrection of the culture of the Mother so he shall become in essence,worthy to bear the flame of the Cosmic Mother, of the Divine Feminine.  The essence of the golden ball is nourishment for the soul, is tutoring for the heart.  It is that liquid light condensed in form that will pulsate as a mighty focus of light for all who reach out to become more than they are, knowing that the full potential of the Godhead is truly within each one.
   I seal this scroll according to mortal time September 3, 1972, and I set the hour of the fulfillment of the Cult of the Mother.  As is given unto man a time and a time, and a time and a half a time, so I say, there is an allotment of energy—an energy cycle and a spiral that can be fulfilled—that, if it is accomplished in victory, will be the foundation for the physical manifestation of the golden age.  I seal this by and with the authority of the Almighty.
Precious hearts, the scroll is signed:  Alpha.
  I am now rolling the scroll once again in the form in which it was handed to me.  It is tied with a golden thread.  And I, Maitreya, will retain this scroll until the fulfillment of its prophecy, until the time is fulfilled for the physical manifestation of the cult-UR—the cultivation of light within you, each one.
  People of Atlanta, America and the world, you do not know entirely in your outer minds or sense even now the significance of this scroll.  You do not realize perhaps that it is because you as individuals here and in the world at large have dedicated yourselves already to the ascendency of the Divine Feminine, of the Motherhood of God that this declaration has come forth.
It is the face of Opportunity.  For once a fiat has gone forth from the Almighty it means that the torch is passed.  It means that there are some who have been found worthy to carry that torch.  It means there are some who have taken vows at inner levels to bear the burden of dross that sets itself against that torch, that arrays itself against that Light within the depths of the human consciousness and the caverns of the carnal mind.
  Do you understand that the initial joy, the rejoicing of the receiving of the power of Light from the All-Father must be compensated for by you in action?  You must compensate for that energy release by going forth to do the works of God.  This is the hour when works are important.  For it is the hour of the triumph of the Holy Spirit in the physical plane.  Therefore Jesus said,“My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.”  The fiat marks the initiation of a cycle, but the fulfillment of that cycle rests with the endeavors of men.  I urge you to take upon yourself the burden of Light and of responsibility.  For the call of the hour is great, the need of the hour is great, the fields are white to the harvest.
It behooves us, one and all working together—the ascended hosts of light, the unascended body of devotees—to determine that the Banner of Maitreya which is the Banner of the Cosmic Christ, shall not be let down in this age; that the Banner of the Cosmic Virgin shall not be let down; that men and women and children shall rally together to proclaim the virtue of the divine art, the divine music, the divine culture of integrity and honor, of justice in business, in commerce, in all dealings with the nations and among the nations, all exchanges between the states.
  For, precious hearts of light, it is the Grace and the Comfort of the Mother-flame that is needed.  It is the warmth of love between peoples, the kindness extended to all.  This is the beginning of the culture of the Mother-flame.  I bring to you now the vibratory frequency of the Divine Feminine within myself.  For the Divine Feminine is the highest aspect of each man, each woman, each child.  It is the polarity in matter of the Divine Mother and it brings to fruition the masculine counterpart in each one.
  Let then the virtues of the Cosmic Mother be extolled.  Let Her place be acknowledged and let Her children be provided for with the proper education, the proper environment, the proper teachings of the true knowledge of the Law.
  As it was established in the beginning so let it be unto the ending. As Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the ending  so let mankind proclaim en masse, let them proclaim the Light of the Holy One of God, of the Mother that bears the Christ Child and raises him up to Divine Manhood.
  The great clock in the City Foursquare is chiming and the power of the pendulum of that clock can be heard throughout the galaxies.  It is cosmic time vested in eternity.  It is a soundless sound.  It is a frequency that marks the commencement of a spiral of light within the souls evolving here.  So let the great golden ball placed as a focus over this city represent the unfoldment of the divinity of all who have come down from that ancient culture of Atlanta and all who have carried the ball of Atlanta.  For this is the time when souls shall redeem that which is lost, when lost continents shall rise, when lost souls shall be renewed and be reborn.
  I say to you, golden hearts of light:  receive the essence of the golden ball and the pattern of the culture of the new age.  The authority has been vested within you, and your inner vows are clear.  Therefore I stand and my legions with me to assist you in the hour, in the moment, in the very second that you desire to precipitate the cult of light.
  So let the flow in the hourglass, each grain of sand, mark a victory of accomplishment in time and in space.  And so will you see the Christ children coming into embodiment, rising, rising—rising to claim their divine destiny, rising to claim their divine dominion, rising to throw off the shackles of sin, of darkness, of self-condemnation, of accusation and belittlement!
  There is no night, no fear, no doubt in the arms of the Divine Mother.  And I, Maitreya, have come to proclaim to you this night the dawning of the age of the Divine Feminine when all souls shall return to the highest destiny—when they shall climb the highest mountain, the summit of Being and reach the apex of creation.
Rejoice, O sons and daughters of heaven!  You have been waiting for this hour for centuries and millennia.  Opportunity has come. Behold Her face!  Behold the face of the Cosmic Virgin incarnate! Behold the destiny of the Christ Child!
  I touch you, each one, with a skein of light from the golden ball. It is a veil of gold upon your heads.  It will act as a forcefield of protection—of protection for your divinity, for your Christhood, of protection for the seed of light and for all your becoming unto the fulfillment of your ascension in the light.
     I AM with you always in the matrix of your divine overcoming,
                            Lord Maitreya:  9-3-1972 at Atlanta, Georgia via Messenger ECP


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