Wednesday, June 27, 2018

And that key, the power of the spoken Word, is all that you have

                                     -Amitabha Buddha, in Prayer and Meditation, 1978
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    All of heaven is ablaze with God tonight, for the heavens rejoice to declare the glory of the Lord that descends into form.  The praise of Christmas angels announcing the birth of the Christ Child is heard in every human heart and in every divine heart made permanent in God’s heart.
  I AM the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ, and in the center of the sphere of Being I AM!  And from that point I project out in all directions the awareness of God as Christ, as the Word incarnate. Where I am, I AM the precipitation--as above, so below--of the light from far-off worlds.  For to be in the center of Cosmic Christ consciousness is to be aware simultaneously with the incarnation of the Christ.
  There is a light that is in the Sun that is yearning to manifest upon earth.  There is a light that shall indeed come forth where souls are prepared to receive that light.  And thus the reward for service is more service.  To those who have shown themselves worthy of bringing forth the Christ--to these is opportunity renewed every hour, every year, every day.  And thus heaven looks first to you, to the Mother of the Flame, to the Holy Family, to the Community of the Holy Spirit to impart the most holy offering of avatars descending.
  Before your freewill, before your souls this night do Angels of Record and angels of the Lord read the proclamation: “Opportunity to Bring Forth Christed Children.”  And thus not bypassing the Mother of the Flame and including all, the Lords of Karma give to you one and all the opportunity to elect to bring forth the Son of God.  And if you by your freewill shall determine to bypass the opportunity, then as in the parable, our angels will go forth into the highways and byways of life--there to find those who are ready and willing to come to the marriage feast. 
   Precious hearts, there is no question as we mark the decibels, the frequencies of minds contacting the mind of the Cosmic Christ that the greater majority of souls who are daily accomplishing this attunement is among the Keepers of the Flame and the followers of the ascended-master teachings the world around.  This is not prejudice; this is not a lack of perspective, tt is simply fact.  And as you gaze with inner eye from inner realms you can also see through the window of the soul how the manifestation of the light is quickened in those who declare I AM THAT I AM.
  But they have sought out many inventions.  Known by any other name a rose smells as sweet.  But known by any other name the name of God does not evoke the power of God, the wisdom of God, the love of God.  And therefore there is a key that is locked in the name of God, I AM.  And that key, the power of the spoken Word, is all that you have and all that you give that makes the difference in your contact of the Cosmic Christ consciousness.
  And therefore opportunity is given for you to elect to present yourselves a living sacrifice unto the Lord God Almighty.   And to you I make known this hour that the comet of the century comes to foretell the birth of many Christed ones, many souls who are to descend within the coming twelvemonth.  And thus because preparations must be made we shall not tarry in our announcement of this dispensation.  For those who would apply and receive the seal of our approval and our blessing must do so speedily that time and space might provide the cradle and crucible for incoming souls.
  Let your life, your very being, your very consciousness provide the nexus for the descent of lightbearers.  The nexus is the place in the hourglass where sand falls, grain by grain.  The Christ is the nexus of man’s being.  As the Mediator the Christed One stands between God and man.  Your own Christed being therefore is mediator whereby you may receive into your being and consciousness souls of light hallowed, waiting to come forth.  And I desire that this my message to you this night shall be published abroad in the Summit Beacon so that all who are watching and waiting for the Word of the Lord might have equal opportunity to respond to the marriage feast, to offer home and hearth for precious souls of light.
  The heavens declare the glory of the Lord!  The earth receiveth the glory of the Lord!  In giving and receiving life is born anew. And the rebirth of sacred spirals--of stars descending, wending in spirals of crystal fire mist, comes now as blessing and as justice meted out to those who have given not that they might receive, and therefore they shall receive.

Into the waiting cup
Of each consciousness uplifted
There comes dewdrop rare,
Fragrance of angel prayer.
And angel wings gentle and soft
Carry souls aloft
Into the air, into the sky.
And thus as mankind rise
Angels descend--
And there is that holy rapture
Of meeting the Son of God
In the air. 
And man ascends and God descends,
And then in that place
The six-pointed Star of Being
Becomes the star of Bethlehem
Marking the place
Where a God is born,
Where a Christ is born!

   I AM the Initiator testing you in the hour of victory!  Shirk not responsibility.  Shrink not from testing but proclaim the Sacred Law!  With rejoicing go forth to meet the challenge of fire at the eleventh hour of each day, of each year, of each cycle of fulfillment.  For there I stand to welcome you, to offer you the opportunity to seal and make permanent the victory of a cycle. And this is a testing that must come to seal all other testings of all other hierarchies each step of the way.  Therefore you can expect to greet me each day with:   Hail, Maitreya!  Hail, victory!  Hail, flame of God!
  This is the call I like to hear!  This is the call that will carry you through the year!  This is the call that will make of us bosom friends of light.  For when I hear that call I stand forth to embrace you and to say:  now let us go forth as hand in hand together we meet the challenge of the hour!  I cannot pass your tests for you, but I can place my hand in yours and lend you the momentum of my consciousness and my flame.
  Thus, hearts of infinite fire, I come to seal this class, to seal the energies.  And I place about you my mantle as a sheath, a veil gossamer, sealing you in the ovoid fires of each release, each dictation, each lecture, each period of invocations.  For with each increment you have established a forcefield in an ovoid of light beautiful to behold.  And if I might say as the forerunner of the coming of the Christ and the resurrection tide, to look upon you as you sit side by side is to look upon a basket of Easter eggs all colored brightly and in pastels!
  And so you see, the true meaning of colored Easter eggs is that mankind should paint their auras with colors of the causal body of the Cosmic Christ and therefore take part in the ritual of the resurrection.  And the Easter-egg hunt is to teach children to look for the secret rays, for the causal body, for whitefire core and to have the joy of discovery of the Christ consciousness, the proving of the Law.  And then when prizes are awarded for the one who finds the most Easter eggs the child soul learns that there is a reward in heaven for each ring of the causal body with which he adorns the soul.
  The ovoid of light that is placed around you (that you have established, that I now seal) is delicate and fragile.  And as angels come suspended in the air,you would not have them, as it were, walking on eggs.  And therefore I seal you in protection of blue lightning, of whitefire--a gossamer veil--so that as you go forth into the world this night to your homes you will remain as Humpty Dumpty on the wall, and you will not have that great fall when all the king’s horses and all the king’s men cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again!
  And this nursery rhyme illustrates to children that if they break their harmony, if they shatter the tube of light—that wall upon which man sits and has dominion--then there will be that great fall and they will have to begin again.  They will not be able to put back together the same egg, but they will have to start anew the invocations, the building of the cone of fire to become once again an Easter egg to adorn the Cosmic Christ.
  And so I have warned you in simplicity whereby we also teach children who descend into form as they gather in our retreats, the holy innocents, before taking embodiment.  And this is why little ones say, “Mommy, tell me a story!”  And when you come upon a story that they have heard at etheric levels they want to hear that story over and over and over again.  And if you change one word you will be corrected!  For little children have the Word of Law engraven in their hearts and they know the rhythm of the spheres and the rhyme of the Law.  Therefore see that you revere their holy awe.  For I, Maitreya, do send forth the light--not without warning that if you desire to sponsor souls, the next thirty-three years of your life must be kept in the vigil of Holy Mary as she walked with Jesus, sometimes beside him, sometimes from afar but never neglecting to hold the immaculate concept for the Christ. 
  Mothers and fathers of the new age, your service to an incoming soul is not fulfilled until you have seen that one to the thirty-third year of ascension’s goal.  There come times along the way when you must give greater and greater freedom with the passing of the tests of the four lower bodies at age seven, fourteen, twenty-one, twenty-eight.  And thus gradually there is the breaking of the tie as the Christ is born and reborn, but never for a moment from near or from far shall you fail to daily invoke the Christ-light for those whom you sponsor.
  This is the meaning of being the Mother of God.  To mother the flame of God incarnate is awesome, it is a responsibility of the ages.  And therefore, precious ones, do not take lightly your vows, for you will be held accountable when you stand before the Lords of Karma at the conclusion of this life.  And you will be questioned and you will see the record--what you have made of your opportunity to sponsor souls and to dedicate them to Gautama Buddha, to Jesus the Christ, to Kuthumi and to the Cosmic Christ.
  I, Maitreya, seal you in the energies of the all-seeing Eye which you yourselves have invoked.  I take that fiery emerald ray that glows upon you, and now I take my arm and I whirl that energy into a spiral that I now seal upon each of your third eyes. Each third eye now receives the concentrated action of spirals’ configuration.  And there is a niche of I-niche-I-action [initiation--”I, Maitreya, initiate Christ-action in you”] which you have gained if you have given diligence at this conclave--diligence, application and seriousness in the Law.
  And do you know the origin of that word serious?  It comes from the God Star Siria, Surya--Sirius.  And thus, precious hearts, you have heard it said that no one ever saw Jesus smile or laugh, nor is this recorded.  I ask you, why?  It is because of his training on the God Star.  Jesus had an inner joy and a sense of divine happiness, but he never for one second lost that attunement with the great God Star.  He kept about his Father’s business lest in a frivolous moment, in an off-guarded moment one of these little ones might not have the forcefield of his protection and his shield.
  Therefore when you see the sternness of the Master’s face, when you see the discipline of the Law realize that if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly appear?  If in the right use of the Law you just come under the line and under the Law, then it is worth being serious about your calling, your election and your mission.  I charge you then to regard life as a moment-by-moment opportunity to glorify the Christ, to give birth to the Christ.  Waste not the hours or the moments.  Let time and space count!  Let it be said of Keepers of the Flame that every moment they spent in their final embodiment upon earth was spent in the service of man, in the glory of God, and in keeping the health, sanity, purity of the four lower bodies to maintain that service twenty-four hours a day.
  Thus take time for the necessary but do not overly indulge in human consciousness or you will see how the four lower bodies can become spoiled children, ever demanding more and more time, space, energy and play and pleasure.  Take care that your emotions are not constantly demanding energy and entertainment--or the mental body or the etheric body, in those moments of reverie and the going-over of the past or the future but not tethering to the need of the moment.  Take care that you exercise the physical form, but let it not become a god or the end of all living.  For life must be lived beyond this world, and your tabernacle provides the preparation for the body celestial which shall one day in the not-too-distant future supersede the body terrestrial. 
  I AM Maitreya!  And I speak to you at the level of the Christ, which is the level of practicality.  Have I said one word to you that is not practical?  I ask you to consider and to review.  Has my message gone off to far-off worlds, to visionary dreams, to items that are not on the current agenda of your overcoming?
  The Christ consciousness is concerned with the here and the now, with the extending of comfort and with the accomplishment of each holy vow which you have made at inner levels.  Therefore note well that the impractical consciousness, the idle dreamer is not centered in the Christ.  Watch therefore,the individual who will tell you:  “I am leaving the world!  The world is a wicked place, the world is a dark place, I am going into the hills to meditate!”  Watch that individual, for this is not the practicality of Christ.  The Christ is needed here in the valleys, here in the big cities, here where there is life.
  Oh yes, there are moments when you go into the hills to pray.  But did he stay?  How long did he stay in the mountains?  Long enough to offer prayer, thanksgiving, to renew and recharge his being and then to look down upon the multitudes with compassion and to heal them.  Come down from your lofty mountaintops! Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils!  Freely ye have received, freely give.”  This is the mandate of the hour.  Go into the highways and byways and be the practical manifestation of the Cosmic Christ!  And if the children of God are hungry, feed them and then give them your sermon.  But if they are not too hungry, give them your sermon first and then feed them second, for thereby you increase the appetite for the Word of God as they anticipate the repast that comes as the dessert of the main course that is the holy manna of the Almighty.  And thus teach them that man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. 
  I represent to you Father when you are reaching up to become the Christ.  And when you become the Christ I represent to you Brother in Christ.  And when you are seeking to raise up the feminine ray then I provide the complement to that feminine ray as the action of the Holy Spirit.  And when you manifest the Holy Spirit then I appear as the Bride arrayed in white.  And so you see the mastery of the Cosmic Christ is of the four points of the City Foursquare and of the four sides of the four lower bodies.  And thus the mark of Cosmic Christ consciousness and of one who has attained it is that you become all things to all people.
  Have you ever noticed the varying needs of mankind--how sometimes you feel adequate to supply them, at other times totally inadequate?  I say then, call to me in the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ that you might provide the complement to whatever level of consciousness mankind have attained.  And then you will see how wholeness can manifest as you supply each human need. 
  For you will notice in your disciples--and they are indeed the disciples of Christ and of God and not of your outer self--that some may have three points of the Law, some five, some the whole nine and ten points of the Law.  In each and every case as you have the mastery on the five fingers of each hand and as you count your decrees on those five fingers of the secret rays you will know which action of the Law can surround that one to give that one the sense of the wholeness of God.
  Thus have many declared when coming into the presence of our Messenger that they cannot remember the questions they had, the problems they had, their concerns.  For in the presence of the Messenger of God is the fullness of Hierarchy that is the answer to every human need and the complement to a partial identity.  And therefore in Grace do you find that holy contact in the fount of the Mother-flame whereby for moments, for hours, for days you experience wholeness, and that wholeness is etched upon your soul.  And as you part with the cosmic cross of whitefire--the consciousness of Christ--between you you find that you have the courage to renew your application, to pursue that same wholeness which you knew for a time, for a space.  Therefore note well that as one among you and many among you have attained,so all can attain to the wholeness of God in man.
  Hierarchy is encouraged with the fullness of the Presence in the Motherhouse, with the Presence of the Holy Spirit and with the pilgrimage that you have made to this place.  I can assure you that each sacrifice that has been made by each one of you has been dutifully noted by the angels of record.  And the angels are encouraged and they look forward with anticipation to marking again upon the record in the Book of Life those who successfully make their way through the alchemical union, through the practice of the Presence to our New Year’s conclave in Mexico City.
  Heaven bids you welcome!  Mary the Mother bids you welcome to the noble shrine founded there through her appearance to Juan Diego.  This is the place marked for the spiral of the feminine ray in this entire hemisphere.  And thus the apparition of the Sacred Virgin to humble heart can occur again and again.  Mary the Mother sends you there on a mission of transmutation to clear the way for that focus to expand and to include the children of the seventh root race  and the evolutions of South America in the divine embrace.  For wisdom is the yearning of souls, the calling of their hearts.  Wisdom is needed that individuals might rise to become sealed in that Cosmic Christ awareness of Cosmic Christ consciousness.  Therefore many events sacred in the annals of your soul will take place as you make the pilgrimage and attend our conference.  Not all that takes place will be known to you ere you make your ascension in this life, but one day you will see how each pilgrim step counted as a mark of victory for souls to come.
  I place in your hands a little white book.  It is a book of prayers recited by Jesus and Mary and Joseph as they came together each evening to adore the Father, the Mother, the Son, the Holy Spirit as they gave their adorations for the Christian dispensation.  These prayers have never been released at the physical octave but we are making them available to you, to your soul.  And as you take them to your heart you will find that the record of these prayers will be given to you as you make your daily communion with Jesus and Mary and Saint Germain.  Thus little by little as the soul memorizes the prayers of the Holy Family you will find a filtering to your outer consciousness of phrases, words, lines or feelings of the tremendous momentum of adoration held in the heart of those who kept sacred the Holy Trinity.
  I ask you as you receive the impressions from the little white book edged in gold that you write them down.  For you will see that as life passes, as cycles unfold it will be like filling in a jigsaw puzzle--one day a line here, one day a line there.  And you will find that by and by you will have completed prayers that were offered by these holy ones.  And these are special prayers for you alone to keep in the sacredness of the secret rays, as Mary kept all these things and hid them in her heart so you shall use these prayers for the holy Christ children now aborning.
  In the sign of victory, in the march triumphant, in the hallelujah of angel choirs I take my leave of you.   And I seal this class at inner levels in the fiery ovoid of the sacred Being of the Divine Mother.  And I bid you, one and all, adieu.    
    -Lord Maitreya:  10-14-1973 at Santa Barbara, CA via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
      When I released to beloved Jesus the Lord’s Prayer there was given to him, through the action of the Father’s consciousness that I bore, one version for the multitudes and another for the disciples.  The initiation of the disciples and the holy women into the knowledge of the I AM consciousness--that state of being which was revealed to Moses in the flaming bush that burned but was not consumed--was the initiation of the sacred fire and the awareness of God-potential of the devotee.  The multitudes could not understand that potential, and therefore it was reserved for the elect (who had elected to follow the Christ) to be given that potential of the name of God, I AM.
  Dispensations over the last hundred years have afforded mankind at large a knowledge of some of the greatest mysteries that have ever been released in the retreats of the Brotherhood.  Do you know why this is so?  It is because enough among mankind have passed the initiations of sacred fire and of Maitreya so that their victory could stand as the collateral of light for the masses.
  And therefore this day through the Teachings of the Ascended Masters released through the Summit Lighthouse and our devoted Messenger you have the opportunity to receive not only the teachings given in the retreats of the Brotherhood (heretofore reserved only for those who could make the journey and the trek through the astral plane to the seat of soul awareness)--not only the teachings reserved for the elect but also the initiations—initiations of the sacred fire.
  On the one hand as you are God-taught, as you receive the rules of Maitreya which are the rules of God and as I perceive that these are firmly rooted in consciousness, I can come to you with those initiations, the passing of which depends upon your application of the rules that you have been taught.  You see, the Lord has decreed that you shall not receive an initiation for which you have not been thoroughly prepared.
  There is then in reality no excuse for the failing of a test.  But the greatest excuse which mankind hold up as excuse before the Lords of Karma is that they were caught off-guard, they were not prepared, they were not ready.  You see then that the motto of Saint Germain given to the Boy Scouts of America along with the fleur-de-lis pattern of light--Be Prepared--is a motto to prepare young life for the initiations of sacred fire.
  To initiate a soul then becomes the initiation of a master.  For it is indeed a cosmic initiation for ascended masters, angelic hosts to deliver the mandates of the Almighty to evolving souls, to nourish souls with love, with wisdom, to initiate them that they might be crowned with power.  The statement of Jesus, victorious in his initiations--All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth”--is the statement of one who has passed the initiations of sacred fire.  And the testing is always threefold, involving surrender to the will of God, adherence to precepts of the Law and the ability to infuse wisdom and will with love.
  Maitreya demands balance.  Without balance you cannot become Christed ones, the fullness of the only begotten Son.  You understand then that each plume of the three is a testing, is the fire of God.  And thus in the three-dimensional realm you are required to focus the three aspects of God’s consciousness.  I come on a mission of initiation to try the souls of a continent to see if they are able to rise one degree on the cosmic ladder.  And the initiation is a heart initiation.  Some of you have noted that the people of South America have a heart--a flame of love, of devotion and service, a kindling fire that would propel the entire hemisphere higher if it were linked to the action of the will of God and the wisdom that is held as a flame by the North American counterparts.
  Our desire is to see the flame of devotion transferred to the North Americans, the flame of wisdom and power/action transferred to the South Americans.  Therefore we come to initiate each group, each evolution, each lifewave according to those elements in which they are found wanting.  I pray then that you will keep the vigil as angels of initiation stand before every man, every woman, every child abiding in this hemisphere from this hour until the striking of the clock of the New Year and the address of Gautama Buddha.
  I ask that you pray for mankind’s alertness, for the alertness of a mighty people.  For I tell you that all of this people once had great light and that light, because of their failure to pass the initiations of sacred fire, was stolen from them by the activities of the black magicians.  And you know of the experience of the Goddess of Light who had such high attainment but in an unguarded moment was beset with the action and curse of a black magician who encased the lower portion of her form in the body of a fish.  And in that form she remained to serve for nearly eight hundred years, right here on the continent of South America!  That was a period when the functions of black magicians in their manipulation of physical substance had not received the staying hand of Almighty God and that which they invoked on astral planes could become physical if those dwelling on the physical plane were not alert.
  And thus, you see, after the fall of the Luciferians and the coming of taggard races the Satanists had a heyday perverting the energies of the children of the Mother.  And they took the seed of the Woman and they took the seed of the Divine Manchild and perverted the very matrices—helixes and cones, geometric forms that contained fohatic light, concentrated energies for the release of the Christ Child and evolutions--and they impressed upon that light distortions, degradations, perversions and densities.
  And therefore you see that the Goddess of Light was not alone.  The masses dwelling in this hemisphere during certain periods of Earth’s history which have not yet been probed by scientist or archaeologist were subjected to dark forces because of their grave neglect, their off-guarded moments.  For, you see, when you have attainment in the light the dark forces refuse to recognize that attainment.  And unless you hourly affirm the I AM Presence of that attainment, unless you hourly guard that attainment and guard the light within the aura, while you are looking in another direction the pickpockets of the astral hordes come and they steal the wealth of your abundance and your light.  And if you are still burdened by mass ignorance, they even go further to superimpose upon you certain thoughtforms which you call mortal cursings that will control the release of light through your consciousness until such time as you stand exalted in the consciousness of the Christ and in his name challenge the perversions of sacred fire.
  I come then to expose the lie, to show you that the incompleteness of the manifestation of the threefold flame in these several evolutions is not necessarily a lack of attainment but a suppression of light’s release by forms of witchcraft and black magic.  The hierarchy of the God and Goddess Meru and the members of their retreat work diligently for the freeing of the people from these forces and forms.  If therefore you will in the name of the Christ invoke their aid this very night, you will find a freedom, a lightness and an ability to expand the light from Sun heart-center that you have never known before.
  I draw a circle of fire around you.  And that ring of fire is known as a ring-pass-not.  So long as you maintain the Law of harmony and acknowledge harmony as the key in the center of the ring nothing can pass that ring.  When you break the harmony you must quickly call upon the Law of forgiveness, reestablish the tube of light, call to Archangel Michael for protection, and reinvoke the ring-pass-not from the heart of Maitreya.  If you will remember this throughout this life, you can always have a focus of the ring-pass-not.  But, you see, inharmony released from within will immediately dissolve that ring, therefore it must be reinvoked.  Enter not into spirals of condemnation when you fail the initiations of harmony which I bring.  But make a stern and a firm resolve that you can control the harmony of your life!  And if necessary implore the Almighty on bended knee to teach you how to restore and maintain that harmony that is so necessary for the victory of the Holy Spirit in this age.
  Reestablish then the divine tie and apply cycles of the flames of the hours by giving forth decrees to light and light’s perfection. Become aware of cosmic timetables so that you can anticipate the cycles of cosmic initiation.  Precious hearts, I have seen devotees of sacred fire who are now ascended beings counted among the ranks of the immortals.  I have seen how, while unascended, they have been so zealous and so determined to pass initiations that a twenty-four-hour cycle could not transpire without their having passed another test and sometimes three and four and more.  And I have had to assign a permanent angel of initiation to these devotees to keep up with the passing of tests!
  And so you see, there is an acceleration, there is an increase that can come to you whereby you can be transformed with each twenty-four-hour cycle into a being of such light as you would scarcely recognize yourself in the cosmic mirror over the period of even a year, from the former self to the new self that you shall be.  Understand then that Earth moves into the hour, the decisive hour of victory.  It is the eleventh hour for mankind.  And as psychics have predicted wars and rumors of wars and others have predicted cataclysm and disturbances in the elemental kingdom, so right in the very midst of all confusion which is the perversion of the Mother-flame you can pass the tests of the Mother-flame, of the feminine ray.
  I ask you this one thing, and that is:  wherever you are as the hour approaches six o’clock at eventide, will you think of the Cosmic Virgin, will you think of Maitreya and ask that you might be the instrument for the initiation of the Earth and the passing by Her evolutions of that initiation of the Mother-flame?  Understand then that that initiation will come as a great light of purity to adorn your soul.  And as that light of purity increases to make you whole you will then be aware of such conditions within your being and within the world at large of indecision, of self-pity, remorse and that activity of self-justification which always desires to in some way defend the actions of the human consciousness.
  You will also notice that the greatest perversion of the Mother flame is chaos and confusion.  For in chaos and confusion the Christ light cannot, does not, manifest.  You will also notice that at astral levels the substance of density surrounding the white light of the Mother is a jellylike, grayish mass that is put over the children of God and the sons and daughters of God as a forcefield, wet in nature, calculated to stand between the flame of man and the flame of God.
  I say, call for the sword of Maitreya and the Banner of Maitreya in that hour and in the name of the Christ rend that substance which is but a veil of illusion!  I shall intensify now the fires of my heart for the burning up of that jellylike substance, that astral substance which is not native to your identity yet clings to the very pores of your skin.  Burn through!  Burn through!  Dissolve by the action of sacred fire!  Burn through!  Burn through!  Burn through!  Let light dissolve!  Let light dissolve and let light resolve by the action of sacred fire the aura of the holy innocents.
  And now in the place of that substance there is being built around each one of you a fiery auric emanation and the halo of the saints.  And for some among you all that has ever stood in the way of your having that brilliant fiery aura has been that substance of the astral, mayic effluvia that has remained unchallenged and unchecked by your consciousness because you did not know it was there.  Although it registered as a burden you did not know what that burden was and you could not define it.  I will also tell you that Mighty Astrea with a cosmic circle and sword of blue flame is active in dissolving this substance around the four lower bodies of mankind as you daily make your invocations.  And heaven watches with rejoicing to see how some of the more advanced souls of the race have found a new consciousness of light because of your persistent calls to Elohim of the Fourth Ray.  Fire, intensify!  Fire, surround these hearts! 
  It is a joy to behold the true aura of Christ in manifestation in the plane of Mater.  And I am satisfied in the Lord that He has given to me opportunity to come to you this day and to expand the auric emanation.  I would advise you to reread Studies of the Human Aura by Kuthumi so that you can better understand how to control auric emanations and how to expand the light of the aura to include more and more from among mankind in your own forcefield and consciousness of God.
Thus initiations begin and they begin here--with you.  And if you will pass the initiations of sacred fire and of threefold flame in the hours ahead you will set a mandate before the souls of this entire hemisphere that they too will feel compelled by the soul within to come into alignment with a greater compassion, a greater understanding and a greater devotion to the will of God.
I AM Maitreya, servant of the Christ within you all.  And I AM the Cosmic Christ consciousness of God and I AM the Buddhic awareness of Lord Gautama.  Humbly I bow before the light within you that is to be the light of a world to be, of a Sun to be, and of a City Foursquare that is now appearing on the horizon of being.  And ere it come full circle that City Foursquare will come into manifestation within you--line upon line, precept upon precept as you pass the initiations of the Cosmic Christ.
I AM with you always even unto the end of the age of your overcoming.  Adieu.      
-Lord Maitreya:  12-30-1973 at Mexico City via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
        As you behold the light of illumination it is as a spinning fire--a fire infolding itself.  And within that fire the rings of light are for drawing in and consuming of the dross of ignorance and for impartation of wisdom.  Within the cylinder aflame there is the push-pull action of centrifugal/centripetal force weaving light so that the flow into the center of the thousand-petaled lotus is for purification as well as for expansion of illumined action of the Law.
  You call me Maitreya, you call me the Great Initiator.  How  initiate a planet that has not been trained for initiation, that is not aware of the path as the all of life and as the Goal, the Be-ness in the heart of the Buddha!  When souls are not taught by their teachers the lessons of life, the purpose of life and the fact that all experience is the testing of surrender to the will of God, how can they be expected then to pass tests that will prove whether they have the determination, the courage to stand alone and to espouse truth?
  Precious hearts, not more than one percent of the population of the Earth at the present hour is passing the tests of Hierarchy’s initiations.  We would increase that percentage, for we are constrained from going before cosmic councils to give such a report.  Therefore we come before you.  We apprise you of the fact that there is opportunity for training in the etheric retreats of the masters and that our flame is sponsoring the Ascended Master University.  Throughout every course there is that golden thread spun from my heart--how to pass the initiation, the very next one that will come to your lifestream and then the next and the next. And as you know for each one that you pass at least three more initiations can be given, for in the one is the pattern of the three.
  And thus there is a geometrization of initiation whereby the initiate comes to the place where he thinks that God perhaps wants him to be the juggler before the Virgin Mary, balancing these balls of initiation--twelve or twenty-four in number--until when he comes to the peak of testing he wonders, “Has any soul been here before?  Has any soul passed this mark or perchance will I set a new record?”
  I can assure you that many souls have passed that mark of the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension.  But I can also assure you that many more have bypassed that mark.  It is easier to stay in bed, to roll over for another hour than to get up and face karma of the day--the substance that only you have the authority to transmute by the action of your heartflame.  It is easy to shirk responsibility, to slink from positions of authority.  But those who are the winners, those who are victorious in the eleventh hour do not shirk, do not smirk, do not fall back into mass consciousness. They pursue.  Ice and snow and rocky crevice will not keep them back!  They will ascend to summit peaks and learn thereby commeasurement whereby the smallness of man becomes the allness of God.
  Elementals also receive the initiation of the Cosmic Christ.  But the initiation of elemental life can only come to a certain level; and then all of nature, the entire evolution of the nature spirits, must wait upon the coming of the Christ in mankind.  For mankind are intended to bear the scepter of the authority of the Christ mind, while elemental builders of form are servants of God and man in nature.  “’The servant is not greater than his lord,” and therefore the servant waits for his lord to pass the initiations that will move all of life higher in the spiral of being.
  I focus the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ for every particle of matter.  Contemplate that thought and then think of how you too can ensoul and impregnate matter with an infusion of Christ mind.  God has given into your heart the light and wonder of cosmic science.  You have lived in the confines of mortal thinking, mortal feeling, you have lived in a world that has compartmental-ized your consciousness since birth.  We come as World Teachers to assist you to break the iron bands that would hold back the fire of cosmic light within the heart.  Roll them back!  Roll them back!  Roll them back!  Release that energy from the heart of each one!
  Be not dismayed at the thunder of the voice of God.  For the thunder and lightning as voice of Durga is the energy that breaks the iron bands of tyranny over the souls of the children of the Mother.  Blaze forth!  Let the sword of the Cosmic Virgin be implanted upon Terra and let Her go forth to slay the demons that assail the birth of the Christ in every heart!
  Have you thought of the Divine Mother as being fierce in the defense of Her children?  Or is your image only of Mary rocking the infant child in tender love?   That is the beautiful side of the Virgin that you see but it is not the only side, for Her beauty also extends into the realms of dark, dank density where the astral hordes dwell.  Here comes the Cosmic Virgin to challenge the specters of the night before they reach the cradle of the newborn child!
  The mother in all species will defend her young at all costs.  The flame of the Universal Mother then aligned with the fires of Shiva, the Holy Spirit, comes into prominence in the age as the Banner of Maitreya is unfurled and as I declare and sound forth the challenge of the Cosmic Virgin to all fallen ones who think that they will repeat that holocaust and that cataclysm in this age.  I tell you, as long as hearts do burn with fervor for Mother-flame on this planet They shall not prevail!  They shall not assail the temples of the Most High God!
Let legions of the Cosmic Christ come forth!  Let legions of the Cosmic Virgin descend!  For Earth in this hour is the recipient of reinforcements of lightbearers.  And this home of light shall be preserved as the eternal AUM if mankind respond and join the forces of light for the greatest victory of all time and space.
  Here you have the privilege to be counted among the living, so I say:  defend all that has gone before, all the work of saints and sages and teachers in every land.  Defend their honor, their mission, their momentum as they place upon you now their momentum of overcoming victory.
  I AM the Teacher of teachers.  I would exalt the light within you.  Be prepared for I come with the initiation that is for the victory of Life in the individual and in the age.  Be prepared:  for you as the individual, and the planet as the collective individual, will be tested!  The decisions that are made will determine the course of solar history.  I AM increasing the halo of your understanding.  I AM in you always, the Cosmic Christ             
            (Command by N. Roerich)
           -Maitreya:  3-24-1974 at Detroit via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
       Your souls are barks moving on the stream of Life, and the moving stream is the flow of cosmic energy.  And as you move, you are not aware of the comeasurement of infinity.  You behold the shoreline.  You remember where you have been.  With anticipation you look to future horizons.  But in the now of the moving stream you discover real id-dentity, real consciousness as a coordinate of that life-force which is within the stream, within the bark, within the soul.  And one day as you journey on in life you find that the veils of relativity thin. You pierce that veil, you see the great beyond.  You see timelessness, spacelessness and you are centered in Being beyond all arcs of finite relativity.
  Lo!  I AM the light in the center of the heart, in the bark moving on the stream of time.  Lo! I AM Cosmic Christ conscious­ness.  There is no separation in God.  When you reach the level of the Cosmic Christ you may rightfully say I AM the Buddha!  I AM God’s awareness of Maitreya.
  Where vibration is the same identity is the same.  Can you distinguish the drops of the ocean while they remain the ocean?  But there comes a time when for the purposes of Self-realization, God once again separates the drops in the spume and foam as  wave crashes upon the shores of life.  And once again identity as Spirit-spark knows spheres of separation--separation yet a simultaneous oneness.  Do you know that, contrary to some religious teaching, man does preserve his identity in God?  For God does preserve awareness of each manifestation, each drop. And although manifestation does not perceive the drops in the ocean, yet God is aware of the molecule.  He created the formula you have named H2O, and He is aware of the identity of each molecule.
  How life is a chimera!  Here a suggestion of reality, here a glimpse, here a shadow and you move quickly to capture the butterfly or the bird or the shadow itself.  And suddenly they are gone.  God plays hide-and-seek with man.  Frolicking in the sunshine He says  “Come and find Me.”
  “Something hidden. Go and find it!”  Rudyard Kipling caught the idea of God--God as moving among the mountains, God as moving in nature always there yet requiring that man pursue Him in the tireless search for reality, for truth.  And then one day God reveals Himself as the flaming Presence within, and man begins to contemplate reality within a dimension, within another world.  And yet that world is himself, all of himself within and without.
  Behold, I AM the awareness of God as nucleus of hydrogen atom; behold, I AM the awareness of God in the center of every atom.  If I have the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ, then I must occupy the nucleus of every particle of substance.  For, you see, God has placed Himself there, and in the movement of the Alpha-to-Omega spirals there the Cosmic Christ is born.
  Lo, I AM here!/I AM there!  Can you capture the Cosmic Christ?  You can if you become that Christ.  And you can become that Christ now in this age of Aquarius dawning, the age when Hierarchy delivers to mankind a do-it-yourself kit:  the teaching of how how to do all things yourself until you tire of that ritual of doing things yourself and you come to the place where you realize “I of mine own self can do nothing; it is the Father in me that doeth the work.”  You know the story of the raft.  The Teaching of Buddha is the raft, and when mankind desire to go from one shore to the other they use the raft.  They have great need of the raft, they pursue the raft, they love the raft.  They climb upon it and they journey to the other shore, but when they reach the other side they no longer have any need of the raft.
  And so the do-it-yourself kit is a means--a means whereby through ritual, through study, through application, through exercise and diligence you arrive at the other side of the moving stream of Life.  And there you realize that all of your effort is now rewarded by that special quintessence of Life which mankind have called Grace.  By Grace ye are saved, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.
  Following the ritual of initiation of obedience to Hierarch and to Law is a means of testing the soul, of determining whether or not the soul is worthy of Grace.  And thus God has created this plane of Mater with its shadows, of reality interspersed with illusion so that mankind might enjoy the game of life, playing peekaboo with God, then to come to that place where he is granted by Grace the opportunity to behold Him face to face.  Then all else dissolves and man beholds God as Himself.
   When I come into your midst I always come bearing the scroll of initiation, for this is my Office in Hierarchy.  I have initiated World Teachers, devotees many who have since ascended.  The Keeper of the Scrolls has prepared for me this night a scroll of record for each one of you.  Those who have come have come at the behest of the Christ Self; for the Christ Self has discerned that you in your present consciousness,are ready for initiation.  Upon this scroll is written the account of the last testing of the soul which was not passed, a test that was missed. You have had numerous tests which you have passed and some which you have failed.  For each and every one of you because cycle’s door is still ajar there is an opportunity to pass a test before midnight Easter Sunday.  And you will be given an opportunity to right a record which now remains on the Book of Life as the outline of cause and effect, of karma.  I come to initiate a spiral within you of awareness of this opportunity.  For some it will be a test of the overcoming of hardness of heart, for others a very subtle test of spiritual pride, for others the mastery of emotions, for others whether or not to judge or to leave judgment to God.
  This is an opportunity that is granted to few.  That opportunity is the warning of initiation.  For it is the Law of Hierarchy to prepare each one, to bring each one to the place where his conscious­ness is in readiness for initiation but not to tell the individual that the initiation is coming.  You will always find that you have been prepared for tests in advance abundantly, but the surprise nature of the initiation must be a part of the initiation itself.  Therefore having the privilege of coming to you with this warning, with this foreknowledge, is a great boon which has been decreed by the Lords of Karma that you might have the joy and the hope of knowing that you can pass a test and, having passed one test, you can pass another and another and another.  For there is a law of multiplication in Hierarchy:  for every test that you pass another three can be given unto you.
  And so you see, initiation can become a juggling act.  As the juggler juggled before the statue of the Virgin Mary, so you may find yourself juggling before Maitreya and still passing all of your tests until separateness of the tests merge into one realization that wherever you look, wherever you are, whatever you do—all is God and harmony is the Law of Being.
  I draw nigh to you as I drew nigh to Jesus.  As I overshadowed him in his mission to personify the Christ so I come to you to assist you in the personification of the energies of the Cosmic Christ.  This is the meaning of the age, this is the meaning of world turmoil.  It is light descending into the earth that causes fissures in the crust of the earth and fissures in the consciousness of men.  For the earthen vessels cannot contain the light, and therefore they break and they crack and there is travail and there is chaos and war and confusion.  For readjustment and realignment of planetary forcefields and planetary energies allowing for the great influx of light must surely have their effect upon the evolution of mankind.  And therefore when you hear of wars and rumors of wars know that the end is not yet.  For the end of the age that comes when the precipitation of Christ is made plain in this octave will come at a time when certain cycles of the fulfillment of cosmic energies have come to pass.
  Work the works of God as laborers in the vineyard while there is time.   And remember:  “there were two laborers laboring in the field; one was taken and the other was left.”  One was drawn into the consciousness of Life immortal; one tarried in the realm of mortality.  This too is the Law of Hierarchy.
  I AM releasing the energies that form the nucleus for your attainment in this incarnation.  These energies can be drawn as skeins of light from a sphere of light which I place now within your heart.  And thus you may draw each day the light energies you require to put on the swaddling garment and to prepare for each initiation on the path.  The day is at hand when millions among mankind will accept the ascended-master hierarchy as the true teachers of the race.
  Pursue your calling.   Grow in Grace, prepare to be teachers of mankind.  Invoke the flame of Cosmic Christ illumination and watch how the fires of transmutation will intensify, how elements will melt with a fervent heat and how transformation will come about and how Earth will be propelled into the golden age of the greatest enlightenment that the planet has ever known.
  I seal you in the light of Maitreya,and I bid you:  live the Life victorious!  It is the only Life, the only way and the only reality we acknowledge:  Life by definition is victorious!
   -Lord Maitreya:  4-12-1974 at Los Angeles via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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                            -Keeper of the Scrolls by Auriel Bessemer

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