Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Dr. McCullough and Llana Daniel videos on vax

June 6th, 2021   

               Dr. McCullough of Texas A&M video on vax:


Ilana Rachel Daniel , Jan 13 , 2021   In Israel, Pfizer has found a home for its experimental pilot program of expansive human trials.  According to Barak, Pfizer has chosen our country for its decades of meticulously recorded medical and vaccination records, which allow it to explain adverse reactions to its product by pointing to previously existing conditions within the patient.
In effect Bibi has signed up his people, all seven million citizens aged 12 years and over [3], without our informed consent to become the first country in its entirety to do human testing on a technology which has been, for many decades, attempted and failed in the laboratory. …
 What they are being asked to inject is not a vaccine as defined by the CDC as “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” [5] Rather, it is an experimental and novel technology.  By definition of the FDA [6] as a component used as treatment to affect a body’s function it is in fact a medical device, a physical device that comes in a molecular-sized package. Erroneously referring to this intervention as a vaccine exploits the public's ingrained trust of the vaccination program to solicit knee-jerk response and action.

Llana R. Daniel on video of 3-2021


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