Monday, March 4, 2019

at the point of the diamond to begin a spherical awareness within the inner brain

1)   The distortion that drove into China and India through the priesthood was the thing which makes the deplorable condition there today.  In Tibet the fanaticism has grown so great that but for Our knowledge of the great cosmic light and its refining purifying activity there would be but little hope for the restoration of that once great nation.   Still you shall all see the great change which will take place in the next hundred years there.   Try not to feel human responsibility but place all of the responsibility in the hands of your Mighty I AM Presence knowing it is all-powerful to direct, to protect and to regulate all that is required--remember!  Everyone must regulate his own life.  We must handle the people as children and just be patient.     
                          -Lanto   August 30,1937 via Messenger Guy Ballard of I AM Activity

2)    Beloved ones, the magnificent etheric temple of our Lord Zadkiel remains today over the isle of Cuba as a great focus of transmutation.  It is of course most regrettable that conditions below on that beautiful island should be so much the result of mankind’s desecration of the great light of God that beats and sustains their hearts.  I trust that you will understand that the angels of the violet fire are very active throughout the world.  Yet due to the misuse of human will we have not been able to free the people of Cuba from the intensity of the crystallized control of the Communist forces which today black out almost completely in the minds of the Cuban people the true understanding of their being.
  Mankind today have demonstrated entirely too much apathy and lethargy concerning this desecration of light near the bastion of freedom in America.  It is also regrettable that the karma of this apathy must descend upon the innocent.  And we hope therefor, that mankind and especially those enlightened chelas of the Ascended Masters will awaken before it is entirely too late and use with greater intensity the violet flame from our temple upon the Cuban people.  This action is so needed, beloved ones.  It is so necessary to have advocates in human form who will faithfully make the calls for the release of that energy to dissolve and purify the recalcitrant energies which would thwart every holy purpose.
  We have enough energy in our focus and retreat, beloved ones, to release the people of the whole Earth, if it were called into action.  Do you not think it lamentable, beloved ones, that mankind do not call the light into action enough?  The calls for the violet flame, invocation after invocation, made by those blessed ones who hear my voice are so much appreciated.  Beloved ones, it is necessary that the number of individuals be increased who will give these decrees rhythmically, faithfully and sincerely to the light of God for the release of that energy that will free the world from all the oppression of the ages….
  We trust then that you will gratefully understand how this has been accomplished and prepare yourselves for a new thrust during the July class.   If you will consider the power that has been given unto you, you will realize that it will be possible at that time to cut free the people of Cuba and the world to a far greater degree than they presently are from the domination of forces which have but one end, to deprive them of the glorious liberty which would permit them to understand how to worship God in freedom and in truth and find thereby the freedom and brotherhood of Christ expression which the Great Law requires.
  Beloved ones, not since the passing of the righteous Abel (Gen. 4:8) has so much discord been thrust upon humanity as has been unleashed during the past few decades on earth.  The scene currently being dramatized in the world arena may be likened unto a great threshing floor, and mankind need the violet flame as never before.  Therefore as I am speaking to you today I am asking the violet flame angels to take our entire momentum of the violet flame to convey it to all portions of this planet as a mantle gossamer thin and yet so potent and so powerful in radiation that it may enfold and seal the Earth in a violet flame cape for such a time as the Great Cosmic Law will permit.  This will start a dissolving action in many parts of the world which hitherto has not been accomplished.      -Holy Amethyst  April 26, 1963 via Messenger Mark Prophet    

3)   Tonight I am particularly conscious of the magnificent service of your Mother Mary.  I am particularly conscious of the service of Saint Teresa [of Avila] and I am particularly conscious of the service of Jeanne d’Arc.  You see then, precious ones, that mankind has been served in many cases by the feminine ray, although masculine leaders are often more popular perhaps because they have a bit more dash and verve.   
(by Saint-Gaudens)
                 -Mighty Victory   April 18, 1965  via Messenger Mark Prophet
 4)  I have amplified the flames and winds of freedom everywhere, seeking to sustain and establish order and rule by law that men may experience the freedom that order and law bring.  Yet again and again pride and prejudice have won the field, and the escutcheon of honor has deflected the arrows of the unrighteous, only to see the leaders slain by the calumny and viciousness of sinful men.
  In this day and age We have entrusted the teachings to no one man, but We have given finite portions of the Infinite, segments of reality to the planet as cosmic cipher which the heart, when purified in any man, can readily decipher.   In the Pearls of Wisdom, the Keepers of the Flame Lessons and other expressions which comprise the Teachings of the Summit Lighthouse We have sought to integrate the wholeness of all genuine uplift movements that have ever existed upon the planet.
  Ours is the intent, as God wills it--if man wills it too and serves with God--to elucidate through the Keepers of the Flame Lessons such standards of elder beauty as have never before been known and experienced upon this planet.  The day will come when those souls who are privileged to receive these communications will esteem them as the golden illumined light of the hand of heaven, reaching into the individual heart and saying, "Know God, know Thyself, know the Law of thy being."  As never before We hope to open the ancient books, even the books of the Ancient of Days, to reveal that which has been kept secret since the foundation of the world.
  Even in the present We have made what amounts to preparatory revelations. We have revealed by our glyphs of form-expression blessed keys for the freedom of man.  But no amount of revelation of truth can bring to the heart of heaven the assurance that the hearer will accept, heed or do the work of the Teacher.  Each noble cosmic effort made on behalf of mankind is always energy fraught with the possibility of mortal rejection.  The unpredictability of man's character through his continual immersion in a sense of sin and the sinful, as was the nefarious plan of the hordes of darkness, does not make him a conscious candidate for heaven's ministrations.  Rather is he often chided and chiding. Again and again he is adrift upon the restless sea of his own uncontrolled energies....
  But the Communist hordes came and the fertile brain of Karl Marx expounded the philosophy of the damned that would ignore karmic law, the law of recompense that justly conveys to each lifestream the fruit of his own labors.  Thus men sought to legislate against heaven and to provide in the world a form of social salvation--housing for bodies, food for bodies, dialectical materialism for minds, side by side with invective, maldesign, and social unrest which were intended to destroy the matrix of the invisible world, to destroy man's rights to spiritual freedom, to force him into a smothering state wherein the social order would take complete dominion over his life.
  Instead of being rid of this blight, the world today is even more steeped in it.  The dogmas of Communism have invaded the Church as the powers of darkness have sought to spread a web of confusion over the minds of men, thus, in the name of brotherhood, to deprive them of their freedom.
  The cooperation of individuals in high places with the forces of darkness has imposed upon mankind today in the bookstalls of the world, in the theater, in the places of learning, through communication media of television and radio, the strange semantics of those who seek the control of the minds of men for whatever parcel of reality they deem worthy of their energies.  Thus the voices of the damned proclaim a false freedom, and the innocent together with the guilty become carrion abominators--denying the Christ, denying the Light of the world, denying peace and goodwill to men.
  The warlords of the world united with the financial interests have made merchandise of true culture.  The teachings of the great men of letters, of prophets, of minstrels of the Spirit, of the great musicians of old, of great painters and sculptors is in a state of decay, for the world has entered the madness of the spoilers and the sensuality of the purveyors of enervating and senseless thrill to the hurt of men.
  In the Book of Revelation allusion is made to the fact that the stingers are in their tails, and veritably in the tails of men, in the lower order of their consciousness, have the forces sought to bring down this nation as fallen Pompeii.  Freedom and democracy are less enshrined as the days pass, and the high-court decisions of the United States have defrauded men of the necessary protection of law and order in a land where men are not yet trained withal to understand the laws of karma and that they are indeed their brothers' keepers.
  Now then with all of this destructive manifestation and the resultant decisions made by the Lords of Karma,  We say to every son of heaven, to everyone who loves freedom, who desires to see it sustained either in his own personal world or in the worlds of men: now is not the time to loll indolently and to say 'So what?' or 'What can I do about it?'  Now is the hour of reckoning when men must continue to plight their faith in the purposes of Almighty God, regardless of the world's madness.
  Take no example from the decadent.  Pursue not with them the same 'riots to destruction.'  Set your course by the stars, by the light of your Presence, by the compassion of the Christ, by recognition of the seamless garment of universality, by the sinless state that holds to the proclamation of God that life is good and beautiful.
  Be a Rock of Ages, be immovable in Christ, abound with the joie de vivre that always rests in faith in Godly ideals.  Lot joyed not in the doings of the men of Sodom. Therefore you need not rejoice in the doings of men nor should you be moved by them but remain steadfast, immovable to the perfection of your Presence.
  These tests that We have said would come have come; and even if they worsen, the power of heaven is able to summon the invincible, God-victorious cosmic honor flame that precedes the manifestation of cosmic purpose because it sustains cosmic purpose in mind and heart.  The light of God never fails, and therefore the Great White Brotherhood will continue to espouse those ideals for mankind which in moments of weakness they cannot express for themselves.
  The tendency on the part of humanity to mimic one another has lowered standards of conduct as the infection of sensual disorder and carelessness in dress reduces the hopes of men for heaven in this age.  What need have they for heaven?  Are they not in communion with the sensuality which they crave, which reeks of a depravity they know not of, but in which they are content as unperceived error?  When it is too late they will glimpse it.  But We are concerned for those who are able to see it and shun it today, who are reaching out and up for the energy that can yet save the age--that can yet deliver the world.
  Not by an individual Messianic concept do We seek to heal the breach,but by recognition that many sons of light serving together as invokers of the Cosmic Presence, serving with Hierarchy and with the Karmic Board, can yet put a finger in the dike of world karma and produce a spiritual renaissance through the teachings which must be carefully formed, preserved, exhibited in a proper setting and extended as a chalice of hope to a waiting world.    
                              -Saint Germain  9-17-1967 via Messenger Mark Prophet
5)   Sons and daughters of God, from out the whitefire core of Being you have come—I have come.  And I welcome you this evening into the chambers of the secret rays.  For there I desire to instruct you in the action of the secret rays upon your consciousness and what you can expect to receive and to give in the presence of the secret rays.  The secret rays promote an action of detail, the final sculpturing of the mind and consciousness in the perfect image of the Christ.  The secret rays are like the refiner’s fire.  They purge, they purify.  When man has said of himself 'My work is finished,' I have sent forth the secret rays to show him that the detail was not finished.  For in the conclusion of the spiral the Law requires perfection.
  As Mary the Mother took the trouble to arrange the flowers, the precious roses, in the apron of Juan Diego so the secret rays come into your being to arrange the floral offering of the soul, to see that all is in readiness that you might stand before the Court of the Sacred Fire and present yourself in the best light, the best image which you can muster and which you have built as the giant pyramid through the ages, ages of incarnation.
  You have heard that man is a starry body, a five-pointed star.  The five points of light that make the star of this version of man’s consciousness are the five secret rays.  The exactness of the secret rays as they are released from the centers placed within your form for this purpose goes forth into the world to draw all into the plumbline of divinity.  I say then this is no time for dalliance, for sloppiness, for lack of cleanliness in your person.  For this is the hour when God demands the allness of man.  And perfection is the great standard.     -Mighty Cosmos   11-11-1973 via Messenger E C Prophet   
6)   Some of you remember well the story of Joan of Arc.  You remember the burden upon her, and you know that I was with her and led her. And you must realize that if the Maid of Orléans can come forth and lead armies then you, precious hearts, surely can do anything--surely, in your faith in God and the conviction of His promises you can do anything.                
           -Archangel Michael   December 6, 1985 via Messenger E C Prophet

 7)   Thus We, Raphael and I, do expect, beloved, your response to beloved Alpha and Omega, first to have that diamond mind sharp and then at the point of the diamond to begin a spherical awareness within the inner brain.  For there between the pineal and the pituitary glands there is an action of Alpha and Omega.  And by the very spin of that light there is aborning within you the potential to give birth to the Christ Mind and to receive the activation of the crown chakra.
  Therefore go forth, O knights, go forth with sword in hand.   Slay then the beasts of lethargy that oppress the mind and prevent the Mind of God from entering in.  Blessed ones, be alert and awake and alive!  Be intense and intensely motivated and focused. Do not be weary in placing your attention consciously upon Alpha and Omega.
  There is too much sleepfulness while you are awake!  For you have been trained by a socialist system even while yet living in a land of freedom.  You wait for someone to come along and tell you what to do, to think for you, to be creative for you; you have a sense that something outside of yourself holds the key to your destiny.  Beloved, this is a most dangerous doctrine.  Beware then the false hierarchy of Antichrist composed of the fallen angels who departed from the Second Ray and Jophiel’s band….
  Blessed hearts, socialism will cause humanity to behave in a rote fashion, unable to go beyond that rote performance, thus degrading this evolution down the scale to the level of primates and beneath, as they were prior to the coming of Sanat Kumara.  The beast has already extended its tentacles into the free world.  And those who have been a part of its system, even to the very least, already own less of themselves than they did in the day of their birth. 
  Blessed hearts, it is deadly to entrust any portion of thy life to another.  Thus a fierce independence and self-reliance must be engendered within your children.  Do not coddle them too much.  Do not seek to provide excessive emotional support thereby displacing and replacing the development of their own strong emotions founded upon the joy of building the temple of man.  Fear not to let the child experience pain or suffering in small increments.  Do not be a shield against that which life has dictated for the evolutions of Earth whose karma is to work out this very problem of being, the internalization of God self-mastery.    
(by Hawkins)
                                  -Archeia Mary   July 5, 1987 via Messenger E C Prophet
8)   You must recognize your responsibility in delivering this Teaching and [you must] recognize that if you do not understand it clearly and study it well, you may make the karma of sowing seeds of error in the minds of your hearers.  And they may not recover from that error and its consequences in this or a number of embodiments, and [your neglect will] lie upon your own record [until the error is corrected in the minds of those you have misled].  

                                  -Godfre and Lotus  7-7-1990 via Messenger E C Prophet
9)    I come to you out of the heart of God--thy God and my God--for there is but one.  I come to you containing in my causal body long ages of preparation for the age of Pisces.  From the hour of the Lord Jesus’ reign 35,000 years ago on Atlantis unto the hour of the betrayal of his reign by the dark forces, through the aeons that have descended, the preparation of the age of Pisces and the coming of that Son of God was ongoing.
  The challenge to the Hierarchy of Light was how to lead those rebellious ones back to the heart of the Sun.  Thus all parties to that civilization and to the succeeding civilizations of India and throughout the earth have reincarnated again and again and again, all being led (sometimes pulled by the very nose) to the heart of the Christic experience within their very own heart: their heart one with the Heart of God.
  Oh, it has been a hard, hard generation who have resisted the coming of my Son, Immanuel!  Therefore I did reincarnate again and again.  And you are not aware of my many incarnations as high priest, as scientist, alchemist, originator of dispensations of the seventh ray in every age to the very limit that that age could endure and that would be provided for by dispensations of the Solar Logoi.     
(by Sindelar)                         -Saint Germain:  6-27-1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana

 10)   Modern medicine uses drugs to alleviate the symptoms of disease, but most people are never truly healed of the core conditions which they carry vibrationally in and about their spirit.  In actuality one's spirit governs one's health.  If the spirit is morose, the body will follow suit.  And the morose spirit will magnetize other morose spirits, reinforcing the person's weakened state until a host of mental, emotional and finally physical diseases may result.
  Conditions of the spirit are difficult to treat.  In fact they defy treatment.  But if they are not treated, they can become a plague upon a man's house....If for example a person carries a spirit of anger left over from past lives, he must neutralize that spirit by invoking the power of Jesus Christ to come into his temple to bind and cast out that spirit.
  Happy is the man who entertains a perpetual spirit of joy, for his spirit is like the Sun shining at its zenith.  He will know health, happiness and prosperity and he will attract to himself, and forever entertain, spirits of joy.  The core condition of your spirit is focused in your etheric body.  That core condition determines the vibrancy of your health and is the wellspring of your life. . . In order to heal the physical body you need to heal the etheric, mental and desire bodies--all of which leave their imprint on the physical body.                         
(Gabriel with Mohammed, in Prayer and Meditation, 1978)
                   -Archangel Gabriel  December 29, 1995 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
11)   the age is turning and the Solar Logoi are concerned as to how the twentieth and twenty-first centuries may be outplayed.  Most especially are They concerned about the potential for massive cataclysm or world war or both.  In view of these concerns They have taken a proactive stance and are awarding grants to worthy souls who will not only apply for them but also make good on them and on their commitments of service to the Great White Brotherhood.
  Therefore this is an optimum time for you to apply for and receive grants of assistance backed by certain ascended masters who may have close ties to you personally and who are willing to pledge a certain quotient of light to your cause.  You may use this light to mitigate or avert what could be the descent of a harsh karma on a planetary scale.  Thus I ask that ere you close your eyes this night you write a letter addressed to the Solar Logoi in care of the Karmic Board, requesting a specific grant of light to alleviate the plight of your nation, your neighborhood, your family.  Seal this letter in an envelope and burn it.
  The angels will take your letter to the Royal Teton Retreat where the Lords of Karma regularly convene to deliberate on the fate of humanity.  This is a spiritual retreat in the heaven world, congruent with the Grand Teton in Wyoming.  Your letter will be read by the Lords of Karma as soon as it is delivered, and They will evaluate it and make their recommendations according to the merit of your lifestream and the merit of the grant you are requesting.  They will then forward your letter to the Solar Logoi who will make the final decision concerning your application for a grant.
  This is a major dispensation, and I urge you to take advantage of it without delay!
(by Sindelar)
                         -Saint Germain:  4-28-1996 via Messenger E C Prophet
12)   Many things can transpire in your life in a short time, and as you view the world in this decade and on to the next you must know there is the absolute opportunity for your victory, for your ultimate victory wherever you are.  And since many of you are leaving the Mystery School--only for a time--I then shall leave with you.
  I, Maitreya, comfort you now.  I wear a mantle not only of golden-yellow but of metallic gold and you will remember as you see me how in civilizations long ago you also wore such robes.  You also served the then Hierarch of the day.
  I shall come in my Electronic Presence to each one and stay with you, move with you.  If you need something, always make the call.  I am here to assist you in making the move that is the wisest for you.  There may be many moves that you can make because you are talented, well educated, have much experience and have learned much from the ascended masters and the Messengers.
  Thus, beloved, know that you will not have a dearth of opportunity but will say to yourself “What is the highest calling I can make?  What is the highest attribute?  Where should I be?  Where shall I go to discover that nucleus within, which when fired can propel me to my ascension as I move with it unto the hour of my victory?”
  It is my desire then for you to come to my etheric retreat at the conclusion of this conference.  There I will show you your past, present and future history.  Is there a future history?  Indeed, beloved, it can be read.  Therefore as your Father I am determined to see to it that you will not be left comfortless but that the Holy Spirit will come to you and that I may be with you.  This surely is my great joy....
  I AM Maitreya.  Call to me.  Dispense my compassion to all and take a strong dose of it yourself.  Know that it is meet for you and that I simply love you and love you and love you.  Truly I am with you.  Go in peace where God has called you.
                               -Maitreya:  1-2-1997 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana

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