Saturday, October 16, 2021

there is a need for a matrix of the cosmic cube

     I come to converse with my friends.  Lanello has chosen me to speak to you today.  For as he said, it is the example of the humble servant that is needed most.  As I pursued the path of humble servant in your midst so I would be with you and present to you the goal of that path.
  I am clearly here and to be seen.  I wear my wedding garment.  And in my right hand is the wand of light of the beloved Goddess of Light that she has given to me for you to see as a scepter, the scepter of the authority of the Mother of the World.
  You have called me Florence, and I have desired to be but a flower of the Mother.  And with all of my heart I have yearned to see the publishing of the Word of God unto the Two Witnesses.
  I also knew the end from the beginning, as each one of you does, for the soul always understands the cycles of its appearing.  Therefore those who knew me saw me hastening to my goal--hastening, O hastening to transcend--even as I would even pull against the divine will, hoping to stay again a round and another round with Him, the beloved Christ with me whose servant I am.  God therefore granted unto me another stay and another cycle, and in it we fulfilled so much.  But the Goddess of Liberty gave to me a torch that I must pass to you—the beloved staff, beloved friends, beloved students.
  The hour of the appearing of the Son of man within you, the hour of self-transcendence must always come with a certain sense of regret that one cannot yet fulfill another round as the humble servant.  But always the victorious ones who beckon one on explain, “If you do not rise higher, then those who follow you will have no room at the apex of the pyramid.”  And so when many little feet fill the space of that highest stone of the pyramid then someone’s little feet must take flight.  And when you see the feet following and the shining faces that wear those feet you know that the hour of their glory is come and the descending light of your own will lighten their faces with a starfire glow until they too attain their own.
  My presence and my message as the bride of Christ is in the nearness and closeness of our community--here at Camelot, at the Inner Retreat, in heaven and wherever Keepers of the Flame meet to greet the Lord and to praise his name.  I am happy that so many have come into the path of the Teachings through the books my own hands have touched and arranged for Mother.  I am happy that life is ongoing and that God has shown me, through Lanello, that I may still be the humble servant in these worlds beyond this one where many worthy souls are striving.
  There are worlds of preparation whence cometh the Son of light who shall be born.  And there are other worlds designed for those who have not quite graduated to finish their course and to balance some other karma of some other year.  Now it is the twilight for some and the dawn for others, and the vastness of life in its movement is wondrous to behold from where I am.
  I give my love to each and every student of Level I. For, you see, I have chosen to attend this quarter of Summit University.  And I have sat in your midst pondering the wondrous teachings of the Messengers that were not mine to hear while I served in the publishing department.  And so for me it has been a luxury to be in attendance.  Other ascended masters have attended Summit University with the full joy and fervor of souls who, while on Earth, so embroiled in the battle, had not the time or space in their karmic cycles to retreat to the arms of the Mother for even three months.
  Thus going over these lines of teaching and the paths of virtue I could also contribute the vision of the wonder of the ascending saints. For you see, every bit of teaching you have heard has its application and its point for the expansion of consciousness, even in the ascended state.  One can always multiply the geometry of God.  The simplest teaching or the most profound lives on and on and on.
And sometimes I would have a deeper realization than your own.  And sometimes in communion with your own Christ Self I would perceive a depth of understanding within your soul that your outer mind could scarcely contain.  And that depth of understanding and that contact came because of many previous experiences on this and other worlds where you individually had the great contact with Sanat Kumara or El Morya or one of the lesser angels whose glory is still the most sacred memory of your own recent history.
  I am a flower in the field of life.  One day the Savior passed by and plucked me to his heart, and I became the special one that he would no longer leave in the field.  I would miss my fellows and even shed a tear, longing to be in the tall grasses with them in their play and in their labor.  But in his heart he took me and to another field where I saw another harvest—Elysian fields where lilies grow and other saints that you and I have known.
  Thus, beloved, the parting is the regathering.  And we may all understand that being plucked to the Savior’s heart--this special offering will come to each and every one in time and in space and beyond.  And when the hour comes, as you may anticipate your own victory you will know that all who have gone before you, the blessed friends of light and the saints, have all become a bouquet in the heart of the living Savior.  And the Lord Jesus Christ who has taken us to himself presents his bouquet to the Mother of the World.  Therefore is our preaching and our teaching not in vain.  For after all our goal in ascending is to be the offering of the Christ unto the Blessed Virgin.
  My bridal garment, which I wear before you, is an image and a vision impressed upon your soul that you might have remembrance that you too stepped forth from the altar of God in that bridal garment and you will wear it once again.  The vision of yourself as the crowning rose and bride of light must establish that Self-worth that enables you to strive and overcome and keep pressing back and pressing back every attempt to take from you your space to be the bride—your space, beloved heart.  It takes a very special place to be the bride.  And the circle of your aura—as the gown, the train and the veil—forms a circle of whitefire that must leap into the realm of Spirit.  The circle of the wedding gown is the magnet whereby the Christ will come.  You see the bride standing alone.  Therefore God must come, for God must present unto that bride the living Christ.
  I am here so that you will understand how near is the path, how near is the goal, and that in the outer mind none may know who is the most, the most to be desired of the Lord--which one he will pluck from the field of life.
  May this bridal garment be your own.  May you weave your deathless solar body.  I fling into your heart the bridal bouquet.  It is my desire that the fragrance will remain with you until, beloved, you find yourself in the arms of the Beloved One.  This promise will be fulfilled in you.  I AM the living proof. [29-second pause]
  Showers of blessings from bowers of glory, tumbling flowers, a million daisies in the field—such is the love of the angels for your presence.  My beloved, let us deliver the Word!  

     -Kristine:  6-13-1982 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 25:34
   And so the ancient ones knew the science of music and they used music to penetrate the atom with the mind--penetrating the atom (long before its rediscovery in the West in recent history), penetrating the atom of being, penetrating the five secret rays...
  If you would know the power of music whereby the soul follows sound to the heart of being, then study this form of music, the Indian raga which you have just heard.  For it does bring you into the encounter with the cosmic teacher.  It does bring you into a polarity of the plus and minus—you the minus, negative, feminine polarity; the teacher the plus, positive, masculine polarity.  When you are in polarity, beloved, with such music you enter into a compartment of being that truly is the heart and goal of meditation.
  Think of yourself then as the point of an arrow that follows sound to its source.  You will find yourself going back to the source of Being as you intone the sacred Om.  You return to the heart of creation and the Great Central Sun, the Word with Brahman.
  Let us do this, for in my causal body this day I would bring you as close to the very heart of creation, to the living Word as you are able to approach according to your spiritual evolution.
[Manjushri sounds the Om with his name, and the congregation joins him:]
Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm Man-ju-shri
Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm Man-ju-shri
Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm Man-ju-shri
Thus by my sounding of the Om with my name I have vested you with a slice of the spiral of my being.  And by your own sounding of the Om with my name you have approached a higher level of contact with the center of creation.  If you choose to do this daily and if you choose to recite my mantras, I will assist you in coming to the oneness of the Mind of God.
  Where did the apostle Paul get the notion that you should let the Mind of God be in you that was also in Christ Jesus?  So it is the teaching of the Lord Christ and the Lord Buddha unto levels of humanity and times far beyond recorded history.
  Know then that all partake of the Universal Mind.  All have but one Mind, for there is only one Mind.  And that Mind is God.  Thus each one is a cup bearing a portion of the Mind of God; yet the portion need not be limited.
  There is a question that is asked:  can the individual contain the whole ocean or must he be content with the drop?  Can the individual contain the whole Mind of God or only a molecule?  This question, beloved, does not make sense, for the whole of the Mind of God is contained in a single molecule or a single drop of the ocean.  Thus any way you look at it you have the Mind of God.  Yes, you have it. The only question is:  do you use it?
   Do you enter it as a great sphere of light as though you would enter a pulsating sphere of the one Mind, pulsating, stimulating in you through your higher Self your soul, your spiritual faculties, your chakras, all that you need to know to solve the problems of your own path and dharma and karma and all that you need to know to solve the problems of the Earth?
  The mental body and the brain itself, beloved, as well as the central nervous system are like cosmic instruments, and upon those instruments the Mind of God does play.  And for many who advance on the path their communion with the Mind of God does bypass the brain, the body and even the mental sheath.
  You would think this amazing, but it is not. Such communion takes place in the heart of the individual who has meditated upon the Mind of God almost unconsciously as a steady listening, as a steady stimulation, as a steady plucking of heartstrings of one such as Moses who communed with the I AM THAT I AM and all exalted beings who preceded him on the pathway of realization of the One.
  So, beloved, you may not even realize when the source of reason, the Logos within you, has not been impressed upon you through the brain, the central nervous system or any organ of the body.  Then too there is the seat of knowledge in the heart, the seat of wisdom in the heart and again this knowledge and this wisdom come out of the threefold flame and are not conveyed merely through the organs of the body.  
  There are records of those who have been pronounced dead and have returned again to tell the tale.  They have noted that they had their full mental faculties and yet they could not speak through the body nor think through the body.  Moreover they felt themselves rising up out of the body as they looked down upon it.  The body was useless and yet they retained all knowledge of self and in some cases increased in the great knowledge of the higher Self.  And the “mind” free of encapsulation in the skull did explore worlds beyond.  Think not, then, that there is any real death, for there is not.  There is only transition from this level to the next level, and you need not go through transition to proceed on in the levels of being. But enter into meditation.  Pursue yoga if you choose.  Find the path of meditation that is right for you.  Exercise the seven chakras and the eighth, and combine visualization, the spoken Word, meditation, thoughtforms and contact with all stars of being, i.e., the Causal Bodies of the Sons of God, all in one moment.
  You have this capacity!  You know that at any moment your mind can flit here and there like a butterfly and not fix on anything in particular.  If this is so, beloved--and follow my logic—then you ought to be able to focus on many many things at once since you already do so in your distractions yet not with mastery.
  Why not replace your distractions with focalizations, many focalizations, and visualize needlelike rays of light and points of light going forth from the Mind of God which is superimposed upon you as your higher Self.
Then walk the Earth in your higher Self and let those needlelike rays converge with others. And see how vast and strong is the network of the antahkarana of which your El Morya speaks—yes, the antahkarana of a cosmos that connects the mantras, devotions, prayers and  hearts of all those who serve the cause of divine love.
  Think of Universal Being.  Think of how the Ashram rituals were prepared for you so carefully by El Morya decades ago that you might be one with all who are one in that web of light and cosmic consciousness.  Think then of how there is a vast interchange between the Mind of God and all who have entered that Mind.  Think of how many of your ascended brothers and sisters have saturated themselves with a certain knowledge and a certain wisdom.  Think how when you have made yourself ready I or any one of these ascended masters or the Archangels or Elohim of the second ray can impart to you across the shuttle of that antahkarana wisdom encapsulated in an ampule.  We can open this ampule and drop by drop deposit wisdom into your crown chakra.
  This is predicated on your having raised the sacred fire from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown.  Having achieved this degree of Self-mastery you can receive ampules of wisdom in the vast disciplines that those who have graduated from Earth’s schoolroom have already entered into.  And each drop from the opened ampule will permeate all the cells and atoms of your being, causing them to pulsate with that ever-new knowledge that comes from the Mind of God.
  See how all have access to the computer of the Mind of God and to infinite knowledge. See how this patterning goes on in the Earth and how much more knowledge you have access to than you did fifty years ago.  Why, we are light-years ahead in the acceleration of the working even of the human mind.  And yet, at the same time diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer’s and all types of tumors and degradations of the body that ought not to be, that are not the outpicturing of the true inner Self,have come upon a people for the many reasons discussed by your professional speakers and for the many reasons we have taught, including mankind’s karma.
  I AM Manjushri!  And I AM for your taking wise dominion over the earth and for your wise taking care of all resources available to you.
I AM for practicality.  I AM for your making that which is the nearest right move even though it be not the perfect move of the moment that you would prefer.
  Above all do not stagnate.  Do what you can do within the hour, within the day, within the year.  Plan well.  But for God’s sake do not do nothing!  For this is not the age of do-nothingness for the chelas of Manjushri and Maitreya and Gautama.  This is the age of accelerated doingness.
  We see many on Earth operating at high stress levels because they attempt to catch up with the workings of the Mind of God within themselves, but they go about it in a human way and thus their bodies suffer.  Sometimes just when they are at the peak of their careers they find that they must deal with problems in their physical bodies that are overwhelming.
  I say, light the way!  Be the lamplighters in Earth and know that the lighting of the way to balance in the four lower bodies is the great gift of kindness, the great gift of enlightenment that you can give to many.  It seems that just when man or woman is old enough and wise enough and free enough from the lusts of flesh to enter into a spirituality that is truly self-transcending he or she is no longer able to concentrate, no longer able to study, no longer able to enter into joys that can come to those who prepare body and mind for elevation to the etheric octaves—the retreats and cities of light that are precursors to golden ages yet to come on Earth.  Thus one may pass from the screen of life just at the moment when he or she finally glimpses the Infinite and begins to know and value the correspondence of soul to the Almighty One.
  What a pity, beloved, that people everywhere are shortening their lifespan!  Is it not the better part of kindness and wisdom then to impart the knowledge you have and sometimes to do so almost to the point of being rude when you know that people need it and yet do not want it, for they cannot be bothered, they do not want to change, they are in their groove, they are lazy of mind and ignorant of mind?
  So then throw a cosmic spear of whitefire and blue lightning to pierce that ignorance (and even your own!) until in the absence of that ignorance they can wake up and discover that they have been in a stupor for too long, perhaps lifetimes.  But now seeing the light descend they can enter into something more real, something more challenging, something that prickles.
  And it is the light that prickles, beloved.  It is the light that comes and activates Self-awareness in God and allows the individual to realize even 10 percent of his spiritual potential.  That in itself should propel him light-years beyond his current station.
  Beloved ones, it is not a time to preserve one’s reputation!  It is a time to say:  I do not care what men shall say or think of me.  I must quickly bring truth to all whom I meet before the body is lost and the mind is lost, theirs and mine, before this or that one may find himself on the other side seeking entrance to the portals of birth to be born again to fulfill the purpose of the previous life, a life that did not ripen and mature into a spirituality that is made of the cosmic stuff that all sons and daughters of God were made of in the Beginning.
  Thus the cycles of life bring steps and stages. Happy are ye when you have put behind you your adolescence by the time you are fifty years old!—so that you can get on with being sages and comforters and counsellors to those who are behind you or ahead of you.
  Yes, beloved, it is true:  this nation is an adolescent nation!  Superficiality is always there to tempt people away from any in-depth discussion about anything at all.  I say, get beyond your adolescence and desire to live in those devil-may-care years of irresponsibility for the rest of your life.  Getting stuck in the grooves of adolescence is such a pity, beloved—truly.  Such a pity indeed when the joys and  frolicking of angels and the tongue-in-cheek Buddhas surely produce the greatest God-happiness available, with no downside, no addictions, no depression and no hangover. Yes, beloved hearts, the victory is nigh.  The victory is nigh.  But you must desire it and you must slay the beast of self-ignorance.
  Yes, that ignorant animal magnetism simply produces a lazy mind, a slothful body, indulgence in foods that also densify the body and shut down soul faculties.  And then you wonder why you cannot complete this or that project.  Suddenly everything in your world falls apart, for you do not have the strength of sacred fire in your chakras to hold together a matrix and to see it through to the finish.
  I AM Manjushri and I have a great sense of humor.  And you will know that sense of humor in your own life if you give my mantras.  For it is humor on the path that truly delivers you from the all-too-serious levels of fallen angels who themselves have as their only laughter the laughter of the obscene, the macabre and sinister laughter of death and hell which is not at all laughable.
  Now I, Manjushri, wish to pierce a little point near the crown chakra that I might insert another drop of wisdom’s light.  May wisdom be your Comforter.  May wisdom be your Home.  May wisdom be your Father-Mother and your own true being.  Wisdom now opens the door of cosmos.  Behold the Goddess Theosophia, and know that the Divine Mother in multiple manifestations is here, there and everywhere to love you, to tutor your soul and to rescue you from your own demises.
  I AM Manjushri, approaching ever closer and closer to the physical octave.  May you find me and find me soon.  For I am ready to take you with me to octaves of light where you shall put on luminous robes, robes of Self-knowledge, and rejoice in the Self-awareness you gain merely by being bathed in illumination’s flame.  Then you shall return to Earth again at dawn knowing that there is truly a way to accomplish all things and to deliver this Earth unto the heart of God.
[Congregation chants with Manjushri:]
Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm Man-ju-shri  [24-second standing ovation]     -Manjushri:  7-3-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 37:21 
   I AM the guardian of the City Foursquare.  And from out the Great Central Sun there descends into the soul of each one the white cube that is the forcefield of the City of Light.  In the center of the cube is the replica of the threefold flame.  And so let it be according to your freewill as my angels come to you each one to lower the cube over the heart [pause]. And you have but to give silent acceptance and acknowledgment of their presence and it will be done at the hand of your Christ Self.  This glistening white cube is the matrix of the squaring of the flame in Mater.
  As I contemplated my address to you this evening and as I examined the four lower bodies, the state of consciousness, the soul attainment of each devotee here I said to myself there is a need for a matrix of the cosmic cube; for so many are not able to expand God’s energies according to the perfect square of the Holy City, for their four lower bodies are not aligned, wedges of darkness come between the mind and emotions, and there is an off-centeredness, a crookedness, an energy and a grid that does not conform to the inner blueprint.
  Most often and in most cases where this has occurred it is because of your contact with the dissonance of the world--the jagged rhythms, noises of the city, art forms that come before your gaze from the time you are born, so much that is jagged, so much that defies the inner geometry of God’s Law.  And so these patterns have been impressed upon your soul and upon the four lower bodies and you could almost say “There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile.”  And I smile as I say this and I hope you will too.  For I behold your Christed Presence and the inner design.  I behold by the power of the all-seeing Eye your victory in the flame.  I know the hour of your ascension.  I know the beauty of your countenance.  And I see the light even now shining through your eyes.  But I come to heal, for I am the fulfillment of the healing ray.  I come with science.  And I must exact by the power of pure seeing the mathematical formula of your being.
  Hence the cube is placed over the heart of each one who accepts it now.  That cube will assist you in expanding the threefold flame, and as that flame expands so the cube will expand also.  This will provide you with a platform and a forcefield for energies of Elohim to descend into your forms.  And so when you chant our name to our glory, to the glory of God, and when you give the sacred aum that energy will now flow through that sacred cube and be dispersed in time and space according to the perfect square of the mind of God.  And therefore a much greater action of the Law will take place and all of your decrees and invocations will have this additional grace so that God will have a grid and a forcefield that is not askew but that is renewed in the flame.
  And so as you are grateful Hierarchy is grateful.  God always shows forth His gratitude to mankind.  You cannot render a service to your fellowman in His name or give glory to His light without feeling the return of energy multiplied a hundredfold, a thousandfold–according to the magnet of your love that multiplies God’s love as you serve.
  As God does not neglect to say “Thank you, I appreciate your service,” so will you remember to say that word to one another--“Thank you!”  And when someone says to you “Thank you!”  will you remember the grace of the fulfillment of the spiral to say “You are welcome”?  How often we hear that thank you without the return as carelessness or perhaps a feeling “Well, I deserve that thank you” and therefore the response “You are welcome” does not come.  If you do not develop this habit of saying “You are welcome” to each other, you will neglect to say it unto God.  When God says to you “Thank you!”  be ready with “You are welcome, Lord.”  For in that word “You are welcome” there is the opening of your heart and the Lord does enter in.  And therefore “You are welcome” is a very important phrase. And it does not quite say the same thing in “De nada,” for this is simply “It is nothing.”  It is not conveyed in “Il n’y a pas de quoi.”  But in English it is the welcome of the Christ, and when you say it to one another you are welcoming the Christ of your fellowman, of your neighbor, your friend, your family into your heart.  And so the interchange of life and of the Law comes about, and you see that the grace of diplomacy, the ritual of the seventh ray is manifest in inner laws, in the extension of the comfort flame and in the expression of manners and mannerisms which are conducive to the flow of light.  Entering the Aquarian age then it is time to learn that good manners, good decorum and dressing properly is a part of the art of the sacred science of fohat.
  As you move your arms, as you hold your body, as you hold yourself gracefully you are the sender of energies of cosmic light.  Each time there is a movement in your form there is an adjustment of energies.  If you are slouching, bending over, sloppy in your habit, sloppy in your dress, sloppy in the way you sit so that you are sitting almost on your back and allowing your chakras to be out of alignment, you see you set up grids and forcefields through which energy flows in a very erratic pattern and you contribute to the general tension, malaise and even turbulence that mounts into war upon the planetary body.  The hustle and bustle of life has done this to mankind.
  Fathers and mothers are too busy to have their children sit down in the sacred hour of the repast and of that sacred union that is the Lord’s table.  Children are on the run, parents are on the run, and therefore eating properly, graciously–which is a part of good digestion and beautiful sharing–is often neglected in the home.  Or when the family comes together perhaps there is a shouting and a screaming and the table is not a unity of purpose.  Father and mother should sit opposite one another at the table, anchoring the ray of Alpha and Omega, and the children on either side.  Perfect God-control should be held by father and mother in wholeness.  This God-control allows for each child to express himself individually, taking turns–telling the events of the day, describing incidences or talking about studies or music or art or what we’re doing at play.  Each child must be given the opportunity to communicate with both parents and with the family.  
  And then there is the matter of understanding proper table manners.  Manners must be an implementation of the flame of comfort of the Holy Spirit and the flame of alchemy of Saint Germain.  All manners are enforced in order to extend comfort to life and to secure the delicate, gentle, graceful movements that are for the alchemy of cosmos.  I encourage parents and young people to secure a book on etiquette and to learn this science, to not be overcome by the burden of pedantry that also has been a part of this in the past but to take from these books certain practices which you know are based upon either the extending of comfort, concern and consideration or the practicing of the science.
  The reason that I call all of this to your attention in this dictation is because, you see, you are invoking light at such an intense intensity that your entire being is becoming a grid and a forcefield of light and it begins to matter very much, you see, to Elohim as to how your comportment is, how you behave and how you move among your fellowman. For the abruptness of speech, improper speech, slang and mortal cursing certainly is a misuse of the light of Elohim.  And if you allow yourself to misuse your chakras and your body temple, we must limit the flow of light to you. We cannot entrust to a chalice that is not pursuing the grace of heavenly alchemy energies beyond which you are being given at the present time.  Yet your invocations call for a greater release and so we must, we cannot delay the teaching of this sacred science of graceful movement and care and consideration for each other.  I ask then that you shall give due thought to this, that you shall make it a part of your life, that you will remember that cleanliness is next to godliness.  Ascended master students must shower every day, and the clothing that is worn next to the body must be clean every day.  You must see to it that from head to toe you are neat, that the lines of your clothing follow the flow of the masters, and that you are certainly dressed according to standards that are in the cosmic honor flame and that are a comfort to both male and female.
  There is no reason to dress with the purpose of arousing sexual energies as the world does today.  There is no need to pursue the flattering of ego or the flattering of form to the point where you draw undue attention to that form, and by mankind’s attention to your form there is a lowering of your energies into lower chakras, and you wonder why you have problems.  Precious hearts, a word to the wise is sufficient.
  Ponder then your appearance.  Ponder then your love, your expression and be examples of ascended master purity, comfort and divine alchemy of all of life.  So be gracious, so be tactful, so be diplomatic and see how in your restraint, in the guarded word you control forces and lifewaves and you bring those who are jagged in their emotions into conformity with the matrix of God’s geometry.
  Now then, having accomplished the lowering of the cube which is for the alignment of the four lower bodies, having told you of some very necessary requirements for you to bring your bodies into alignment may I pursue our subject of Exploring Selfhood in the Eye of God.
  The Eye of God is a mighty sphere, and when you master the art of entering into the sphere of the heart, when you master the power of the spoken Word and show that you have determined to have God-control in your speech–and remember, precious hearts, your mouth is the mouth of God--let God be the only one who speaks through you.  Let not the fallen ones and the entities mouth their mutterings, their lies, their gossip, their fears, their trembling.  Seal the lips until you can utter the word of truth, for silence is better than bursting forth and shattering the matrix of energy entrusted to your care.
  If you had precious wine that you had kept in your wine cellar for a hundred years, you would not go and take the bottle and dash it against a rock.  Well, this you do when you misuse the throat chakra.  You take the precious distillations of energies of Elohim guarded in the chakras and you shatter the matrix and all of that energy comes out of you. And more than that, when it comes forth in discord and in anger it is seized immediately by fallen ones and they steal the light of Elohim and use it against mankind to further war and chaos.  And so take care that your speech be according to the Laws of God, the harmony of God and the love of life.
S  o when you have that mastery of meditation in the heart, God-control of the spoken Word, when you come into that alignment where you can visualize the emerald ray at the brow and be comfortable in that ray there is an initiation which you can receive in the retreats of the ascended masters whereby you can enter in consciousness the orb of God, the orb of God’s all-seeing Eye.  I can tell you no more, for it is an initiation of the highest order.  I speak of it that you might strive for that initiation.  For once you have entered the Eye of God you return to the paradise of seeing only God-good and you move out of the plane of relativity. And in the all-seeing Eye of God instantaneously you know and see reality which in itself, by itself always isolates unreality.  Therefore there is no further questioning, for in the Eye of God you know what is real and you know what is unreal.
  Preparing for that hour you can pursue the meditations as they have been given to you during this conference, as they have been given by beloved Lanello and beloved Djwal Kul in the Pearls of Wisdom.  Pursue invocation and above all clean up your temples.  Use a shower of violet flame every day, give the violet flame as you bathe and watch how the elementals will shower with you.  Like the seven dwarfs they come and play in the shower and they are so happy that the violet flame is flowing, is intensifying and so it becomes a session of cleansing of elemental life as you cleanse your physical form.  Remember, the singing in the shower ought to be the singing violet flame. Let the flame sing through you and see how you will feel clean inside and out and how you will have pouring forth from your pores a fragrance, a floral fragrance that is often felt around the saints, sensed by those who have pursued the sacred consciousness of God.
  Precious ones, Selfhood is the image of your reality.  Selfhood is the totality of your being in all planes.  Do you realize that at this moment you as you really are have an existence in the planes of God’s consciousness in the octaves of Spirit that is a life of joy, of true living, of total freedom, of creativity, of flow where you have not the memory blocks or the mental blocks or emotional problems?  Do you realize that an aspect of your being already lives in eternity and is a magnet to draw up the remainder that is yet in time and space into that place?  Do you realize that you are living in many planes of infinity even now and therefore holding consort with ascended masters and Elohim in your higher bodies?  Do you realize that because of the cleansing of your auras you are able to travel in your soul while your body temples are at rest to the retreats of the masters and that your experiences here are yet in another dimension of the etheric plane?  And in that plane you also hold consort with heavenly hosts and you enjoy a freedom and a service.  Here in this plane you are also working out a karma which can be worked out as long as you have a physical form and a physical temple, serving with the legions of Archangel Michael, serving with the Brothers of the Golden Robe or perhaps Paul the Venetian training artists in the divine imagination–the imagery of the Divine Mother.
  And so because you have these experiences in other planes of consciousness when you come into our forcefield into a conference as you have even for the first time it’s like a duck taking to water.  You come in, you begin to decree, you know that all fits together, you accept the Teaching because you are the Teaching and you have that Teaching at higher octaves.  It is simply a matter of the higher Self lowering into form and consciousness in this plane all that you are in your inner being. Knowing then that seven-eighths of yourself is already in upper octaves you must realize that there is a tremendous momentum of an upward sweep, an upward pull, a motion to as it were roll up this mortal coil into a scroll that becomes a scroll of immortality.
  If you can look at life from the standpoint of objectivity and climb into the higher loft of being and look down upon yourself, you will see a soul in the process of being free.  And so we look down upon you from a certain vantage point of octaves of the cosmos, and we see how you come in contact with certain blips and patterns and forcefields in maya, and we are aware of your comings and your goings, and we often see the dangers that lurk, and we often understand why you have problems, fatigue levels, energy levels, blockages in the flow of the four lower bodies because of a clogging of chakras or of food that you eat.  For that which you know about food is indeed meager in this hour, and that science of eating properly that was once known upon the planet has been taken in large measure from mankind.
The balancing of the elements, the balancing of proper meals eaten at regular hours is so important because all of this contributes to the stress and strain that you experience in your body temples.  You have heard that hypoglycemia is the disciple’s disease.  It is the disease of stress and of strain and of course the disciples are known to be in a state of tension, a tension that is a creative fire for the meeting of the next test, the next initiation and moving onward hour by hour in the flame of service.
  And therefore we caution that you take care of your physical body to see that it does not become a forcefield of such tension and such stress that you are unable to cope emotionally or mentally with the demands of the hour and with tests that come.  You must have a strong and a peaceful forcefield, an alert mind, a temple that is a fitting habitation of the Holy Spirit in order to complete the requirements for your ascension, in order to pass your initiations, in order to provide body temples for incoming children.
  In the Eye of God then that divine Self is the reality of life.  And we rejoice to see the day when mankind–through the rays of the Aquarian age and secret rays of mighty Cosmos–are coming into a greater and greater sensitivity to the higher Self, to  inner being.  It was not so long ago that scarcely a few among mankind were sensitive to the aura of our Messengers or to the light released in a dictation.  Can you imagine how we as Elohim and cosmic beings might feel upon delivering cosmic energies to observe that mankind are so gross and so dense that they cannot even feel a ripple upon their consciousness of these frequencies that are so high as to even move galaxies and worlds within worlds?
  Precious ones, I have come to you in the flame of Elohim to impart some very necessary instruction for your advancement on the path. In the impartation of this word I extend to you–as I place in the hand of your own God Presence matrices for the unfoldment of the sacred science–the Law of mathematics of your being which will descend into your consciousness as you are ready to receive it and as you attain the necessary mastery. [Pause.]  I salute the Christ within you.  And legions in the Great Central Sun, in the City Foursquare send forth cosmic light for the reinforcement of the age of victory.   
-Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia: 10-13-1974 at Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 21:14-15

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