…we must point out the dangers of automatic reflection from the subconcious to the conscious mind, for the conscious minds does ever implant its thoughts--whether outworn, transient or deeply engraven--into the great chamber of unconscious knowing. The wondrous functioning of the internal world of mind in the individual then goes on completely oblivious to outer interference. And this action take place in all with or without their conscious approval or disapproval and thus are established in the inner record of each individual man. The continual flow of thought and feeling to the outer active consciousness creates matrices of record which when linked to approved desire are very powerful in amplifying either good or bad tendencies in mankind.
Now when an undertone of ideas or concepts infiltrates consciousness while their rightness or wrongness is yet undetermined by the individual, they can tend to influence action without conscious awareness of the individual. Safeguards therefore ought to be instituted by watching thoughts and feelings to uproot on the instant all that which is spiritually unethical, inflammatory, desultory or degrading to any part of life….
However let it be realized that there is in addition to outside influences bombarding the mind of man a continuous automatic deflection from the realm of the subconscious into the conscious mind of impulses, desire and direction. Some individuals are of course more discerning than others as to the source of their so-called guidance….
I think it goes without saying that the heavenly consciousness itself is the best defense against iniquity. But when men are not content to abide in the consciousness of God and its higher approach, choosing of their own volition to move through lesser avenues of natural existence and being, they must recognize that the attendant perils which they encounter must be guarded against least they find themselves bereft of their eternal treasures by the depredations of mere thieves and robbers. -dictated by Master R to Messenger (trained by Saint Germain) Mark Prophet: The Mechanization Concept, 1965, “Error”
Man’s search for happiness stem from a remembrance of his lost estate when he knew at inner level of consciousness the blessing of cosmic unity whereby immortal Laws of the kingdom of God were operative for him, instantly obeyed at his command. By countless means the forces of negation that oppose the divine plan for man have attempted to substitute the mechanics of system born in sense consciousness for the cosmic intricacies of what we may term the gracious voice of the soul. Nowhere are the forces of negation more active yet cleverly concealed than in the realm of belief….
Let it be clear that man’s consciousness is the key to the kingdom, that which he chooses to hold in that blessed stream of thought and feeling which was created by God to provide man with a tie to Himself. Consciousness--a link to the God-Self, to man’s own personal reality as the image of the Sun and to universal consciousness, or cosmic unity itself. Through the divine memory of man’s unfettered activity in the heart of God, through records of past, present and even future soul patterns and soul evolution manifest for each lifestream, consciousness takes flight from the plateau of limited self-engrossment and soars to scale peaks of divine comprehension not yet imagined by the outer mind of man….
Faith tethered to wrong belief is still faith, yet it is like the barren fig tree which Jesus condemned….Many of the students will be able to cite examples in this day and age of those whose entire lives are devoted to causes undeserving of God’s energies, yet they remain unaware and unconvinced that their wagons are hitched to a dying star….
The kingdom of God is intended to be the universal possession of all, yet it must be personally and individually cognized and entered into by each one who must first be in full possession of the limited sphere of consciousness given unto him by God ere he can inherit the whole. How can men obtain entree into the immortal consciousness of God when they entertain and enjoy malice, ego involvement, fleeting and vain pleasures, selfish exclusions, jealousy, revenge, trickery, debauchery, chaos, wrong predictions, necromancy, witchcraft, assault, viciousness, lying, distortions, fabrications and perversions of nature’s purposes?…
The exigencies of social religious pressure in which an attempt is made to corral mankind as into branded herds and the painfully confusing separations engendered thereby are a blot upon the world for peace and unity. Doctrine and tenet of faith and belief have often been a mechanical crib confining the soul to acceptability and creed without benefit of ultimate truth. Final truth comes about through personal experience with God and is based upon the Law of transcendence--upon the transcendental nature of being whereby God/Truth is not found to be static but in a constant state of Self-revelation and Self-realization….
Dependence upon mechanical faith may bring personal popularity but it is a poor substitute for intrepid involvement whereby cosmic stature is achieved. -Master R: The Mechanization Concept, 1965, “Kingdom”
-Auriel Bessemer, ~1971
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