Thursday, January 12, 2023

spreading of the black faith of Bon Po

The sure Word of prophecy which must come alive within the domain of the individual is a personal bestowal of the Law of infinite love.  In the very heart of Self a man must admit the great purifying light rays of the Holy Spirit.  It is so easy for individuals to feel that the needs of others for righteousness exceed the needs of the individual seeker.  One with God is indeed a majority, and self-negligence is just as dangerous as is the neglect of the entire flock of God.
-Maha Chohan, Pearls of Wisdom 9:35 …………………..................... Beloved ones, it goes back to the violet flame. And I tell you, though I am mindful of limitations and perhaps negligence on your part, still I stand with you and I understand and I have compassion for the entire situation. But I do not desire that my compassion should produce in you the excusing of yourself so easily. Some of you are so quick to forgive yourselves [for your misdeeds] that you have not even [taken] the time to consider the burden you may have placed upon life in a [thoughtless] act. -
Omri-Tas, Pearl 27:50a ……..……………........................ Therefore I ought without pause to render thanks to God who often pardoned my folly and my negligence—and that not in one place only—so that He was not passionately angered against me who was given as a fellow-laborer; and yet I did not speedily acquiesce in accord with what had been revealed to me and as the Spirit brought to my remembrance. Thousands of times the Lord showered mercy upon me because He saw that I was ready but did not know what I should do in response, situated as I was with many men forbidding this embassage.
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 28:15 ………………......................... The Thirteenth Dalai Lama died the next year, in 1933. In the years following his passing, Tibet was beset by factionalism and internal conflicts including periods when bribery and bureaucratic negligence were rampant. Prior to the Thirteenth Dalai Lama’s passing Professor Nicholas Roerich led an expedition to Tibet and several other regions of Central Asia between 1924 and 1928. He made the following observations as reported in the New York Times of June 11, 1928:  “A depressing picture of the economic, political and sanitary conditions in Tibet is drawn in the statement made by Professor Nicholas Roerich, Russian painter and archaeologist.... Roerich believes that the influence of [the] Dalai Lama is fast waning, with all Tibet rapidly splitting into factions.”  In subsequent months the New York Times reported:  “Nicholas Roerich, whose first purpose was to obtain paintings of Tibetan life, brought back no picture more striking than his account of moral, physical and religious degradation of a dying race. He states that the ‘black11 faith26 of12 Bon13 Po13 (=75=3 x demons25),’ most ancient of the pagan religions, is spreading all over Tibet. The decline of Buddhism in Central Asia, he said, had been accompanied by ancient demon-worshipping rites.”  The Times also quotes a letter written by Roerich about Tibet in which he said:  “Here are high Lamas who, on their sacred beads, are calculating their commercial accounts, occupied completely with thoughts of profit.”  The article continues:  “The Lamas also beg and indulge in dishonest methods to get money from others, the letter sets forth. Many monasteries, the writer said, are in ruins.” -footnote in Pearl 32:43
…………………........................... Negligence in care for those entrusted to you, professionally or in connection with your religious service, is fraught with the most severe karma. It is well to draw a circle around yourself and to make a list of your responsibilities:  What part of life are you responsible to?  What segment of the population or of this community or of souls who have not yet been contacted by the Teachings [do you have an obligation to]?
-John the Beloved, Pearl 33:38 ………………………….......................... “Therefore I pray you, O Lord, to transmute my lack and my negligence, to place in me the miracle grace of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the ancient calling. Lord, I beseech You in my lack of preparation, in my poverty of soul-deliberation. I beseech You to place upon me the mantle of the Lord, the mantle I would wear as Elijah and Elisha of old, the mantle that I would use to bring the sheep into the fold.
-Lanello, Pearl 56:17 ………………………....................

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