Monday, June 11, 2018

Thus you have stripped the Lie of its virility.

     Beloved, the heart is the seat of consciousness and the seat of life.  Guard the heart, guard the heart, beloved, it is your citadel of the Central Sun here below.  Therefore for the soothing of the heart, for the melting of records of the unmerciful heart beloved Kuan Yin has come to the fore and is in your midst.  Even in this very hour, beloved, blessed Kuan Yin, open door to Amitabha, open door to the Five Dhyani Buddhas, does move through this building, does place a special Electronic Presence of herself, unique to each individual’s need, before you.…beloved, the heart that is expanding in the divine flame, the heart that is increasing in the spheres of the secret rays, this heart must not suffer the outrages of anger from without or within.  Imagine creating the delicate and yet superstrong framework of a heart that endures all cycles and journeyings even unto the ascension in the light itself.  The heart that does endure the dark night of the soul and the dark night of the Spirit, this heart, beloved, in its formation as a crystal fiery heart of light must be undisturbed.
  Guard the heart.  Do not allow it to be bombarded by [dissonant] sounds whether through the media or one’s ill-chosen companions in life who do not contain the reverence of the heart of God with them.  Thus the profane, beloved, will defile the heart as they would steal the rhythm of the heartbeat of God and His sons and daughters and then play it with electronic sound and syncopated beat to disturb the very formative process even of the physical heart of the unborn within the womb.  And as the soul begins to attune to the heartbeat of the Father-Mother, so that soul must already in the tenderness of the envelope of the fetus in the womb begin a process of self-defense against the misuse [of] and the tampering with the rhythm of the heartbeat of God that is to become the very pulsation of life within the newborn babe.
  Such is the sacrilege of the forces of death and hell.  Such is the misuse of the great inventions sent forth for Aquarius, for the amplification of the Word and the Work of the Lord by Saint Germain.  Blessed hearts, the most magnificent dispensations out of the Cave of Symbols afforded by Saint Germain for the very defense of life, the defense of America, the defense of freedom in every nation have been either aborted or misused, sold to the enemy to be misused again and again to destroy life instead of to defend that life.
  Let us understand then that those who will endure are those who do not allow the encroachment upon the heart and who stop short of [expressing] the word, vibration and feeling that is a sharp and searing, tearing attack upon the heart of self and others   Love the flame of the heart above all self and self-defense, beloved, and then you shall see how a spark does become a threefold flame, how the very breath of the Holy Spirit as intense love does fan that fire and that threefold flame until so great a flame does reveal the manifestation of the light-emanation of God in form.
  You have nothing to fear, beloved, but fear itself, for fear is indeed the destruction of the heart and the delicate filigree membranes that are being formed and then rewoven and then mended by angels when they are torn again and again.  Blessed ones, there is an emotional rut!  You must beware of it!  It is the pitfall whereby the soul may fall into the desire body, into the same old trap again and again.  Understanding the sine wave of your emotions and your feelings on a cyclic basis day by day according to the cycles of the moon, according to the movements of such as the planet Mars and others where you have not that Christ-dominion in you, you are subject as are all of the members of the race of Homo sapiens, beloved, to astrology, you are subject to the tides of the sea, to the lunar influences and to the planetary bodies that represent the lower order of evolution.
  Take thy dominion over it, for the Divine Mother has shown you the way and all these things She has placed under Her feet.  Therefore get the victory as God-mastery in illumination in the signs of Pisces and Virgo, of Gemini and Sagittarius and become not dullards and dense ones [through the] ignoring, by the surfeiting of yourselves in ignorant animal magnetism, of the great Law of Life.  Thus you are not, I say, victims of an astrology.  You are mighty conquerors who will look upon that astrology as the initiation of the hour for which you are well-equipped, beloved.
  Therefore, I say to those who would read the signs of the times in the charts of astrology of the Keepers of the Flame, you may not predict nor condemn my own according to your interpretations, whether of past karma or past failures.  For no one must judge another and say that that which does befall one is the result of his karma.  You do not know!  Therefore do not be so presumptuous, for the signs of astrology are the signs of initiation.  Take heed then lest you condemn a Christed one when that Christed one is bearing a cross for you and you and you!
  I say to you, beloved, all must be tested.  Do not walk about with the sadness of “sackcloth and mourning” but rather rejoice to see that every difficult karma coming your way, which may or may not be heralded in the signs of your stars, must be seen as a path of initiation under Maitreya.  Pass your tests, and if karma is a part of them it shall be dissolved by the sacred fire, and if it be not, then woe to those who condemn another for having a so-called heavy karma!  We have a right to test!  You have a right to be tested.
  And therefore I did initiate the testing of the heart.  I did initiate the initiations of the heart in this place, for America must pass her tests.  And, beloved, many in this nation not connected with a path of light have simply flown from that initiation, have departed from it, have invented a false heart and with their false starts no longer have any substance whatsoever in their approach to life.  They are unwilling to engage in the initiations of the heart with a divine reality, with a forging of a Christhood.
  Do you see, beloved, how that state of consciousness has been represented ad nauseam in the speeches of candidates who have pitted quip against quip and twerp against twerp in their vying for what was once the highest office in the land?  Blessed ones, [there is] no substance, no engaging, for without a heart of fire one can only seek the support, the popularity of the mass consciousness.  Yet an entire nation and a world was alerted to the emptiness, frightening hollowness, tomblike quality of those who come purporting to represent the living yet only representing the dead–and the “undead,” who, though they have not passed from the screen of life, find themselves as whited sepulchres, full of dead men’s bones.
  Now may you see how life is meaningless, how in the drama or the comedy that is played upon screens of the media there is no real profound meaning or plot.  There are no real characters engaged with Life in the highest sense, combating forces of darkness while standing, if they must stand alone, for light and truth and honor.
  These fallen ones who have abandoned the heart of a Christ and a Buddha have naught to do with the Great White Brotherhood nor are they equipped to lead a nation under God and a holy people through narrow straits, the very narrow straits that must lead to eternal Life.  They have espoused the broad way of social programs in place of spiritual defense. They have abandoned the Child, the Contra, people of every race and nation.  They have abandoned the path of the creative heart and they soothe themselves and soothe others with words and more words that do not carry the comfort flame to a people.  There is no trust in such leaders.  There is no desire to vote for such leaders.
  Blessed ones, I for one stand with El Morya holding [up] the profile [of the Christed one] to you and your own for those who must be raised up that there might still be a standard and a cosmic honor flame as one holds the light of Saint Thérèse and another of Saint Thomas More and another of Becket or of Merlin or of Samuel, another of Krishna and another and another and another that the Lords of Karma might say the saints live today on planet Earth and in embodiment are those who are equal to and may bear the triangle, the equilateral triangle, here below of the saints of the etheric octave, the heaven-world and the absolute octaves of light.
  Blessed hearts, you are the counterparts of an invisible world.  You are the counterparts-to-be of golden-age cities of light and inner temples.  So long as you walk the earth your auras reflecting that higher playground of life where true initiation is realized, so long as there is a peep into the infinite through the electromagnetic field of yourselves–so long is there hope in the hearts of those who yet walk this planet. When there cease to be chelas in embodiment fulfilling that just requirement of the Law, I tell you, an entire planet can descend into lows of depression you know not of.
  It is the lightbearers of the world who keep that torch in the name of the Goddess of Liberty.  Now more than ever let it not be compromised but let the sign of the torchbearers be also the sign of initiates of the heart-chakra who desire and dare to be one with my heart and who are willing to shed the fat that does prevent that union.
  One cannot be a citizen of a spiritual cosmos and enjoy the supposed benefits, all of them, of a physical earth in the throes of internalizing and regurgitating astral consciousness and effluvia.  There is no question, beloved, it is a sick society in a comatose state that does remain riveted before television, entering the world of unreality, the world of trompe l’oeil, the world that is the artificiality of the false hierarchy of Cyclopea and the all-seeing Eye of God.
  Thus, beloved, you watch your fellows slip into illusion. Though not drunk with alcohol, though not perverted whether by crime or misuse of the sacred fire or by drugs, they have a dazed and a glazed look that does tell and tell all that they are more in the astral plane and only as tree trunks [do they] remain in the physical.
  Go not after them and above all do not respond to demons and entities of glamor that extend their tentacles, their bonied arms and fingers, out from the holes in those hollowed-out tree trunks.  They would lure you by any means to part with your light. I say, depart this place!  Depart this plane of consciousness for higher spheres.  For as the Lord Christ has told you, never has opportunity been of such a great encounter with your God. 
  Now, beloved, in the guarding of the heart and the initiation thereof recognize that the heart is the twelve-petaled chakra, that these twelve petals must have something of your love and attainment, each and every one.  Thus by the work of the seven rays build upon them as though you were earning the badges of the honor flame of the Boy and Girl Scouts of America and the world.  Contribute something of yourself to the strengthening of each and every one of the twelve petals, thereby passing through to the antechamber, the eighth ray chakra, the secret chamber of the heart.
  Behold, the Lord cometh, behold, I AM Gautama.  I stoop this day, I bend to you, I incline my ear and my heart.  In this mode, beloved, I come in one of my lower bodies and manifestations that you might know me in this hour as brother and that you might also remember that your brother, so near to you, also does occupy the Office of Lord of the World.  I desire you to know me as brother, not in the familiarity or the intimacy that breeds contempt or the taking for granted of my Presence but in the sense that one who has been accorded this office by Sanat Kumara and the Cosmic Council, being entrusted with the fate of all lifestreams of a planet, does also know you intimately as a chela of the heart of God’s will, as a disciple and as one who yet must pass through even burdens of the flesh, even burdens of mortality.
  Therefore, beloved, in this closeness to you in this hour may you know even as you know through the love of a mother’s heart that there is understanding and compassion for the plight of the chela, for the distress of burdens of body and all temptations in this octave.  May you know that though there be compassion therefore, there [may] also be the correcting rod of the ruby ray and its laser beam.
  We may understand, beloved.  We may feel with you and understand your feelings, but by that very empathy we do not excuse.  We rebuke and we remind you that, yes, this is the condition of the flesh and, no! you may not indulge it.  No longer may you indulge these conditions, beloved!  Time is up for those who do!  And know that the Law comes down and it becomes the dividing of the way on the one side and the other–whether failure or victory!
  It is always best in such troubled times of a planet and an age to assume that one’s day when the dawn comes is one’s last and to prepare to meet thy God and the Lords of Karma at the conclusion of that day, thus to put one’s best foot forward, to do one’s best and not plan on a future that does not exist.  For where is the future when the present day is misused?  There is no future, for this day must be lived again.  And thus there are many on the planet who are perpetually in the present and have no sense of tomorrow’s victory being won by the ingredients of the moment.
  Lie not., deceive not!  Belittle not, mock not the Christ in oneself or another, beloved, by very depredation of the light.  Take your stand then for the victory of the moment and you will have the victory of eternity.  If you compromise the moment and procrastinate acts of victory, I assure you there will be no tomorrow that can contain you and no tomorrow which you yourself can contain.
  Take control then of the body and you will find that the body will be a faithful servant.  Take control of the mind and the mind will serve you as a vessel for infinite thoughts.  Let the desire body be the vessel of thy God and see what is the power of thy God-desiring.
  I AM Gautama.  I came with hope when I did place this threefold flame over this city; I come with hope again.  Some must regroup forces to balance karma of lost opportunity since initiation began, while others may build and receive from me in this hour increment of fire to move on.
  God-harmony is the key.  When thou dost love God-harmony above all else, when thou dost know harmony in the discipline of the Law and even in the rebuke [of the soul by] the inner Self and the divine Teacher, when harmony is the means to a sacred-fire release that does realign forces then harmony is the victor.
  Understand, beloved, when a planet is so far out of alignment with the inner blueprint then the definition of harmony may be cataclysm and the disruption [caused by] cataclysm.  For, beloved, the next best thing to harmony is the restoration of harmony.  And if a world must come tumbling down for harmony to be regained then,you see, the means can be considered to be harmony though it be a harmony of a most forceful and abrupt kind.  This must be understood as a chemicalization whereby right chemistry is the desired result.  All else being inharmony there must be the means for the dissolution and reassembling of the atoms of Being.
  Thus, beloved, the violators of the living flame of God-Harmony, which is the flame of the Mother on the six o’clock line (which is the sacred fire of the base-of-the-spine chakra), these violators as they continue to violate the light of the Divine Mother create such karma that the Law of harmony itself does break the mold, the vessel, and does therefore discontinue the very treasure and gift of Life lest the increased manifestation of inharmony should create for that one such a karma as to defy its balancing in the future.
  Thus, beloved, in the matter of the psychology of child rearing, in the matter of the opinions of so-called parents today that “harmony” is an absence of discipline or chastisement, these know not what they do!  For they shall return again and again until [the Law does require that] those children–whom they have spoiled by a failure to raise up the rod of the Divine Mother in themselves and [by a failure] to wield that rod of sacred fire [on their behalf–be brought to them so that those parents who caused them to get] out of alignment [in the first place might have the karmic opportunity of drawing them] back into alignment again in future lifetimes.  Thus you see, beloved, those who have not elf-discipline to obey the Laws of the Divine Mother within their own temple can scarcely call themselves parents; and the disservice they do is not alone to a single lifestream but to an entire civilization.
  O what a tangled web is woven by those who deceive themselves by their prating about love and kindness and harmony, and yet beneath the surface of that is the very hatred of the Child, the very hatred of the Father-Mother God as these defiant ones purvey their socialistic psychology that is the very undermining of their offspring.
  Do you think we send lightbearers to those who will not discipline the self first?  I tell you nay.  And it does not matter where such individuals are found, even in spiritual movements.  The highest lightbearers preparing to descend, beloved, await those who prepare themselves physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, psychologically.  Those who have the purest desire for God-good therefore receive souls of highest attainment who also have the desire, the purest desire, for God-good.
  I say,therefore there must be a judgment in this hour upon those parents who are literally spoiling the opportunity of their offspring for victory in this life.  [Wherefore] I, Gautama, will be in their hearts, I will be in the hearts of those children of the light and I shall school them in the ways of inner self-discipline whereby one day they shall disapprove and disavow those parents who have done them wrong, but they shall overcome.
  Be watchful, beloved.  Therefore let Father-Mother God within you be the parents of your own soul, disciplining your soul and raising up the Mother-light, for without that strength and fire how can a threefold flame expand?  Is not the nourishment of Life from beneath [through] the Divine Mother and from above [through] the Divine Father?  Is any child complete without the twain?  The child shall miss the mother or the father.  Therefore give equal and unfailing devotion and quickly challenge that psychology and that astrology that does not allow you to trust Father-Mother God and therefore finally enter in to a true upbringing of your soul in trust of the Lawgiver, in trust of illumination, in trust of love.
  I therefore trust that initiates of the heart will become my own initiates, will redeem the gifts of Morya and his diamond heart, will restore fullness of opportunity to Saint Germain and will in the process never neglect the call of the heart to be prepared and to survive.  We desire to see you in embodiment in twelve years and twenty-four, having weathered the testings and trials of a planet in the throes of alchemical change, waiting to give birth, travailing to give birth to the Universal Christ in the hearts of the lightbearers.
  I AM Gautama.  Let the purpose to which this teaching center was founded in this city be fulfilled and let all who hear that call so contribute, for by the heart chakra of a nation and of a people shall divine intervention come in the hour of greatest need.  And if the heart be not raised up, how shall the heavenly host descend for the rescue of the soul in the seat-of-the-soul chakra?
  I AM Gautama Buddha.  I claim you as my brothers and sisters.  I ascend to the heart of the Western Shamballa.  May you know me as I AM:  the keeper of the hearts of the faithful.
  I seal you with the sign of the heart, the sign of the head, the sign of the hand, signifying that by the love of your heart the mind shall be illumined and by the illumination of the mind multiplied by the love of the heart the right hand in action shall be the Work of God in the Omega cycle that did descend to you in the beginning as the living Word [in the Alpha cycle].
  Lo, I AM THAT I AM the Oneness, the Oneness, the Oneness of the Community, of the Teaching outpictured, delivered as example.  I AM the Presence of the Buddha and the mantle of the Buddha upon the witness of the eternal Guru in the midst thereof.               via Mesenger E C Prophet
                   -Gautama Buddha:  11-27-1988 at Chicago via Messenger E C Prophet

  In the flesh I AM here in that of my Messenger and [I AM] in the etheric body of the students of my flame. You have heard many words passing through the needle and the eye of the needle.  But it is a flame that you have come to study–[it is] meditation upon the flame, and beyond the flame the smile and then the face that does contain the smile.
  Thus, beloved, I AM Maitreya in all octaves–in my hand a cosmic egg and inside the evolution of lightbearers born to earth.  Thus in this egg there is gestation. there is the becoming of Buddha.  There is the Buddha becoming, displacing the force of anti-Buddha.
  Is this not the way of the Mystery School?  Is it not the way of Life?  How joyous is the challenge of the five secret rays of Dhyani Buddhas.  How joyous is the one Padma Sambhava.  Let the prophecies be heard and known of that which was foreseen to come to pass in Tibet.  So also let the prophecies be known of that which shall surely come to pass in the West.  It is necessary.  For then, beloved, you shall see in the new day how forms etheric become available to the sight, for Earth is cleansed and solar rings and sunspots play their role in inaugurating change.
We force out the disreputable ones!  All over the world we force them out.  I have come with a sword this night.  This is my night to wield and twirl the sword of Maitreya, of the Lord Buddha.  I move with ruby ray angels and Buddha of the Ruby Ray.
Thus when you speak [the Word of the Lord’s judgment] and when you speak [it] before this altar there is a dividing of the way of the real and the unreal.  And judgment may descend by your seeing [through the all-seeing Eye of God]–by your separating, by your drawing of the line:   thus far and no farther!
Thus you have stripped the Lie of its virility.  Continue, let it be exposed, let it be shredded, let it be scorched, let ruby ray fire purge from our way and our path all that which would prevent ascent up this very mountain of souls yet dwelling in the valley.  Let them be lifted up, O Gautama, O Buddha in the heart, the secret chamber of the heart of chela.  Let those lightbearers whose destiny it is to fulfill a role here receive in this hour assistance by the momentum [which they may] glean from Summit University students and all Keepers of the Flame in this world [from the decree momentum they have delivered] during this fall quarter of the year.  Let that light go as ruby arrows, et it go as armor and legions, let it be used for the saving of the lightbearer—this is our mission.
Therefore by the rosary of Kuan Yin, rosary of the amethyst and gold, repetition of the mantra is a softening for opening of the heart.  Some hearts have been sealed by hardness and ignorance, thus their assessment of self and environment is not what is but what is not.
We would hasten and give a spin to electrons and chakras. We would even place our Electronic Presence with those who waver and falter in the Community worldwide.  But, beloved ones, we know that those who receive the warmth of the Sun oftentimes cannot sustain it when the Sun does move on. Perhaps we shall do it that they might have a memory, but even the memory body is so cluttered to capacity that they cannot even record the impression of our coming and retain it.
Our mission then [is] to connect the line of our heart to hearts of those who have built a fortress as the abode of Maitreya, waiting for my homecoming.  Blessed ones, I will enter the hearts of those who have prepared me room and I will say to all that this promise extends for long, long time into the future.  I give you almost unlimited time to do this.  And I say the completion of the necessary crystal structure of light is not something that is built in a day or three months.  It is the result of long dedication, the purity of light and pure qualification of the crystal-clear stream of the river of Life that has allowed this crystal fortress to be built.
Thus upon its completion I, Maitreya, enter the heart and enter to stay.  For, beloved, I would be there as a presence to assist you by example, by vibration in externalizing your own Holy Christ Self somewhat after the pattern of my own Buddhahood.  I may speak these things to those who have heard all of my words, to those who have contemplated and allowed golden fires of illumination to pass through.  For you will understand, you will know–you will be the crystallization of God-flame.
Are you willing, students, to pay the price for true Christhood?  [“Yes.”]  Then I say to you I shall exact that price daily and in response I expect you to pay it daily, and so long as this keeps up I shall remain your Mentor.  And when you say “no more” then I pray you shall understand [that] I shall move on in the cycles of the Sun.  And my instruction to you in that hour shall be, whether you hear it or not, “Hold fast what thou hast received.  Retain at least this line you have gained. Therefore do not forsake the call to Archangel Michael to protect the God-estate.”  There ought to be never a backward step.  For it is a loss of time and energy, momentum.  And one day by regrouping of forces roads must be retraveled and once again you may come to the place where you once stood on ascension’s hill.
Far, far away in a land you do not know there are devotees who have attained to certain levels of illumination.  This land is in the etheric octave, beloved.  Perhaps you may think of it as the Tushita heaven.  But, blessed ones, there does come a moment in levels of victory when you may attend Maitreya’s Mystery School beyond the physical.  For you shall have balanced karma of the physical and have no longer need to descend, for you shall have raised sacred fire to levels of chakras above the heart and, in compassion rendered to all, [you shall] depart, depart this mortal scene of corpses and disease, of corpulence and those emaciated and all manner of humanity distorted so far from the true Image as not to provide a trace of the inner blueprint from which they were made.
Blessed ones, those things that you desire are waiting in this Mystery School.  It is not so far away but it shall remain distant as long as you neglect true mastery of sacred fire in your being as well as balance of karma.  O how you must understand how needful is the violet flame to your liberation from this world!  How wondrous are these recordings going forth.  How they enable you to tie in to the electromagnetic field of the Earth and to anchor therein the seventh ray.
The service is so great, beloved, that it is almost easy to earn balancing of karma by devotion to violet flame and to do so, I pray you, on behalf of all students of Buddha upon earth. For it is so needful that these lightbearers in their comfortable niches of an ancient teaching be able to accept this key dispensation of my coming.  Saint Germain has been my forerunner as have the Lords of the Seven Rays, and these chohans who have gone before have cleared the way by violet flame and all other rays.
Timetables then have accelerated and my presence can be to you a wondrous activity so long as your aura is joyously filled with violet flame.  Thereby many angels shall enter in. And if you allow deep penetration of violet flame you will see how the dweller[-on-the-threshold] can no longer hold [on to you].  There is no ability to grip the aura that is a blazing, dazzling violet flame.  In this condition, beloved, it is also easy for archangels to bind those portions of the not-Self that you have seen through for the very act of invoking the violet flame that transmutes the propensity to dwell upon the dweller, the propensity to dwell with the dweller, the propensity to sink with the dweller.
Violet flame is a buoyant energy that by its very rising does begin to allow spinning of base chakra and raising up of light.  Blessed ones, this must be understood,  for along the way records are contacted by tsacred fire, opening therefore conditions of consciousness that are sealed.
As you hasten the day of your acceleration in the violet flame and transmutation of these conditions that appear at every rung of the spinal ladder [on the way] up and mounting the chakras [from the base-of-the-spine to the crown] you will see that there will no longer be impediment to raising of that Kundalini fire.  You will see as you retain your diligence and perseverance with Astrea and calls to Archangel Michael that day by day if you do not slip or falter or turn back or be sidetracked, there is gain.  And this net gain, beloved, is the means whereby you pay the price for every initiation you require.
Let those who climb the mountain not dally not tarry at a certain level long enough to be discovered by the crosshairs of the sinister force.  Therefore I say, move on.  Go up and be quick about it.  When you set your goal you do not make new decisions daily.  You set the goal, take the path that leads to it, and then use all your energies to attain the goal instead of reconsidering, reevaluating and changing course with each new wandering fire that comes your way and then you say again“Perchance is this my Presence beckoning me here and there?”  Get out of hell, I say, get out of death and all its consciousness!  Get home free!
Angels bearing the golden velvet robe that is the sign of completion of Summit University level one now approach to place this robe upon you.  Let all of my good students rise to receive that robe.  [Summit University students rise.]  You will note upon the right collar a five-pointed star of purple of Saint Germain.  This star then is the focus of violet flame you have invoked and does reflect the intensity of fire.  Visualize its spin and know that the five-pointed star of the body of self does spin with violet flame.  And Saint Germain’s promise is true:  by determination, by violet flame you can win and you can win the star in the crown in this life.
Henceforth wherever you go angels and all will note that you have attended here.  You have endured, you have concluded your course with joy.  And let all upon this planet know that I, Maitreya, am the sponsor of those who deal justly with their God and with all life, those who place Justice and Honor and Mercy as the standard of all interchange with life.  Let those who have known me deliver this my mandate to all and become it.  Let the age of Maitreya be marked by the bearers of Freedom’s flame.  Let eErth be penetrated with violet fire.
As I speak the mandate does impel the penetration of Earth by violet flame angels.  And we are beginning to see a fraction of a percentage of a lightening of the weight of lightbearers themselves.  Momentum is beginning to build.  May you look back in twenty years and know that your presence on Earth and your momentum of violet flame did make for all Earth’s evolutions an easier passage.
I come with my sword then and I come to you each one. And this sword does descend and there is a separation of the real from the unreal as I hold that sword with each one.  And all my chelas may stand now to receive this.  [Congregation rises.]
For this moment your God-reality stands before you intact and the not-Self separated out.  Now look and see, for in everyday life the soul has merged with both, and some, but not all.  Now understand the work of the ages for the soul to separate herself out from unreality, to fully embrace reality and to be prepared to forsake some cherished beliefs and concepts and other entrapments of lesser personality as well as trappings.  So, beloved, if truth were so obvious and so desirable this would be another planet.
The sword of Maitreya does hold you and separate you out from that darkness.  I, Maitreya, have one mission to fulfill for my chelas:  to force out darkness that you might confront it.  Be not afraid, my angels are ready, and if you are not, they will assist you.  And you may pray, “Lord, I am ready.  Help thou my unreadiness.”
I, Maitreya, adjure you in this hour, there is and can be no further postponement of this course.   I say you must, if you would survive as an integrity in God say die to all that you can see and know that is not real within you and all that I will show you.   And the time is short.  When I say “you must,” beloved, it is of course with the proviso that you must or you will be required to pay a price you cannot pay, for you will not be prepared.  If and when the hour comes of paying of the ultimate price upon this planet, I, Maitreya, am here to see to it that you shall have so strengthened mind and heart and will and light in all your cells that you shall be ready to pay even that price and survive in the integration with Universal Christhood.
The force of opposition to this my mandate will be as usual; do not fall for it.  Charge! charge! charge! I say; move swiftly through maya and illusion and self-attachment–and such pride.  Let it all go, beloved.  For I promise you, you are ready, your Christ Self is ready; and as though there were a great silence all heaven is poised and ready for your declaration of victory! victory! victory! in the cups of time and space day by day.  I promise you it will not be arduous forever.
And now is eternal joy.  In sweet surrender to the heart of my Messenger in the heart of Padma Sambhava I reinforce the mantle, for the embodied Guru must also smite the waters of hell.  Rejoice, for all things in time come to a conclusion and eternity opens, the mountain opens, the rock cleaves and there, behold, I step forth to take your hand.
Come with me to the Royal Teton Retreat this night.  Let us begin and set the foundation of a tie and an allegiance to the inner Mystery School so that no outer condition can break loyalty, faith and vow of those who are Maitreya’s.  My blessed, I AM thine own forever.  I will touch my own now quickly while there is time.  Pass by me, beloved, and receive what I speak in your heart in this moment.                                  
                          -Maitreya:  12-11-1988 at Summit University, RTR, Montana

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