Saturday, October 16, 2021

so much lattuning with the joy of heaven

 All in all there is a great deal more to life than meets the eye, and the horrible pauperizing of life by the powers of the age of iron and steel through misapplication of the Law has brought mankind to his knees in anguish.  Now we are releasing a vital information that will enable men to change these untoward conditions.  As principle becomes applied knowledge it is my intent in the near future to discourse on man and to raise the curtain on certain uncommon points of knowledge concerning the elements of his being.
  Remember, blessed ones, the authenticity of our releases is like the sounding of a great bell which resonates within the soul of those who possess the capability of attuning with the joy of heaven and with the ascended masters’ willingness to release their vital energies into the stream of human consciousness.  The goal of heaven is clear:  it is to enlarge that consciousness and the borders of man’s perception that he might live in the fullness of that life which God in the beginning intended him to have, to hold and to cherish.
  When the goals of heaven become the goals of men then the inrush of the kingdom of God will become a reality for mankind, bringing meaning to life which is lacking when the purposes thereof are misunderstood and perspective cannot be drawn in honor and truth because it remains effectively warped by the lens of mankind’s limited vision.  


       -Divine Director:  Pearl 8:14
  And so, beloved, by and by even the memory does grow dim in the mist, and as though looking through dense fog one can no longer see the heights one has left.  Blessed ones, we have observed this happen in a single seven-day period of a lifestream.  It is not uncommon, so far out of the way can an individual depart and so much light can he squander with so little effort and [in] hardly any time at all.
  Thus, beloved, though my love is forever I am profoundly chagrined where I have seen how many have made initial progress on the path, whether in ten days, ten weeks, ten years or ten embodiments only to be distracted by strong delusions and magnetisms of the lesser world.  And do you know, beloved, that straying most often comes because the individual does not recognize his attainment.  

                  -Morya:  Pearl  31:77

Simultaneously as we meet a meeting does take place in the Great Hall on the God-Star.  And the Four and Twenty Elders who have sent us take part in this session on this Easter Sunday 1991 as you reckon Earth-time.
We place before you the challenge, the challenge that you know, yet it must be so stated.  It must be so written.  And you must be so notified by the Cosmic Council that you have full awareness of that which Saint Germain himself has referred to as “the realm of the possible.”
If we are to direct the course of this nation as we were appointed by God to do–and summoned by Saint Germain, the great founder with the Goddess of Liberty of this dispensation, this grand experiment in freedom–then we must have in place those individuals who have attunement with the Mind of God, who are humble and will obey the inner calling and the direction.
  At this date on planet Earth we find entrenched in all nations, midst all peoples and sadly in the houses of worship and in organized religion those archdeceivers and fallen ones, the godless in whom there is no spark of Life, for they have long ago extinguished it by their denial of the living God.
  Therefore while you deliberate and speak plainly and hear the Word that is reality upon Earth and what is taking place, while you who would be called the common people yet who are an uncommon band of lightbearers know what the decisions ought to be among the nations in war and in peace, those who direct and make decisions in positions of power in every nation neglect to do and to be what to the people is obvious.
  Many ask why the little people of the nations believe in America and Americans as champions of freedom, of democracy, when the leadership does not defend them, does not deliver them from a Saddam Hussein or the many other [tyrants] on planet earth. This they cannot understand.
I will tell you, beloved, that this must cease!  We have called upon the Messenger to deliver you even an outline of this century’s [doings] of the fallen ones in positions of power, their betrayal of the people, their loss of the peace, their ulterior motives, their “other agenda.”
  Thus, beloved, as we stand this day we call upon you who have built the lifeline to the Presence, who have strengthened your crystal cord, who have access to great beings of light through the call to not let the Sun go down each day without imploring the Cosmic Virgin, your own blessed Mother Mary, to let the right hand of her Son Jesus Christ descend upon what Saint Germain has called the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy–those who divide the spoils East and West, those who utter the words of the defense of life and freedom and yet have betrayed every people who have stood for that freedom in this and all centuries.
  We have the key.  It is quite simple.  When you know the profile of the fallen angels incarnate, this Establishment of the power elite, you understand that it behooves them by their own inner alignment with darkness to snuff out the candle of freedom in the heart of every freedom fighter on Earth nation by nation, people by people.
  Lest they pronounce their own judgment they must eliminate [creative hearts] whether through abortion, whether through neglect, whether through allowing people to be fooled [into thinking] that they will be helped and then they are not helped; [for the power elite have no intention of helping them–they but give the appearance to mollify the rest of the people].
  Look at the Afghans.  Look at the Kurds.  Look at the Iraqis. Look at the little peoples everywhere on Earth year by year and decade by decade!
  How are we to direct the course of this nation or any nation when you the people of light have allowed these fallen ones to remain in positions of power?
Beloved ones, since the founding of this nation there have been in the White House scarcely a dozen, if that, of those who hold any Light.  The Office of the President of the United States has been defiled again and again until Saint Germain would not place that mantle again upon the current [or any future] president [who does not have that Christ consciousness].  He has said:
“Enough is enough!  I have sponsored a nation.  I have sponsored a people of God.  And they have gone their ways and they have allowed themselves to be divided and they have not moved together in one fiery spirit to challenge the godless who take from them my dispensation of the age of Aquarius.  Go then, ye Fourteen Ascended Masters.  Tell them!  Tell my people gathered on the Mount Zion in Montana!  Tell them that they must galvanize a people not according to political alliances but according to the alliance of Almighty God!” 
  Come apart then and be that separate people chosen unto God. Choose your election well, for this is the hour when the Liberty Bell shall either toll its death knell or resound with a mighty Spirit of liberation to all peoples from here to China and back again!
{Beloved Saint Germain adds:]
   Peoples under the Earth and on the astral plane cast there by unjust wars, cast there by the abortionist’s knife, I, Saint Germain, speak to you through
these God-free beings who hold in their hands yet the authority of God to use you to change the course and destiny of men and nations.
  Far fewer [than ye are] as the instrument of the Almighty have championed causes and defeated fallen ones.  And you yourselves are the witness that you have seen with your inner eye and borne witness that by your call many of these fallen ones on the astral plane have been bound by the hosts of the Lord and their powers are diminishing.  Faint not.  Faint not!  For I, Saint Germain, speak to you and I tell you, now is the hour to intensify!  Now is the hour not to shirk responsibility!  Now is the hour to enter into the Holy of Holies and to know that one with God is the all-power of a cosmos and you can defeat this entrenched darkness!  

-Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America, with Saint Germain:  3-31-1991 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 34:19
  When you can show the freedom that you can have in these bodies and in your mind by taking all of the tips we have given you and that the Messenger has given you, when you can demonstrate that to others and they can be convinced that it is not that you are lucky or lead a charmed life or have some genie or a lamp that you rub but that these are principles and steps that can be followed by the common people and by those who consider themselves uncommon--yes, beloved, to let the world glimpse freedom from the chains of mortality, this is my desire.  This is what I see for you.
  I see for you to be liberators first of your own minds and then breaking the chains which enslave the minds of millions.  These chains are chains of limitation, chains of finiteness, chains, beloved, that are not real and yet they have been accepted for so long.
Let us then break the chains of your soul’s bondage to schisms within your own psyche, and may you be liberated this night as never before.  For El Morya has determined to show the world of chelas what he can do and what his chelas can do.  He has done this.  You have seen and heard of the miracles.  They shall continue.  I pray you, give those calls for the miracles in your Church, for now is the hour for this Church Universal and Triumphant founded upon the pillars of all ascended hosts to attain that level of liberation and freedom and to move on in the destiny that has been designed for all who come to this fount and desire to drink of the waters of everlasting life.  
      -Saint Germain:  3-13-1993 at NYC, Pearl 47:28


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