Friday, March 1, 2019

They must come forth and be counted.

   Why, beloved ones, the creation of a palace, a castle, a crown, a sword, the creation of anything--the precipitation of it instantly is nothing for an ascended being. We are not thrilled by precipitation.  We are thrilled by perfectionment because perfectionment means that someone used the opportunity that life gave them to win their eternal freedom or to enhance that gift which was already given to them.  It means that the talents which Almighty God invested them with were not covered by a napkin of a smothering consciousness but were open to the sunlight and the air and the water and the skies and the shining orbs of the heavens, open to the angelic host--not interested in psychic phenomena but interested in the production of a divine drama of which God is the author…. 
  How about placing your hands in mine today that I may guide your hands?  You know what I am going to do with your hands, beloved ones, if you place them in my hand?  Well, I am going straight to the heart of your Presence and I am going  to say:  Beloved Mighty I AM Presence of this precious lifestream, oh, enfold them in all the power that You have, because they are a trustworthy soul.  They’ve placed their hands in mine and they know that I am going to place their hands in Yours.  They believe in You and they believe that You created the universe to be a universe of beauty and glory.  But they believe that the tri-unity of God and man has to be striven for, accepted, adored and sustained by their attention.  Take them then and exalt them into all the fullness of that which Thou art.
  O Thou Mighty I AM Presence, Thou wondrous One whose supreme and supernal intelligence invades all places but is not always recognized:   come Thou now and take Thy dominion over the kingdoms of this world!   Guide the hearts of this great nation and its people and bless them with the fullness of life that shall ring the liberty bell for the world and proclaim freedom throughout the earth!       -Saint Germain:  7-4-1962 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet 
  Beloved ones, pause to consider and recognize that you ought to receive from His heart not only a touch but the fullness of His immortal purpose.  It is your responsibility to externalize it.  The entire hosts of heaven, the angelic hosts, the cosmic masters, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood stand ready, willing and able, waiting to assist you in outpicturing the great grandeur and nobility of your own being!
   Come then and reason together, saith the Lord!  Enter into the great temple of your own being, a temple builded eternal in the heavens--the Christ consciousness of your own higher mental body.  Your Holy Christ Self is the chief cornerstone thereof.  It does not build in deceit.  It does not build in confusion or hypocrisy.   It does not build in disunity.   It builds in the eternal unity of God, E pluribus unum--one out of many,' out of many, one.  From the Spirit of Oneness came forth diversification, but all returns in heart and essence to the One because in that essence is the iridescence of God, the splendor of joy to the world, peace upon earth, on all worlds goodwill toward men.     -Archangel Chamuel:  12-30-1962 via Messenger Mark Prophet  

  Light is the radiant cultural energy of the Spirit by which all things were made,and light is the grace by which everyone is able to come to an understanding of the casting out of fear and the entering into the joy of God.   -Elohim Hercules:  7-5-1964 via Messenger Mark Prophet  
  This is a solemn moment, and I am calling this to your attention so that you will recognize that there is something that you can do, and that is to continue to call for the awakening of mankind.  Let these signs appear!  Let these signs manifest!  Do not try to stop them!  Let them come because they represent hope to the world!  They represent hope for mankind’s awakening.
  All of the evolutions of the Earth now in embodiment, blessed ones, would in less than one hundred years have practically disappeared from the screen of life.  Therefore you see what is really important on this great cosmic cusp when the age of Aquarius is breaking forth into the world of form is to have a spiritual awakening as never before sweep across this planet.   
-Divine Director:  11-5-1966 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet
  And We today say to you with this clear note of warning from the very center of the flame of golden illumination here at Lake Titicaca in which We see the reflection of the whole world order, that unless contemporary man within one year shall make some great attempt to harness the forces of heaven which We pledge to do--letting you know today that We will engage by the teeth of Our intentions the teeth of your intentions....      -Meru:  10-15-1967 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet

  We come to you then to speak of the Holy Family as a symbol of Christ-unity.  The Holy Family as a symbol was the reason why I used on the Santa Maria as Christopher Columbus the symbol of the Maltese cross, and why I also named the vessel Santa Maria.  For the Holy Family is not a mere localized in time image, it is a timeless symbol of the divine ideal of the Holy Triunity….
  Let us however understand that no man is an island.  No man can live unto himself. No man can live within a compound of his own creation.  He must reach out.  He does reach out.  He clasps hands.  He clasps for hope and grasps at straws that he may bring into the world order some of the beauty of heaven which comes and descends upon mankind in the fire of the Sun as the Sun reaches out and drenches the plain and bursts forth into flower and bloom again everywhere upon the earth, bringing forth the breath of hope and rebirth.    
-Saint Germain:  4-13-1968 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet

To All Who Would Aid the Cause of Mankind’s Victory:
   Little does the beginning alchemist realize the need for a spiritual alliance.  If men are critical of the appearance of oppositional aspects in religious endeavor such as struggles among the brethren, their ungodly attitudes, their criticism, condemnation, and judgment of one another, let them realize that that which is below is not the product of that which is Above but remains a part of human creation which is no real part of God. 
  It is to genuine spiritual brotherhood then that We would direct your attention, for the alchemist who seeks but his own unfoldment can never manifest aught but a relatively weak potential.  Those who ally themselves with the Brotherhood of Light are utilizing the functional power of the Great Alchemist not as a mighty ocean pouring through a narrow inlet but as the great ocean roaring to the perfection of itself.  Thus in all true striving the hand, aware of the head, blesses the feet that march in progress toward an appointed goal.
  Freedom then is a name and a game, but the stakes are very high.  The Great Alchemist demands absolute obedience from every adherent and from all who would practice the game of victorious becoming.
  Man is a limited creature.  He is limited by the mesalliances he has formed, often in the bane of ignorance.  Therefore We must commence by literally turning the being of man upside down and inside out.  We must ferret out the little tricks that have been employed by the finite self in maintaining its own sovereignty over the lives of others, for it is the sense of struggle that has actually created a struggle in the lives of countless millions.  But when they shed that sense, when they perceive that the universe is a harmonious working-together of light serving light they will hasten to be about the Father’s business of transmuting the shroud that covers the Earth, the shroud that is composed of the elements of mankind’s own insanity and destructive emotional patterns….
  Have men failed in the past?  Then the record of that failure is a magnet to drawn them down, and strong counteracting forces must be kindled.  The power of heaven must be rharneed and men must turn from darkness toward the light--there is then a purpose for spiritual alchemy….Life was never meant to be a cesspool of fat but a pillar of victory whose crowning laurel speaks of a living abundance.  Blooming within the oil, that abundance extends itself out of the lonely room of self into the larger domain of the universe….
  And you shall see that by cutting the bonds of evil and by acknowledging the power of Good you will no longer strain at a gnat and swallow a camel (Pss. 23:1, Matt. 23:24) but you will enter straightway into the City of God, into the consciousness that transcends the world and its options by recognizing spiritual options that lie as a gift in your hand….By acknowledging the gift of life the cosmic Breath strengthens the manifestation of self until death is swallowed up in victory and life stands forth transcendent and splendid to every eye.   
              (Roger Bacon by Gordon Ross, 1941)
                            -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:8
  Now the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, sons of Joseph favored by Jacob, are gathering on the west arm of the (rose) cross to resume their soul testings.   For unto them is entrusted the flame of Christ in Western civilization.  They carry the Law of the I AM THAT I AM in their inward parts.  They must exercise that Law by the power of the spoken Word.  They must come forth and be counted.  They must come forth and give an accounting unto the Lord of their words and works since the first coming of Messiah.  Lightbearers positioned in the United States of America and Great Britain are given the key for the turning around of the downward spiral of the West to the upward spiral of the East that shall be seen in the image of the man  (at the east arm of the rose cross).    
                                 -Sanat Kumara:  Pearls of Wisdom 22:13
  Now realize how important is the angle of the mirror of the soul, which is concave as a flower petal cupped to receive and reflect the light.  Imagine then if this gentle, curved soul and mirror would be tipped just slightly at an angle away from the Great Central Sun; it would become cold and dark and not reflect the fullness of the light or the vision of the Kingdom.  This is what happens when you take your attention off of the I AM Presence and Almighty God.  There is not the direct mirror image on earth of what there could be....Well, beloved ones, there is an inner technique for this God-mastery which I learned and practiced in my final incarnation.
  In the back of your mind, in the recesses and the folds of the curtain, in the backdrop of that area of your being where you outplay the day’s role there is that sense of awareness.  You can feel it now in your spine.  You can feel it in the energy which rises. There is an inner, an interior and an anterior sense of the Great Central Sun.
  You have contemplated the Sun and beloved Alpha and our Father so long that you retain the image and the inner direction, and you do not depart from it even in all of your service and all the busyness of life.  And therefore there is a constancy of the eye within you that is a part of all sons and daughters of God as they go about the business of our Father in heaven and our Mother on earth.
  This then is the assignment:  to so build the momentum of attention upon the Sun of God as the I AM Presence, the Christ Self, the crown chakra and the all-seeing Eye as well as your heart that it becomes the automatic flow and current of your being even when you are diverting some of that flow to outer activity in the matter-spheres.  This is something to be done and a great safeguard against extreme pitfalls and descents into areas of life that are very dark.  Some have a yo-yo consciousness.  Some seesaw up and down to great heights of light and new lows of darkness.  This can be overcome by centering in the very center of that point instead of centering oneself on the surface or the extremities.      
                        -Lanello:  Christmas Eve 1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles

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