Tuesday, June 12, 2018

to relinquish your fears and your awareness of humanly contrived bondage

      Can you understand, blessed ones, how easy it is to relinquish your fears and your awareness of humanly contrived bondage--bondage to hatred and creations of hatred and to mental and emotional burdens that constantly cry out:  “I cannot!, I will not!”--seeing that the unity of life and of all that lives can be summoned as an act of Grace to intervene at any point in time or space to alter those conditions within yourself which need to be changed so that the fullness of the Godhead may dwell in you bodily as it did and does in my Son Christ Jesus?
  Your true Self can never be removed from the valedictory manifestations of the ages, from the Spirit of achievement that is inherent within the Godhead and the universe.  Chaos and confusion are no part!  For the sifting and sorting process within the natural order when it is allowed to function according to natural selection of the Holy Spirit--that is, the natural elevation of divine qualities in man without that interference which mankind by wrong thoughts and feelings continue to thrust upon the universe—is pure victory on the move….Yet it is to the letter of the Law that so many adhere rather than to the Spirit---but God in all of His power and wisdom still looks at the motivation of the heart….
  What a pity it is that humanity can allow themselves in the name of righteousness, in the name of truth to crucify one another over their disagreements on moot points of the Law or to allow their misunderstandings mixed with their understanding thereof to thwart their united effort….If man then desires to do the will of God and to hold fast to that which is good, he must do so oblivious of all momentums of human destruction which have ever manifested in his world, for these have no power to perpetuate themselves except the power man gives to them.  Stay with the dream of God then and shut out the clamoring wakefulness of the outer mind whether in self or in others, never losing touch with the components of reality in all parts of life

(by Ruth Hawkins)
                                -Archeia Mary:   Pearls of Wisdom 15:32

     The hopes of God lie in mankind’s conscious willing acceptance of universal harmony which must first be established in each one….In truth all of creation was brought forth in its primordial reality by the spark of God’s desire made manifest through the agency of the Holy Spirit.  This desire of the Creator to amplify the qualities of perfection is closely related to the desire nature of man which is expressed through his emotional or feeling world.  Therefore when you permit your feelings to be ruffled the surge of emotional energy which passes through your feeling world has a detrimental effect upon the harmony of self and is counter to the love, peace, wisdom and joy of the Holy Spirit….
  We fully recognize that the mind accustomed to ordinary thoughts and feelings is easily caught up in the revolving of the mundane and amplification of the mass consciousness.  In effect man has become a reactor both to his environment and haphazard activities of his companions, and his energies are almost totally engaged in human situations that arise in his world from day to day.  And like the rising and falling of a surging sea his emotional energies are maneuvered by his reactions to one disturbing condition to the next.
  The image of their own Christ Self commanding the emotional waves “Peace, be still!” is needed by mankind in every area of life, for there are none in the world that are not subject to trying conditions.  When people let their thoughts and feelings become reactive, triggered by the words and deeds of others, their precious energies become subject to whimsy….
  O how quickly mankind turn from a face of smiles to one of frowns and fears as they enter into a defense of their pet theories or personal dogmas or as they discuss darkening aspects of their lives--all in the name of Christ….It is almost as though men themselves had created the religious tenets to which they adhere, and by and by their loyalty to their own beliefs transcends their loyalty to God.  But God is above mankind’s religion, He is even above those doctrines they have come to accept wherever these differ from the true aspects of love.  I wonder if mankind have ever mused upon what would happen in the world if all men professing to work for God were really doing so….
  Don’t you understand, beloved ones, that the harmony of the whole is of far greater importance than temporary satisfaction of a part, even allowing that the part might be momentarily correct in its application of a tenet of the Law?…Yet how frequently the Word which is a sword to divide good from evil and a shield to protect eternal truth from the onslaught of error’s divisive ways is misunderstood in the realm of applications….
  Above all men should understand and apply the Law of brotherhood and not be so hasty in their judgments of one another….For it is those who deify evil through instating of spiritual wickedness in high places who are guilty of perpetuating darkness in the world even moreso than that which is the result of what men have called pure evil.  And so the liar is often more deadly than the lie….
          I remain devoted to your divine sonship      
(-Raphael:  Madonna of the Chair)
                                -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:31  

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