Saturday, June 16, 2018

Prepare the vessel; So long as you dream away hours for the cult of success in this octave

     As Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood and the Friend of all lightbearers of Earth I salute you in this hour when a planet itself does tremble with the trembling of a heart not centered in the diamond will. Therefore all is askew and youth have not the polestar of Being to adore nor to be adorned with. 
  Therefore, beloved, I come to salute those who have been our students these twelve weeks and those who have pressed on around them, bearers of the blue rose of Sirius and all who love the will of God.
  I have stood aside for some time to see what many would make of the call of Darjeeling, of the will of God, of the blue lightning of His mind, the true fire of purpose.  Thus in an interval when some among our students might have risen to the embodying of that beautiful presence of the diamond-shining mind of God they have instead left a vacuum to be filled by none know who.
  Blessed ones, in this hour of everlasting Life it is you who must reach and whose reach must exceed the grasp, even the grasping of the torch of Liberty.
  Therefore in the absence of the Messenger and in our [own] absence it is expected that a giant blue-flame sea of light should emerge and a quickening and that infiring of the mind to sharpen the wit as well as the wisdom, to sharpen the humor and objectivity to life [and to] the seriousness to be pondered of the plunder of fallen ones in the earth who come to tear from you not only territory but, I say, the very ability to reason and to know, to meditate and to intuit what is that diamond-shining mind of God.
  Thus you see, beloved, some years ago we did speak of the sending forth of light from the Sun and the meditation of the Sun, and then [of] those hours when in the absence of the receiving of that light rather than entering into states of depression alternating with states of merriment there should be the taking up of the calling to be the radiating Sun of light to fill a sea of cosmos and earth [and] all inside with the very momentum that is outpoured, now week in and week out, year in and year out. 
  Blessed hearts, it is when [we as] parents and teachers step aside and the child and the pupil must perform, must give concert or recite or deliver the accuracy of the bow and the arrow–[that] is [the] moment when we should see all of the great positive release of heaven return in a wave of joy back to our hearts.
  But, blessed ones, as we have commented at New Year and as the Messenger commented in her lecture to you the absence of leadership [within the Community]–of taking that fiery step to manifest that blue-flame will [of the] Son of God–is well noted by the Darjeeling Council.  Rather do we see a continual human questioning, a continual waiting then for the Messenger to initiate cycles long overdue in their performance throughout the student body.  Meanwhile, beloved ones, those fallen ones who know the hesitancy of many [sons of God] who ought to have a fire of personal Christhood, these do of course take advantage and move in where lightbearers could long ago have positioned themselves.
  Whether [one takes note of the necessity for self-defense] in the psyche or in the passing event of another abdication of America’s destiny–and that destiny is to arm those who are under attack–those who have the means of defense must place that means of self-defense both spiritual/military and physical in the hands of those who do not have it.  [This is the morality of cosmic Law.]
  Therefore to withdraw weapons from the Afghans who have so intimidated the Soviets, to withdraw those Stinger rockets in this hour and to leave a vacuum, an absence of self-defense, is once again to invite the bear into their haven.  Understand, hearts of light, that to leave that moment of interval between the dark and the daylight unattended is surely the betrayal once again of lightbearers of the earth.
  Therefore does it also occur when blatantly the Soviet Sandinistas cross the border into Honduras and yet they are not repulsed by the United States, and the Hondurans do not move forward when they could have to eliminate certain strategic bases and areas that ought long ago to have been put out of commission by wise rulers of the people.
  Where do we seek then for wise rulers?  We come to the heart of the disciple of truth.  We come to the heart of the student, and there as you have done this day—in the absence of a presence of mind universally upon earth to defeat darkness and espouse light—we do find you invoking our Presence and our light for the overturning of these conditions.  Well and good, for this does in this avenue of service truly multiply a power and a presence that can defeat much that is on the astral plane and indeed turn the tide in the physical, even as the calls to the violet flame have also made their difference.
  Beloved hearts, focusing upon action through the departments and channels already established within this activity here and its Teaching Centers and study groups is most important!  We look then for leadership of heart.  We look thento the threefold flame and to those who will call and call again for its balance and expansion.  We look to the ingenious ones who know their talents, sharpen them and put them to the greatest use for the changing of personal and planetary conditions.
  Leadership then is always embraced by those who imitate the living Christ.  We have come to this Community these weeks in a concentrated manner, leaving trails of footprints here and there that you might find your feet stepping in, that you might sense and take the reading of our steps of discipleship unto the embodiment of that Universal Christ of our ray–that Christ consciousness of our ray.
  Let it be then that you have a sense of significance-of- working-together as we work together.  One cannot choose which of the rays is more important.  Whether they seem to be subordinate and supporting, all are necessary as all members of the universal body of God are necessary.  Thus working in community the balance of those serving on these rays must come together, must come into a focalization.  And to have vision and divine direction one must call it forth, I say!  One must call it forth.  For the forces of chaos, disintegration, nihilism, suicide and world death and depression are immense.  Therefore to carve a hole of light as you have done and for pillars of light to extend from the Central Sun to each and every heart it is necessary to put forth an immense effort.
  As you abide upon a darkened star, ever darkening day by day by the mismanagement of the affairs of state of this nation alone, blessed ones, you must come to realize just what a burden it is for those who have vowed to embody the diamond heart of Mary and of the will of God which I espouse to keep that light aloft and visible in the lighthouse of being–to keep that light, beloved, at a point of contact, at a point of symmetry, at a point where eye meets eye in the all-seeing Eye of God!  Therefore, beloved, to organize oneself and to be on the point of action is most necessary.
  We come then to turn your attention away from too much introspection and to [remind you to] focalize upon those challenges of the hour which when met [one does find] in the very victory itself the true resolution of one’s inner being.  For the out-of-alignment state–the “feeling blue” state, in the burdened sense of that word, the downward sense of depression in the chakras–all of this results from two factors, one being the weight of the planet and the other being the sense of nonfulfillment of one’s life mission, what one has come here to do and what is the purpose of being.
  [This is] the ultimate frustration, beloved, the frustration of being on earth and yet as one barricaded at each turn, not being able to truly assist, not being able to turn the tide for [the very presence of] those individuals who sit in their seats of power!  And were they to be unseated now, beloved, should those who come in their stead yet be worse or should there be an ultimate vacancy because again of the absence of preparation?
  Let it be understood that for those who work so hard in prayer and in service it sometime does seem that enough is enough.  But I say, enough is when one’s sources, resources and forces are marshaled in a focalization and plan of action that has as its goal the ultimate victory of the soul and the Community and of the planet itself.
  Let us then consider the withdrawing of much confusion and dissipation of energy in disorganization and let us consider the focalization of that light in the third Eye all-seeing.  Let us consider a renewed zeal for the raising of the Kundalini and the conserving of the life-force that each individual might sense himself truly as though [he were] the Lord’s tuning-fork, truly as [though] suspended, a vibrating sword of power that does change the vibrations of a planet, and let us sense this Community and never forget it as the Great Central Sun Magnet of the will of God [to a planet and her people].
Let us remember, beloved, that those who have come from other planets and those in this Earth who have mastered certain technologies and the misuse of waves and all sorts of machinations controlling the mind do not rest or sleep day and night.  And they do place a great weight not only upon lightbearers and their bodily functions but also upon the masses of people; and they would move them and do move them and sway them to believe those things which are outright lies, to believe those things that have no foundation in reality or in honor or in the love about which they prate or [in] the peace for which they long and dream.  Yes, they have their dreams but they do not have a waking vision of that which is the reality of the hour.
  Therefore let souls ascend the holy mountain of God.  Let there be an experience of co-measurement and let our chelas of the will of God and of the seven rays now understand just what it does take to embrace that discipline of mind and heart where one’s day does count for a planetary victory, where one’s hours are focused and coordinated upon goals that can be realized before it is too late.
  I stand then in this hour, even as Saint Germain does wait to anoint those of this quarter with his mantle and signet and sign.  But, blessed ones, the raising up and expansion of the heart is that for which we wait and therefore this sealing in this hour of these souls shall attend that heart-meditation and initiation which Saint Germain desires to give, beloved, because of the very burden that was spoken about to you this past Christmas.
  Let it be known then that hearts must increase in fiery zeal in order to expand and be balanced, and the individual must have a fiery spirit in all that he does and not be mindless and perpetually an instrument of what has truly and rightly been called ignorant animal magnetism.  For base ignorance and dullness of mind, beloved, are tools of malice of these fallen ones in their false hierarchies.
  Let all know then that focalization of purpose has never been more necessary as the sands in the hourglass are now falling and as the falling of that sand does denote that whatever the span of time, time does come to a conclusion.  All that can contain the heart is infinity, and yet to achieve infinity in the heart in this life does require initiation from our octave.
For all you have given and all of your service and all of the striving and even the laying down of the ultimate breath and life by some, I say to you, Saint Germain’s great desire is to initiate hearts of Keepers of the Flame [so that] as though in springtime when lilies blossom there might come tulips as cups of light symbolizing that each heart is unfolding, is expanding, is containing more of that diamond heart, more of the diamond heart of Mary,whose heart immaculate can be thine own.  This process, beloved, is an accelerating, upward-spiraling one.  Let it be so then for our desire is to see you here and now and forever in the immaculate will of God.
  By the power of the firstfruits of the labor of our own love and your own there is a uniting and a oneness that does take place and it is conveyed by devas of the will of God, angels of the first ray.  
  This day Earth has a blue aura as so many of the First Ray gather to give their homage to Saint Germain and to enter in to assist him in that noble purpose to which he has set his life so many hundreds of thousands of years.  You who have been his compatriots throughout these long millennia, you who gather again, let us make this hour when we focus together on that will of God in action be the finest hour for the Master.  We of the Darjeeling Council stand in this hour and we raise our right hands, and together those who are assembled in this meeting say to his beloved heart:
   Hail, Saint Germain!  Our love is one with thy heart and we shall stand with Earth so long as the Almighty One does give to us renewed opportunity to save and to save and to save to the uttermost
  Therefore our Knight Commander, our Hierarch of Aquarius, to you, Saint Germain, we pay homage in this hour and we pledge our lives again to the deliverance of all who stand for freedom and to the hour coming of judgment of those who have denied that freedom and its defense.
   [To] those who stand between two worlds attending the descent of heaven yet firmly grounded in their karma and Earth’swe say:  be brave, for you are brave hearts!  Extend the boundaries of the honor flame.  Extend the boundaries, and heaven shall meet you more than halfway.
  I AM El Morya, bearing the burdens of the governments of every nation on the planet in this hour.  Grace to you who have extended grace to me this day in your calls.  Each one is multiplied by the geometry of God, and many across the world feel new hope while you agree to bear the burden of their despair.  Into the violet flame I send it!  Into the violet flame I send it!  And let this dark cloud of despondency and despair be consumed, for the light does gleam upon the mountain--it is the fire of the diamond of God’s will.       -El Morya:  3-27-1988 at RTR, Montana

U.S. withdrawal of Stingers from Mujahidin:  United States-supplied Stinger missiles were first deployed by the Mujahidin in Afghanistan in October 1986 and began to have an immediate effect, first by bolstering Mujahidin morale and, after several months, by largely neutralizing Soviet air power.  Stingers are portable, highly sophisticated, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles.  Reports indicate that the Soviets initially lost at least one aircraft per day to the Stingers.  This forced Soviet aircraft to adjust their tactics, principally by flying at a higher altitude, which decreased the accuracy of their weapons.  Thus U.S. Stingers caused a dramatic decline in Soviet military fortunes and led directly to Moscow’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan.  However, the Mujahidin charged that the Central Intelligence Agency stopped shipping Stinger missiles to them around November or December 1987 in anticipation of a withdrawal of Soviet troops as part of a negotiated settlement, which was concluded on April 14, 1988, with the signing of the Geneva Accords. These accords include two bilateral agreements signed by Pakistan and the Moscow-backed government of Afghanistan, an agreement on interrelationships signed by Pakistan and Afghanistan with the United States and the USSR as witnesses, and a Declaration on International Guarantees signed by the United States and the Soviet Union. In essence, these agreements force a cut-off of all aid to the Mujahidin.  Pakistan and Afghanistan agreed to “noninterference and nonintervention” in the affairs of each other’s countries, including a ban on camps or bases, arms transportation or supply, and the training or financing of political or ethnic groups for the purpose of subverting the other’s territory.  As a guarantor the United States is obliged to hold Pakistan to these terms.
Ignorant animal magnetism is a state of mental density violating or blocking the mind of Christ (the higher mental body) from expressing through the lower mental body.  As charted on the cosmic clock this human creation of the carnal (fleshly) mind is a perversion of mental discipline, intelligence and God control developed under the hierarchy of Aries on the 3 o’clock line; of the inner alignment with the divine blueprint and plan and Self-determination and God-obedience developed under the hierarchy of Taurus on the 4 o’clock line; and of the soul-awareness, Self-knowledge, discernment, discrimination and God-wisdom developed under the hierarchy of Gemini on the 5 o’clock line.  Absence of these qualities and presence of their perversions is noted in states of mind characterized by a lack of God-centeredness, Christ-poise and integrity, or integration with the Holy Spirit.  The typical forms are conceit, deceit, arrogance, spiritual pride and the self-importance of the lower ego, all of which eclipse the Sun of the divine Ego or higher consciousness (3 o’clock); disobedience, human stubbornness and willfulness, and defiance against God and His Laws, all of which sustain the out-of-alignment state known as dukkha, the root cause being inordinate desire, the net effect being human suffering (4 o’clock); envy, jealousy, self-ignorance, ineffective communication, nervous tension, scatterbrained, chaotic, disorganized, confused and robotic behavior patterns which distort the polarity of Alpha and Omega, the Gemini twinflames, and disorient the soul’s centeredness in the Great Central Sun Magnet (5 o’clock).  In sum, ignorant animal magnetism is a mental sloth and a lethargy which causes accidents and the breakdown of vehicles, machinery and equipment, among other things, because the individual is not focused in right-mindfulness of higher Christic intelligence.  Through proper using of violet flame and a conscientious self-discipline, obedience to the precepts of the path and a deep devotion to God and Guru one can transmute that which opposes the realization of Christ mind through the mental body, the heart, the soul and the chakras.
    Ho!  You may become the Sun if you are bold enough to contain it!  You may even become the All as I AM.       Elohim I AM THAT I AM.
Therefore know, O soul draped with mortality, I AM immortality’s flame dancing before you as God of very gods. Therefore shed mortality and know that the flame of immortality draws nigh to you.  Ho!  Ho!  Ho!  I cry halt! to the sleep of that human consciousness with which you have draped yourselves.
I AM Elohim.  I call home those who can mount the spiral of divine music, cadence by cadence unto the Sun.
I come to call home pyramid builders, those who value the capstone and see destiny in the Eye and do not flinch and know [that] in this hour there must assemble those who will place the capstone upon a civilization nobly begun, and more than a capstone.  For violet flame must saturate! penetrate!  saturate! penetrate! saturate! penetrate those levels upon levels of a pyramid that is built.  And yet sealed in the cement are the dead flies of human consciousness and more.  Therefore for purification that the intended white stone may become white I AM come.
I am come because you have carved in the earth crevices of violet flame.  Some have even bored holes with violet flame.  Into all openings where keepers of violet flame have created that crevice in the rock of human hardness I, Cyclopea, pour then magnificent green elixir of the Life abundant that the green shoot might appear again and again and again!
I come to saturate Earth in answer to the call of those who with us are weary–weary of the decadence and death and despair of a planet.  So let it be and let it be known that Elohim penetrate the strata of the rock, and Earth shall receive in this hour such an impetus, such a divine vision.
Yet who will carry it?  Who will defend it?  Who will defend the lightbearers aborning in the womb of this cosmos?  Who will defend them that they might have the right to be the Sun?  Ho!  Ho!  Let the Sun penetrate.  Helios, Vesta, I pronounce thy name.  Helios, Vesta!  Helios, Vesta!
And the power of Elohim, seven in number, does resound this night in the center of the atom, in the center of the cell of organic and inorganic matter, and there is a spinning of the center after the original spin, the cosmic spin of Alpha and Omega. Therefore that spin in the center will begin to cause disturbance on the periphery of worlds.
Keep the flame!  For Earth must be righted from the microscopic level to the point of subatomic particles else, beloved, chaos will produce the thrusting from the center, for there must be a star of harmony somewhere.
Thus take note, beloved.  A star of harmony has risen this day from your midst and from the Grand Teton, and the Law is satisfied already that in 1988 one daughter of God has taken her ascension and therefore sealed the quota of one each year; and therefore Earth does receive that cosmic spin. And I AM Elohim, here to see to it that each one of you shall also win.
Therefore we salute in our Community of the Holy Spirit the newly ascended Lady Master Mary Lou!  [45-sec. standing ovation]  Thus I signal to you the consecration of this retreat to ascension flame and crystal ray sent forth by the Elohim of the fifth ray.
Blessed ones, it is an honor and a privilege to welcome to the courts of heaven one who has been loyal in life and in victory to our Messengers of this century.  Behold, was she not the most humble amongst all?  In the love of her heart may you be seated, and may you be seated in the praise of all Elohim who rejoice for, beloved, the purity of a soul is known by us though not even suspected by herself.
Thus in her final weeks and months and years she would often ask the Messenger “Have I done anything of merit? Have I scored any points?  Am I worthy to be received by Saint Germain?”  Blessed ones, such a staunch and true friend should all our Messengers have had in past ages.
Therefore with her dying breath did she affirm to this Messenger “You are the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood!”  Blessed ones, so has she consecrated her victory to the upholding of Office, Mantle and Person of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood and this has been her star for many aeons.
Therefore beginning her training with the Ballards so early in this century her lifetime has been graced by flowers of violet flame.  Thus imagine, beloved, for a period of a half a century and decades more to keep the flame of purity, obedience, chastity and love, to keep the violet flame so long for a planet!  Can heaven deny such a one whose heart and soul and eyes of fire may yet be seen by you?  For they have not only not diminished, they have increased a thousandfold. Behold the eternal youth of the newly ascended Lady Master Mary Lou!  Blessed ones, so has she desired to be called, that you might know that you have a friend and compatriot who shall never leave this place but only goad you to the same discipline and staunchness and true faith.
Blessed hearts, once again the motto of our Brotherhood has been fulfilled:  What Man Has Done, Man Can Do. [And therefore] what woman has done, woman can do–what child has done, child can do. Therefore, beloved, there have been children who have ascended, reincarnating [solely] for that purpose.
Know this then that the present reality of a victory out of your midst must give to you courage and determination and recognition that though it may not be seen, it is the innermost purity of heart and dedication and fervor in service that does never neglect those decrees of the living fire, [that does win the ascension].  For, beloved, know that all must purge, purify and balance all records of karma.  It is the Law, beloved.  Not a single ascended master may pay for you when you pass from the screen of life that last 3 percent, 4 percent that is needful to bring the total to 51.
Blessed hearts, if it is not fulfilled, you will either remain in the etheric retreats for some time rendering service, calling forth the flame, or you may even reincarnate to pass some years upon earth again to bring that cup full to the brim.  For that cup of light is needful to those who must drink now of thy Christhood.
Blessed hearts, tempus fugit!  Has not Morya said it?  I say it!  For I AM Elohim and I contain all time and space.  Fire the mind and infire it!  Spend less time thinking and more time knowing in the all-knowing mind of God that does press down upon you to illumine you.
Prepare the vessel.  Fill it with the rich wine of the Spirit. Fill it then, beloved, for when that violet flame cup is full and overflowing you shall be before your ascension a fountain of the eventh ray to the earth–which will delight more than the eye of Saint Germain.  For every eye shall behold you and angels shall walk at your side when you determine with such a fervor of heart, as did and does still Mary Lou, that you will always have more than enough violet flame for yourself and for others, as though you could fill a thousand teacups and then a thousand again for all who would drink.
Do you not desire to give abundantly?  O beloved, the abundant giver has abundant joys, happiness and bliss; and there is no distance between yourself and bliss, for bliss is a state of the crystal mind of God.  O be infired in this hour, beloved, with such determination!
Would you not enter the courts of heaven at the conclusion of this life, whenever it might be?  [“Yes!”]  I am glad that some of you do.
Blessed ones, calculate by that cosmic calculator and say to yourself that if that passage should come soon or late you will be ready, having therefore called forth the maxim light of Maximus–having called forth such untold blessings, having rendered such service so as to bless so many tens of thousands–that if perchance you are wanting a bit the full cup of violet flame you may have to your record so many deeds well done, so many smiling faces on planet Earth that for very service and quickening of hearts and the many who shall become Suns after you or even before, by meritorious deeds you shall have therefore fulfilled the requirements for the victory.  Both are so necessary, beloved.
Let praise be upon thy lips--for the flame of God and for light and smile of a friend, for the testings of the enemy and for those who are neither hot nor cold for whom you must strive.  Strive then for them to be galvanized to the light or even to the dark but to make some decision that will start the process of self-immolation and God-victory.
Therefore let the lesser self decrease, for I, Cyclopea, come to all who receive me [in order] to accomplish that. Even if by a hair’s measure, beloved, let that lesser self be eclipsed by the Great God Presence, by the Sun of even pressure. Even let self-concern be eclipsed by the appearance of the Lord Gautama Buddha for whom you contain such love that in seeing him all self is forgotten and you melt in the divine embrace of the Lord of the World.
He is here in the Western Shamballa and though he may be everywhere in the earth, he does not leave this place.  Do you know what that means, beloved?  That means that anywhere you may be on this property, anywhere you may suddenly encounter him.  In the song of a bird, in the smile or frown of a friend--in any manifestation however small or great--you may know that the Lord of the World does not cease to teach your soul, for by the pulsation of his heart you are perpetually, perpetually receiving that heartbeat of God that does pump into your mind and being the gnosis of cosmos!
O expand the mind, beloved!  Expand the heart which is even more needful to know in this moment that higher reality of Self, to know that thou art God as I AM and yet to realize that all of the testing and challenging and striving and giving and taking is for, beloved, the realization of that God here below!
O run and sing in the hills and listen to the sound of angels return thy chorusings!  I AM the God of Music. Therefore I AM determined to save the Earth with music. What is music, beloved?  It is the original sound with which Earth was endowed in etheric spheres.  It is the sound and hum of a bee or an electron or a child learning his first tune.  Music is the melody of the soul that is always in the divine rhythm of Love.  Music conveys all virtues of God.  Music therefore does bring to you the inner sound of the living Word.  But you are that Word, you are that Peace, you are that Peace-commanding Presence.
I propose then to drench the Earth with the eternal sound simply because the sounds that come from the Earth in this hour--the sounds of the groanings of pain as individuals pass from life through the tortures of hell (a hell of their own creation, I must say, beloved, and yet we have compassion)–the sounds of the Earth violate the Christ of you and the Cosmic Virgin, [they violate] the sounds of the Infinite One.
Lo, I AM THAT I AM:   I will fill all the Earth with music but I must have vessels, vessels who contain the sound of our dictations, for on another track they are all music, beloved.
Music is the perpetually flowing stream.  It is the River of Life.  It is movement in Self, and as movement, beloved, it is always power. Each change of the note, the vibration, beloved, is a release of power.
Therefore we wrap the Earth in the swaddling garment of the music of the Divine Mother.  May this presence of the power of Elohim and the music of all seven rays not drown out the freewill expressions of those who have a right to their freewill.  But let it be such a Peace-commanding Presence, such an illumination, such an inspiration that gently by the Holy Spirit and powerfully too souls may be turned around, galvanized then to the original sound that gave them birth, the sound of the chorusing of twinflames and their retinue of angels.
Would you not be converted by the original sound of that God-free being, that twinflame manifestation and the retinue of angels?  Would you not for a moment lend an ear and, not as following Pied Piper but as moving with currents of your own being, at last [be] free to be yourself?  Would you not then leave the cups, the old cups containing the old beat?
Ah, yes, beloved.  Those who have come from the Sun shall be turned around.  Those who are the children of the Sun shall leave their nets of entanglement in melody and rhythm of fallen ones.
And what shall they do who have rebelled against the original sound?  Blessed ones, in this hour I, Cyclopea, deliver unto them the mighty chorusings of the angels of God which they knew before they took the left-handed path and the step to descend and descend again and to descend, decelerating then into a plane where they could be comfortable with their rebellion.
In this hour, then We Elohim release [the sound of God Harmony] to all angels who have fallen, leaving their first estate, going after that fallen one whose end has already come, that they might know the sound they once knew and once loved, many of them only following after their hierarchs and yet by some strange, warped loyalty remaining faithful unto them to this hour.
I release you from the bonds and bondage of your word vowed to those dark ones who have led you into the byways of Evil.  All of you then throughout this cosmos who have followed the false hierarchy of Lucifer, of the Satans, Beelzebub and others, to you I say “Hear the sound you once loved when, in the heart of the Divine Mother, you too were there when the morning stars sang together!”
Therefore this night, beloved, they shall hear the sound and they shall know and remember the fullness of the joy of freedom they once knew before they were cast out of heaven. If then they reject the call of divine music, wherein they [shall] have also rejected the divine memory of God that comes through that music [it] shall come to pass that they shall be brought to the Court of the Sacred Fire to receive the judgment for having led an entire planet and civilization not once but thrice to the brink of cataclysm and to its fulfillment [through the perversion of the original sound and the Word and rhythm of the spheres].
Therefore, beloved, the judgment shall come upon those who have perverted the divine Word and the divine Sound.
Know then that not one ascended lady master but many ascended ones now come forward to displace the black magicians whose hour has come for the judgment.  We take then the occasion of the ascent of a single Son of God to also let whitefire descend for the judgment of those evil spirits who to this very moment have corrupted Earth and would continue were it not for legions of Elohim and Archangels who do bind them now.  Many are on the astral plane, some yet abide in the physical.
Know then that angels have come for the binding of certain tares. And this day and date does mark a harvest then of certain forces of Evil because some, some lightbearers, some Keepers of the Flame, have chosen to keep the light, to keep the flame, to not squander it, to say “I will take a stand with my God!  I will become a Sun!”
To the merit of Mary Lou many will make that determination because she did, and already many have followed in her wake, for her fiery spirit has parted the waters of the astral plane.  Thus, beloved, whether ascended or unascended in this hour let your fiery spirit, let the way you hold your mind through the day, let the way you hold your heart and soul and sacred fire in your temple be a sign to all upon earth that you are becoming a Sun and they can too!
Let hope be reborn in the heart of the Mother, for I, Cyclopea, have come.  I AM Cyclopea of the Sun.  Crystal rays from the heart of Virginia descend.  The likely chalice, quartz crystal, does magnetize it almost as quickly as your hearts.  Thus, O ye of crystal hearts who are of the crystal fire mist, receive then the crystallization of the God-flame and behold these crystal quartz chalices whose atoms now tuned to my song do sing and sing and sing of the hour when you too shall fly straight as an arrow to the heart of our retreat, there to go within until the moment of your ascension.
Lo, it is come; lo, it is come; lo, it is come. Remember these words, for when a seraph does approach you on the road of life with those words, “Lo, it is come!” know that he speaks of the hour of thy ascension that draweth nigh. [intonations, 38 seconds]  Thou shall become a Sun!  I AM a Sun; Earth shall be a Sun.     
(by Sindelar)
                           -Elohim Cyclopea:  3-30-1988 at Royal Teton Ranch

Throughout the Easter Retreat three rows of quartz crystals were arranged on the platform in front of the altar, forming a band of crystals about one and a half feet wide.  In the row nearest the altar there were large rock crystals, which ranged in weight from eight to forty pounds.  In the center row were crystals weighing one-half pound to four pounds.  The row farthest from the altar was about five inches wide, composed of small crystals in the one-ounce to eight-ounce range.  Closest to the high altar there was also a row of Easter lily plants between which were positioned amethyst crystals.  On the high altar there were several quartz and amethyst Pará- point crystals in addition to the large central piece, chalice of the Flame.
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Mary Lou:  Now let me tell you, you wanted to know how I came to know Godfre, how a little girl from Europe can all of a sudden be friendly with a Master.  Well, I tell you, it was this way.  I arrived in America shortly after the end of the war, debarked in New York.  My destiny was Chicago because little girls like me needed a sponsor to be safe in this country, so I was under a sponsor in Chicago.
  After many ups and downs I had really loved America, and after more than a week I was ready to stay here forever, I said.  After Europe and the experiences in the war I was very happy to find such a peaceful place, and I said right away, “I am going to stay here.”   But staying here and making a living are two different things, and I had never been educated to make a living.  But I had followed education and had had several diplomas, but that was not enough to make a living here in America.  So I had to devise a way.
  And one day I had the courage to enter the Chicago Tribune and ask for the advertising.  And I put an ad in the paper and I said, “French lessons, cheap.” That was only one line.  But it had also one result, one letter, but the letter was from one of the society leaders in Chicago.  So I had an interview with her.  She liked me.  She liked my nerve, I guess, and she liked my different clothes and the little flair of Paris still left in me.  So she arranged for some lessons.
  And after we had arranged that she said, “That’s not enough, one dollar for a lesson.  I am going to arrange it that you can have three or four of my friends, and I make a little tea party every time when you come and then that makes it worthwhile.”  So she took me under her wing.  And I said “fine” that winter with the society people of Chicago.
But after spring came they all went away and I was left almost without any students, so I had to find out another way.  They offered me to be dame de compagnie, doing nothing, living with them, talking French.  That didn’t suit me; I refused several of those offers and I said, “No, that isn’t what I want.”
So they said to me, “Stick to this lady.  She will help you.”  So I had a lesson with her every day, and one morning she said to me “Since you don’t want an easy life, you go with me today and we find a place.”  So we set out and she took me in a street where I had never been.  It was Brentano’s Bookstore.  We entered in, she asked for the manager and she said,“Would you have a position for this girl?”  The manager looked me over and she said, “Yes, we have been looking for somebody for six months.”
  Well it was just six months that I had arrived in Chicago.  So I was hired and I started to rebuild the French library.  And I was there many years and I liked it.  I liked my work and I liked the people that I met and we were very successful.  The business grew.
  And one day a little boy in the stockroom had a pile of books with various titles like “occult,” “esoteric.”   He thought they were French words.   So he took the books, he took the pile of books and brought them in my department.  And I had my time finding out they belonged in the philosophical department.  So I got to know the manager of the philosophical department, a lady.  We got acquainted. Her name was Ella Wheeler Wilcox.  And by and by I found out that she had a sister that visited her every so often.  The sister was Edna Wheeler, later on, Mrs. Ballard, and I made her acquaintance.  She liked me and one day she asked me would I come to her reading club.
  The reading club was a little tea party or a little get-together every week to read esoteric and occult novels.  So we read Spalding’s The Masters of the Far East, like most of you have read already too, and we discussed them.  That continued for a while.  There were about four or five retired people.  I was the youngest of the lot but I was welcome.
  Then after a couple of years the reading group was continued, and one day during the Christmas season when I was absent, Godfre, Godfre Ballard came home.  He was Edna Ballard’s husband who had been absent, and he had lived in California....
  I said to Mrs. Ballard “Won’t you please introduce your husband to me.  I don’t know him.”...Well, she brought Godfre along and we shook hands and I said “I have met you before.”   Edna looked at me in astonishment and said “How could you have met him?  He was in California and you were here in Chicago.”   “Well,” I said “I have met him.”... That was many years after that I found out how I had met Godfre....
  I met Godfre and I didn’t know how or when or where at that time.  But when I read El Morya’s Chela and the Path, when I read that book, the idea of that screen that El Morya explains to his chelas about certain activities–you will all have read it in the book–he explains the workings of the sinister force at the time. That’s where I had met Godfre, in that retreat in Darjeeling before I ever knew him.  And you see, he was sitting a couple of rows in front of me....
  So that is my story, and someday I’ll tell you how I met Saint Germain.  I never lost him and he never lost me.  I never lost him and we are still together.  And that is how after these many years I am still the little humble chela and he has grown to immense stature.  And bless his heart, and come, come closer to him every day.  It is worth all that you possess and all that you ever will be.  He will be your Master forever and ever.      [Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 1986, Royal Teton Ranch, Montana]

   The following is a story of how Mary Lou met Saint Germain, recounted here by a chela who heard her tell it many times.
  Mary Lou and her sister were living in Los Angeles because they have had a hard time getting a job in Chicago.  They were somewhat at a loss as to what to do.  She was crossing a busy street in downtown Los Angeles when a car almost ran her over.  She had to jump to the curb to avoid the car.  Her dear Saint Germain was right there on the sidewalk for her in this stressful moment.  He was dressed like a very dapper gentleman.  The perky yet dignified hat on his head had a little feather “just so,” and he swung a gold-topped cane with style.
  Saint Germain gave Mary Lou his arm and they walked down the street together.  He let her talk about the traffic for a while because she was still upset from having almost been run over.  Then they spoke about what she was doing.  She said that she and her sister did not know where to locate themselves.  He suggested ever so gently that they might want to consider moving inland a bit.  He said that he had a sister in Tempe (or Phoenix) and she seemed to be happy there.  After that they had a few parting words and then he was gone.  Mary Lou always pointed out how considerate he was in first letting her fuss about the traffic and second, not telling but simply dropping a hint about where to go.
   Now the sound of Venus does approach the ear as a wave from distant shore not yet having reached the point of reference of oneself.
  I have come to you, beloved, because you have need of me, and I quicken your memory, for you may recall that when we did leave our home star, Venus, I did make that promise to all who would keep my flame:  I will come when you need me even though you know not that you have need of me.
  Blessed ones, I come on this day of the celebration of the Last Supper that you might understand that in the hour before the trial and crucifixion of the Son of God there is this moment when we sup together, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, and when the one who will take his leave does say “I will not drink this wine until I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
  Therefore though you have shared in many communions on distant stars, as the then incarnation of the Universal Christ has ministered unto you and many others, giving then of that Christhood, of the light of Alpha and Omega, so this is a most special communion hour.  For it is that moment when the Son of God does give his Christhood that the sons who have been called and chosen might receive the impartation of that Presence and a great impetus for the incarnation of the Word.  Therefore I have come to serve you in this hour that holy bread, that holy wine because you have need of it.
Blessed ones, my sons and daughters the ascended masters have given to you many teachings and warnings in the past three years, statements calling you to prepare and again to prepare and again to make ready.  Is not the readiness and the preparedness then for my coming, for the coming of the Guru who does represent and sponsor all other teachers?  One day the hour must come then, the hour of the coming of the Bridegroom. 
  I come also because you have need of me and though you know it not, beloved, I shall explain.  There are a number of necessities that are before each and every Keeper of the Flame.  Be it understood then that when there is a movement toward the community of light settled on a planet of pilgrims who seek no continuing city but to keep a flame there does appear a “moving in” of fallen ones, and they surround and they press in until those who are the devotees can scarcely bear the burden of that darkness.
  In that moment, beloved, there is only one solution and that solution is individual Christhood.  My Son Jesus has called you to it, has implored you to receive him as your Teacher, has even given to you the date for your commencement of that action of the Word of Christhood as November 1, 1987,  the All Saints’ Day of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.  Such a necessity for the incarnation of the Christ is at hand.
  Beloved, Earth is moving toward that day, the Day of Vengeance of our God [prophesied by Isaiah] when karmic accountability must fall upon every individual; and I can tell you, beloved, that in that day no man or woman or child shall stand, saving the one who has diligently, daily and hourly, pursued that Christhood.  Unless this be done, beloved, the overwhelming karma and the fallen ones’ using of that karma against the Son of God shall be for the many and the majority too hard to bear.
  You have heard it said [that] for every fallen angel and black magician taken there must be the Christed one to fill the vacuum.  And if there is not, beloved, what then?   Shall a people and a planet be overcome by fallen ones who have been more diligent on the left-handed path than the sons of God have been on the right?
  There is only one person who can answer that question and it is you, each one individually.  The hour of Christhood in you is more important than any other event taking place upon this planet.
  Now therefore, beloved, your necessity for my Presence here does indeed have to do with our establishment of this entire retreat and ranch and more–[that] of the forcefield of the Great White Brotherhood on earth.  It has everything to do with the opposition [to your Christhood through the establishment of this retreat which comes] from all levels and all sides.  For when in recent centuries has a retreat of the Great White Brotherhood become physical to be sustained by such advanced disciples as you are or as you are capable of becoming?  I tell you, such a measure of light, such a high teaching, such a constancy of servants drawing forth our light, our Presence, our power has not been seen in many more centuries than I would care to tell.
  Therefore, beloved ones, the coming of [lightbearers to the mountain of God and] the establishment of this place is seen by every false hierarch, every minor demon or Satan as the greatest threat to their survival not only on this planet and system but throughout this galaxy and others.  Where there is then a victory of unascended ones who are truly ascending in the physical cosmos at such a dense level there does threaten to be a victory such as [has] not been seen except in the turning of ages of the inbreath and of the outbreath.
  Know then, beloved, that your need of me is to have one in your midst who does bear that Cosmic Christ consciousness, that God-consciousness so that quickly you may mount that spiral staircase of your inner being to become congruent with my own and to establish, as it were, permanent residence at this vibration and frequency, relinquishing not then one clump of earth, one stone, one acre as territory to be surrendered to fallen ones.
  It is essential that we manifest in the physical octave the victory of the Brotherhood [in order] that all molecules in this wavelength throughout the universes might receive that impetus of victory, that all lifestreams and lifewaves therefore as though receiving my hand (and they shall through you) may come from such low levels and begin the path of the ascension which formerly began only in the etheric retreats.
Beloved ones, this is the etheric retreat of the Divine Mother and my consort, your own beloved Venus, and this etheric retreat does embrace the physical.  When you are on this land you are always in the etheric octave and the physical simultaneously.  This in itself is an adjustment which some cannot make.  Being uncomfortable they quickly leave.  You have found it necessary then to adjust the dial of frequency of your own physical atoms and cells so that you might experience the etheric domain simultaneously as you are in the physical, balancing the karma of the physical.
  Blessed ones, the joy of fulfilling that karma must be great. Do not ever ask again why you are here or why you must do thus and such, for I tell you, the Law is so accurate that you need never fear that any injustice is being done unto you.  For all tasks and all that is required, all situations, all that must be dealt with have to do with karma.  Karma is the mathematical force of a physical cosmos.
  Thus, beloved, as you balance it and take dominion you will see how as the cup of karma decreases, the cup of dharma increases so that you always have a full cup, more and more of the dharma, less and less of the personal karma, [and] therefore such a freedom, such a self-givingness, such an opportunity to lend to life your flame:  this is the meaning of being braced by the dharma even as you embrace it.
Therefore, beloved, I embody the dharma, which is the Teaching and the union with God and the all-knowing and our responsibility to transform this planet into a place of golden-age peace and freedom and individual creativity restored.         
  Beloved ones, in my aura, as in your higher being, this golden age does exist.  Thus as we commune together in love we truly share the beauty of past, present, future.  Future then is always now, and therefore by tuning in to that futureyou can become aware of the movement of forces in the earth, of the victors rising and [of] this night itself of the defeat of many forces of Antichrist.  Throughout the remaining days of this conference as you hold the balance in this sanctuary with this type of dynamic decree work you will see how our legions of the Faithful and True and the armies of heaven shall harvest many dark entities that no longer have the right to persist on this planet or system.
  Thus a certain portion of the harvest is come, and therefore you have need of me and my communion that by the transfer of my Body and Blood and my Christhood, a portion you are able to receive only according to your preparedness, so you shall fill the vacuum left by darkness, fill it with light and begin again a New Day as you persevere to embody the whole of the Divine Mother and the Divine Woman.
  Beloved ones, I stand then for the Great White Brotherhood, for our lawful right and privilege to send our Messenger to this octave to deliver and publish our Word.  I stand therefore at the gate of the city, this City Foursquare, beloved, and I shall place and retain my Electronic Presence here for the alignment and realignment of yourselves with my Son Gautama Buddha, with my Son Maitreya, with Jesus and Kuthumi.
  Thus, beloved, seek diligently the alignment with the will of God and call to me, implore me that that portion of my Alpha and my Omega may be to you the filling in of those gaps of memory or health or vision or constancy or harmony or knowing of divine purpose.
  Beloved ones, I hear and know all complaints and sense of absence of this and that.  But, beloved ones, I desire you to take three steps backward into the etheric plane--to look down upon yourselves for a moment to see that all suffering is indeed caused by a sense of incompleteness, a sense that you have not this or that, perhaps comfort or a friend or direction or meaning, fulfillment, [just] so many [mental and psychological] projections of these fallen ones [who are] about to be taken [by archangels to the Court of Sacred Fire for judgment] who would like to have their last hurrah in seeing you fail that test and go down.
  Not so.  For I, your Sanat Kumara, am with you as I have promised, and through you I am also with all those of our bands; and I am sustaining the lightbearers of Earth and all who through your hearts receive the Holy Spirit, the Maha Chohan, and therefore come to know and realize how it is that they may increase in the threefold flame and Christ consciousness.
  Most beloved of the light, most beloved of the light, it is essential to pass your tests, to accelerate your own vibration by a conscious will and entering in to the sacred fire.  You shall gain your mastery by freewill.  Trusting our reminder then [you shall find that] our Presence will bring home to you [the awareness of] both the lack and the light that is waiting to fill it, the realization that all that you sense that you have not is simply the sense imposed upon you by astral hordes who are [themselves] the have-nots and who truly come to steal your light in your comings and your goings.
  These hordes that gather around the retreat as beggars outside the castle walls have been bound and taken in this hour in answer to the calls of all.  Through the heart of the Messenger therefore the call has ascended to God and descended.  Know then, beloved, that this is a weekly ritual, the clearing of the astral hordes who gather without [outside of] the tube of light of our retreat.  They must be cleared, for they block the way of the coming of the lightbearer and the new Keeper of the Flame.
  Guarding such a citadel of divine freedom on Earth, guarding the retreat-to-be of the Great White Brotherhood must surely now come to your heart and mind as a supreme culmination for all of your sojourn on planet Earth since we came forth together to keep the flame for the lost evolutions of this that was intended to be Freedom’s Star.  Know then, beloved, that to secure that land and that retreat and around it a nation and nations who are committed to that freedom is the greatest legacy you can leave, a foundation upon which a golden age may be built.
  May you have the vision then of so many lightbearers and souls who yet require the quickening; and may you know that as you are quickened through our Holy Communion so in you there is a heart of fire that can be a signal, mountain to mountain, across the chains of the ranges of the Earth until all on Earth who once knew me as Sanat Kumara shall know that again the fire is kindled and that I am in my retreat.  For this is the Western Shamballa, coordinate of the place once prepared for me and all of us.  Thus out of the East and unto the West we fulfill the whole calling of our coming.
  Truly it is the age for those who are a part of my bands to walk through the door of Serapis Bey’s retreat and to take the disciplines of the ascension.  It is the hour of  harvest of lightbearers.  Thus it is the hour when lightbearers must swiftly come into congruence with the original vibration of the highest etheric octave of Venus, our abode.  Some have not yet fully realized the integration of the lower vessels with that higher octave.  Beloved ones, remember, that is your native universe, that is your native wavelength, and when you are sealed in it, none, none, beloved, may assail you. But when parts of consciousness stray to the astral, to a sense of physicality then, you see, you are not where the source or the fountain of light is.
  Thus one has seen Archangel Zadkiel casting out of that abode fallen ones.  Why is it so, beloved?  Because you have not occupied till I come.  The etheric abode does belong to you but so long as you dream away hours for the cult of success in this octave you lose the kingdom that is already thine; and when you are absent from your throne too long the fallen ones somehow get the idea that that throne and castle are not tended or guarded, and so they move in as bastards like Modred and they mock and they sit in the seat of the lightbearers.
  This Retreat of the Divine Mother gives you a stopover, the place where you adjust your cycles from one planetary system to the next as you make the transit to the portals of the Ascension Temple.  Thus understand, beloved, that this is a place of training, of sharpening the mind and of disciplining, of focusing on the diamond of El Morya for pure communication of the Word from the heart of the God Mercury—so many lessons to be learned whereby the chakras do become such crystals, such means of a transfer of light and excellence!
  As this takes place in you while you are yet physical you will see how many will come to admire the attainment and those levels of light and achievement that you have realized.  They who are of the light will desire to be like you and those who are not will desire to destroy you.
  Thus you see I am come because you have need of me in the hour when you have not yet full mastery in the physical nor in the etheric octave nor [in] the planes in between but when the potential so unfolding is so great that already you have become a threat to the major false hierarchies of many systems of worlds.
  Do you realize, beloved, that this pattern of this Community and Retreat--if victorious here through you--can be repeated again and again in other systems and you will be the example of those who by your ingenuity figured out how to literally carve out of the astral mire the lightbearers of a planet that their eyes might be washed that they might see again, that their ears might be cleared that they might hear again?
  Do you not know, beloved, that many would study the measures and means whereby through persistent decrees and publications and a reaching out you have been able to sound a note heard by many above the din of war and rivalries and killings and so many endless disputes over territories and commodities?
  O beloved, the wickedness in the earth is surely sustained by fallen ones, but there are laggard evolutions and those who have abandoned their threefold flame who have given full allegiance to them.  Among these, beloved, there are a small percentage who can receive again the engrafted Word and return through a repolarization by Helios and Vesta to the heart of the Sun.  But for the most part it is the children of the Sun and the lightbearers who will receive this light, and therefore they are the ones whom you must mark, for they are the ones whom you must reach.
  Know then, beloved, that my coming is to strengthen you, to arm you, to guard you, to protect you while you pursue the seven stages of excellence through the seven planes of being and yet maintain a bastion of freedom.  I ask you to include the call to me personally, constantly whenever you may think of it, whenever you have need.  For I am here to defend our fortress against all fallen ones on this planet and other systems who have sworn to destroy the beachhead of the Great White Brotherhood wherever it has been raised up upon earth.
  The New Year’s message of the Messenger did underscore the overturning and the pillaging, the murdering and utter destruction of the homeland of Tibet, homeland of the ancient Buddhas.   Blessed ones, that this has been allowed to happen by the conspirators of East and West is the greatest travesty against the Great White Brotherhood; that this be not repeated here I am come.
  This is the hour when the protection may be established. This is the hour to see to it in every way that neither America nor this Inner Retreat is left vulnerable to such calamity and such hordes of darkness, beloved.
  Though there be lightbearers in China there are indeed embodied amongst them hordes that have come forth out of the astral plane that have done this time and again, time and again on this and other planets.  Thus [the lightbearers] have been vulnerable to their overlords who come in the name of Communism and other totalitarian movements, depending upon the century or the planet.
  Know then, beloved, that the land that is thine [and] the nation sponsored by Saint Germain must receive from your heart extraordinary calls for protection and intercession until the many shall wake up to the necessity of spiritual and physical defense.  You may see then how great is the challenge yet how great is the reinforcement.  For where I AM there are my legions and there is the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
  May you ponder in your hearts these words and allow your own Christ Self, your own intelligence, your own awareness to embroider upon them until there is [made] known to you the full perspective, the full awareness of that which is taking place on earth and that which can take place.
  In this perspective that is a part of the blessing of the all-seeing Eye of Elohim may you then place in proportion the personal needs, demands, wants, desires, complaints, et cetera, and let them become as tiny as a pack of matches; and may they be self-ignited by a greater fire than they contain, the fire of your own desire to enter a higher Godhood, a higher estate whereby to defeat darkness on this planet.  There is no better place to defeat it, beloved ones.  Therefore cast out that which is the puny self and walk forth from King Arthur’s Court as kings and priests unto God, responsible as [was] Melchizedek of old.
  As you receive my light so assimilate.  I call our servers now to serve that communion to you, and in taking it may you know that I AM THAT I AM, that the I AM of me portion by portion may now become a part of the I AM of you.  I say to one and to all, claim divine Selfhood and be it!  There is no time, no space, only light. [24-sec. pause]
Now as you procession to receive this essence of my heart and breath may you also sing continuously our song Finlandia. 
 (by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985)
          -Sanat Kumara:  3-31-1988 at RTR, Montana   via Messenger E C Prophet


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