Sunday, June 10, 2018

Adore the light and do not set on a pedestal any human being. Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures.

      We adore the violet fire and the violet fire adores us, serving us very well.   And therefore tonight it has been requested by beloved Portia of your own great Karmic Board that we shall release the power of the violet fire from our planet to planet Earth in hope that the beneficiaries of our radiation will be those chelas who request from the great Karmic Board a release and cessation of karma which they have builded through the centuries.
  You have called forth, beloved and benign ones, violet fire for many years.  Archangel Zadkiel,who frequently visits our planet has told us of the tremendous calls which have been made by the people of Earth who are familiar with the law of Saint Germain’s freedom flame and the violet flame, and we are wholly in compassion with the need for your people to share this great blessing.  Therefore accept from my hands as a gift of divine love the resurgent power of the violet flame projected toward Earth.
  Magnificent violet fire angels from Saint Germain’s own band have volunteered to blaze a path through cosmic highways toward Earth planet and to focus it, beloved ones, upon your nation’s Capitol to which this sanctuary is so proximate.  Beloved ones, the charge of violet fire shall utilize the Capitol dome as an electrode and it shall radiate out as from a great hub throughout the entire planet known as Earth.  Every chela of Saint Germain upon this planet shall be blest with the radiation which we shall pour forth....
  And now, beloved priests of the Violet Planet, I, Omri-Tas, say unto you:  release your mighty power of light and build up the forcefield upon this great electrode of light that the people of Earth may be blest this night with all of the beauty of the violet flame which we can release and convey to them....
  To complete our great experiment of light we shall now form beautiful, magnificent spheres of violet flame, and we are going to roll them down this cosmic highway in much the manner of a bowler attempting to knock down bowling pins. But we shall hit our mark.  There are 144,000 of these spheres.  Each one of the priests of the sacred fire here has one in command.  These shall be released for the next twelve hours and each one shall come down the same highway of light we projected the great release of violet flame.
  When these violet flame spheres contact the Capitol of your nation they too shall shatter and diffuse and create a repetition of the same first charge, for these were specially prepared for this purpose.  The reason the charge shall be the same is because the release which we made a few moments ago is sufficient, insofar as the violet flame substance is concerned, to mix with the radiation of each of these spheres and produce the selfsame results in each case.  Therefore for the next twelve hours there shall be a continual release, spaced by cosmic Law, of violet flame from this planet.
  Ladies and gentlemen, friends of freedom, friends of Saint Germain, friends of your own Mighty I AM Presence, may I convey to the planet Earth the love, the compassion and the longing of our people to see you win your freedom by the proper use of the violet flame of Saint Germain.  He is well known here, honored and loved.  He came here long ago; many, many years ago Saint Germain came here and formed with us a friendship of undying quality.      -Omri-Tas:  7-6-1963  at Washington, D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet   
    Thrice I have come; this time I speak.  I speak to the all-seing Eye of God within you.  I AM Cyclopea.  You have not known me, for you have not seen me.
  Let the devotions to the Divine Mother fill your cups; let them be complete:  Let the sacred fire be and it shall rise of its own accord, for the great desiring of the Divine Mother within you is to give birth to the Christ of your heart.
  Even so do the fallen angels come, following their leader called the great dragon.  Blessed hearts, these fallen ones come to you for one purpose, to cause you to allow that Light to descend by all manner of misuse of the Light of the Mother and Her sacred fire.
  Thus She does rise but you determine that She shall fall by words, acts, thoughts, feelings.  O the feelings, beloved!  How they do weigh down the light of the Mother within you.
Thus if you should sustain your meditation upon the Buddha, as you have done this night, you shall also receive the magnetism of his heart whereby there shall occur by his meditation a consonance of the Word within you.  And in your eye-contact with him, gazing steadfastly upon the Lord of the World, you will know that not only does Gautama keep the threefold flame for all but he does keep the light of the Divine Mother raised up.
  Now, beloved, in every step of the ladder of life upon the stalk of being and in the chakras there are scores to be settled, old records of strife.  So many resent.  So many who know this path and know me as Cyclopea, Elohim of the Fifth Ray, do yet carry hatred in their bones anger in the solar plexus and yet do continue to attend services, some smoldering with that resentment of being required by the law of Serapis to fulfill that three-in-one each week of attendance at our services. 
  Blessed hearts, it is a pity in all directions.  It is for the individual a waste of time, a waste of money, a waste of a lifetime to so affiliate oneself with our bands and yet to fail to make peace with one another, with oneself, with one’s inner being, to desire not to surrender those beasts of prey that land; but if you let them as many have, they sink their roots, they sink their teeth and lo, you have an alter-ego cohabitating that temple.
  Blessed hearts, I AM Elohim and my Presence is an intensity of the Immensity.  What will you do, beloved, if you remain a house divided?  What will you do when you do not take the mantras of Kuan Yin to so magnetize a merciful heart [to effect the most desired result]—that you do not remember [or carry with you] from day to day any [burden of] discord or problem or wounded self?
  Blessed ones, all these things that we have given by the science of sound, by the Word, by the delivery–for so I AM the sponsor of that Word going forth and that sound with all Elohim–[all] these are that you might implement purest heart, the treasure of life to fulfill all things of divine Love.
Forget not then this principle, for planetary initiations are stepped up.  From autumn equinox to the finale of the year it is indeed the harvest.  Now you reap what you have sown in three quadrants of life, thus the fourth season must be the season of the sorting.
  While there is yet time cast into the sacred fire all energies misapplied, misconnected, suppressed.  These things must not be.  When there are stored resentments and unresolved problems this, beloved, is seen by the Lords of Karma as a failure on the part of the chela to exercise the noblest, the greatest opportunity ever afforded a lifestream, [or] a lifewave, in some cases so recalcitrant, so backward and so beset by the pride of ego as to attract those innumerable entities that do beset soul and body.
  When we give then violet flame, when we give the mantra and our Presence it ought to be snatched by the fervent chela who so perceives that our Word and our dispensation is truly for the salvation of that soul who does not forget daily and hourly that the Bridegroom cometh.   And therefore the soul preparing to enter into the Holy of Holies of God does ever rejoice that so many emissaries of heaven have come in this hour to receive the brides of Christ upon earth.
  I AM therefore Cyclopea.  And I say, beloved, it is for the harboring of intense feelings that are not of God-harmony against any part of life, including oneself–it is for this cause that your El Morya has been so burdened in this hour.
  Let it be known then, beloved, that some relent not and some even take the hour of our Chief’s being benched to wreak havoc with the chelas, to now declare that their inner sight is opened and therefore to receive all manner of psychic projection from fallen angels who are indeed the spoilers and deceivers who move about seeking whom they will devour with their protestations.   O their prevarications of the truth are many!  But, beloved, these are wandering stars (we know them well) to whom is reserved the mists of blackness, even “the blackness of darkness for ever.”
  Thus while they have their day we come to say, let death and hell be swallowed up throughout this planet because [of] the humble heart of a chela, bold in the service of his God and O yet so contrite before his own Christ Self.  [Even so] let this posture of those who will not be divided be the displacement and utter devouring of the mouthings of the original Liar from the beginning.  To hear them prate and to repeat that which they have said from the beginning–the denial of each one’s own Christ-discrimination, the denial of that Office of Messenger, the denial of the Office and the right to be chela and to be servant–[is to know] all these, beloved, [who] move again as the heathen who have never known their God, who long ago did quench His flame, rage and imagine a vain thing.
  I come, Cyclopea, that I might lend to El Morya and his devotees my all-seeing Eye that you might perceive Christhood within and above you the great company of saints, and that you might call forth that which I bring to probe and penetrate that you be not caught off-guard and therefore rationalize the straying from the eternal Logos, even the Word of the Law from the Lawgiver that does rise in the center of being even as a pillar of fire, even as a rod of Aaron.  Joseph’s rod does blossom and the lily of the Virgin Eye is Christ Universal.  Thus my beloved Virginia does reinforce in each and every one of you in this hour the point of origin, the immaculate concept, the great wonder of God in you, the handiwork of Father and Mother.
  Blessed ones, I speak to all who have ever called themselves Keepers of the Flame.  There are many things which ought not to be among the company of lightbearers.  Beloved hearts, we work diligently through the Messenger and yourselves at the Friday night ascension service that you might have an exorcism of ultimate value to your soul.  The teaching is exact but it is also exacting.
  Therefore if you would have records of misuses of the sacred fire removed from you and all manner of dark things unseen by you but felt, you must understand it is an inner-temple work that must have your tethering of soul and chakras for a certain season.  For it is expedient that the light of your chakras, buoyed up by the Divine Mother and Her desiring to assist you—and in you to give birth to the Christ—it is expedient that this light be harnessed to Elohim and our focus at the Grand Teton. 
  Visualize then seven points of light upon the brow with light going forth as a crown from you.  Visualize all light rising and know–even as you may observe water boiling in a pot bringing to the surface that which is below–that as the light is raised up it does bring to the surface all manner of records of abuses of power, misuses of the sacred fire and truly the betrayal of divine Love where purity has been set aside for all manner of indulgences and preferences of the self.
  The release of light is powerful and therefore unless you are cautious, unless you recognize this experiment whereby we do sponsor Serapis Bey to give here in this very court some of the most necessary teachings and trainings and initiations given at Luxor–unless you understand this, beloved, you will find yourself forgetful that you are [engaged] in a process, a process of re-creation by Elohim if you will allow it.  By being here each Friday night therefore you submit yourselves even to a surgery of cosmic dimensions.
  It is not lawful then that you should go forth and begin to engage in relationships that take from you the sacred fire [through] any of the chakras while we build, while we mend, while we balance, while we restore.  These things are not accomplished all in one night.
  The seraphim come.  They place their Presence over you. How you maintain the vigil each week in the seven-day cycle of initiation day by day on the seven rays determines what may be given the following week.
  Beloved, it is truly the word of El Morya and of the entire Hierarchy in this hour that every chela must “pay as you go.” And if you think we speak of the coin of the realm this is the least of our concerns.  For the squandering of light is far greater than your squandering of money simply because many of you have already squandered your money in this and previous lives and therefore you have not much left to squander.  But as for light, you who are given much often find ways of losing that light and being unaware, as though you had a leaky vessel and the water did leak out and you did not even take notice.
  Beloved hearts, if you truly desire to be healed and to be sealed, I tell you that all of Hierarchy is poised to assist you in the meeting of the dates from October 2 to October 2.  During this period then we shall give all that the dispensation of Alpha allows us to give to the lightbearers of the world. 
  It is disheartening for any cosmic being to see so great a gift, so great a salvation not comprehended or seen.  For in the aftermath of that Friday night vigil there must be a keeping of the flame if you truly would have your deathless solar body  woven and ready twelve months hence.
  Blessed ones, you cannot be naked as those who were dismissed from the original Maitreya’s Mystery School.  You must be clothed upon with etheric garments without rent, without spot, without blemish that you might move freely to higher octaves and return again when necessary.
  This is our goal, this is our effort.  And this is why our Messenger does tarry at the altar day and night.  For there is an altar behind the altar that is kept, and in you there is an altar behind the altar of the heart.  It is the secret chamber.
Have you ventured therein?  Have you thought as you retire in sleep to gently rise in soul to the heart, to enter that heart chakra, to knock upon the door that does open the eight-petaled secret chamber of the heart?  May you enter therein as you pass into sleep and know that it is the passageway through the sacred heart of your Holy Christ Self to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood where you do continue the work that is begun.
  Let Keepers of the Flame who keep the vigil on the morrow and on Friday in this court pursue the rituals and exercises that have been given already in the Friday night services that you might be prepared for succeeding steps when we shall come again.  Blessed ones, it is needful then that the self-emptying process take place, the letting go of despite toward another.  The condemnation of our best servants or even of our worst must have no part with those who understand that you cannot receive us and we cannot receive you while you retain that mild dislike and that annoyance for any.
  Yes, you may know by Christ-discrimination what is the vibration, even the vibration unacceptable of those known or not known, acquaintances or those whom you see in passing. But this must not arouse in you ire or enmity or discord but merely the divine awareness of the World Teachers of the precise state of evolution [of that soul] whereby you may send a comforting thought, blessing, a call for protection [and] in Christ even the rebuke of the soul that does sleep.
  Blessed ones, all are idolaters still whether of the human self or another.  Let it cease.  There is none good but one and that is God.  Worship God and do not mentally set up your hierarchy of favorites and preferences.  Judge not, beloved, for there is one judge, your Holy Christ Self.  And most do not judge righteous judgment but only look to the outer.
  Leave then the weighing and the assaying of the gold of the soul herself to the Elohim of God.  Nevertheless call forth the judgments of God that they might be ratified swiftly that those destroyers in the earth might be impeded and reduced and no longer stand at the threshold [of Christ-Self awareness] where souls would enter and deny them entrance into the Holy of Holies.
  You are seeing the most physical work that has ever been accomplished through the Messenger in the levels of being that are being touched by the sword of the Divine Mother and Maitreya.  Thus it does come down to physical mentality, physical attitude, physical consciousness.  And there is, beloved, in addition to the flushing out and the bringing to the surface a narrowing of the room of self where that which is spiritual, that which is the soul has infinite space but where that which is the human creation begins to feel the pressure as though of the shrinking-man or the shrinking-woman [syndrome].*  It is a frustration that then breeds fanaticism and even impels insanity for want of surrender from within.
  These are trying times for chelas who would enter the heart of the will of God. But, beloved, they are trying for the very reason that all the hierarchies of heaven have their attention trained upon the lightbearers of the earth, seeking to initiate, to assist all who will [keep the God-flame] to hold the balance for all other lightbearers and for Earth in transition.
  You have asked for and, apart from the asking, the Law has decreed more intense initiations.  I therefore, Cyclopea, come to announce to you that you will not put one foot ahead of the other on the path of your ascension until you diligently root out and exorcise from yourself those conditions in consciousness which impede the full manifestation of the ruby ray cross on the 1/7 and the 4/10 axes of your cosmic clock.
  Blessed ones, you have come to the place when there does fall due the harvest of all violations of divine Love in all prior incarnations.  Therefore the great Law does decree:   thus far and no farther!  Surrender your antipathies, your animosities and your anger against any part of life.  Do so truly and if you say, I cannot, then I say to you, you have recourse in the heart of the Blessed Mother Mary, the Queen of Heaven on our fifth ray.  You have recourse to the heart of Kuan Yin and to the Goddess of Liberty and all others [who represent the Divine Mother] that through their hearts you might reach the great Buddhas.
  With all thy getting then get the merciful heart of Kuan Yin whereby through the Immaculate Heart of Mary you see the immaculate conception by the Father-Mother God of the soul in the beginning and you extend mercy for the out-of-alignment state of that soul in this hour of the ending.  And you forgive profoundly.  You let go.  You do not retain a sense of injustice or a record of pain.
  Let the eternal flowing mercy which flows from the vessel [of Kuan Yin] without end, that eternal flowing violet flame, flush out of all systems of being the cause, effect, record and memory of any condition of consciousness that has caused you to fail to let go of the most sinister forces of anti-Love. There is no more sinister force in all of the outer universes than that force of anti-Love, for it does cause stultification, rigidity, morbidity and swift and sudden demise.  Therefore “the greatest of these is Charity.”
  Beloved ones, those who cannot and will not forgive life are either those who have in the past snuffed out their own inner God-flame for want of mercy toward life or they are those who are in the process of so doing.  Trust them not.  Go after them not.  For the Lord does give His recompense.  The Lord does forgive even in the same measure as the individual does forgive the Lord’s own offspring.
  Thus, beloved, where there is nonforgiveness [on the part of the fallen angels] there can be noncompromise on the part of the lightbearer.  For the unforgiving heart is truly the betrayer of the sangha of the Buddha, the dharma of the Buddha, the Guru who represents the Buddha and the Buddha himself.
  Beloved ones, in this be it known that the fundamental and basic identity of the sons and daughters of God is the quality and the presence of the merciful heart.  The Lord has not required you to extend mercy to the godless, to the evildoers, to the Watcher nor to the Nephilim.  All of these are the “Nonforgivers,” [for they have forgiven neither the Lord nor his own for the just judgments of the Law meted upon them]. Let the mercy of God that endures forever be understood as that mercy which endures unto the merciful.
  You will discover then that mercy is a flame beyond reason or understanding or dissecting.  Mercy is a flame in the mantra of Kuan Yin that does simply dissolve as a universal solvent all hardness of heart.  Therefore, beloved, know that the foundation of all initiation is the loving heart of mercy that does stand firm and draw the line and keep the standard in oneself, the line of Christhood.  There can be no other.
  I call you to the heart of the living Buddhas on the path of the bodhisattva.  None shall enter, no matter how extolled by others, none shall enter who have not the merciful heart.  This is the dividing of the way.
  Let us sing a mantra of Kuan Yin that you might know that each mantra recited in Love–Love sent forth to the most difficult person you know–is a bead upon the crystal rosary of yourself.  May you one day find yourself draped in crystal rosaries unending, each bead a mantra that has become a song in your heart.
  Gautama Buddha has drawn the line.  May all who desire to be on the right side of that line know that they may reenter the place of the Holy of Holies by the mantras of Kuan Yin.  Let go, beloved.  Let go and let love be the song in your heart.
  I work now with the third eye of each one.  If you provide me not with sacred fire raised, there is little I can do to sustain progress or to open your inner sight to the highest octaves.  Come unto me then for I AM a cosmic teacher tarrying this year to see what we may do for the Lord’s Day.
-Elohim Cyclopea:  10-5-1988 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
*Shrinking-man syndrome.  On January 1, 1980
Sanat Kumara explained that “there is no death but a succession of experiences whereby the soul may elect to become more of its own central sun or to squander the light of that central sun and to watch the diminishing of life in other souls and ultimately within itself. Beloved ones, when an individual puts out vast quantities of hatred upon other parts of life, and that life diminishes and the return of karma causes the diminishing of the individual who sent it forth, can you understand that the originator of the hatred might not be aware of the shrinking image of all who are involved in this group karma?  Individuals have become less and less of the Godhead, yet who walks the earth saying today, ‘I am not the man that I was yesterday or a century ago or ten thousand years ago’?  People are what they are and they think they have always been what they are.”

    From great heights of cosmic purity I descend.  Hearts of pure fire, I am truly welcome.  I AM the Goddess of Purity, and I form the descending point of an equilateral triangle and I am reinforced in the other points by the Goddess of Light and the Queen of Light.
  We continue then the release of the Divine Mother from Freedom 1988, bringing to you in The Harvest the year’s end [of dispensations] in the hour of the accumulation of all karma of acts, deeds of the desire and the memory bodies.
The harvest then is truly plenteous in those who have given this year 1988 to the establishment of this figure-eight flow from the soul through the [heart-]nexus of Maitreya, the Universal Christ, to the very living heart of God, to the heart of Buddha, from the heart of Mother below unto the victory above.
  Some did begin this year with the best of intentions to keep a whitefire discipline of the sacred energies of life.  The very curse of forgetfulness that does come from the fallen ones, weakening the memory of the vow taken, has overtaken others.
  Thus to those who began and yet would desire to see a more intense coil appearing in their lives in this hour and do not, I say:  a new year awaits you, a year that will mark the final of this decade of the eighties.  Let it be understood, beloved, that this [harvest of the decade] is the harvest to which we look, and we desire to see you make a most concerted effort to balance the karma of this entire decade by violet flame and rising sacred fire in your temple.  Let this become your goal beginning now in this hour, for the harvest is the separation of the tares and the wheat.
  It is a propitious hour then to retain that which is the highest and to be willing to let go of that which is maya and illusion, for to take it with you is to endow it with importance and the importance of permanence as you borrow the light of the Great Preserver and seek then to retain that which is your desiring but which is [in reality] illusion.
  We come in this hour to all, without exception.  Our light pressing in gives you an optimum perspective in the separating out [of your soul] from that which is unreal, unnecessary and illusory.  This is then in order to cause you to shed the weight of excess in all four lower bodies.
  Ceasing thereby to feed those conditions of consciousness which have taken your light and lifestream, and withdrawing the light therefrom, you may then have an extraordinary momentum of light now focused in the descending cascade, the waterfall of light from on high, [with which] to endow only that [creation] which is [of] God-reality.
  It is our desire, beloved, to see you be in the very heart and in the very measure of that whitefire purity.  It is our desire to be with you.  It is our desire to place our equilateral triangle over you.
  We come then with the Teaching.  We come with that which does give to you the know-how in the soul of the weaving of the deathless solar body.  I place before you the image of myself as the Divine Mother to show you how I weave, how I crochet, how I knit then the deathless solar body that you might enter into the cycles of the spinning and spinning of the wheels of life and the very creation of the thread itself out of the chakras.  Let it come forth, beloved, for it is indeed the hour when this deathless solar body must progress and increase.
  We therefore remind you that the whitefire of Cosmic Christ obedience, which is alignment with the will of God in the Universal Mother, is the very beginning–the very beginning itself of a spiral that is formed as though in the threading of the eye of the needle you should begin to spin, as it were, a cocoon of light.  This is not only protection, it is the garment of the soul and the wedding garment.  It is composed of mantra and of kindness, mantra and carefulness, mantra and entering in.  Thus in the Presence of the Buddhas, in the Presence of the Divine One there is the sweetness, there is the refinement, there is the razor’s edge as in the listening with the listening ear there is the taking in of more than the Word but the very Life and Light and Love and Consciousness of the Guru as Mother.
  Know then, beloved, that in this taking in and in this inner refining of the soul there is the means of the weaving.  To be out of alignment with the divine buddha of oneself means false starts, beginning again and again as the thread does break, for it is not [a] fashioning out of the divine design. [Therefore the thread] is stretched where it ought not to be.
Blessed ones, obedience is to the true voice of God within.  And so we know that the plight of humanity and of many who are of God is that they have lost the recognition of the true voice and there is a babbling of voices, and in some where the mind is so far astray in that rebellion there is a cacophony, O such a blasphemy of voices out of hell [assaulting the mind] as to truly make mad those who are already in the out-of-alignment state by the insanity of disobedience itself.
  To love the will of God, to love the blue-flame chakra and the blue-throat Kuan Yin, to love this very path of the way of the will of God, this is to enter in to that filigree blueprint that is already spun by the starry blue Mother that does unfold and enfold you.
  It unfolds before your very eyes as such a delicate filigree and yet of such precision and geometric design.  It does surround you as the placenta of the Cosmic Virgin, nourishing, imparting, radiating as a great Sun disc.  Blessed ones, this nestling in the heart of the will of God of the Divine Mother, O it is the relief and the surcease from struggle outside of that great sphere of oneness!
  Our purpose declared at Freedom 1988 is to prepare the lightbearers for ages in transition, for the path of the ascension.  Therefore adding to all dispensations gone before we come.  We come delivering the opportunity to call upon us, to be with us that we might be with you, to take the fourth ray of Serapis Bey as a means to the strengthening of the seventh and the first rays, the second, the third, the fifth and the sixth.
  As the whitefire core of Being does intensify in the chakras it will thrust forward then the seven rays in brilliance of color, creating ribbons of light as pathways for souls in all dimensions and octaves to make their way to the heart of the Mother as Astrea, as Elohim, as purity.
  This confluence of the river of life within you does come about as you spiritualize consciousness and know that there is a true spiritual path.  To enter therein is to enter in to the sacred fire and the whitelight that is the heart of every ray.
  Therefore spirituality is not an automatic state of consciousness and the religious do not necessarily have this state.  One then,who has a spiritual consciousness is one who can easily transport the soul to realms of light to commune with angelic hosts and saints in heaven.  A spiritualization of consciousness is a world view that is not religious in the sense of ritual, though all these things are contained.  Spirituality then contains all religion and all ritual and transcends them because it is transported beyond the form into octaves of light.
  That spiritual quality therefore is a holiness, and the holiness of God does mark some but not others.  Consider it then a quality of the fourth ray.  Though there be many qualities that are admired it is the luster of holiness and of spirituality that does enable many to understand the mysteries of all of the seven rays.
  But above all this spirituality is the mark of those who have not been forgetful in the weaving of the deathless solar body. The nucleus of that body is divine Love, and by divine Love are the filigree patterns, the needlelike rays magnetized about the coil of being, even around the spinal altar.
  Beautiful angels are gathering and you now feel the holiness and spirituality of their presence.  Upon this meditate and receive that feeling of sacred fire, of light movement in the body.  Recognize yourselves as spiritual beings who dwell always in the etheric octave, a portion of the self below.  We desire to see a new sense of spirituality and holiness among the movement of lightbearers of the world that this quality outstanding of the pure in heart shall enable many to see God.  
  For that God reflected in them may be seen by those who in so seeing may begin to desire to have that quality of purity, that freshness in springtime–the simplicity of a joy that is uncomplicated by the cares of this world, the freedom to breathe even the breath of the Holy Spirit–[to have] the inner desire, above all desiring, to be the bride of that Holy Spirit [and] to know that those nine gifts of the Spirit are the greatest of treasures to be offered by God to those in embodiment.
  We come to enhance not only your desiring for these gifts but your oneness with your Holy Christ flame and Holy Christ Self that does enable you to receive these gifts as through the Lords of the seven rays the Maha Chohan does come to you. These [gifts] are not out of reach but you put them out of reach by inattention.
  When you come to love the gift of faith, above all else you will note that faith is the key that opens the kingdom, that opens the kingdom of consciousness and of mind and heart to the gift of wisdom [and the gift of self-knowledge], to the gift of the discernment of spirits, the gift of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues as this is also the enlightenment and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.  There are gifts of healing and gifts of miracles [and above all the gift of love–the love of the will of God and His Law].
  What is this sense of unworthiness that does not seek and find therefore the means to be the instrument of the Holy Ghost?  I tell you, beloved, when there is the misuse of the sacred fire in any manner in any of the chakras so this does give unto the soul a sense of unworthiness.
  I bid you then pursue your own self-appointed course in the righting of the chakras by the image and mantra of Kuan Yin, by songs to us if you will.  For we three would also know you by the bija mantras, by whitefire rising.
  Let it come upon you then that the original joy of springtime and of eternal youth is when the light, [i.e., the threefold flame] of the heart is rising.  The light of the spoken Word is the means whereby the soul, glorifying in her God, is buoyed up and carried into the very courts of heaven.
  Purity then becomes the key and it is not so difficult to have, beloved.  As you have determined to bind the creation of the not-Self so we come.  Though much lies before you firm desire and the vow to accomplish this has enabled beloved Helios and Vesta to call us to your side that we might magnetize and magnify with you the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet to draw forth purity.
  Seraphim celebrate, beloved, for there is a movement amongst you worldwide for that purity that does open the fount of reality and take you to the very door and the heart’s door of Alpha and Omega.
  I counsel you then in pure seeing, pure knowing, pure feeling, pure loving, pure desiring, pure speaking, pure entering in to the secret chamber of the heart.  In purity of service and ministration all these things then shall give to you the power ultimately of the raising of the sacred fire of the Kundalini.
  It is not only in meditation and recitation, it is in good works that build momentum of Cosmic Christ-Self awareness, of integrity which is integration with the Divine Mother [that the raising up of the whitelight takes place].  And therefore in the individualization of the God-flame the magnets of the upper chakras so purified draw the light of the Mother in radiant stream of divine reality.
  In our Presence, beloved, you are elevated, the energies of your temples are elevated, and you sense with what swiftness of God Mercury, with what serenity and yes even with what ease you may simply let go of all lesser forms and manifestations to rise into new dimensions of the holy image of the Christ Self now made manifest in the soul and the four lower bodies.
  O interlaced chalices of light, through my heart there does  descend light of the Goddess of Light, light of the Queen of Light.  We come then and we touch the top three percent of the spiritual of the planet, of the holy.
  It is our desire to so increase light and light’s consciousness and light’s power to create and recreate and to preserve light as to create a wedge for Kuan Yin, for beloved Alpha and Omega and for you that the miracles which come forth out of the God-mastery of the Mother-flame might descend–might clear the way, might open even the way for the miracle of God and God’s intercession, if not for an entire planet then surely for the race of lightbearers.  May you be counted among these three percent, all of whom receive our angels ongoing.
  It is the whitelight, after all, beloved, when concentrated in the presence of the Great Central Sun Magnet that can demagnetize from you the force of anti-Mother, anti-Buddha, anti-Father, anti-Son and anti-Holy Spirit.  It is true, beloved, [that] to lend yourselves to the fourth ray does give impetus to the disengagement of all of your forces and resources from the negative and downward spirals initiated [through perversions on the seven rays] by you or others in your lifestream.
  We are pressing in upon you now the very force of sacred fire, the very pressure of our auras that you might receive truly a transfer from our Electronic Presence superimposed over you in the formation of this equilateral triangle [of cosmic purity] a measure of light for the victory, a measure of light, a measure of light so needed.  I seal it safely in the heart of the eight-petaled chakra.  I seal it in the heart of your Holy Christ Self.
  Drop by drop may this light be to you always the difference between defeat and victory.  May the drop of light be that increment so needed, so essential in those moments when all of your forces must count for the victory of love.  I pray you, receive our love and know that only love could give to us so great, so great an electromagnetic field of light, light, light!  O dazzling light, we command light to convince the chelas of El Morya that you are worthy to save your Master by light!
  In the Trinity of the Divine Mother we seal you.   O lightbearers of the world, be worthy of the name.  We are with you unto the fulfillment of your inner name, even externalized as and in your spiritual and holy deathless solar body.
-Goddess of Purity:  10-8-1988 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet    
  The mantra to the blue-throat Kuan Yin is Na-mo Ch’ing Ching Kuan Yin (Hail! blue-throat Kuan Yin, pronounced Nah-mo Ching Jing Gwan Een).  In the Messenger’s teaching on this mantra and manifestation of Kuan Yin she explained that “in addressing Kuan Yin we tie into the power of her throat chakra whereby the Divine Word is released in all of her mantras and manifestations.  We tie into the absolute blue-flame will of God that is our protection even from every type of poison–poisoning of the mind, poisoning of the feelings....The power of Kuan Yin is released in this mantra.  You can see it as a mantra to give before you engage in public speaking, before you initiate new cycles in your life.”   

     Hail to Thee, Thou Divine Mother in heaven and on earth!  Hail to thee, O light shining in the temples of the Keepers of the Flame worlds without end!  To the light above, to the light below we bow.
  Legions of angels of the first ray of the Holy Will of God have preceded me to this place as with Amazonia WE ARE, I AM THAT I AM, the Alpha-to-Omega of the Elohimic God consciousness of the first ray.  Therefore we have descended as the corridor [through the astral plane] has been cleared [by angelic hosts] and established [by the decrees of Keepers of the Flame].  Therefore we find room once again in the heart of a Messenger and of disciples becoming the incarnation of the Word of God of the first ray.
  Let it be known therefore that our bearing of the cross of the karmic burden of Keepers of the Flame and lightbearers <1> has resulted in much good, individual by individual, and therefore of necessity [it has resulted in much good] in the Community of the Holy Spirit that is the Mystical Body of God upon this planet and extending beyond. (So the northern lights have illumined the way and mark the place of our descent from cosmic heights.
  We note however as is often the case when a portion of karma is borne for the individual that in this same fourteen-month cycle the blessed Guru who is the sponsoring Master and the Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, Lord Morya El, the Chohan of the First Ray, has lost the dispensation to intercede in many instances on behalf of his chelas.
  Therefore,as we have said that it is a two-edged sword, we would point out that not only is experience the best teacher but karma itself is the best teacher.  For karma borne by the individual as dictated by the Law and by the Lords of Karma does provide a co-measurement of oneself [and one’s attainment] against the backdrop of threefold flame, Holy Christ Self, I AM Presence, the Great White Brotherhood as well as one’s peers upon the planet.
  Thus, when [karmic] weight lightens it is easy to assume that one has less karma and just as easy to forget that the lightness, at least in these fourteen months, has been caused by the bearing of the burden of your karma by this Elohim of the First Ray.  Thus [in your] taking for granted [such a dispensation] there does occur a forgetfulness concerning the devotion [that would ordinarily be] necessary to sustain the two-way street of light between the heart of the chela, the chela of the will of God, and the heart of the Messenger of the will of God who is El Morya.
  Blessed ones, I should have thought that my bearing of this cross would have allowed you to serve in a greater way the one who loves you most.  El Morya truly is the eye of the needle that must be threaded by the thread of light from your heart.
Morya then is the keystone in the arch of the Summit Lighthouse.  By his giving of his diamond and his mantle and his causal body to the founding of this activity in 1958 this blessed one did literally open the door through the Messengers and all who came after them to all other ascended masters and hierarchs who have sponsored this activity and all thelLightbearers who have been drawn to it.
  Thus, beloved, it is not simply the loss of the intercession of a single hierarch most beloved [that you suffer from the Karmic Board’s “no-new-dispensation-policy” for Morya in regard to his chelas] but it is a compromise [of the planetary service as well] of the very one who is responsible for the establishment of this activity.  You realize that El Morya stepped forward to sponsor these Messengers because Saint Germain himself had been denied new sponsorship by the Lords of Karma for having [had] so many [students and others] misuse the light of the violet flame and the dispensations that he had [been] given for the United States and Europe and to various individuals around the world.
  And so you see, beloved, there have been sponsoring Masters in these hundred years and more who have stepped forward [to assist certain ones or the planetary evolution] and then again you have not heard so often of them, thus signifying that they were able to accomplish only as much as those who would receive them would give unto them, would take the proffered gift, would multiply it and would fulfill the Law of the First Ray concerning the path of chelaship.
  Thus, beloved, it is our concern that all have a centerpoise of realism–realism as to the absolute God-reality that is unlimited potential for yourself to realize the Good, the God, and His Will and realism regarding the human consciousness that oftentimes will indulge itself as far as allowed by [the] authority or parent[al] figure.
  Children in the playpen of life are some and some of you. Others more mature must watch, must be the watchmen on the wall and take care that the children maintain the standard whereby they lose not the contact with reality through the sponsoring one, especially when they are taught and truly God-taught that the condition of the flesh on this planetary home is that 99 percent of the population are separated from the true and lasting and everlasting voice of the Holy Christ Self, for which reason Sanat Kumara has sent forth representatives of himself as a living Guru whereby the infant child humanity might sustain a tie through the heart of that Guru even to the heart of their Holy Christ Self.
  Thus envision the beloved El Morya, right hand extended to your own, left hand holding firmly the hand of [your] Holy Christ Self–and the pure will of God, and the Diamond Heart of that will within his own heart chakra, being the electrode and the nexus [sustaining the tie to your Holy Christ Self] until the thread from your heart should increase and thereby [allow you] to sustain that tie midst the turbulent astral seas and the moments when the sudden karmic descent may disrupt [your] individual communion [with your real Self].
“Master, save us or we perish!”  Such was the cry of the disciples of Christ Jesus. “Master, save us or we perish!”  And so it is the cry of some who are awake who know that it is the first order of this hour and every hour to seek once again the sponsoring of your Lord Morya El, for it is even by his sponsorship that I, Hercules, could also sponsor you.
Blessed ones, this Messenger has desired to see Morya restored by the hour of the Feast of the Epiphany when the three wise men did visit the Christ Child.  Morya being somewhat more realistic and understandably a bit pessimistic, as anyone would be sharing his plight, has requested that the students might move toward his restoration to full opportunity by August 8 next.
Blessed hearts, Morya gives the date.  I tell you the reason. It is because it is the very latest hour when your beloved Master may move and move again to assist you when you will require his assistance as you have never required it before. Thus, beloved, you may take the desire of the Messenger and work toward that date early in the new year and see what comes of your efforts, but I tell you it will take [a] tremendous effort [to make it happen].  And now I shall unveil to you why of necessity the effort must intensify on the part of the lightbearers.
Some weeks ago as the Messenger did stand offering invocation assisted by our servant even before this very altar, we did reveal the opening of the pit the very pit itself in the Pacific Ocean, there beneath.  I tell you, the prophecy of the opening of this pit is written in the Book of Life and that page is now open.  Therefore I tell you, out of that bottomless pit there does come, in that year noted by our Lord Alpha, upon planet Earth and certain other planetary bodies that which has been stored there of the astral creation of all evolving lifewaves in that cycle preceding, long cycle.
Thus Mercy’s dispensation of [having long ago] sealed that place where the energy veil of mankind does dwell does become a new mercy–a mercy of the Law that does provide opportunity [(through the opening of the pit)] to the lifewaves who desire to ascend, to accelerate, to enter resurrection’s coil, [and therefore to fulfill the requirement of the Law] to now stand, face and conquer in the very heart of the living Christ those conditions of their own human creation, those [karmic] conditions [of their own astral creation] which they must overcome if they would move up the spiral of being in the ascending process.
Thus Mercy is as Mercy does.  Mercy holds back for the benighted evolution, a humanity gone astray and children of the light at play and sons of God who have not taken to heart to incarnate the Word after [the example] and in the footsteps of the Lord Christ [Jesus].  Thus all have to some extent indulged [themselves] while there was not a necessity to meet day by day that miscreation.
And this is the theme of my message to you, that though the mercy of the Law come to give time, time and a half a time to the individual and [to] a lifewave to attain to that Christhood, it is human nature, superimposed upon the soul, that the soul, then, does dally and tarry saying, “All things will continue as they were.  I shall not fret, I shall not fret, I shall not fret.”
Thus, blessed ones, the room given for personal Christhood is a room, [i.e., space in time], that has been occupied by those who have sought instead that light inverted for all manner of sensual pleasure.  And the history of the descent of the evolutions of this planet is clearly written.  You know it well.  Therefore I say, the opening of the bottomless pit is the new mercy, the new covenant.  As Morya and we of the first ray put it simply, “Pay as you go.”
Now there does descend upon the earth, and there has been abuilding upon the earth in these numbers of weeks, a rising level of the muck and mire [of the astral sea containing] all manner of beast and creature and insect life and the most horrible forms of devil and entity.  Truly the bowels of hell are outpouring.
And, beloved, the earth is now covered with this emission and only the areas of the high Himalayas where the true Masters abide and this area where we have established our Inner Retreat do retain the opening into the octaves of light and the protection by walls of light from this rising darkness upon the earth.   And you who hear me may wonder, but I tell you, I speak to you out of the mouth of God as I AM THAT I AM ELOHIM and as I AM sent to you in this hour.
You may comprehend then why it was the recommendation of Saint Germain that Keepers of the Flame leave the coasts.  It is because the weight of this effluvia is heavier at sealevel [and more so] even as it does continue to rise. And we take note that it is far more difficult in this hour for Keepers of the Flame both at sealevel and anywhere upon earth to maintain the same light which they did keep three and five years ago.
But, beloved, the most awful sight to behold is to see how the mankind of Earth do embrace these dark forms, do dance with them, move with them, do receive them, for they are of them and they [themselves] are out of the depths.  They are from beneath even as you are from above, but not all. 
Therefore, beloved, understand how the Law does move and how all must enter in to the Law.  Understand that I may extend to you a dispensation for the bearing of your karmic burden only as you are able to sustain a rising coil of blue-flame will of God to the level of your own Christ Self.  To that end, though not known by the Messenger the El Morya tapes have been begun. I explain to you then that I can and I shall, according to the Will and the Law of the LORD God, bear the burden,and a certain percentage of the karmic burden, of those lightbearers who can sustain and raise up that pillar of blue-flame will of God daily.
Blessed hearts, I would acquaint you with this challenge by giving you a certain co-measurement.  It has taken to this hour from the moment this prayer vigil began, as The Harvest, for yourselves assembled to clear and open the passageway to the octaves of light of the abode of Elohim; and all of the calls [that have been made and the clearing that has been done have been to that end.  And this was the requirement that we might both speak and offer our assistance so needed in this hour, not alone to yourselves, but in assisting you we do also assist our dear El Morya.
Now you may understand why we have called for the great crystal chalice of Elohim to be established in the Heart of the Inner Retreat as the open door and passageway [for angels descending and ascending] from the Elohimic level to the Keepers of the Flame:  we have banked the fires of the resurrection and our Presence against the day and the hour when by cosmic Law and the prophecy of the Book of Life this bottomless pit should be opened.
Thus all manner of darkness and dark and foul thing that does fly or creep or crawl on the face of the earth may be seen on the astral plane as a part of this rising tide.  Therefore, beloved, the strengthening of that chalice, the sustainment of it by [daily] calls to the resurrection flame is most necessary.
This is the hour, beloved, when for some there shall be an understanding truly of what is the dark night of the soul when personal karma does cover the face of one’s own world.  Know then that the eclipsing of the Sun of the Mighty I AM Presence can come [which is the dark night of the Spirit].   It can come to those who have not taken the opportunity of this thirty-year dispensation to build, to weave, to intensify a coil of fire from the soul in the seat-of-the-soul chakra unto the heart of Christ, unto the heart of succeeding levels of the universal consciousness of God.
It is for this reason that we say, let all of the dictations of this thirty-year spiral be published quickly and forthrightly. Let those who desire counseling receive it from us directly from the very first Pearl of Wisdom unto the last from Freedom 1988.
For if there be those who have not had the dispensation for thirty years on the outer, I tell you, this dispensation has been on the planetary body and you may have entered into its path and pursuit through other forms of meditation and worship which, though they did not contain the whole truth or nothing but the truth, did indeed serve you well to take steps of separating out from the miasma of the lower planetary astral consciousness.
Thus, beloved, to be able to retrace the footsteps taken by your Mark who is truly a link to the heart of Morya, to be able to do so through his dictations and all the Pearls of Wisdom unto the present, this will afford you a systematic and step-by-step weaving of the deathless solar body which you are called and impelled to do to be true spiritual survivors in this age. Therefore plan well to have them even as we have counseled our Messenger to plan well to publish them.
Blessed hearts, we have left no stone unturned to provide these stepping-stones from the beginning to the ending of your thirty-year, thirty-cycle opportunity.  The final three years, beloved, are your own alchemy for the victory of Christhood, building on the foundation that has been given.
Let us say then, beloved, that to maintain this retreat and fortress of light will require a vigilance and a diligence you have not comprehended before nor have you thought necessary.  It is not that you have not given great portions of yourselves to the light and to the Godhead.  It is that the planet itself by comparison is in a greater state of the outpicturing of darkness and a great heaviness does hang over every land.  Peoples are agitated in every nation and this is the sign of the alchemicalization [that does take place at the end of an age and a dispensation].
This alchemicalization, beloved, will be enhanced as you use the violet flame cassette three, soon to be placed in your hands, we trust.  It is the challenge to the astral plane.  But remember, beloved, as that violet flame dispensation goes forth it will be for some a license to miscreate as freedom’s fires move across the land.  May you heed the warning given by Saint Germain and may you keep in the inner temple and the inner court of Morya the vigil of the blue flame, the vigil of your calls ratifying the judgments of Almighty God true and righteous, on earth as in heaven, through the heart of the Christ. 
And as you call for the binding of that beast of the not-Self, known esoterically as the dweller-on-the-threshold, as you hold this balance for lightbearers even as you hold a balance as the “Great Teams of Conquerors” go forth for the binding of the seed of the Wicked [One] you will see that that violet flame can create a blessed alchemy of universal freedom, but only because there be some who recognize that the balancing of the threefold flame of the heart is the very foundation of this endeavor and your success–your spiritual success on the path.
The vigil to be kept with Elohim then is to keep open the passageway to our octave so that in order to reach you instantaneously we may not have to first send legions of our cosmic forces to carve a pathway through the rising tide of the astral plane.  Do you see, beloved?  This balance of Alpha and Omega in the Northern Hemisphere from the Himalayas to the Northern Rockies does still provide the means of anchoring the masculine and feminine rays in this octave.
Blessed ones, the physical area of Lake Titicaca is covered over with this astral substance, and therefore you see that this outpost, [i.e., the Royal Teton Ranch], of Lake Titicaca–of the retreat of the God and Goddess Meru and the focus of the feminine ray to the earth here in the Northern Rockies–must suffice until the dark period of Earth’s travail does pass and a golden age may dawn–or at least a new age approaching a golden age–when by the very purging of the physical planet the weight will lighten.
Blessed ones, consider what fallout shelters or survival preparedness you make to be a crystal cave in the heart of the Earth, a place of alchemy, even the tomb of the Lord Christ where you work out the problem of being as the alchemical changes take place on the surface, as there is the venting of the momentums of darkness, as people are unable to deal with this rising tide of astral effluvia and therefore enter periods of insanity, profaneness and blasphemy against God [which is prophesied in the scriptures of East and West for this Dark Cycle of the Kali Yuga].
For they lose their sight in this astral smog and muck and they do not have discrimination to know who is the representative of Absolute God-Good and who is the representative of the Evil One, and one will appear as the other to them.  And therefore watch and pray that you judge righteous judgment that you enter into the heart of your own Christ Self.
You must plan to be prepared to keep the flame [of God] unending while you have life and breath that all who live upon this planet may make their choices in the final decade of this century whether to serve the light with everlasting love or whether to serve the darkness with an everlasting contempt for the light and lightbearer.
And the warning went forth and it was sounded through God’s Messenger to the people:   beware the rising tide of Darkness.  Preserve the light. Preserve the Safety.  Preserve the Community.  Preserve the Word of God.  For though this heaven and this earth may pass away, yet the Word of the Logos shall live forever in the hearts of the lightbearers who keep the flame. 
And my Word shall be engraven upon spindles threaded in gold, and upon this thread shall the everlasting Word be recorded so that at any hour this Word may speak in the heart–from all of the speakings of the Word since the Word did come forth to create from the heart of Brahman.  And whatever is the need of the hour that speaking of the Word shall be heard by the lightbearer from within. This prophecy written in the Book of Life, beloved, that I have read to you does point to the hour when the communication of God is through the threefold flame and the Holy Christ Self.
Now you have been given by the Lord Sanat Kumara and others of our bands a means and a method of ascending the fiery coil of being and the spiral [rising] from the seat-of-the-soul chakra, [your soul] making safe passage through the samsara of the electronic belt, through the desire body, tarrying at the level of the solar-plexus chakra to pass the test of the ten.
Thus I speak to you the tenth day of the tenth month of the year–and it is an omen for good, for your victory in the desire body and by that solar plexus becoming the instrument of rivers of water of Life flowing through to heal and bless–for all of thy desiring is in His Law and in the meditation and in the Works and the Word of His Law day and night.
Thus, beloved, surfacing from [the seat-of-the-soul chakra] beneath conscious awareness one must then face the challenge in one’s soul of the dominant carnal mind, the dominant mental body where the computer of that mental body, programmed by the prevailing educational systems [and the] parental and authority figures of the time, does become a dictator over the soul who would emerge.
This soul is sensitive yet not fully awakened, aware yet not possessing her full faculties of discrimination.  The soul knows by an inner knowing and by a feeling but cannot always explain, for want of the fullness of the Logos within, the logical step-by-step explanation of her posture [vis-a-vis this tyrant].
Therefore the soul as the negative polarity of the I AM Presence is confronted by the intellect, which is the inversion of the positive polarity of the mind of God in Christ.  Thus in the matter spheres this plus-minus condition of consciousness is the situation in which the soul must find herself, must gain self-worth, self-recognition and know that the way of the inner sensitivity to the pulsation of Life is superior to the intellectual, rational methods of the computer mind.
Thus the soul weaving her wedding garment and gaining skeins of light must bypass this intellect that is subtle and clever and establish that fiery thread to the mind of Christ.  So the cry went forth:  Let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus!  To be carnally minded is the death of the soul. To be spiritually minded is the eternal and everlasting Life and Peace of the soul.
So let the soul be forewarned of the intimidations of this carnal mind, not alone within the temple of her abode, not alone within the entity called self, but in fallen angels and others such as mechanization man who have developed that intellectual mind to such extents as to be able to intimidate and belittle that soul who is about to become the handmaid of her Lord, her Saviour, her Holy Christ Self.
Though your souls have met their master in this [intellectual] mind in previous lifetimes, only to awaken [after passing from the screen of life] to this realization [thence] to be caught up, even if momentarily, in the heart of the Divine Mother, your souls have reincarnated again and again only to be put down [by the same carnal mind] as though under the weight not only of the cross but of the tombstone itself.
Blessed ones, I give you then a gift and it is to your soul the cumulative self-awareness–as though [you were] reading the story of your life, of many scenes–of each and every time you have been traduced, for you have allowed yourself to be traduced by someone or another’s intellect and that carnally minded consciousness which is of the flesh and of the physical-mental functioning of the outer self.
Thus, beloved, my gift is the cumulative awareness, the discernment [of the whys and wherefores of your soul’s meanderings through the labyrinth of the carnal mind] and what your Teachers and the Great Gurus have taught you concerning [life’s journey], those lessons learned and then forgotten.
This is a wise gift recommended by Solar Logoi, for if we may not carry all of your burdens we may give you the most expedient means for you to rise beyond the entanglement with the not-Self and the not-Self reasoning, [thence to eliminate the cause of the burden].
You shall then be tutored by angels of Jophiel’s band.  You shall receive illumination.  You shall no longer be naive or sleepful or slothful or allow yourself to take on the robes of [the] over-self-confidence of the ego mind.  But you shall understand that you are an identity in God, yet a shorn lamb, but not all.  And you are rising step by step, coil by coil up that pole of being.
You have one goal:  union with Christ, union in the living flame of Love.  Bypass all else, all byways.  This is a key to your journey through the labyrinth of the subconscious and the electronic belt.  Follow by the heart.  Follow by the heart flame.  Follow by your love of Saint Germain and Morya and Mary and Kuan Yin and Kuthumi and all who love you.  Follow their heart by your heart sensitivity which you then must develop daily.
Follow straight as an arrow of love to the heart of your Christ Self and know that my name is Hercules and by my name you can pass every test aright and, without inordinate pain of passage, [soar] to rarefied heights of consciousness.
You can do this if only you will attain a sense of co-measurement of the relationship of the soul to the untransmuted karmic self, to the electronic belt, to the dweller-on-the-threshold, to the threefold flame of the heart, to the Holy Christ Self, to the Community of the Holy Spirit, [and] to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood ascended.  The sense of the realism of self:  glean it and call it forth from the heart of Lanello!
Mount [up] as with eagle wings but do not skip steps.  For each step, though difficult, is the stepping-stone to the next and you need a sound and firm foundation in order to meet the challenges of the next.  Some, listening then to the intellect, have cleverly skipped those steps, or so they thought or so they made it appear to others.   Lacking the roots and the grounding or the humility to begin again and to begin again and to begin again where there is a weakness in the building they have positioned themselves as though standing on air instead of [on] terra firma and upon the Rock of Christ.
Blessed ones, an attainment truly won, even if it be the first step, will not be taken from you by any, not through the ravages of astrological cycles or of clever thieves in the night. A step of attainment truly won can become the white stone and the white cube and even the chief cornerstone in the temple.
Fear not to perfect the first step.  Fear not to go back.  Fear not, for you build for eternity, and each stone you carve is a stepping-stone to the Central Sun.  You create your path stone by stone which you then walk upon as star to star the markers of the homeward journey point the way to the heart of Alpha and Omega, to your Christ, my Christ.
Think on these things.  Understand the usefulness of Community when all for one and one for all may build, may sustain, may defend a physical retreat that is meshed with the etheric octave as no other place on the planet . Defend it, yes, from astral encroachment of every kind.
Let the joy of the Lord sing in your hearts.  May the melodies of heaven be not far from your throats.  May your lips be formed about the mantras of Kuan Yin.  May your bodies be light and your souls take flight.
I AM Hercules.  Amazonia does stand in the heaven-world beneath.  It is a congruency of the Divine Mother of Elohim of First Ray establishing a polarity with me in higher octaves from that place beneath you which you equate with the lower astral plane and death and hell.
As time and space and heaven and hell have no direction according to compass, yet for want of other expression, up is heaven, down is hell, so we say there are levels of density and levels of etherealization.  [Therefore] Amazonia, her Mother- flame, does now take up the occupation of those lower worlds so that should you trip and fall and make your bed in hell, behold, you shall find, as the LORD hath said, I AM there.
Thus the Mother Elohim of all rays of Elohim do seek to sustain that heavenly realm in another dimension while the astral plane does rise.  Never the twain shall meet, yet those who contain the heavenly consciousness of the Divine Mother shall abide under Her shadow as under the shadow of the Almighty of Elohim of the feminine ray.
And therefore even in the midst of meeting and defeating old karma and old forms of consciousness they may remember that the Divine Mother in the heart of the earth does truly abide and sustain [the Comfort-flame] for those who may reach Her by the mantra, reach Her by the Hail Mary, reach Her through any heart of any feminine being.
Thus know the requirement is the same in both directions:  I, Hercules, bear the cross hourly and daily for those who reach me at the level of the Christ Self.
I wish you Godspeed.  I send you all courage and encouragement.  From the point of realism then accept the intercessions of Saint Germain and the violet flame masters but take not for granted that freedom.  For, for every gift received and used you will one day give answer to the Law of Love in being called upon to provide that very same gift from your causal body to another evolution that does follow you up the mountain.
Thus to internalize the gift in the hour when there is yet time for God-mastery is truly the Word and Work of the wise ones:  for they know that they shall have preserved in their cosmic bank account of the causal body that momentum whereby to stretch forth the right hand to the one beneath and to maintain firm grasp to the one above.  Thus the chain of Hierarchy moves on!  And I, Hercules, pull up the entire chain of being of this planet by the lightbearers who maintain consonance with my heart!
You who do then maintain your Holy Christ Self awareness and the clear tunnel of being as a cylinder of blue flame from your soul to that level of Cosmic Christ consciousness of your Holy Christ Self–you, then, shall be truly the open door which no man can shut to the descent of Hercules and the ascent of souls who will tug upon your garments and, because you stand and still stand, will be strengthened, will make it, will enter in.  Thus be patient and not impatient with them.  Be tolerant and not intolerant, for you have been there before when Lord Morya El pulled you up!
I speak to the wise, the strong and the loving.  To bring back El Morya to your side you now must become him as intercessor, not alone for the reasons declared but because when the hour comes for the consideration of his return to the front lines midst his chelas, he must gather those who have sustained his Electronic Presence and present all to the Lords of Karma and the Cosmic Council.  And it is by you that he shall return to the place he loves most:  to the heart and soul and mind of his chelas.
O Thou Divine Mother in heaven, O Thou Divine Mother in the earth, O Amazonia, I AM/WE ARE ELOHIM of the Will of God!  And so we sustain it for all of a cosmos, for all who will reach us through the avatars sent, through the buddhas sent, through the bodhisattvas sent!  Purusha, it is done.
    Available on 90-min. audiocassette K88032; on videocassette with dictations of Heros and Amora and Mother Mary, 2 hr. 20 min., HP88091 
-Elohim Hercules: 10-10-1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

        Our God is Love and this is the religion of the golden age.  Our God of Love has sealed within this very Community, within this very heart such a cornucopia of loveliness, of teaching, of mystery of God as to endure as the foundation and fulfillment of Aquarius.  Now, beloved, this Word that has gone forth and this Work of the Lord [the Mighty I AM Presence] can no longer be contained by a planetary vibration that does increase in darkness ere the light come.
  Thus you are in, as you have been told, the cycle of the five secret rays as the fire infolding itself does draw you within–within to the heart to keep the flame for life, within even in the heart of the Earth, aye, to keep the flame for life, to keep the thread of contact and of continuity of being from the center of the Earth through the many spirals that are under the earth to the surface itself.
  The northern lights come as a light without source, as an unfed flame.  So does the heart ignite as it is ignited by love, burn[ing] on and on and on.  Therefore [do] the rays of light East and West [come as] the great gathering of the teachings of the Divine Mother of Lemuria and of all ages, some far, far distant in the past and the future.  This is preserved, this is prepared.  For the new day shall dawn and a planet and a people purged of the density of the perfidy of ignorance shall emerge.
  And when the angels of the Lord have gathered the tares and separated them from the wheat and bound them in bundles and removed them, so you shall see that the good wheat shall prosper as the seed of Christ and those who may not have chosen to be that Christ in ages past shall emerge and see the light.  They shall hear the voice of the Lord [the Mighty I AM Presence] and the dead shall rise and they shall live–those who were dead to that voice–in this hour.
  Thus, beloved, we Elohim of God-Love and God-Love’s Third Ray have moved about in the wind and the thunder and the water, in the turbulence and above it.  For we have determined to answer every call of every heart of fire upon the planet, irrespective of affiliation.  And we especially appreciate the calls unto the ruby ray and the ruby ray judgment through the heart of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray.  For, beloved, we then become the instrumentation of the fiat of Five Dhyani Buddhas who activate through your heart and the concentric spheres surrounding that heart-chakra the action of the secret rays in this hour.
  You will recall the mighty legions of angels of the ruby ray who did whirl and dance and spin at the Heart of the Inner Retreat at this summer’s conclave.  These particular bands of angels of the ruby ray, beloved, wielding their ruby ray swords have truly come from far-off worlds, have come to address a Mother’s distress and that of her children, even the presence of the Guru-Mother in the earth and all of the disciples such as ye are who follow that Mother-flame and are determined, ever more determinedly, to embody that Mother-flame as cosmic whitefire purity and as the feminine ray of God.
  So we have come and so these legions have come by the direction of the Almighty One in the Great Central Sun.  Thus, beloved, you find that these are intercessors.  But intercessors of the ruby ray of the intensity of the Holy Spirit come closest to those who have accepted the message of the Maha Chohan to enter into the path of initiation, which initiation is always the judgment as the judgment is defined as the separation of the real from the unreal within each and every individual.
  Thus, beloved ones, as you have been admonished to seek the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, understand that these gifts show [in those who have received them] the balanced threefold flame and they show the inner contact of the heart and threefold flame below with the heart [and threefold flame] of the Holy Christ Self [and] with the heart and threefold flame of the I AM Presence–the power of the three times the three, beloved.  This then as a goal, as a resolve–resolute in the heart of each bodhisattva ye are–does become the means, the strengthening, the wise dominion, the everlasting love in you whereby we may work directly through you for the binding of those conditions that arise out of the pit itself.
  Elohim of the Third Ray we are and our Office does mandate that we deal with the inundation of planetary spheres with the karma of lifewaves.  Thus, beloved, until you reach the hour of attainment in the Holy Spirit of this power of the nine, know that your call for ruby ray judgment ratified on earth as in heaven is the means whereby we may go after those conditions which may have been directly caused by yourselves, thus assisting you in balancing as only the ruby ray can balance, misuses of the light of the Holy Spirit.  Indeed this is what the ruby ray is and is for:  balancing of the karma made through misuse of the light of the Holy Ghost.
  Blessed ones, when it was spoken long ago that the sin of the Holy Ghost cannot be forgiven, understand that this was a judgment upon the levels of nonattainment of a people who had not attainment [of God-Self awareness] nor were they living in an age when the temple doors were opened for them to receive such initiation.  Even baptism by sacred fire of Holy Spirit is but the beginning rather than the ending of the attainment of the power of the three-times-three.
  Thus acquiring gifts by self-mastery of Holy Spirit is, as it were, the capturing of nine stars that should form the belt of Heros and Amora.  So you have heard of Orion’s belt.  We also then have our belt and it is nine stars of Cosmic Threefold Flame, the power of the 3x3 of Elohim!
  Know then, beloved, that the call is ever the key to your integrity and oneness with the God of Love in the Masters of the Third Ray.  The key, beloved, begins with balancing the threefold flame below.  And I tell you, precious hearts, love is the key to that balance when love is true love.  For true love infires and goads one to acquire illumination–and illumination as “illumined action” by wise dominion of self. True love when it is true does love and adore the will of God whereby the power of God is vouchsafed to the individual, for the individual has proven himself in every possible way to be unwilling to give in to the temptation to misuse power.
  O beloved hearts, if you would only know how the representatives of the third ray and of the Holy Spirit do test and continue to test and test souls of this planet [as to] whether when given the opportunity for certain power–temporal, spiritual, mental or whatever sort–that power is taken in the service and the glory of God and in profound humility or is seized as with pride the individual then does stand above his fellows in his own mind, for now he has acquired some power, some piece of land, some paltry sum of money, some this or that whereby he fancies himself better.
Blessed ones, take heed, for those who pass the tests of the right use of an increase in energy, in light, in consciousness, even in freedom from certain karma do enter in and acquire O so much more than position among their peers.  These, beloved, may receive then initiations to have the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  There is no greater power that could be desired and yet desirelessness itself is the key.  And so the meek inherit the earth because they are desireless.
  Blessed ones, let us turn then to the dilemma, for we have turned to it, of this rising astral sea.  The key is the ruby ray and the Holy Spirit.  And you will shorten the day and the distance between yourself and your congruency with this ruby ray by seeing to it that five ruby ray judgment calls go forth [from your heart] each day for the clearing of all that gathers around any vortex of light.
  Now you have understood that this vortex of light of this Inner Retreat is intended to hold the balance in the West for the abode of the masters of the Himalayas, yes, the true masters who must keep the flame [of the Divine Mother on earth] and hold it against the false hierarchy of India and the false gurus who come forth therefrom.
  Blessed ones, you hold a citadel and a spiral of living flame of love, a teaching and a sacred mystery that does keep the flame against the false hierarchy of religion in the West and the false pastors and false rabbis and false priests.  Know then, beloved, that that fire is unto God.  Let it be a pillar that burns clean, for you have kept open this cylinder, for you have sustained the Elohim chalice by resurrection flame, for you have communed, for you have entered, for you have known the love of Christ in Jesus, in yourself, and you will not let go of the honor of Christ.
  When all else seems wanting and you may think you have lost the thread of contact with your Holy Christ Self and flame remember the honor of Christ and you will have right thought, right action, right desire, right motive and purpose.  The honor of Christ is always loving, kind, wise and tethered to the Law without compromise; the honor of Christ is the shaft of whitefire.  The first virtue of that honor is self-honesty and honesty toward all.
  The Tempter comes but so does the Initiator.  You may learn of me that the initiator does come to you in the person of your beloved Mother Mary.  She the Divine Mother has a greater sternness than many conceive of.  She does come then to prove and reprove you in honesty with self.
  Blessed ones, our Father has sent Mary the Blessed One as Mediatrix of the Divine Wholeness, she being there so very close to the hearts of lightbearers of the earth.  You may know her as one who yet abides very close to your souls and one, above all, who is dedicated to maintaining that string of pearls of rosary that does tie the soul to the Holy Christ Self.
Therefore understand, beloved, why we have introduced the Hail Mary to you and why it is O so important that you remember to tarry and to conclude your morning prayers with the Child’s Rosary.  When you participate in concentration and visualize the strengthening of the cord, even the cord twixt the soul and heartflame and the Universal Christ,  you can know that this is one of the surest means of the very maintaining of that Holy Christ-Self awareness that does guarantee to you each day that Hercules may bear your burden and the burden that is lawful.
  You may know when you strengthen that tie through the heart of Mother Mary and you feel that strengthening that you will be able to take on the holding of the balance for those who are not able.  You will feel in yourself that you can carry first one and then another and you will look of course to the children who are in your tender care.
  Blessed ones, the difference in having Hercules and Amazonia bear the burden of karma and [in] not having them bear it is great, and you may discover this if perchance in forgetfulness you do not enter in to those spirals early.  And you will see that the fifteen-minute rosary, in addition to a disciplined self-awareness in Christ, is a small requirement for so great an intercession as that available through Elohim.  We then say to you that by the ruby ray judgment call you may satisfy [the great Law on behalf of] yourself individually and as a Community to allow us to intercede for the binding of your contribution (the tributary of your lifestream) that has increased the weight of astral debris upon a planet, which does now come forth out of the bottomless pit.
  Therefore it is our goal to see the lightbearers be the wayshowers.  Those who bear the light of Christ in fulfillment of Hercules’ requirement will also have through their ruby ray judgment calls a first priority on our daily list of the orders that we set in motion for the bands of ruby ray angels who wield their swords with delight and have aeons of momentum of binding demons and discarnates on every planet and system of worlds where they have been sent.
  It is our goal to see you freer and freer from the karmic weight.  Thus that ruby ray call does make our day.  May it make your day, beloved, as you understand that to lighten the karma that you carry on the third ray is the necessity whereby you can increase [your success] in receiving and passing initiations of the Holy Spirit through the Lord Maha Chohan and through his blessed Sons, the seven.
  See then how great an opportunity, for if it is the requirement  of the Law to balance the threefold flame by beginning with love, then does it not follow as corollary that the love that you may begin with is the love that you have sown and reaped in the karma of good works?  And the very good works of giving that [ruby ray] judgment call, being so critical and vital in this hour, do accrue to your lifestream as immediate blessing and as transmutation of your own banal past whereby the Earth does now feel the weight of a planetary evolution.
  To see the lightbearers on top of such conditions is our goal. Thus we have with a great intensity accorded to us by the great Law occupied ourselves in all space and time dimensions since our dictation given at Freedom 1988.  And we come this hour a little later than autumn equinox for the equalization and balancing of that which can be balanced ere the cycles turn and the entering in to the challenges of the hierarchy of Scorpio does bring to you truly new, new, I say, as well as deliberate tests of the Law.
  Thus by the all-seeing Eye of God you have the opportunity in these weeks ahead to bring God-mastery and God-control to the life-force within you such as you have not done before, to raise that sacred fire of the Mother to new levels of creativity in the heart, increasing the focus of the Great Central Sun Magnet of the heart and therefore magnetizing the soul up and up the spiral into the heart of the Christ Self.
There are many cosmic forces working toward your victory. We come to deliver our message that you might know the equation of the challenge and that which is given to you as opportunity.
  May you find yourself during the day when meeting the very challenges of that day to speak the call to Elohim of the Third Ray, Heros and Amora, to speak the call to Archangel Chamuel and Charity, to Paul the Venetian, the Maha Chohan and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, but above all to call for cosmic legions of ruby ray angels to move in and to take command! take command! take command!  by the Holy Spirit of those conditions which would obstruct the Word and the Work of the Lord [your Beloved Mighty I AM Presence] from enduring even midst this period when other things shall pass away.
  In your heart there is a drop of ruby ray.  For some it is a microscopic drop but nevertheless a drop.  For those with developed threefoldf flame it shall so multiply that development.  For those without a threefold flame it may be the single pearl of a drop that does magnetize and establish within you an integrating principle of Life where by the drop of ruby ray you may find yourself receiving through the instrument of the Lord Christ the quickening, truly the quickening whereby love in your heart may renew a magnet that can become–by your service, selflessness, unceasing surrender and sacrifice–a threefold flame.
  Yes, beloved, all may move forward in this hour and progress toward the heart of the I AM Presence!
  To Keepers of the Flame around the world I speak.  May your abode be found in the heart of the Buddha and the Western Shamballa and may your abode be found in the crystal of the ruby, even in the heart of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray.
Our Presence as Elohim of Love is the greatest force that does repel the hate and hate creation that does ooze out of the realms of death and hell.  May you then come to know and to value the action of the Elohim of the seven rays, to call us forth to maintain our vigil, and to know that we are determined–and [determined] as lightbearers are determined and meet us halfway–to see to it that every good and perfect gift, even the gift of everlasting Life, everlasting Truth, everlasting Love shall be thine own here and now, most especially here and now for the pragmatic usefulness of the hour.  May the necessity of this hour of Earth’s evolution impel you to expand and develop the flame of the heart, for thereby millions shall be saved and you shall ascend.
  We are Elohim of the Third Ray, perpetually in action.  When you think of us think of Shiva.  Think of the intensity of the power/wisdom/love of the Holy Spirit to move systems of worlds and galaxies into alignment with the will of God.  As you form that grid for planet Earth that we might use, as you form it as Community know that you can make a difference as to the levels of intensity which this planetary change that is ordained by God will take.  Thus there is, as you would say, an upside and a downside.  Let us minimize planetary destruction; let us maximize planetary harmony.
  The ruby ray is an intense fire, beloved.  To bear it you must be ready.  We are sealing this Community in the cosmic cross of the ruby ray.  It does remain in the etheric octave and will descend as some are able to contain it and to maintain their harmony.  As we recede into the spheres of the five secret rays, your blessed Mother Mary approaches to speak with you.     -Elohim Heros and Amora:  10-11-1988 at RTR, Montana via  Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet   
    On February 22, 1988 the Maha Chohan announced that he had come to deliver the initiations of the Holy Spirit starting in the city of Los Angeles:  “As the result of the consequences of the violation of the Holy Ghost in little children, in Nature and [in] the defilement of body and soul, you will see that unless these things are turned around and a people invoke the light of their God and fulfill the Law of Love, those things projected will come to pass….I come to you with the same offer made to you by the Lord Christ:  to receive you as my students.  For as I serve as the Teacher of the Lords of the seven rays, I shall also desire to teach the pupils of the Lords of the seven rays. Traveling their sevenfold path back to my heart of the Holy Ghost you will know then that there is a way out and that there is a transfiguration that awaits you, there is a transformation indeed.”    
   On July 4, 1988 the Maha Chohan said “our coming is [to the end] that by the action of the Emerald Matrix and the communion you might be afforded the ability, the opportunity to enter a new path, a new highway of our God formerly not open to you...because knowledge is not a sufficiency to enter into this path but only initiation.”  -Pearls of Wisdom 31:29, 71.
   On November 1, 1987 and January 3, 1988 Serapis Bey and Archangel Michael also warned that the weight of planetary karma would increase tenfold on January 1, 1988.
Decree 33.00, “The Lord’s Judgment by the Ruby Ray through Archangel Chamuel and Charity,” in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section III.
   At the conclusion of their June 30, 1988 dictation Heros and Amora said “Elohim have delivered a sufficiency of Love and we withdraw, for Earth has reached the level of saturation until you yourselves increase the violet flame and the Astrea exorcisms.  It would be our desire to return in each quadrant of the year to increase this action.  May the autumn equinox find you ready to receive us again.”
       O beloved of my heart, remember that the Father did call me, and as Raphael and I were summoned to that throne and as I received the commission to enter the portals of birth on earth to give birth to the Christ, the Christ of Jesus, it was not alone to be delivered of that Son of God:  but I was sent to go after each and every one who had come with Sanat Kumara, the lightbearers originally anointed by God who had successively lost their sense of Self-awareness as that Christ, whose Self-worth had somehow receded by their brushing with fallen angels with a vacant heart.
  Know then, beloved, that the Father did send me as a Mediatrix of the Divine Wholeness.  And as I have been allowed to come nearer to Earth, even to the point where my tears are seen on my statues and images, you may understand that truly through my heart you may achieve a daily oneness with your Christ Self.  Blessed ones, not without effort however, for in this hour and from this hour on you see [that] this rising tide of [the sea of the] astral plane does make more difficult the raising up of that line, that lifeline to my heart and my extending it [to you].
  But I tell you, the power of the salutation to me “Hail, Mary!  Hail, Ma-Ray!” and the mantra “In the Immaculate Heart of Mary I trust!” [is great].  These combined with the science of the spoken Word, the exercise thereof in the calling forth of the violet flame of the Holy Spirit, do so enhance your ability to maintain and strengthen the tie to my heart, [and] thus the tie to your Christ Self.  Know, beloved, that my mission twenty-four hours a day is to  restore to the lightbearer and to the child of God’s heart that oneness that is so needed.
  I hope, and it is my fond hope and prayer and it is my prayer to the Father in your behalf, that you will so increase in your desire to be with me, to be my own sons and daughters in the very sense that Jesus is that you will soon have such a presence of my aura around you that you can be the open heart whereby many can enter in.
  I seek in the students of the ascended masters representatives who can bring lightbearers to a higher level of understanding than that which they are limited to in their orthodoxy and in the canopy of that orthodoxy that does limit their piercing through that skyey tent to all of the great hierarchies of heaven and to the ultimate awareness of being anointed to be that Christ.
  Thus, beloved ones, I come to you in great comfort, but be mindful that the comfort is in the Law of the Comforter, which Law of the Holy Spirit has been explained to you from the heart of the Elohim of the First and the Third Rays.  Even my intercession is subject to your obedience to the requirements of the Law that the spoken Word of the rosary might be your instrument to and through my heart.
  For those then who are unable to maintain the tie to the Holy Christ Self in any other way I represent the point of recourse. Thus I have given those words that many may pray to the Blessed Mother, saying:   “O Blessed Virgin, as we have recourse to thee, receive our souls and hearts and bind us to our living Saviour, Christ, the Lord of Jesus and the Lord of all who have ascended to my God and your God.  O my Blessed Mother, hear me in this hour as I give thy rosary unto thee and through thy heart unto God and through thy heart on behalf of all lightbearers of this darkened star.”
   Blessed are ye who have a momentum on [any] one or more of the seven rays on prayer and service and in the things of God, for it is your momentum that will multiply again and again your daily prayers [offered on each of the rays of God’s Presence].
  I would tell you, beloved, that to a certain extent all of the archeiai of the seven archangels and archangels of the secret rays and the eighth ray are very close in their intercessory power.  But then you have been admonished to place your attention upon any Mother-figure in the ascended realms and to develop your momentum through that Mother’s heart. This is because, beloved, for all evolutions in samsara, for all who must face [and] pass through the astral plane, and all Christed ones who with Jesus descend into hell for times and times again it is the Presence [of the I AM THAT I AM] of the Divine Mother personified in angelic hosts, in ascended and cosmic beings that does provide the means of entering in to the heart of the Trinity and to the highest octaves of Spirit.
  Oneness with the Divine Mother as She does appear to you in our varied manifestations does establish within you the electromagnetic field of the divine polarity of the Mother; and that powerful magnet that does have the minus coefficient does then become to you the means of attracting the Father, therefore Divine Wholeness and therefore escape from time and space, which does trap astral debris.
  So, beloved, I am called the Mediatrix of Divine Wholeness, for healing of the fifth ray does always come when by my flame or the flame of the representative of the Divine Mother nearest to you you do magnetize the presence of the masculine ray and of the Father and therefore have a circle of oneness whereby you are immune–immune to the conditions of the flesh, to the decay of the flesh and to death itself.  And that immunity is a soul immunity which may extend to the very form, as in the lives of the saints their bodies were preserved beyond transition, did emit perfume and did become a focus also to conduct that light of spiritual realms.
  With Raphael we are one.  And your call for the reinforcement of the dispensation of the anchoring here of Fatima and Fatima’s retreat will avail much as you keep the flame and keep this physical property clear and clean, pure by your own consciousness and life for the maintenance of the feminine ray of a planet and a people until the focus of Lake Titicaca should become the focus of the feminine ray in the physical octave again.  Of course you know that the retreats of God and Goddess Meru and Lord Himalaya are not moved, are not changed and ever pulsate [the Masculine and Feminine Rays of the Godhead], but what is of greatest need in the Earth in this hour is the sustainment in the physical octave of these rays.
  Not without forethought by Almighty God was the Retreat of the Divine Mother that does appear to you even as the City Foursquare over this property established here.  Thus that retreat has magnetized you even as you have magnetized it, that in this place and in this Earth that manifestation might be the balance that is needed for millions in the hour of their personal and planetary initiations.
  With the Buddha in your heart and the Buddha in the Heart of the Inner Retreat may you always remember and say, “By the grace of God and by his grace alone, Mother Mary, we shall not fail!”  And, blessed ones, you may insert after my name the names of any ascended masters or angels or Elohim whose sweet presence is on your heart and mind and in whose name you can say with God within you “We shall not fail!”  It is a fiat, beloved.  It banishes failure and creates the vacuum which only victory does fill.
  As it is our Office Raphael and I seal you now in the healing thoughtform.  May the healing mantras find you, as with the mantras of the Divine Mother, in a state of wholeness invoked from on high that day by day will become your own attainment and [be] sustained by your heartflame, not alone by those of the heavenly Hierarchy.
  This is the joy of past, present, future becomings that all that you call forth from God as gift and grace is one day your own attainment, for you have seen and known the co-measurement spoken of by Elohim and you have set your sights on that co-measurement with those of our realms who have answered your calls daily until you, as the answered call, are in the state of attainment whereby God above has become truly in manifestation as God of your heart.
  Even so build concentric spheres of causal body round about this form and know that I the Lord thy God [the Mighty I AM Presence] in Father and in Mother shall not leave thee!  I shall not leave thee.  I AM with you alway, even unto your fulfillment of the feminine ray.
  Now your Messenger does recede for the fulfilling of the promises, all promises, all promises vested in her keeping by Hierarchy above and disciples below who also know her heart as the nexus whereby you may enter in to your Christhood.

                                           -Archeia Mary:  10-11-1988 at RTR, Montana
    Hail to the light of the holy ones of God here below who do reflect the Holy One of God above!  O Thou I AM THAT I AM, reveal Thyself now in this form. Reveal Thyself that all might know that the Lord God [the Mighty I AM Presence] has shone upon His own in this hour and He will not leave his people comfortless.  For I send my Messenger before My face, saith the Lord.  And therefore behold the Messenger of God and know that even as the Holy One of God above is of too pure eyes to behold iniquity, so, beloved, your eyes cannot yet look, as they are of the flesh, upon the pure image of sacred fire of the I AM THAT I AM in this octave.
  Therefore we send a Messenger of God to earth to proclaim the coming of that Presence in ye all.  Therefore while ye have that one with you may you know the inner accord of the harmony of that divinity which is the real Self above and recognize that it is a sign, even a signet unto the people of God that God does also dwell in your midst in this hour when, beloved, you must fulfill all things, all things of the great Law, all things of karmic condition, and [when] all does come to bear upon the center of self as the coils of cause and effect infold, recoil and bring back to every point upon the aura, the electromagnetic field, [and] the four lower bodies that which has been sent forth.
  Thus people speak of pressure and they speak of stress.  Let it be known, beloved, that this is returning personal karma though you may identify it as condition and circumstance or the result of another’s hand.
  Let it be known this day, beloved, that the violet flame raised up within you by love and by adoration is able to give you that sheath and armor, purple vein wherewith to consume that which comes from without and that which would erupt from within.  Thus the insulation of the violet flame as the additional skin of self, as an armor of substance as though metallic, impervious, out of the heaven-world, does give to you the soothing comfort of perpetual transmutation.
But, beloved, only that violet flame which is called forth in utter adoration and obedience to the inner Christ, to the Universal One, to the Holy One of God, the I AM THAT I AM can afford you the living presence of the swaddling garment, as it were, of the God of the seventh ray.
  Blessed ones, let love endow every word and syllable.  Let attention flow to the heart of your I AM Presence and to my beloved Saint Germain, to Portia, to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
  I fear lest you adopt the ways of rote performance of ritual of mechanization man!  I fear lest you take for granted the staff that is placed in the hand of the Messenger   It is a spiritual staff of which the one she does hold is outer sign and symbol. Therefore let the rod of the Law be a comfort to my people!  Let angels comfort you.  And may you know, beloved, that it is an hour of O so close communion!
  How I would desire to speak to you each week were you to find it possible to journey to this place.  Blessed ones, we have much to accomplish ere this altar no longer serve us.  I bid you decide in counsel with one another whether you will come here on the Sabbath, [which] we celebrate on Sunday, whether you will come to this place in full force that I, Jesus, might impart to you moment by moment of increment of sacred fire whereby those conditions within which resist the light and those without may be broken.
  It is urgent that the soul be prepared for union with God. How shall the soul provide a vessel unless I come to you day unto day unto day?  Yet I do not condemn, I do not force, I do not compel.  I do not love you less for any thing.  But I would that I could love you more by your very physical presence.  Is it not my physical Presence in this Messenger as you see me in this very moment–is it not this congruency that you also desire even with your Holy Christ Self?
  Yea, they are baptized once in a lifetime, dipped in water. The ceremony then is complete.  I tell you, I would baptize you daily in the water of Life, in the living Word, in that which flows from the I AM Presence, beloved, that crystal-clear stream.  I would be the instrument to you.  Come unto me, all ye who labor, all ye who are weary:  I shall give you rest as restoration and re-creation and a re-infiring of the cells and the molecules of life and life-force within you.
  Thus, beloved, while my Messenger is with you I can for you do many things.  And if you forget and if you neglect so great an opportunity, beloved, then how can heaven help you?  How can I deliver to you that intensity of fire of my heart that I would transmit?
  O let the holy ones of God come forth and let those then who are possessed of those wandering demons that come after the light be stayed.  Let them not come hither, for they must be cleansed of these foul spirits by their own application unto the Law which they have once violated.
  The Law then in this hour, beloved, is a dispensation that is not wide but narrow.  And it does provide for those who desire to be the pure in heart and are the pure in heart and see then that there is a crack in the door where the dazzling fire of the Presence does tell that there is beyond that door, that barrier of karma, truly the entering in.
  Thus, my beloved, I would draw you close to my heart.  I would remind and confirm for you all words and statements ever made by the Brotherhood, especially in these several years concerning the prophecy of coming events, including the delivery of our sermons, our Stump messages, yes, even the concept of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.
Will you not broaden your understanding to know that a revolution is indeed required not alone in every heart but throughout the planetary body–that the kingdoms of this world might truly be in physical manifestation the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ?
  So Maitreya does live and so he does walk in your midst.  Fear not, grumble not, worry not.  Do not enter into a doomsday consciousness but recognize there has never been a moment in your personal history, and I speak to everyone here, to all lightbearers of the world, to all Keepers of the Flame, when you could so intensify the inner coil of being!
I cry to you, beloved, that you do not perceive [the jeopardy] in the hour of the descent of your karma and the dark night of the soul!  And therefore I come with a light to lighten the very cave of your world that you might see and know that that karma shall pass but not without heroic effort and heroic measures.
Blessed ones, the door is cracked.  I, Jesus, may open it to you.  Therefore, be long-suffering with your own soul, but do not allow your soul to suffer or to be surfeited whether in pleasure or pain.  Mount up as with eagle wings.  Mount the fiery coil of being and desire more light than you have and know that it is that light that will quench the darkness.
Let the zeal of my house then come upon you in this hour!  Let the zeal of the Holy Spirit come upon you!
I, Jesus, tell you that that zeal which I give to you is of the fire of the Sun.  And though you may not have noticed, beloved, I have journeyed to the very Central Sun this week there to fetch that fire of the Lord God that my own in the earth might have from me and from my own heart even a quickening, even a fervor–even seeing in my Presence and aura this day something you have never seen before, even the fires dripping from the altars of that very center of a spiritual cosmos.
I therefore bring you tidings of Alpha and Omega.  I bring you the presence of ring upon ring of seraphim of God to shake you awake!  O I would to God you would understand how so great a salvation is at hand, how it is offered to you and how the darkness that does descend does allow you to again and again and again so indulge these worn-out grooves of karmic consciousness!
Therefore I say again of you, beloved:  “Father, Mother, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  Yet, beloved, how long may I say this prayer of the enlightened ones who have been told and told again and yet in the hour of the descent of the very density of karma are enveloped by it and do enter even its degradation and, beloved, [this] after so long, so long being a part of this holy communion [the dictations of the ascended nasters by the Holy Spirit] that we share.
Thus, my beloved, let it be known unto you this day that I, Jesus, have implored before Alpha and Omega [that They might] give me that fire whereby in the zeal of the Lord [the Mighty I AM Presence] and by the fire of that Presence with you you should come to know the means and the wherewithal to endure spiritually and to be endued and empowered from on high as our Messenger has been by my hand in this very week.
Blessed ones, so know the Lord.  So know that some must qualify.  And, beloved, thank God–thank God that one called is yet here; for I tell you, the hour of the dark night of the soul for you, each one, must be met:  and that hour is now!  And you may either weep and wail and depart and be divided and allow all of the venting of the anger in the subconscious or you may come and bend the knee and kneel before the altar and fasten yourself to the flame of sacred fire burning thereon.
Blessed ones, that dark night of the descent of karma must come, for if it come not you cannot endure nor the light [of the Universal Christ consciousness] nor the dark night of the Spirit, [i.e., the absence of the light], that shall come upon this planet ere the new day shall appear.
And for the record may you understand that the dark night of the soul is the period when the soul does groan in travail with her own karma, and it is meet.  And in that hour you have reinforcement of angels and saints, myself and ascended masters and cosmic beings.  It is an hour when you keep tethered to the Law; and if you do, beloved, you may be saved by the very Law that does demand [that] you right all wrong against that Law.
Thus, beloved, this path is known, the path of karma balanced by fervent hearts who have willed, who have determined to slay inordinate desire.  For by this and this alone shall you suffer calamity.
Thus, beloved, take to heart the teachings of the Buddha, of Maitreya.  And let all of thy desiring be this:  to pass beyond those karmic conditions which at any moment by the condition of planetary, solar and galactic karma could sweep you from the very center of your First and Best Love.
So having passed this dark night of the soul, as ye all have observed the Messenger pass through in the long years of this service, so you come to the hour when you must have internalized that Christ and you must be able to sustain that momentum of Christhood.  [This initiation of the Cosmic Christ is called the dark night of the Spirit.]  And this is the eclipse of the Sun of the I AM Presence.  And it does come about, beloved, precisely under the conditions in which you find yourselves upon this planet:  the astral sea rising, the outpouring [from the pit that is opened] and the spewing of the astral consciousness, and you here below in physical embodiment.
And therefore the astral plane does present that separation between externalized self-mastery and the I AM Presence.  And if there be no self-mastery for want of love of Christ and of me, your own Beloved, then in the dark night of the Spirit, beloved, you are cut off and it is the dark night when none may extend that hand, for your opportunity has been given to manifest a light that never shone on land or sea.
Thus understand, beloved, work while ye have the light. Be not satisfied with your mediocrity!  Work while you have a physical hand extended to you and know that that hand is the best hand we can offer you.  And therefore by that sustaining love you may receive that imparting and that reigniting of the Word.
And there be some among you–and do not say, “Is it I, Lord?”–who have scarcely a divine spark to sustain you.  And yet you walk as the proud, as though by some prior heredity you are a favorite son, with no sense of co-measurement of the dire need of the soul to magnify the Lord, [the Mighty I AM Presence, in your members] as Mother, as Trinity in the heart–to expand and fan that fire by love and service, looking neither to the right nor to the left but giving and giving.  For the Lord the Holy Spirit, does attend you, even your beloved Maha Chohan, to breathe upon you again the breath of life, to fan that divine spark that it burst into a threefold flame once again.
Blessed ones, we speak not to cause you pain, but pain you shall have if you are not awakened!  It is not the hours of service that I speak of, but the quality of heart and what does occupy the mind, what does occupy the feeling world, what are the true desires that compel you to lesser stars and to cast your anchor into the astral sea instead of into the infinite to catch a star of God’s own destiny.
Therefore I, Jesus, have done what I could do in the ultimate sense of my imploring, for it is to the lightbearers, every one upon this planet, that I come this day.  I come in a divine visitation and as I implore you, my Electronic Presence is before each and every one who does bear light, who is of Alpha’s seed, who does have a threefold flame, or once had it and allowed it to go out by neglect.
I stand before each and every one whose names have been read by the Keeper of the Scrolls there in the great Throne Room before me and before Alpha and Omega.  And in answer to my imploring, beloved, so our Father, our Mother have sent me to you and to those upon this planet to whom the agenda of Alpha is open and all who have recourse to the Central Sun through the blessed heart of Mary, my Mother, through the heart of Kuan Yin, through the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.  And I trust they also have recourse to that heart through your own blessed heart expanded as a living fire.
Thus observe the hierarchies of the weeks and understand the meaning of the seventy weeks as seventy hierarchies of the Sun extended from the Central Sun through time and space. Thus, they define the cycles and the cycles of initiation.  Thus they deliver to the lightbearers the test of the ten in the seven outer rays of manifestation.
Seventy weeks therefore unto each lightbearer is given. And what is the length of time and space?  No man knoweth, for the cycles are shortened for those who elect to embrace them and they are lengthened unto the agony not of the true cross of light but of the false cross of the false crucifixion of the false Christ who is Antichrist.
Therefore by inordinate desire you may be impaled on a cross with Antichrist–but I shall not be there.  And by right desire and right reckoning of the cycles you may pass every test as though in microseconds.  There is no limit to God-realization except to those who yet insist upon defining [and confining] self by laws of mortality.
Thus take the seventy weeks and see that you waste not time or space or energy.  I tell you, so great is the opportunity that there is not one among the body of lightbearers–and I count you in that body, that Mystical Body of God on planet Earth–no matter what age, who could not if he would, fulfill the mandate and the requirement of the ascension in this life.
But, beloved, the extraordinary outreaching of the soul and the heart is something that many among you have not known or understood.  And those who take their backward steps away from the flame of the Ark of the Covenant blazing upon this altar, those who pursue steps of Jungian psychology or any other means as a substitute for the living fire of Christ and my Sacred Heart, I say to you, They shall not prevail! They shall not prevail.  And they are the rebellious ones and clouds without water who have forsaken the divine spark and will not bend the knee to receive another [divine spark], which I should gladly give by a simple demonstration of a measure of the ritual of devotion.
There be some among you who since your entering this path have indeed kindled a divine spark when you had it not. All things are possible.  But when you hear of the possibility of failure you sink back into that sense of failure instead of realizing that the possibility of victory is present whenever it is possible to fail.  Why then enter the negative assessment of oneself?  Why not perceive with the inner sight?  Why do you see with a flesh-and-blood consciousness and therefore curse yourself to that consciousness ad infinitum?
Let the holy ones of God truly be more holy.  For those who do have that flame must make more rather than less effort until the light so shine in you that your eyes are as stars and your aura so powerful that none can deny that truly a path of Christhood is won; and therefore the lesser endowed take hope to follow in your footsteps.  Cast down the idols of your flesh-and-blood consciousness, for those whom you worship are not the living Christ.  Blessed ones, worship not but adore the light.  Adore the light and do not set on a pedestal any human being.  Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures.  Ye do err, sustaining the idolatry of self.
I come for the breaking of the pitchers.  I come for the breaking of the vessels that no longer serve you.  I raise my staff and I say, let them be broken by the rod of fire!   I, Jesus, decree it that you might come forth and stand God-free sons and daughters.
Blessed ones, be pillars of fire in the earth!  Be pillars of fire in the earth, beloved, and heed the call!  Heed the call of light.  Do not decide why you cannot be at Glastonbury in preference to anywhere else but decide how you can be there. Decide, beloved, that Community is your protection.
I AM walking through that land this day.  For I would exorcise from it the demons that some of you have brought with you in your argumentation and your folly and your blindedness by energies that never ever should have passed through you.  Let my rod through my Messenger disperse then all injustice, all that is dishonest, all that is unfair.  Be willing to admit where you have wronged another.  Settle your accounts.  Do not defend your person but be true to me.
I, Jesus, speak to you and you know of whom and whereof I speak.  And therefore there are some who should be ashamed to stand in my Presence and there are others who have kept the flame as saints of God.  Thus I call you to the House of the Lord [your Mighty I AM Presence].  May you know now that communion of my heart.  May you know it, beloved.
This is then the last I may offer to you of the series of dictations begun in the hour of the call to the ascension.  Thus, beloved, when the response is full, even full to that which I bring this day, I shall once again implore Alpha and Omega to assist you through the journey ahead and every step of the way.
Keep my flame in this Community, beloved, for I have given more of myself than you will ever know to the very presence of my Church in this place.  And it shall not be bestowed upon me that I may start anew or begin again.  With Almighty God [and] all saints of heaven who have gone before you, I say:  in this Community we must not fail.
Let there be not fragmentation or division but know that your loyalty is to the flame that burns upon the altar because the Lord God has sent to you a Messenger who is able, by His Grace, to keep that flame.  And as you sustain your devotions the flame is kept in this octave.  It is a light unto the world, beloved, and that sacred fire is your salvation in this octave.
Now let the forces of death and hell rage if they will, for I shall be midst my own.  And let the love bond of Gautama Buddha allow all to prefer one another and this holy Community before all other passions, disputes, all other claims of darkness, all other false prophets who say, “Go here and there, for the Messenger is no longer in her temple.”   I tell you, beloved, all of these most frightening claims and allegations may come, but let the true disciples of my heart who are the witnesses from the beginning unto the end of their own salvation by the grace of this dispensation keep the flame of the Ark of the Covenant blazing upon this altar!
So I shall bear you witness.  So I shall bear you witness:  call unto me.  And all who have asked for direct chastisement or initiation or soul-testing or rebuke from the Messenger, I, Jesus, will come to you.  Listen for my footstep.  Know my voice and know that I shall surely make known to you those conditions of consciousness or action, those desires or projects or goals which are truly not an acceptable offering to the Holy One of God, your I AM Presence.
Therefore, beloved, for the finishing of the Work, my Work, I withdraw this Messenger for a season to complete those publications while there is yet time.  May you then implement, truly implement the Law that is given to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” as it is written, for it is an hour when the whole world does fear and tremble.  And you ought to have that awe before your God in the moment when the forces of Antichrist come to test and to test your soul.
Blessed ones, I AM there.  I AM there in that hour and you have the wherewithal to put them to flight with a single fiat. Be alert then, beloved, for by your victory a world shall know a New Opportunity and a New Day.  Gather in the mountain of your Mighty I AM Presence and be in the right place in the hour when His fulfillment is come.
I choose to remain with you, to be seated in your midst while communion is served that you might know that I bless it and give it to you as substance from the altar of the Great Central Sun.  O fire of my Fire, heart of my heart, you whom I have known forever, come into the foreverness of the everlasting arms of Alpha and Omega!  May you bring the little ones to be baptized.  May you bring your hearts and tarry a moment, for I, Jesus, would surely impart myself to you.
Beloved, when the Law does require that I should withdraw from you for a little while that you in your aloneness might choose to be all that I AM, then remember, O remember, that my fervor and my love is waiting, waiting for your decision that I might come close again.  For you see, beloved, there are some tests that you must pass in the aloneness of the aura and the electromagnetic field which you yourself have created.  In that hour then, I say, trust. Trust and do not forsake.  Trust and remember, I AM thy brother.
I AM Jesus, thy love, thy perfect love.  And I AM watching from afar your victory.  O snatch it from the very teeth of the defeat of death and hell.  Snatch your victory, beloved!  Tear it! from these fallen ones who would steal [in] in the night and steal it from you.  Blessed, all is in divine order for you to fulfill all things.  Do it, I say.  Do it for the sake of our Love.      
              -Jesus Christ:  Thanksgiving, November 24, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana


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