Friday, June 29, 2018

there is a separation of the real from the unreal

 O light from the heart of Central Suns of far-off worlds, light of Manus, light of Freedom’s Banner now within the heart of devotee unfurled I, Maitreya, come in the Ritual of the Great Interchange.  There is a sphere of light within my own soul that represents the path of my chelaship under the Lord Sanat Kumara.  Hand-in-hand Gautama and I would go through meadow and forests, climbing to the heights of the Himalayas—not in search but in surrender unto the Eternal Guru, the Everlasting Star, that Light whom we knew as the very Person of heartbeat.
  We would follow the beating of our hearts to its logical conclusion in the heart of the Ancient of Days where so many devotees have found succor and a flame and the place of rest in preparation for going out once again on the path of initiation—that is, initiation according to this world and all that it contains, even the crosscurrents of lifestreams and races and fallen ones and types of personalities that are the antithesis of the Godhead.  Thus the way of soul elevation upon earth includes this path of soul testing by the very presence of the rebellious ones.  And it provides the initiatic stream of our Brotherhood emanating from Sirius, from the retreats of the Himalayas and the etheric citadels of the Brotherhood.
  Therefore, beloved hearts, there is a path of initiation that is reflective of your own individual attainment of light regardless of this world or the next or wherever you may abide.  This path of initiation has to do with light:   the alchemy of light, the equation of light, the mathematical formula of light and all that you contain in discipline, order, harmony, wisdom—and most of all, intense love for the Source.  Your own Great God-Self is like unto the Secret Love-Star (of Venus).  It is a secret until you have truly climbed the starbeams back to the Source there to discover the mystery of the ages.  And the secret is no secret anymore.
  Hearts afire with the love of God, this inner path spiraling up, up the ladder of the five secret rays carries you to the very center and to the pinnacle of the I AM Presence.  The initiation of outer worlds demands that those who climb to the star of the mighty I AM Presence descend once again to release that light in measured cadence and according to the calculus of the Spirit for the judgment, for the sacred fire, for the rolling back and the stripping of the fallen ones of their misuse of sacred fire.
  Thus there are terms and conditions of servitude within the Great White Brotherhood upon earth.  These differ from those of other planetary homes.  But nevertheless the Science of the Spirit from within, the science of inner attainment, is the same.  And therefore there are classes in the retreat of Serapis Bey and the seraphim where students gather from many systems to learn of the inner path of the ascension.
There are other classes where students also gather from this system and beyond to learn of the particular circumstances which require an astute and an intensely compassionate application of the Law of Grace.  Some individuals who attend these classes from other parts of the systemic worlds, here to study the condition of Earth, from time to time take incarnation to experience in a more direct manner the testings of life in the outer conditions of the nations of Earth.
  Now then you have assembled at this quarter at Summit University—truly a university of the Spirit sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood—to sit at the feet of the Goddess of Justice.  Therefore I, Maitreya, consider it just that you ought to realize that some among you have embodied from out of the classrooms of Serapis Bey to study and to master the conditions of Earth so that you could return to other planetary homes where there are also dire conditions in this leg of the Kali Yuga, this very dark cycle of returning karma.
  Some who have attended these classes have now been upon Earth a second, a third, even a fourth incarnation.  For as it happens pitifully and sorrowfully, some forget the mission, the nature of the encounter and become all too attached or embroiled in the conditions of Earth. Thereby making karma, they press on another and another embodiment.
  Blessed hearts, I have stood before Serapis Bey, I have stood before the Lords of Karma to sponsor you that you might disentangle yourselves from this evolution, gain the mastery, and (now that you have spent some time here) to also accelerate the inner walk with God and thereby insure—through balancing of karma, the use of the violet flame and the certain knowledge of the path of the ascension—that in returning to finish that unfinished business in other planetary homes you might be assured that the door of heaven’s gate is open and you also might ascend after a concluding and glorious, victorious incarnation for the fulfillment of that cycle.
  Now this is a most unusual circumstance at Summit University.  And it has occurred because I have made a study of certain lifestreams upon the planetary body and I have determined that there are deserving souls who have become embroiled and enmeshed in the conditions of Earth.
Considering the maya and the bombardment of the senses from the hour of birth and beyond it is understandable.  And yet I must say in all defense of the Karmic Board and the ascended masters that all who have sojourned with Earth for these various purposes have come well-trained and aware but little by little have been enticed away from the strait and narrow path of cosmic purpose.
  Thus these circumstances and others which have caused to be assembled at Summit University this group of lifestreams have to do with the light—most intense—of the heart of beloved Portia herself and her own desire to transfer to you a living flame that you might bear into the midst of a crowded world that often seems most lonely.
  Dear hearts afire with love, I would part the veil.  I would open the way that you might touch the hem of the garment of Kuthumi, of the Lord Christ Jesus and others.  I would even accelerate the light now that you might have imparted to you a fragrance of the auric emanation of your own twinflame.  It is our desire to enable you to feel a greater proximity to the Elder Brothers and Sisters who are indeed just beyond the veil.  We are so very near, and the warmth of our love would caress you—if your attunement were not so much with the world and its absence of that love.
  Our desire is that you seek in God, your own mighty I AM Presence, the solace for human grief and every human need. For thereby you could if you would in short order dissolve some of those binding conditions that cause you to feel enslaved and truly tear from you the heights of God’s own consummate love.  Thus I commend you to the heart of the Buddha even as I stand before you.  For I draw close to you, even to your very midst, and I accelerate the interchange whereby you now receive the sphere of light which contains the record of my own discipleship with Gautama under the Lord Sanat Kumara.  For as I have pondered the sweet mystery of Life which is the chela in the heart of the Guru and the Guru in the heart of the chela I have desired that you should know truly what is the path of Life whereby you put on concentric rings of the aura of the Buddha, of the aura of the Mother and begin to experience in actuality that mighty figure-eight flow of Being.
  O my beloved, I would draw you intensely and tenderly into my heart.  For of all of the words that have passed through your heart during these weeks together it is the word of love, the tenderness of the Good Shepherd and the realization of this perfect love that casts out the entire sphere of human creation—the whole ball of wax, as you might say.
  Think then of wax melting in the Sun.  Realize that those who have attempted to fly using wax to attach their wings truly will not fly, for the wax—symbolical of the maya of the ego—will always prove insufficient to the task.  You cannot fly to the Sun on human pride, the wax of ambition.  Beloved hearts, it is not even lawful for you to claim “my right” but to realize that the motto of the kings “God and my right” has to do with the right of the Christ Self within you to reign.  The human consciousness imperfect has no rights or privileges except those accorded to it by the mighty I AM Presence, even as the soul has access to the exercise of freewill.  Realize then that your right to be and to express freewill is always by Grace. And this Grace is afforded moment by moment by moment by the freewill of the Lord God Almighty—it is not something that is yours to keep by right but by Grace.  And Grace is always contingent upon the state of consciousness of the individual.
  Grace as that element of the Holy Spirit descends only to the level of a certain frequency of vibration of light and consciousness.  And as long as the soul is attuned with that level that soul is draped in the Grace and the graciousness of the Person of God, of the holy office and of the garments worn.  But when there is the subtle slipping away from that office and from its vibration so it is as the slip of the cup.  And therefore there are moments when those who ought to be in the Grace of Almighty God lose that Grace.  And it is then that they cry “My right!”  and they claim the authority which is not theirs except when they are under the shadow of their own Christ Self who is indeed the most gracious King of kings, the Immanuel—the “God with us.” 
  Blessed hearts, consider then the scales of justice.  For we too were initiated on the path of Justice by the ascended lady masters.  Consider these scales and consider the balance of the path.  The path contains the requirement on the one side of obedience unto the Law—obedience unto the Law as the Word of the Guru who embodies the Law.  Realize then that the requirement of the chela is not obedience to a set of blueprints or to a code of conduct or to a set of regulations and rules or commandments of life but rather obedience to the spoken Word of the Gurus in the unbroken chain of the Word incarnate whereby the pronouncements of the Word have also been collected and codified.
  But, beloved hearts, one must never lose sight of the fact that the Law itself—as stated, as set forth—is the manifestation of the Word.  Therefore balancing obedience to the Law on the other side of the scale is intense love for the Teacher—intense love for the Person of God whereby one is infused with the light to be obedient to the Impersonal Personality of the Law itself on the other side of the scale.
  How easy it is to tip the balance in favor of love for the Guru!  But when this is out of balance with obedience to the Law the scales tip.  And then you see, suddenly you find yourselves rocked into a state of idolatry where nearness to the Guru or love of the Guru replaces the work of the ages, the mighty work whereof Jesus spoke:  “The Father worketh hitherto, and I work.” 
  Thus the balance of the Law is revealed as the Person—the personal and the impersonal manifestation.  And if perchance you should leave off loving the Person of the Word in every ascended master as well as in the embodied avatar then, beloved hearts, your devotion would quickly degenerate to that legalism and that humanistic assessment of the Law whereby the mechanical, rote performance is deemed sufficient.  And therefore once again the scales are tipped.  For without daily renewal in the heart of the Guru of devotion and of love the Law itself becomes an empty shell no longer charged with the original light and intent of the Word, the spoken Word, of the one that spake it in the beginning.
   If indeed the Law as a writing were sufficient, the angels would merely deposit books upon the altars of the mosques and temples and sanctuaries of Life.  Indeed it would not have been necessary for the Manus to come to the planetary systems and to inaugurate the cycles of their dispensations with the pronouncement of the Word itself.
  Realize then, beloved hearts, that in those eras of the Law when the Guru is present and when the speaking of the Word and the hearing of the Word is the sole communication that is allowed and, because souls have descended from the Christ mind they are aware of that spoken Word—there is less departure from devotion of the Person and Impersonality of the Law.  For these reside in the single light of the Initiator. And therefore there is a concentration upon the center of the scales as the Tree of Life itself, and one enters into the unity of the Word as Person and the Law that is codified.  And thus no longer twain but the balance of Life itself becomes—by the Law of Correspondences—you the chela sitting directly neath your own vine and fig tree as the mighty I AM Presence with the intercession of the intermediary, the Christ mind itself.
  Beloved hearts, there are few if any among mankind today who can sustain an untainted at-one-ment with the mighty I AM Presence without deviating from this singular balance of devotion to the Person and the Impersonal Spirit of God. Therefore there is yet the need for embodied Messenger, embodied Guru.  Realize therefore that all things contain the essentials of cosmic purpose, even our gathering here together today.
  Mindful then of your heart’s longing to perfect your immortal destiny, mindful then that some have reached barriers (albeit self-created) I have come to widen your capacity to experience God and Life truly as these are in balance—as above so below. Realize that “God and my right” signify the presence of the mighty I AM Presence and the Christ Self.  And never ever was it the intent of Hierarchy to impute to the imperfected human self this ordination of authority.  Rather by Grace there is the dropping of the mantle upon each individual that that individual might enter into that office and grow in the Grace of the office.
  How quickly some have trampled upon the mantles of their Gurus.  How quickly some have trampled upon their own.
Beloved hearts, I desire in answer to your call to give you the opportunity to accelerate in a holy office.  The office of which I speak is the Office of Chela.  Do you understand that to be a chela is to be called of God unto dis­cipleship?  One cannot claim the mantle of the chela, but one may aspire to it and serve lovingly toward that goal.
  Your acceptance as a chela by a single master of the Great White Brotherhood is certainly to be desired and highly prized among those who study in our retreats.  For you see, when you are received vis-à-vis the ascended master in the one-to-one relationship of the mighty figure-eight flow it is a signal that there is trust in the heart of the master—sufficient trust to place a portion of himself within your heart and then to begin the weaving of the figure-eight action and the mighty flow of light.  Your interaction with this dispensation and your adoration of the Person of the Guru will give to you a most fitting opportunity to come into alignment with your own God-free being at the behest and sponsorship of one who is God-free and ascended.
  Realize the immense opportunity at hand.  Realize that there must be a certain coequality twixt the Guru and chela—even though it is the Guru whose name is spelled with a capital G signifying that the greater portion of Godhood rests within the Guru and that the chela, always spelled with a lowercase c, is yet in the process of putting on the skeins of light.  But, you see, even a single point of Godhood conveyed by the Guru results in a sort of balance, if you will, whereby it is God who is in polarity with God—although it is the God that has been invested into your heart which you make your own by your soul’s attunement with your very own Christ Self, your mighty I AM Presence and the Guru himself.
  Now, beloved hearts, in the ceremony of this interchange I desire to place with you the sphere that contains the recordings of my chelaship.  This sphere I make available to your Christ Self in its entirety.  Let each one then submit to the rule—by Law and Love, by Person and by Word—to his own beloved Christ Self.  Let it be an unmitigated love.  Let it be uncompromising.  Let it accelerate.  For by that love you will melt the successive sheaths of this sphere of light and there will pour unto you, the soul on the path, another circle of initiation, another world of Maitreya, another layer of the mantle of the office of chela.
  To occupy the office of chela is the most noble and the highest of all activities upon earth!  I say this because there is yet human questioning and doubt and confusion in the hearts of some as to whether to do this or to do that.  Beloved hearts, all of the education you need in the outer sense and all of the training can be gained by you as a part of your direct chelaship under the ascended masters which perforce must also be monitored and directed by the embodied Messenger.
All that you need in the way of preparation for the mighty work of the ages upon this planetary body and perhaps on other systems can be acquired and fulfilled while you are in direct service to the Guru in embodiment who represents the essential Mother-flame of all ascended masters, thereby providing you with the link to any of our bands.  For truly the one common light of Mother is both our source and the object of our devotion.  Thus we have raised up Mother-flame and Mother-heart to represent a wide span of consciousness of the Great White Brotherhood in order to accommodate the many paths and evolutions and directions which are upon the varied lifewaves of this Earth.
  Realize then that the closer your proximity to the Word the more intense your initiations.  Knowing this you must realize that even this sphere of my own, chelaship will accelerate the cooking-out of your subconscious of that substance which ought to by all rights be put into the flame.  Thus it is you might say a calculated dispensation—calculated to give you opportunity, but the moment that opportunity should be misused (there is) the immediate withdrawal of the sphere so as to cause you the least uncomfortability/karma.  Proximity to the light, once its fiery coils surround you, is also relentless in the pursuit of darkness even as Truth swallows up error.
  And the serpent swallowing its tail must always result in a higher and higher manifestation of God’s Being, for the Law of Transcendence is fulfilled.  For as the Lord God partakes of my body, of my blood truly there is acceler­ation to the next ring.  For the serpent cannot swallow its tail without 
trans­formation that comes from assimilation of the very essence of Holy Spirit itself.  And this is a great mystery.
Let those who have ears to hear, hear what is the message of the Spirit unto souls of light who are the churches in this hour.
  My beloved, I would not have you misinformed nor would I have you misunderstand the purpose of the first level of this university of the Spirit.  We describe it as the opening of the temple door—the opening of the door of the heart, the opening of the door of the Christ Self of the individual soul. Truly it is the first step on the path.  Therefore let it not be that some of you consider with this amount of light and teaching you have all you need until the hour of your ascension.
  It is true as our Messenger has said that the Teaching itself is a sufficiency.  For behind the Teaching and every Word that is spoken is a great sphere of light containing infinite wisdom and the science of its application.  But, beloved hearts, the mere hearing of the Teaching is not the transfer of the ability to open the door to these spheres—or, as we would put it, to melt the sheaths of consciousness behind the Word.
It is following the Word and its vibration back to that very source of the Sun behind the sun of manifestation that is the path.  Therefore let those who cherish Maitreya and the ongoing path of initiation draw close to the love of the Mother’s heart and realize this opportunity to serve in many arenas of life across the planetary body and yet to serve in direct alignment with the Messenger.
  There is a difference then.  Some choose to go forth with a little knowledge of the Law to become a law unto themselves. The serpents have taught this. They have encouraged the proud to take what is given and to go forth to become greater than the instrument of the Law, to discard the instrument and to think that with a little getting they will indeed conquer. These have erred and taken upon themselves an immense karma for the letting down of lifestreams who ought to have been connected or reconnected to the original fount instead of left to depend upon those who have not occupied the holy office of chela and therefore have not had the Spirit of the Word or the instrumentation to convey that Spirit.
  The Nessenger has told you of the event of suicide and warned of this very circumstance.  To be cleansed is one thing, but the requirement “Go, and sin no more” must be held to as joyously as the original desire to be made whole.  Thus, beloved hearts, let it not be said that those who have sat with Maitreya, with Portia and Saint Germain and others of our bands should go out and then play the game of “guru,” considering how much wiser they are than those unschooled in the mystery school of the Brotherhood.
  I must expose to you thoroughly the tendency and the penchant of the human mind to do just that.  And I must reveal to you this temptation and also counsel you that truly you have only entered into the beginning of the Law.  The pursuit of the path of service will unfold for you petals of the Mother’s heart that cannot be wrested, that cannot be discovered, that cannot be taken but only acquired by blessed assimilation through that closeness and oneness of love that is never idolatry but always the love of the greater and greater light shining just beyond the veil.  O beloved hearts, let your love indeed go to the Mother—but let it pass through.  For she is also an open door to octaves fair.  Let it pass through swiftly, contacting succeeding chains of Hierarchy.
  I long for you to behold in some moments of teaching how being upon being of light, tier upon tier (as frequencies accelerate) of angels overshadow the release.  And there is an acceleration of the Person of the Teacher until you could behold the fullness and the glory of her own ascended master light body in octaves fair where etheric retreats and students of the light receive the very same message by the frequency of the Word of the I AM Presence.  No wonder that some of you recall inner retreat experience sitting at the feet of the Messengers learning those lessons of Life that perhaps your ears could not hear in this level of densification!  Indeed you are learning at inner levels.  Indeed your higher bodies are participating.  Indeed your souls come and go to the inner retreats.  This is why it is called a university of the Spirit!
  Beloved hearts, this term has naught to do with the world’s conception of a university according the degrees of this world. You have not heard of degrees being awarded, for there are none that can be given.  For the degrees are of the Spirit and spiritual and they are worn with great honor as you receive them at inner levels.  And you know as I know, and one day your entire consciousness will have that awareness that you have indeed accelerated.  And in the hour of your ascension you have gained, so to speak, golden bars of merit that have not been won by many other lifestreams and even saints who have ascended because they did not have the opportunity to be a part of my own mystery school and to receive the direct initiations by the spoken Word from one in physical embodiment.  For it is only by this method that we are able to curb the tendencies of the serpent mind, [that] we are able to encourage and to correct a certain wobbling in the four lower bodies that occurs when there is even the slightest vibration of being out of alignment.
  Our Messenger is sensitized and most sensitive to our vibration.  And therefore the rebuke for outer conditions is always rooted in the rebuke of inner vibration, the intangible—that something that must be dissolved, even as it has crystallized in the astral or mental body in order for you to penetrate higher octaves and higher vibrations.
  This is an ongoing process, day by day.  And this is why we have applauded and assisted El Morya in the extension and outreach of this organization in order to provide chelas with this opportunity to serve in a world sense and to accelerate in the course of service by having that supervision that is so necessary to point out the unwindings of human consciousness as these come forth in the course of service itself.
  Life must be outplayed—the great Superconscious Being, the Monad of Life, as well as the subconscious.  And it is the outplaying of these spirals, beloved, that enables you to view the passing scenes of reality and unreality.  I give you then, my hearts, the key to objectivity on the path.  This key is in my Person and in my own path which by Grace of the Universal Christ I made my own—and by that Grace alone.  For I know well what is humility.  And I can tell you, beloved hearts, humility comes when you sit at the feet of Sanat Kumara. Humility comes when you hear his heartbeat within the chamber of your own heart and then you hear his heartbeat as the great magnet of Almighty God magnetizing your own heart.  And then, lo, the moment when your heartbeat and his own is one and there is only the one beat in unison of Life—as above so below.  Beloved hearts, that humility comes when you feel yourself enfolded by the mystical love of Sanat Kumara.
  These gifts of God are to be cherished more than all else. These gifts of God, my beloved, come by the soul’s inner penetration and interpenetration with the fiery coils of the Initiator.  Let those who do not consider themselves prepared for interaction with the sphere of my mastership/chelaship merely give me the sign of their decline and I will graciously withhold it until another cycle of turning when you are ready.
Beloved hearts, readiness for confrontation with any part of God is certainly a most serious science of the soul.  It is a part of the seraphic science.  For the seraphim themselves are the great confronters of man’s identity and of his soul.  Mighty seraphs welcome the opportunity to confront the soul of light on the path of life.
  Blessed hearts, remember love.  My love impels me to give you all that the great Law will allow.  My love impels me to understand the present plight of your soul, the dilemma of your inner being in contradistinction to the outer manifestation—even the dilemma of your karma.
  But I AM Maitreya.  Each and every one of you knows me well.  You know my face, my footprint, my vibration.  You have heard my comings and my goings in the inner temples of the Spirit.  I say then this is a most august occasion.  For it is an hour out of a cosmic cycle when I may sit with you as we have not sat together in this group for many an aeon.  It is an hour when there might pass between us the secrets of the heart, confessions and affirmations of good.  It is an hour when I may be myself with those students who have dutifully and, in most cases, lovingly prepared themselves for my coming.  I send a single ray of hope to every heart on earth that is affiliated with the heart of this Messenger by devotion to the flame of Life.  I send forth a ray of hope for progress on the path, for increasing God Self-awareness.
  I send hope now to those who have not tied themselves to the Great White Brotherhood.  And through my aura the Great White Brotherhood extends its outreach into the earth—gathering, gathering unto itself those whose hands reach out to touch Our Garment but who cannot quite reach.  Thus I extend the rope of hope.  And the hand may grasp it and hold then that which is real—that which will not steal from them their own self-consciousness in God.  O dear hearts, how we long to see upliftment and a ceasing of all struggle and a healing of the wounds of the nations and understanding replace misunderstanding.
  Hearts of light, come into my own.  There is a little bird snowy white in a little golden cage in my heart chamber.  He sings a song of love and The Song of the Homing.  This little white bird is not imprisoned but entered the cage voluntarily and shut the door, desiring to be an adornment at the altar where chela may come to meditate—the chela whom I have chosen, not who has chosen me.  This snowy white bird sings the love song of twinflames.  And do you know he sings the keynote of each one’s I AM Presence as that chela approaches the altar of initiation in my heart.
  Most blessed outcropping of Holy Spirit, most blessed being of Light, this little bird understands the mystery of chelaship and would illustrate that happiness of soul to be in the birdcage yet totally free to fly to the heart of the I AM Presence of anyone, even from here to the Central Sun to meditate upon the keynote, to learn it and to sing it in adoration of that Monad of Light and of that soul becoming the Monad.
  When therefore you meditate in this hour here in the sanctuary of the Holy Grail I ask that you visualize the snowy white bird in the golden cage as you hear him sing the song of love of your own God Presence I AM.  Let this little bird teach you the mystery of perfect love and perfect service and, my beloved, perfect freedom within the disciplined environment of a cosmic grid.  You see, whether that grid be planet Earth or another world or sea or sky or earth or your favorite place or your most unfavorite place, Camelot, or cities of the nations, Serapis Bey’s retreat or your own untransmuted human creation—that cosmic grid represents your opportunity for service unto victory.
  Contemplate the little bird and then determine whether it is “God and my right” as your own private interpretation of the Word or “God and my right” as your own mighty I AM Presence and Christ Self that will become the leading authority in your life, the leading authority as mighty lifestream that not only connects you to the Great God Star but pulls you in year by year as you the soul are the anchor and God Himself is the great Mother-ship.
  O hearts of light, indeed you are anchor-points under the sea of the astral plane and in the heart of Earth of the great, great light of the mother-ship of our Brotherhood.  So it is that the clipper ship is my symbol and the symbol of your soul’s journey in time and in space.
  There are no coordinates in the sea itself; thus ancient mariner charts by polar magnet, North Star and other heavenly bodies.  Thus when charting your course, beloved hearts of light, you must realize that it is not corks bobbing on the sea that can ever be the coordinates of your journey—incompleted spirals and imperfected ones.  Rather move through the sea by the light of the stars.  Remember Maitreya, and remember that the way is clear and starlight is like crystal, and when there is confusion or illusion it can certainly be consumed by violet flame and by the pure in heart.
  Let those who would know Portia and Saint Germain now undertake the self-disciplining of soul that leads only to the Divine Whole of love and love and love.  In the fullness of the joy of Opportunity I commend you unto Guru and Law.        
-Maitreya:  12-4-1980 at Summit University at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger ECP

My Beloved Sons and Daughters,
     I reenter the physical octave through the blessedness of thy being, thy desiring to know the truth, to study the truth, to be the truth.  Hail, O Thou Cosmic Christ!  Lo, I AM THAT I AM Maitreya.  I call my Sons, Lords of the Seven Rays:  Make Thy Presence known here!  Let the trees, the rock, the frozen earth and stream know the warmth of Thy compassionate Presence.
O my beloved Seven, O Lord [the Maha Chohan], thou who art the Representative of the Holy Spirit, welcome then and welcome thine own students, for they have truly desired to enter in.
  Therefore the golden fount of illumination’s flame is seen to dance as flames licking the hillsides, and an aurora of golden light pulsating does create an atmosphere of a Sun Presence as though the Earth were already a Sun-star–and the indigo blues of the night and the power of the first ray and the sparkling and the bursting of the fireworks within.
  Blessed hearts, it is a celebration of Earth by elemental life who come to meet you, to welcome you to their land, to their place where they are nurtured by the Divine Mother.  And the etheric octave and the retreat of Lady Master Venus does draw nigh as you yourselves have somewhat entered the etheric octave of your being.  It is good then to commune in love and to prepare to enter the equations of the teaching of the path. Thereby to be forewarned is to be forearmed, and in being forearmed, beloved, you shall be truly prepared to meet the Adversary within and without and to meet me on the way of forest path, mountain fastnesses and in the heart of the valley and the hearth of home and fire.
  Welcome, ye!  Welcome, all who have determined to gather on the mount!  Let those who have come for lesser reasons be purged of their lesser reasons for I, Maitreya, quicken a golden illumination flame in every heart who has come.  This flame must be expanded else it shall decrease.  To increase illumination as illumined action does rid oneself of the grumpiness of human ignorance that stubs its toe or thumb for want of inner equilibrium of illumination’s golden plume.
The gentleness of those out of the East and those from ancient civilizations is apparent.  Now you see in the realm of the second ray so many hearts at so many levels a part of this thoughtform of the year–the bodhisattvas, the blessed students and disciples, all then having locked within their hearts the divine image of Buddha, and Buddha the smiling one, the meditating one does twinkle his eyes in a merriment then.
  Do not take yourself too seriously, he says.  Do not be too seriously burdened with all illusions in the world.  Though they be strong illusions it is well to pause to remember they are not real nor all the engines of war or rumors thereof.  They are not real but only set in place as props, as bad dreams, that those who see and know reality might draw the sword and pierce that set, that backdrop in life, and in so piercing it excise all of the poisons and the manipulations of those fallen ones.  They cannot stand unless some believe they are real.  Thus Evil has no permanent reality except the reality given to it.
  We come as withdrawers, this may be our name—withdrawers all, our aim.  Withdraw the light from the fight, there is no fight!   Bind Darkness in its way, it cannot hold sway!   There is a moment of joy in the release of light from all of your chakras at the point and place prepared.  Blessed hearts, these hordes of darkness do tremble at the gentle footsteps of Lord Confucius, Lord Lanto; and my own Presence does cause them to fall back in dismay and faint as the Holy Ghost may therefore judge them in the Presence of the Cosmic Christ.  They are breathless, for there is no breath of life save that from the Maha Chohan, for they have already ruined their breath by noxious weeds of earth.
  O uncommon light, O uncommon ones, I, Maitreya, salute you, for thou hast come long, long way from the days of Lemuria!  Throw off thy weariness in the long trek of thy return.  Thou art Home.  Thou art Home in light, and illumination’s glow as fire in the heart of the mountain does set the backdrop for the Buddha of the Ruby Ray.  Look then on inner plane at the mount you have called Himalaya–it looks as though the entire side of the mountain should open as a vast door, and in the heart of the mountain is a blazing illumination’s flame and seated in this flame, beloved, is the transparent Buddha of the Ruby Ray.  How beautiful!
  And therefore all inside the mountains of earth, those which have been chosen by the Gods, there are manifestations of light unknown and unheard of.  Yet the waters under the earth and the fires therein, the heat that has been sealed, all these receive the charge and vibration of the holy ones of God.  Earth conceived in holiness has been rendered profane by the fallen ones, but we shall endure in holiness and love.
  I take from you then if you will release it, wrong desire.  I release in you an upward mounting spiral of illumination’s flame intertwining with resurrection’s flame.  Therefore let all of the energies of thy being mount and rise and spiral in this hour.  Welcome to the Mystery School, called in the outer Summit University.  But within, beloved, as depicted in the Roerich painting on the covers of The Lost Teachings of Jesus, there is that inner gathering, there is that inner oneness in the secret place of the rock, in the secret place of the crystal cave, in the inner dwelling place.  Therefore enter the chakra of the Eighth Ray–the eight-petaled chakra, secret chamber of the heart, the heart of the mountain, the heart of Himalaya and know that in planes slightly above the physical there are pathways to be entered.  And there is a coursing of tunnels and caves and compartments within Earth’s crust that have been prepared for thy meditation one upon one with the beloved Buddha.
  Therefore,I make my trek now to the Heart of the Inner Retreat, physically there, and in the etheric Western Shamballa I bow before the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha, who welcomes me and all members of this Community to an era of enlightenment unprecedented in an era of outer darkness that has not been exceeded.
  Thus we keep the home fires burning, and the warmth of our love, the kindling fire of our wisdom does return to you, beloved, the spark of divine consciousness and divine intelligence which was thine in the beginning and has atrophied whereby the fullness of its use is not thine own in this hour.
  I shall seal my delivery with you then by inviting you to decree with me for golden illumination’s flame that you might have the momentum of my Presence on the path of overcoming.  Being the Coming Buddha then,I am come into your temple.  Just as there is prophesied in the West the Second Coming of Christ so there is prophesied in the East the Coming of Maitreya.  The significance is the descent of the Buddha who is Cosmic Christ into your heart.  It is not delayed, it is ready.  I AM here, beloved.  I would enter.  As the chamber is emptied and then filled again, emptied and then filled again by the fire breath of illumination’s flame, know that in your process of processioning through inner canyons of being, mounting then the spiral staircase to the heart I am with you, and in a moment of recognition [we experience] the divine awareness of we two in the heart of hearts communing.
Thus develop the listening ear, the all-seeing Eye of God, the sensitivity of touch and the breathing in of the sacred breath. Develop all senses as spiritual senses, thereby sharpening the outer, and let the fire of the Divine Mother rising consume all unnecessary bag and baggage of a self, a former self that the Self that is yet to be might be entered into and known by the soul.
  Thus upon you are placed now, one and all of this Community and those who study with us in this hour, the neophyte’s golden robe, a simple natural garment the color of a golden yellow.  Thus wear it with joy on inner levels and be unencumbered by any other necessity of adornment.
  You will see then at inner levels and on the etheric octave devotees of the Buddha.  Some of these are out of their body in hours of sleep, some have risen to the etheric octaves.  Blessed hearts, many of the Tibetan Buddhists pause to listen to my message to those of the West.  These are disciples who always enter the etheric octave or chambers of the mental belt.  They have sustained a pillar of my flame.  See what has come upon them–the hordes of night and those who have become so by the vicious indoctrination of Mao’s Communism and that even more fanatical than that of the Western Communists.
  Blessed hearts, know then that when the pillar of fire is raised up there must be an inner chamber and the ability of the soul to rise to the etheric octaves.  Thus we count this mystery school as the opportunity of all souls gathered here to master the science of the Word and therefore to deliver the death blow and the death knell to every force of Evil that has moved against our temples, our mystery schools and our retreats.
  For the Lord God Himself has decreed:  They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!  Rather that the Earth itself should not endure than levels of our disciples again and again be brutalized and massacred, tormented and tortured and the light put out of our Community.  Thus from the heart of Alpha, from the heart of the Lord God is your sign and authority to demand the judgment of all those seed of the wicked embodied in the Earth who have persecuted in church and state the children of the Sun, that they be bound and judged by angels of light.  This authority to call forth their judgment, beloved, is given to you from your beloved Alpha. Take it then.
  Have mercy, O God within you!   Have mercy, O God within you!  Have mercy, O God within you, for the Tibetans who have held a tradition unto my coming!  Blessed hearts, see to it that these, these, these shall not have died in vain.  And therefore stand in the Earth in this hour to redeem their name, their service and their life by the call of the judgment upon all those who have agreed to their takeover, including those in the United States, the President thereof and the Department of State.  I say, that Department of State is also judged, whereupon let the woes be on them and all who are with them in vibration!
  I, Maitreya, say there is room in the Earth for me.  Thus there is no room for Antichrist.  My hand is raised.  Let your right hand also be raised, and by the power of the Great Call let the judgment descend.  I decree it once.  I decree it twice.  I decree it thrice.  Let them be bound and let it be by the fullness of the intensity of the mind of Buddha in all disciples of the light.
  Therefore pray with me now for golden illumination’s flame to pierce the night of ignorance and quicken hearts to defend their victory.  There are those who take their stand to defend Freedom.  I say, defend your victory in the heart of the Cosmic Christ!  (Decree number 20.13.  Together:)
    Golden Flame from the Central Sun

      In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves of all Earth’s evolutions, beloved Alpha and Omega, beloved Helios and Vesta, beloved Great Central Sun messengers, all Cosmic Beings, powers, activities and legions of Light, the beloved God and Goddess Meru and all who serve Illumination’s flame, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life–fire, air, water and earth!  I decree:

Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Expand thy Light through me today! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Transmute all wrong Illumination’s way! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Direct our youth into action God’s way! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Illumination’s flame, fore’er hold sway! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Illumine the Earth by Christ-command! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Thy beauteous power I now demand! (3x)

Take dominion now,
To thy light I bow;
I AM thy dazzling light,
Golden flame so bright
Grateful for thy ray
Sent to me each day,
Fill me through and through
Until there’s only you!

  I live, move and have my being within a mighty pillar of Illumination’s golden flame from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun and my very own individualized Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Alpha and Omega, beloved Helios and Vesta and all who serve God’s victorious golden Light radiance which blesses and heals, illumines and seals me and all mankind forever in the light of God that never, never, never fails.

Golden Victorious Light
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Mighty Victory, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life–fire, air, water and earth!  I decree:
I AM the golden victorious Light, the full-orbed flame of Illumination from the heart of God that refuses to accept any concept of limitation concerning my eternal reason for being here and now made manifest in the chalice of the present hour.  I AM the radiation of that Victory which sweeps across the face of the earth, removing barriers by the power of Faith that will not be denied its immortal birthright.
 I AM the flame of Illumination that sweeps all continents, awakening peoples of every walk of life from the lethargy and sleep of the ages to a vital, breathing awareness of the wisdom that transcends dogma, sense consciousness and personality functions, threading the eye of the needle with the thread of light-determination whose sewings upon the garments of the Lord of Creation produce elevation, consummation, radiation, purification and freedom for every man, woman, and child upon this planet.
*O world, awake,
Your dusty selves now shake;
Purify and rectify,
New ways of thought to make!  *(10x)

     Decree for Brotherhood
Out of the One,
Thou, God, hast spun
All of the races of men.
By Thy great Law
Do Thou now draw
All to their God-Source again.

Take away hate;
By Love abate
All mankind’s vicious intent.
Show Thy great power
Every hour
Of love and compassion God-sent.

Divine Love sending forth
The wonderful feeling of true divine healing,
Unguents of light now sealing
All of the schisms of men.

Stop all division!
By God-precision
Love is the hallowed Law–key.

Ultimate peace,
Make all war cease,
Let the children of men now go free!

Stop mankind’s friction,
All their predictions
Tearing bless’d heart from heart.
By God-direction
Produce now perfection
In Thy great family one heart.

      And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest!  (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free!  Beloved I AM!  Beloved I AM!  Beloved I AM!

  Did you hear the affirmation “Beloved I AM”?   You are saying, I am belov’d of God.  Beloved I AM.  Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.  If I am the beloved of God and you are the beloved of God, then we are one in the Divine All.  In this oneness of consummate Being know that I shall give thee to drink of the same fount from which I gave Jesus to drink.  Therefore, beloved, enter in to the mainstream of cosmic Life and put behind thee the past streams of consciousness that no longer are useful or fruitful.
  In the heart of the yellow rose I AM and I remain Maitreya!Vajra!  Vajra!  Vajra!      
     (Order of Rigden Gyepo by N. Roerich, 1933)   
       -Maitreya:  1-2-1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch via Messenger ECP
My Beloved,

     Out of the compassionate heart of the Buddha I come to you this day in an aura of love–a love that is such splendor in such simplicity as to woo you to the heart of the Divine Mother who does nourish in you that light eternal.  Therefore in the sweetness of the Mother do the Buddhas come, in the adoration of the Tara, the great Kuan Yin, in all planes and in our incarnations of that Divine One.
  Come then, beloved, and know that in the body of bliss we tarry for assimilation of the power of Love.  And in the conclusion of our meditation as I am releasing to you the fragrance, the essence of my highest being, you will contain the power of Love that you may direct–according to your free will enlightened by your Christhood–into conditions that must be alleviated, that must be allayed for the establishment of a basic continuity of life.
  It is the continuity of being midst the turbulence in the Earth of earthquake and jarring sensations and frights that come upon people in every walk of life [of which we would speak].
Where there is a continuity of the stream of Life from on high through you, through this thread of contact, through the flowing words of my heart, the path can be sought and won, the weary can be fed and clothed and given to drink. Continuity of life, beloved, is the need of the hour and that is what is threatened by the prophecies you have heard, by the signs in the heavens.
  Know then, beloved, that where the stream is broken or the thread of contact severed there then souls truly may suffer a Dark Night and be tossed and tumbled until the Avalokitesvara may descend with his legions to carry them from their inundation in the astral seas and waves.  Blessed hearts, this is why you are called to keep the flame of Christ, of Maitreya, of Buddha.
  Keep the flame of Life, beloved.  For in that flame of your heart, some will understand, [some] will come to know me or to know the true Jesus as my Messenger and Son, some will come to know their own Christhood.  Keep the flame, beloved. You are in the earth, flames becoming bodhisattvas and some among you are bodhisattvas.
  Note well, beloved, that life deserves your ministering and it is only just that you give it in this hour.  Remember, you minister unto a soul becoming the fullness of that light who by your ministration may even exceed your glory for which you should give a shout of gratitude to the cosmos.  Remember then that you serve not the human lesser self but a soul that is entrapped by that human lesser self.  Take care then in time-wasting upon the bottomless pit of human desire and appetite that will take not only your wares and teaching and light but yourself if it could.
  Seek the devotee who is in straits dire and wield the sword of Maitreya to cut him free.  But do not become entangled with those who have no intention of rising but only of keeping you tied in argumentation and distractions and byways [which take you] from the cries of the little ones who need you now and not tomorrow.
  I AM Maitreya, always in the heart of Jesus–always the Buddha within his crown, always the Buddha within his heart.
I AM Maitreya in the earth body conversing with your soul. Know me then in kindness first expressed by you.  Then the return current of that kindness expressed by another will reveal to you one of my million smiles through the friend, through the kind ones on earth, the wise ones who know that true kindness is found in the act of one who has cared enough to earn the key to open the door to successive chambers of my retreat.
  Come and find me, beloved, for now I retreat to the Himalayas where I hold class continuing.  May you experience me in your own discipleship of realizing the One, the Ineffable, the All, the Love–of Aquarius.
-Lord Maitreya:  2-14-1988 at San Francisco via Messenger E C Prophet
Most Gracious Ones of My Heart,

    Seldom in the course of embodying the noble mien of the Cosmic Teacher does one encounter a group of devotees so prepared, so willing to enter into the heart of the Cosmic Christ; [therefore] this welcome you afford me in the West is a highlight in my service.  Thus I come, for a cradle has been provided not alone by Gautama or the Divine Mother or Sanat Kumara but by hearts self-prepared, determined, even by those who by the standards of Eastern paths may not have, apparently, spiritual qualifications to be the abode of Maitreya.  We see with inner eye.  The rough-hewn or the outer crudities do not discourage us when we see a fire that burns clean within.  Yet this is not to say that we do not then come to tutor and to refine, for what is Buddhahood but refinement of all [that] with which the newborn child of God has [been endowed].
  There are wise ones in the earth.  There are kind ones. Refinement, including the balancing of karma, is all that stands between these jolly-good folk and the bodhisattvas who are the inheritors, as are the bhikkhus and nuns, of a tradition that does establish certain givens as being most certainly and most obviously a part of the path.
  Prepared then are ye by the ascended masters, by the Divine Mother, by the Messengers.  Now then through you I would shorten the distance between my heart of hearts and the heart of an unenlightened humanity.  Beloved ones, one tender smile is surely worth a thousand frames of the face of Maitreya.  The loving, overflowing, pure heart’s giving–does this not convey the Maitreya beyond the veil?   I desire you to be myself not in pomposity or pride (now self-styled initiators of lesser mortals), nay, but to remember that by the Grace of the One who has sent me you yourself might be my vessel.
You say, then “But you have not yet appeared to us, Maitreya. How can we be thyself appearing to others?”  Yet I have so many times appeared to you. 
  Will you not,then first and foremost take up the study of all of my dictations [which I have released] even through these two disciples, your Messengers?  Will you not search them to discover the keys of this age that is known in some quarters as “the Age of Maitreya”?  Then will you not see that all others [of the spiritual hierarchy] who have released by the Holy Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood the vast Teaching set forth have also been my Messengers–the ascended masters, the angelic hosts?  Can there not be even a treasure-mapping of these teachings?  Can there not be a choosing one by one of a single gem of a virtue to embody, come what may?  Can we not be together a mass of crystalline substance as one body, one forcefield, truly endowing and instilling the consciousness of the Universal Christ to a planet?
  Blessed ones, the higher the spiritual vibration the greater the railing and the revenge of forces of unreality.  Blessed ones, therefore seal the circle!   Seal then and guard by scientific prayer this place that has been prepared.  Truly, our religion must include the [hallowing of the] place beneath our feet whereby we direct into the earth currents of the heavens. And how greatly are they needed, these life currents, restoring streams of immortality that may quicken the dried-up selves in the earth.
  Life is about to know and receive such an increment of mercy through the heart of Kuan Yin that that mercy shall bring an enlightenment, an awareness, an understanding, a Self-knowledge.  Is not the greatest gift of mercy, the most merciful gift of all, the gift of Self-knowledge?  We count it as such and as the greatest treasure, the only treasure that can be retained:   Self-Knowledge, Be-ness–[truly know thy Self] as a being of fire.  I would woo you to the courts of Maitreya.  Come and find me, beloved.  I shall not tell where I hold court to deliver my mystery teachings in the etheric octave, for I desire those who have the magnet of my heart to find me as one would find a treasure without a map–only by lodestone attracted to lodestone.
  But I place in your heart in this hour together fire of my fire. I dip into this fire, beloved–a gold and pink and whitefire–I dip into it and in the multiplicity of my Self and Presence I place [it] into an urn (which I have by your leave already placed upon the altar of your heart)–a beautiful gold and pink and whitefire.  These colors merging, beloved, produce many hues.  Therefore [visualizing this fire] as petals of roses, fiery roses with dewdrops,you shall know that when you meditate upon this fire through the call to the golden pink glow-ray you shall be drawn unerringly to my abode.  And you shall know that the requirement of approaching me by a congruency of vibration has been met by all whom you find in my abode.  The golden pink glow-ray is the entrance to the realm of the Buddhas.
  Blessed hearts, there are yet today eight Buddhas in incarnation on this planet, and the ninth again.  Thus beloved, it is not entirely [in] the [correct] measure of prophecy that all of the Earth this day is waiting for my physical incarnation. Think you not that I am in the heart of these Buddhas?  Indeed I AM.
  Nevertheless Buddhic attainment is of vast spheres of the causal body such that you would not necessarily recognize one of these blessed ones should you encounter them.  Yet, beloved, you shall surely know the Buddha in the way when you expand the golden pink glow-ray of the heart, becoming thereby tender, sensitive, loving in a beautiful sound of Love–love as appreciation for soul, for spirit, for the vastness of potential and being but above all [as] appreciation for the God-flame.  In gratitude for the God-flame that is your threefold flame serve to set life free.  Kindness always comes forth from gratitude.  Selfishness emits from the state of the ingrate who receives again and again and demands more and demands more again as though Life and Hierarchy and Mother should supply all wants and needs.
  Blessed ones, to forget to be grateful for the gift of the flame of Life means that you can be capable of riding roughshod over another’s tenderest moments and feelings in this insensitivity.  “The Keeper’s Daily Prayer” is given [to you] by the blessed ones, by the beloved Nada that you might neglect not profoundest gratitude, daily memory that you are and shall be eternally yourself because the flame of Life as divine spark beats, beats, beloved, and leaps, burns and blazes within you.  All else may fade but the flame burns on, and out of the flame is [heard] the Call, the call to the soul:   “Come Home to the heart of Maitreya.”
  God calls you to the level of my being as the safe habitation, the biding place–all other stations, mystery schools, universities of the Spirit leading to the securing of the security of Oneness with the heart of the Universal Christ.  From that place, having once attained to it, you need never descend or depart.  Thus it is true Freedom and [the] true Freedom that I hold for thee.  And I hold it, beloved, as the champion of your beloved Saint Germain, all masters of the seventh ray and age.
I come then the proponent and the advocate of all who shall supply the mosaic of Aquarius with the rich manifestation of the seventh ray, its alchemy and religion, its inner Self-government.  O the journey of Aquarius from the center of the earth to the center of the Sun, may it be thine!
  May you treasure that which is immutable and begin to let go of those things that by time shall pass away, by space shall pass away.  Heaven and earth ultimately shall pass away, but my Word as thy God-flame shall live forever.  Be not satisfied until this flame grow and grow, envelop thy soul, make permanent this soul potential and raise you as a plucked immortelle to levels of permanence and permanent joy.  I AM in the mystery of the Word’s unfoldment within you.  I rejoice that you have entered the heart of Kuan Yin as you have entered the heart of Mary, that both sides of thy being, both sides of the brain so nurtured [by the Divine Mother] East and West might embody the ageless wisdom.  In the heart of Kuan Yin you are truly ferried in this prajna boat.  Thus I AM the Flame, I AM the Boat and I AM in the heart of the Divine Mother.
  I come to seal you, to secure you, to see to it that though karma and karmic waves may rise to assail, though forces sinister may for moments prevail, your soul in devotion to God-flame amplifying the golden pink glow-ray and the whiteness of the Mother might know that sense of security of Oneness that trusts:
I shall endure.
I shall prevail.
I shall self-transcend.
I shall shuffle off this mortal coil.
I shall live in the Flame of God forevermore.
I shall build my house as the Buddha house of the spheres of secret rays of the golden pink glow-ray of God-gratitude
whereby and whereto I become appreciative of all Life
and of the circumstances of all Life
[of all lesser manifestations of that Life which is God].
  Through this gift of fire from my heart you may become all that I AM sooner or later as you will it, mindful that sangha does not exist without the living chalice, that dharma does not exist without the living chalice, that the Guru-chela relationship does not exist without the living chalice.
  I enter the heart of the dewdrop.  Come and find me.
-Lord Maitreya:  6-30-1988 at RTR, Montana via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
      In the flesh I AM here in that of my Messenger and [I AM] in the etheric body of the students of my flame.  You have heard many words passing through the needle and the eye of the needle.  But it is a flame that you have come to study–[it is] meditation upon the flame, and beyond the flame the smile and then the face that does contain the smile.  Thus, beloved, I AM Maitreya in all octaves–in my hand a Cosmic Egg and inside the evolution of lightbearers born to earth.  Thus in this Egg there is gestation, there is the becoming of Buddha.  There is the Buddha becoming, displacing the force of anti-Buddha.
  Is this not the way of the Mystery School?  Is it not the way of Life?  How joyous is the challenge of the five secret rays of Dhyani Buddhas.  How joyous is the one Padma Sambhava.
Let the prophecies be heard and known of that which was foreseen to come to pass in Tibet.  So also let the prophecies be known of that which shall surely come to pass in the West. It is necessary.  For then, beloved, you shall see in the New Day how forms etheric become available to the sight, for  Earth is cleansed and solar rings and sunspots play their role in inaugurating change. 
  We force out the disreputable ones!  All over the world we force them out.  I have come with a sword this night.  This is my night to wield and twirl the sword of Maitreya, of the Lord Buddha.  I move with ruby ray angels and Buddha of the Ruby Ray.  Thus when you speak [the Word of the Lord’s judgment] and when you speak [it] before this altar there is a dividing of the way of the real and the unreal.  And judgment may descend by your seeing [through the all-seeing Eye of God]–by your separating, by your drawing of the line:  Thus far and no farther!
  Thus you have stripped the Lie of its virility.  Continue.  Let it be exposed, let it be shredded, let it be scorched, let ruby ray fire purge from our way and our path all that which would prevent the ascent up this very mountain of souls yet dwelling in the valley.  Let them be lifted up, O Gautama, O Buddha in the heart, the secret chamber of the heart of the chela.
  Let those lightbearers whose destiny it is to fulfill a role here receive in this hour assistance by the momentum [which they may] glean from Summit University students and all Keepers of the Flame in this world [from the decree momentum they have delivered] during this fall quarter of the year.  Let that light go as ruby arrows, let it go as armor and legions, let it be used for the saving of the lightbearer—this is our mission.
  Therefore by the rosary of Kuan Yin, rosary of the amethyst and gold, the repetition of the mantra is a softening for the opening of the heart.  Some hearts have been sealed by hardness and ignorance, thus their assessment of self and environment is not what is but what is not.  We would hasten and give a spin to electrons and chakras.  We would even place our Electronic Presence with those who waver and falter in the Community worldwide.  But, beloved ones, we know that those who receive the warmth of the Sun oftentimes cannot sustain it when the Sun does move on.  Perhaps we shall do it that they might have a memory; but even the memory body is so cluttered to capacity that they cannot even record the impression of our coming and retain it.
  Our mission then [is] to connect the line of our heart to the hearts of those who have built a fortress as the abode of Maitreya, waiting for my Homecoming.  Blessed ones, I will enter the hearts of those who have prepared me room and I will say to all that this promise extends for long, long time into the future.  I give you almost unlimited time to do this.  And I say the completion of the necessary crystal structure of light is not something that is built in a day or three months.  It is the result of long dedication, the purity of light and the pure qualification of the crystal-clear stream of the River of Life that has allowed this crystal fortress to be built.
  Thus upon its completion I, Maitreya, enter the heart and enter to stay.  For, beloved, I would be there as a presence to assist you by example, by vibration in externalizing your own Holy Christ Self somewhat after the pattern of my own Buddhahood.  I may speak these things to those who have heard all of my words, to those who have contemplated and allowed the golden fires of illumination to pass through, for you will understand, you will know–you will be the crystallization of God-flame.
  Are you willing, students, to pay the price for true Christhood?  [“Yes.”]  Then I say to you I shall exact that price daily and in response I expect you to pay it daily, and so long as this keeps up I shall remain your Mentor.  And when you say “no more” then I pray you shall understand [that] I shall move on in the cycles of the Sun.  And my instruction to you in that hour shall be, whether you hear it or not, “Hold fast what thou hast received.   Retain at least this line you have gained. Therefore do not forsake the call to Archangel Michael to protect the God-estate.”
  There ought to be never a backward step.  For it is a loss of time and energy, momentum.  And one day by the regrouping of forces roads must be retraveled and once again you may come to the place where you once stood on ascension’s hill.
Far, far away in a land you do not know there are devotees who have attained to certain levels of illumination.  This land is in the etheric octave, beloved.  Perhaps you may think of it as the Tushita heaven.  But, blessed ones, there does come a moment in levels of victory when you may attend Maitreya’s Mystery School beyond the physical.  For you shall have balanced the karma of the physical and have no longer need to descend, for you shall have raised the sacred fire to levels of chakras above the heart and, in compassion rendered to all, [you shall] depart, depart this mortal scene of corpses and disease, of corpulence and those emaciated and all manner of humanity distorted so far from the true Image as not to provide [in their current outpicturing even] a trace of the inner blueprint from which they were made.
  Blessed ones, those things that you desire are waiting in this Mystery School.  It is not so far away but it shall remain distant as long as you neglect the true mastery of the sacred fire in your being as well as the balance of karma.  O how you must understand how needful is the violet flame to your liberation from this world!  How wondrous are these recordings going forth.  How they enable you to tie in to the electromagnetic field of the Earth and to anchor therein the seventh ray.
  The service is so great, beloved, that it is almost easy to earn the balancing of karma by devotion to the violet flame and to do so, I pray you, on behalf of all students of the Buddha upon earth.  For it is so needful that these lightbearers in their comfortable niches of an ancient teaching be able to accept this key dispensation of my coming.  Saint Germain has been my forerunner as have the Lords of the Seven Rays, and these chohans who have gone before have cleared the way by violet flame and all other rays.
  Timetables then have accelerated and my presence can be to you a wondrous activity so long as your aura is joyously filled with violet flame.  Thereby many angels shall enter in.  And if you allow the deep penetration of violet flame, you will see how the dweller[-on-the-threshold] can no longer hold [on to you].  There is no ability to grip the aura that is a blazing, dazzling violet flame.  In this condition, beloved, it is also easy for archangels to bind those portions of the not-Self that you have seen through for the very act of invoking the violet flame that transmutes the propensity to dwell upon the dweller, the propensity to dwell with the dweller, the propensity to sink with the dweller. The violet flame is a buoyant energy that by its very rising does begin to allow the spinning of the base chakra and the raising up of the light.  Blessed ones, this must be understood.  For along the way records are contacted by the sacred fire, opening therefore conditions of consciousness that are sealed.  As you hasten the day of your acceleration in the violet flame and the transmutation of these conditions that appear at every rung of the spinal ladder [on the way] up and mounting the chakras [from the base-of-the-spine to the crown] you will see that there will no longer be impediment to the raising of that Kundalini fire.  You will see as you retain your diligence and perseverance with Astrea and the calls to Archangel Michael that day by day if you do not slip or falter or turn back or be sidetracked there is gain.  And this net gain, beloved, is the means whereby you pay the price for every initiation you require.
  Let those who climb the mountain not dally, not tarry at a certain level long enough to be discovered by the crosshairs of the sinister force.  Therefore I say, move on—go up and be quick about it.  When you set your goal you do not make new decisions daily.  You set the goal, take the path that leads to it, and then use all your energies to attain the goal instead of reconsidering, reevaluating and changing course with each new wandering fire that comes your way and then you say again “Perchance is this my Presence beckoning me here and there?”   Get out of Hell, I say.  Get out of Death and all its consciousness!  Get Home free!
  Angels bearing the golden velvet robe that is the sign of the completion of Summit University level one now approach to place this robe upon you.  Let all of my good students rise to receive that robe.  [Summit University students rise.]  You will note upon the right collar a five-pointed star of purple of Saint Germain.  This star then is the focus of the violet flame you have invoked and does reflect the intensity of fire.  Visualize its spin and know that the five-pointed star of the body of self does spin with violet flame.  And Saint Germain’s promise is true:  by determination, by violet flame you can win and you can win the star in the crown in this life.  Henceforth wherever you go angels and all will note that you have attended here. You have endured.  You have concluded your course with joy. And let all upon this planet know that I, Maitreya, am the sponsor of those who deal justly with their God and with all life, those who place Justice and Honor and Mercy as the standard of all interchange with life.
  Let those who have known me deliver this my mandate to all and become it.  Let the age of Maitreya be marked by the bearers of Freedom’s flame.  Let Earth be penetrated with violet fire.  As I speak the mandate does impel the penetration of Earth by violet flame angels.  And we are beginning to see a fraction of a percentage of a lightening of the weight of the lightbearers themselves.  The momentum is beginning to build . May you look back in twenty years and know that your presence on earth and your momentum of the violet flame did make for all Earth’s evolutions an easier passage.
  I come with my sword then and I come to you each one.  And this sword does descend and there is a separation of the real from the unreal as I hold that sword with each one.  And all my chelas may stand now to receive this.  [Congregation rises.]  For this moment your God-reality stands before you intact and the not-Self separated out.  Now look and see, for in everyday life the soul has merged with both, and some, but not all.   Now understand the work of the ages for the soul to separate herself out from unreality, to fully embrace reality and to be prepared to forsake some cherished beliefs and concepts and other entrapments of the lesser personality as well as trappings.  So, beloved, if truth were so obvious and so desirable, this would be another planet.
  The sword of Maitreya does hold you and separate you out from that Darkness.  I, Maitreya, have one mission to fulfill for my chelas:  to force out the Darkness that you might confront it.  Be not afraid; my angels are ready.  And if you are not, they will assist you.  And you may pray “Lord, I am ready; help thou my unreadiness.”
  I, Maitreya, adjure you in this hour—there is and can be no further postponement of this course.  I say you must, if you would survive as an integrity in God, say die to all that you can see and know that is not real within you and all that I will show you.  And the time is short.  When I say “you must,” beloved, it is of course with the proviso that you must or you will be required to pay a price you cannot pay, for you will not be prepared.  If and when the hour comes of the paying of the ultimate price upon this planet, I, Maitreya, am here to see to it that you shall have so strengthened mind and heart and will and light in all your cells that you shall be ready to pay even that price and survive in the integration with Universal Christhood.
  The force of opposition to this my mandate will be as usual. Do not fall for it.  Charge! charge! charge! I say.  Move swiftly through maya and illusion and self-attachment–and such pride.  Let it all go, beloved.  For I promise you, you are ready. Your Christ Self is ready . And as though there were a great silence all heaven is poised and ready for your declaration of Victory! Victory! Victory! in the cups of time and space day by day.  I promise you it will not be arduous forever.
  And now is eternal joy.  In sweet surrender to the heart of my Messenger in the heart of Padma Sambhava I reinforce the mantle, for the embodied Guru must also smite the waters of Hell.  Rejoice, for all things in time come to a conclusion and Eternity opens, the mountain opens, the rock cleaves and there, behold, I step forth to take your hand.  Come with me to the Royal Teton Retreat this night.  Let us begin and set the foundation of a tie and an allegiance to the inner Mystery School so that no outer condition can break the loyalty, the faith and the vow of those who are Maitreya’s.
  My blessed, I AM thine own forever.  I will touch my own now quickly while there is time.  Pass by me, beloved, and receive what I speak in your heart in this moment.    
-Lord Maitreya:  12-11-1988 at RTR via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet

-Keeper of the Scrolls by Auriel Bessemer

 -N. Roerich

-Amitabha Buddha in Prayer and Meditation, 1978

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