Sunday, June 3, 2018

This is the laboratory where the sacred fire will be proved individually

    O  holy flame of Freedom, all encompassing embrace of Almighty God, I adore Thy Presence in the universe!  The sacredness of each hour consecrated to Thy recognition brings to all the very sustenance of the life-force that is within them and brings to them the happiness of the ages in great paeans of praise for Thy love and Thy service to Life universal and to Life individualized.  I am pouring out from the center of my being the concentration and consecration of the great flame of Freedom which Thou art, O God!  O Thou Mighty I AM Presence, enfold all now in this flame of their identity that they may know Thee, the only true God, the Being of their own individualized worlds, their life and their portion!
                                                      -Rakoczy Castle, Transylvania
  Precious heart-friends of the ages, as I am come to you this day in the holy name of Freedom I am reminded once again of the minute state of man’s consciousness when it insists upon revolving the little happenings of the day as though they were important and fails to take into account the great allotment of heaven which is the portion of every man.  It reminds me somewhat of a small boy trying to sail a paper boat in a teacup, for it is somewhat difficult for this to occur with any great degree of happiness.  And therefore I urge all to expand the mighty radiance of their being and their sense of the universe out from the focus of Freedom’s flame within them until they are able to recognize the magnitude of life and not insist upon revolving the universe around themselves as though they were the center of that universe and all life but existed to satisfy their own ephemeral and passing being.
  Inasmuch as this cannot be so then let all recognize that the reverse is true.  And if Life is ever to become known as it is intended to be, man must first of all recognize the supremacy of his own great God-Self and recognize that the individualization of that Self must first revolve around the central purposes of creation ere the purposes of creation will deign to revolve around his own central being.  Do you see, beloved ones, how it is necessary that man shall first offer himself to the great purposes of Freedom in order that he may obtain that freedom individually speaking?
  I have observed courtiers through the ages--kings, princes and noblemen as well as those of lesser domain--who have somehow sought to cheat the great Law and have felt that it was not important what they thought or how they acted so long as they were able to obtain the specific puny desires of their mortal self and their ego-induced purposes.  These individuals have ever so frequently cried out to me with their last gasping breath and asked that I would sustain them and render them some form of deliverance from their own self-imposed bondage, and I have been kindly disposed to grant that request in each and every case which has occurred.  And yet the great Law has not permitted me to intervene to extend their life’s portion but in very few cases for the simple reason that innumerable opportunities were given to them before that event occurred; and therefore it became necessary that these individuals should depart the screen of life and should be taken to schools of light where they might find their minds transformed by the renewing power of Life itself.
  Individuals do not realize the great karmic responsibility which the Karmic Board themselves have.  They fail to take into account the responsibility of the great as being as deep and moving as the responsibility of the small.  Man must realize, and should, that those of us given a more than ordinary responsibility for life must exercise it diligently and give account of our stewardship.  Therefore the great Karmic Board is not always able to grant every request which mankind ask for, particularly when there is no demonstrable evidence of that individual’s having paid allegiance to Life or availed himself of opportunities that were dispensed to him in response to a multitude of calls which he then buried beneath a bushel of human neglect.
  I would like to call to the attention of all of the students that the great mercy of Life is always kindly disposed whenever possible to set aside karmic matters and to give a lifestream the full privilege of exercising his own individual mission upon the planetary body.  When however by reason of gross recalcitrance and neglect that individual reaches a point where the Law can no longer intervene in a just manner it is necessary that the bar of judgment itself shall exercise its power and that that individual be summoned before the bar of judgment to give account for the energy and the use of that energy which he has in life been given.
  I point this out to the students today not in order to lower a hammer of fear over the heads of mankind but to bring forth the most merciful under­standing in the consciousness of the students that they will then not have any feeling whatsoever concerning the Karmic Board and its judgments or assessments, but that they will recognize that they themselves are in the main responsible for all such final actions which are taken at the close of any specific embodiment.
  Mankind then must consider how deeply the members of the Karmic Board ponder each matter pertaining to a lifestream. Humility is the forte of every member of the Karmic Board, and there is never any personal feeling of vengeance which is wreaked upon any individual as a result of the judgment of the Karmic Board.  The Karmic Board sustain the flame of Freedom wherever possible and as long as possible, as long as the great Law will permit and allow.  I urge therefore that greater understanding enter into the heart and mind of mankind concerning their own direct responsibility for the administration of the Law.
  Ultimately mankind will find that they must face themselves; and it is to themselves that they must pay allegiance.  At first this statement may seem strange to those who are not familiar with the great universal Law of the Circle.  But if you will consider for a moment the fact that you yourselves issued forth from the heart of your own true reality, the great Being of God which you in reality are, you will understand that you must one day meet the return of that reality through the cycle of being and stand face to face with the radiant perfection of the image of God in which you were created.
  If then that which you have sustained and elected to sustain does not in itself appear to match the brightness of the appearing of your Divine Presence, it is necessary that the Presence itself shall amend in you those conditions of imperfection.  Sometimes perchance it is needful that this great Presence of Life shall say to you “You must again descend through the eternal cycles and be prepared to take reembodiment upon the planet in order to make right those conditions which you did not make right in your previous embodiments.”
  Then again the great Law, recognizing the tremendous merit of a lifestream, will make it possible at inner levels for an individual after a number of years of purging and purification to make the ascension from inner levels and make right there those conditions which were not mended here.  However I would strongly advocate that no one should fancy for one moment that he may be given that opportunity.  This is usually given only to the few and not to the many; for most adjustments are made right here where the ills themselves are created--in human form and in embodiment.
  Therefore I say to all at this specific time, facing the advent of the Christmas season, it is necessary in order to imbibe from the fount of happiness the great essence of Christ consciousness that you recognize the Spirit of Justice that manifests in every divine release.  So long as mankind fancy in their own consciousness that injustice exists in the universal Law they cannot manifest the great Law of perfection of their own being.  The very fact that man can conceive that God is unjust of necessity warps the lens of his perception so that he is not able to perceive the purity of truth.
  I urge all who have at any time considered the idea that the universe is unjust to amend their own decision here and now and recognize the great perfection of Being.  All that mankind demonstrate that is imperfect, all that is lacking in freedom is the result of their own doing and must be mended by a response of their lifestream to the ministrations of love.
  The great power of God, the great power of His infinite love surrounds man at all times, waking or sleeping.  I ask you then what accountability ought the human soul to feel for this great love when first it becomes fully made known to the lifestream?  When a lifestream stands before the radiant love and the wonder of God’s presence he cannot at first realize or perceive how this great love could not have been made known to him before.
  Ever so often at inner levels we hear the cry “Why, this love has just come into being!  It is just now beginning to manifest!”  And when they are told this is the love that always was and that did not begin to be they are surprised and they say Why was I not made aware of it before?”  And it is then that the weight of human density which they have carried about with them can be safely revealed to them, and they realize that it is their own human imperfections and their own vain ideas and their own wrong use of energy that have woven the substance of shadow between their own sense of vision of the love of Infinite God and their own apparent power to see.
  I therefore urge sight for the blind.  Let the spiritual eyes of men be opened!  Let them have their freedom to see the power of God’s love!  And as they behold His radiant love in manifestation let them not solely at the moment that I am speaking feel this great power, but let this power be with you through every hour of the day and the night!   You cannot enter into and obtain your freedom, beloved ones, through placing your attention upon human discord and the patterns of imperfection which are manifesting in the world.  You cannot obtain your freedom through a mere state of surcease from outer distress.  If at this moment we were to relieve all of your burdens and you were free from them, this would not guarantee to you that you would have your eternal freedom.
  You must not only be free from outer distresses but you must be able to enter into the heart of your eternal freedom.  We would not have you in a state of vacuum or a state of being lukewarm.  We would lift you to the great fire of perfection!  We would lift you to the altar of Almighty God, to the altar of your being that you may swear fealty with loving heart to this great God-Self that is your true being, that you may recognize in the perfection of your Divine Presence, your own Self, and that you may know that all else that has seemed to be your true Self has been but vanity and the rubble of human discontent.
  How can mankind today find their freedom then?  “Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; ask, and ye shall receive.”  These statements seem so simple, but the wherewithal of finding the way seems at times to be more difficult than is stated in words.  I urge therefore that every son of freedom place his attention upon the great light and shall not direct his attention away from that to other things.
  As I am speaking to you today I am consecrating my energies to the memory of many whom I have met through the ages who have not yet obtained their freedom.  As they stood in my presence arrayed in cloth of gold and splendor shining and jewels--and some in rags—they did not know or recognize that freedom which I had eternally within me.  They did not recognize that the same freedom was within themselves, and therefore today they are still begging for freedom from the heart of God.
  May I ask that the attention of all be placed upon my words.  All distractions, beloved hearts, at these times of dictation are not welcome, for they do cause some distress in the instrument.  I urge you to be diligent, to keep your attention upon the Most High God.  These releases are coming forth in most troubled times to mankind, and we must have your full attention.
  Blessed ones, I then would return in thought now to those I knew long ago at the court of France.  I would return also to those I knew in England and in various parts of Europe, in Hungary, in Transylvania and throughout the world, even in China.  And I would say to all of you that some of these are today occupying positions of authority in the world and some of these are occupying quite simple and plain positions. However many of them have forgotten their momentary contact—or contact of some longevity--with me.  These individuals today find the memory of their great God-Self has grown dim to them and the flame of freedom is no longer a reality.
  There was a time when by proximity to my own lifestream they sensed the fires of their own being.  Why then has this condition occurred?  Why have they seemed to retrogress?  Beloved ones, it is solely in this matter of their own attention.  I have spoken in the past many times urging the attention of the chelas upon their God-Self.  Somehow it seems that man does not realize the fullness of the meaning of placing his attention upon his own God-Self.  It is as though the God-Self in some way tended to rob him of his identity; and this is not true.  By putting your attention upon your God-Self you are obtaining your identity; by putting it upon your human self you are losing that identity.
  Do you see then the meaning of this release?  I assure you, ladies and gentlemen, that there are powers in opposition to the release of this which I am bringing forth to you today. There are powers that do not wish to have you obtain your freedom.  These powers would keep you bound to the senseless round of diversion which is indeed, if I may express it so, a merry-go-round which while it may have some temporary delights certainly cannot be compared to the glory and freedom of our octaves.
  I say to you then, having once embarked upon this ride, why do mankind continue to repeat the cycles of their own densities?  In almost every case when individuals perform some act for which they are later sorry they say to themselves, “I will not do this again”, and so they resolve that they shall not.  But then when the cycles of the days turn once again they seem to ride upon this horse of human folly; and they do not recognize that the steed upon which they ride is breathing fire and brimstone upon the neck of mankind and also that behind them from the pit of human density is another steed breathing fire and brimstone upon their own neck.       
                 -Saint Germain:  12-8-1963 at Washington  D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet


   In the name of the all-power of Justice I come this day from the heart of the Great Central Sun with my legions of Justice to challenge all darkness of injustice upon this planetary home.  By the light of Freedom let injustice be exposed this hour in the courts of the nations and in the hearts of the people!  How can mankind expect to achieve the victory of even an outer-worldly gain while they take from one another and are unjust in their dealings, even with themselves?
  In reality there is no injustice anywhere in the universe.  But in the consciousness that has not become wholly real, there is an attitude of injustice which impairs the universal plan.    
  Therefore long ago I espoused the virtue of God-Justice and I determined to bring that quality of the wholeness of the motherhood of God on behalf of her children in that flame of Justice which would liberate all mankind, ultimately even from the karmic cycles of their own initiation.  Man initiates the cycles of injustice; he must arrest those cycles and commence in their place spirals of freedom, spirals of justice and equality.
  The key to divine Justice is in the realization that all life is one.  Injustice is intolerable within the forcefield of self, and yet I tell you that mankind are so self-deceived that they continue on a pathway of self-destruction through injustices practiced against themselves.  Such tendencies of masochism have the race of people abiding upon this planet!   So imbibed have they become with their own momentums of self-annihilation, of death and decay that they do not see the hurt which they inflict upon themselves.  Therefore how can they see the hurt which they inflict upon others?
  I AM Portia, the complement of Freedom, and I have espoused in these decades with my divine complement, Saint Germain, the pursuit of a holy Justice and a holy Freedom. There are men and women upon this planetary home who have given their lives and their fortunes and their sacred honor to fulfill the inner vows and commitments to freedom and justice which they have taken; and there are just as many men and women who have taken inner vows of darkness and pledged themselves to tyranny, to the bondage of the nations and to injustice.
  Beholding with the outer eye it would appear that there are two camps arrayed against one another.  But withdrawing to the power of the within you can behold that there is only one light and all that opposes that light is not real, has no permanence, has no gift of God’s grace or mercy to endure. Why then does it appear to be so real in the veil of time and space?  The appearance of reality within the confines of injustice is upheld by the carnal mind itself, by the mortal mind with its sense of limitation.  And the individual who has freewill, who has accepted that condition, that state of affairs as inevitable--that is the one who perpetuates the darkness of the lie of injustice.
  It is necessary that the avant-garde of light understand that whatsoever force of the energy veil goes unchecked and unchallenged by you will remain because you have the authority of God in this plane.  We do not have it here; for we long ago gained our victory over time and space and we have ascended into the octaves of eternality, of God’s own infinity, where we abide of necessity unless and until we are invoked by the mankind of earth.  That is why the Law goes forth “The call compels the answer.”  We must answer when we are called.  We cannot answer unless and until we are called into action.  For this is your world, beloved hearts, given to you by the Almighty!  It is your kingdom; it is your destiny; it is your home.  You cannot expect that God will come down and intercede in your behalf and interfere with those cycles of injustice which mankind, by their use of freewill, have set in motion.  You then by the power of God vested within you must go forth to challenge and to check the cycles of injustice.  And when you call upon us we will answer and we will muster the forces of our armies of light.
  Millions of angels stand ready to be invoked!  Do you know, dear hearts, they are so anxious to assist you, to assist all mankind!  But some among these angels have stood with their armor, their shield, their swords of flaming fire waiting upon the hillsides of the world, and some have stood for a thousand years waiting to enter into the fray--simply because no one upon earth has invited them to join in the battle.  Yet these angels are patient, but so concerned are they with the victory of the light that I dare say they will tarry there a million years upon the hillsides until you invoke their assistance.
  I have seen the heart of a child, a child age three, who saw an injustice practiced against her brother by another--a child who was older and larger, a bully, you would say in your terminology.  And I have heard that child of three say on behalf of her brother “O God, help him!”  And with those words the legions of Justice have come forth to defend the purity and the integrity and the light of that brother.  The angels listen to the heart’s calls, to the yearnings of souls aborning.  Souls even in the womb of the mother cry out for God, souls evolving toward the end of a cycle, making their way for the transition back to higher octaves.
  The angels wait; they listen.  But the authority must come from this octave.  I say, that which you accept as real, though it be not real at all, to that you give your energy by the flow of your attention.  You are God in manifes­tation!   You are the only God there is in this octave.  You are the allness of that God.  You are the authority of that God.  You are the authority for the victory and the justice and the freedom of the earth.
Therefore I say, withdraw your consciousness from the acceptance of every form of injustice that besets this age. From start to finish, from A to Z, begin to x out those forms of injustice--forms of impurity in your food, forms of impurity in media, forms of impurity that attack the very citadel of the Christ consciousness within you.  All of these I count as gross injustices against the body temple of the Holy Spirit, which you are destined to be.   I say, cast them out and do not accept them!  Do not patronize where injustice is meted out!  Do not accept the decisions of courts when these are unjust.
   Now I do not advocate that you go out and demonstrate and beat a drum and blow a horn wherever you see an injustice.  I advocate that you go before the altar of the living God--a place prepared, a tabernacle of witness unto Him in your home.   Go before that altar and register your complaint before the Lords of Karma.  The Lords of Karma hear every petition, every plea, every call that is made; and it is answered within twenty-four hours--an answer that is far-reaching, wide-sweeping.  Therefore go before the altar and with your right hand take the pen and write a letter to the Lords of Karma, or if you prefer, speak the word:
  “Beloved I AM Presence, beloved Lords of Karma, I desire this day by the authority of the Christ within me to register a complaint, to call to the attention of the hosts of heaven this injustice which I have witnessed and I have perceived.  And in the name of Almighty God I withdraw all of God’s energy from that injustice and I command that that spiral of injustice be arrested now.  I ask the Lords of Karma to diligently consider the righting of all wrong, the balancing of God-Justice in the lives of all individuals concerned, and I ask that my call be adjusted according to the will of God and that it be implemented according to that will.”
  When you have done this then rest your case with the Lord.  Do not lament the injustice because that too is a means of giving energy for the sustaining of the injustice through the action of human sympathy.  Wherever there is human sympathy there is agreement with injustice, and this cannot be.  You must rise to the level of compassion of the Christ that raises all to the level of God-Justice and is willing to wait for that Justice to appear.
  “My thoughts are not your thoughts, saith the Lord.”  Therefore you must consider that when to all human appearances injustice seems to manifest it may be the very Justice of God which is coming forth so that individuals might have the opportunity to perceive how they have wronged others.  Thus you come to understand the Law of Karma.  For we cannot absolve mankind of the experience of knowing the fruit of their works, whether these are good or evil.  If individuals have sent forth injustice in past ages, be not surprised that when you invoke Justice those same individuals will be placed in positions where they receive that exact condition of injustice which they sent forth.
  Thus in the plane of Spirit Justice is perfect; and in the plane of matter Justice is seen in many forms and in many guises.  This is why your calls must always be adjusted by the will of God, for until you attain the vision of the all-seeing Eye of God you never know what is that perfect and righteous manifestation of Justice.  Nevertheless I urge you to work for proper justice in the laws of the states and of this nation, that you consider that the Constitution was set forth as a guideline for the implementation of the needs of the people.  In the name of Jesus the Christ you have the power to invoke God-Justice as a manifestation and a follow-through of that Constitution.
  There are movements abroad in this land to do away with the Constitution, and there are people who have written world constitutions which would make this nation subservient to a world court and a world governing body.  I tell you forthrightly this day that such schemes of the forces of darkness are only plots of the night to deprive you of your blessed liberty and of God-Justice and Freedom to the earth.  And I tell you that if you value our presence and our teaching you must go forth to do battle with this attempt to deprive you of your opportunity not only to live and to pursue happiness but to gain self-mastery and to gain reunion with God.  These are very subtle indeed, but they will become more and more obvious to you as the weeks pass.
  Do you know that the forces of darkness grow weary and grow very impatient?   And sometimes they reveal their schemes too early because of their impatience, and so they trip themselves and can be overcome by the alert.  I would warn you then that the governments of the states and of this nation are filled with those who have taken vows to darkness, who have committed themselves to selling this nation not to the powers of light but to the powers of darkness.  America requires the protection of strong arms and a strong service—a strong body of armed forces.  It is up to you, children of God, to challenge when there are movements abroad to deprive you of your just and forthright protection.  It is necessary that you defend the integrity of your nation and that members of every nation-state defend that integrity, else there will be no further opportunity to expand the light upon earth.
  I come in the name of the ladies of heaven, in the name of Mary who has warned the nations at Lourdes and Fátima and in many appearances both private and public that unless the leaders of the people follow the stream of divine Justice there will be great travail upon this planet.  Many of you here are in positions where you can influence--more than you even realize--both by outer and inner work, the actions of the legislative bodies and the law-making bodies.  Even in your own communities by becoming a part of city planning and city government you can avert the plots of the dark ones who would deprive you of your liberty at every turn.
  Do you know that placing of fluorides in the water is the beginning of the deprivation of the individual of his very soul because of the wresting of certain activities of the brain, the arresting of those activities by chemicals that are placed in the water?   Do you see then that the battle for the minds of men is on all fronts and on all planes of consciousness?
  Do you know that at this very hour, at this very moment there are so-called psychics and clairvoyants behind the Iron Curtain who are directing a consciousness of lethargy, of defeat, of belittlement and condemnation against the American people?   Do you know that there are also machines behind the Iron Curtain which produce sonic rays, radio-waves that are intended to interfere with the development of the Christ consciousness, to actually destroy the desire for freedom and the desire for liberty in the hearts of the people the world around?   Do you know that this germ warfare is practiced subtly throughout the world as the attempt of the dark forces at total conquest?
  Now I do not say that all of the people behind the Iron Curtain are of the dark forces, nor do I say that all of the people on this side of the Iron Curtain are of the light.  For as you know, the children of God are in the majority upon this planet, but they are not in the majority where it counts--in levels of government, of planning, of finance, in the economies of the nations.  They are not there because they have not made the effort to be there.  And therefore on both sides and throughout the Northern and Southern Hemispheres in places of power you find spiritual wickedness; you find the defilement of the throne of God; you find the defilement of Hierarchy and Justice.  And this must be challenged!
  Yet your warfare is not with the flesh but always in Spirit.  Let the angels who stand upon the hillsides of the world go forth in answer to your call!  Let them do the work of routing the forces of injustice!  Send them!  For they speak this day with a loud cry and they say to each one of you:  “Send us!  Send us!  Send us!  For we will to go forth to challenge injustice everywhere in the name of the Christ within each one of you.”
  Do you see then that your most important role is first communion with the heavenly hosts, meditation and invocation daily?  Let us not be chary with the Lord!  Let us be generous in our invocations, beloved hearts, for it is now in this hour when your energies are required for the victory of a planet!  And I tell you it is the victory of the planet that is at stake.  Five thousand or ten thousand years ago it was only a portion--a nation here or a nation there--that was defeated by darkness.  Now the spawn of evil and of injustice has spread throughout the nations.  Now it is a total warfare for and against the victory of the light.
  Our armies are complete.  We have all the forces that are required to win this victory.  It is a question of whether or not enough hearts upon the planetary body will unite to invoke that assistance.  All of the armies of heaven are ready and waiting to be called into action.  You then may consider yourselves as generals in the field.  You are the ones that must give the commands.  And therefore it can well be said that the victory of the planet lies in the hands of a few people, a mere handful, who will decide this day whether or not it is worth it   to them to give those commands and to make those calls.   Heaven has already decided!  It is man who must choose.  It is man who is called upon this day to render his decision before the Court of the Sacred Fire.
  I speak to each one of you in this room because you represent a segment of the people of this nation and this world.  By your background, your ancestry and your forebears you represent all of the nations and the continents of this planet.  Because you have descended from them the Christ within you has the authority to arrest all injustice that has ever come forth anywhere.  I speak to each one of you directly because I want you to understand from the heart of a World Mother that you specifically and individually hold the keys to the bringing in of the kingdom of heaven upon earth.  You specifically have the power to reject or accept divine Justice on behalf of millions.
  I desire this day to expose the lie that passes off this opportunity of divine Justice to another or that says:  “I am worthless; I am nothing, what can I do?  I am only one.”   I want this day to etch in living fire, in letters of fire upon your very soul that you have the authority, the power, the dominion, the opportunity, the intelligence, the love and the wisdom to do what needs to be done to save this nation and this planet.  It belongs not to another but to you and you and you!
  My divine complement, Saint Germain, has been known as Uncle Sam for the reason that he was embodied as the prophet Samuel.  He has come to be regarded as the Father of this nation--the inner father--which many people do not consider to be real; and yet Uncle Sam typifies all the might of America and the beauty and the honor which has been hers for two centuries.  You have seen posters on the walls of your post offices and around your cities.  You have seen Uncle Sam with his finger pointed and the words “Uncle Sam wants you!”  I say to you this day:   Saint Germain wants you!  Saint Germain wants you!  Saint Germain wants you!
  Will you respond to the God of Freedom?  Will you respond to God-Justice and recognize that this is your moment in eternity?  This is the hour for which you have been waiting for thousands and thousands of years.  Will you recognize this opportunity to go forth, to command the legions of light into action and to accept the victory of a planet this hour?  Will you accept this responsibility?  I say, beloved hearts, rise then if you accept it [audience rises], for Saint Germain needs the confirmation of your hearts this day.  He needs to know that there are men and women upon this earth who will respond to the call of Justice and who will accept the responsibility of making the invocations each day.
  In the name of Saint Germain, my beloved consort, I accept your dedication and I vow to send you an angel of Justice each morning to remind you when you awaken of your opportunity to serve the flames of God-Freedom and God-Justice each day.  That angel will come to you when all the pall and density and darkness of the world attempts to cover your consciousness with a veil.  And that angel of Justice will whisper in your ear:  “Rise, sons and daughters of Liberty!  Rise and accept the opportunity of the dawn to bring in the golden age, to invoke the armies of heaven encamped upon the hillsides of the world!  Rise up, daughter of dominion!  Rise up, son of dominion!  And let the will of God be expressed through you this day!”
  So this is my gift to all who will accept it.  And I would say unto you that if there be any among you or any who hear this dictation who would prefer not to have an angel of Justice attend them in the morning, you need simply speak to that angel and say “Come not again.”  And have no fear, for the angel will withdraw.  For those of you who see the value of this early alarm clock awakening you to the opportunities of the day I say you may invoke it also on behalf of all of God’s children who are receptive.  For there are angels of Justice, precious hearts, who are just itching to exercise their momentum of God-Justice on behalf of this earth, and they cannot wait to come down and serve with those who will invite them.  Take the angels of Justice into your hearts then this day and work with them until this entire planet is victorious, ascended in the light and free!       
(by John William Wright, 1846)
         -Portia:  9-3-1972 at Atlanta, Georgia via Messenger E C Prophet

       In the midst of darkness the holy light of freedom is born.  The candle shines out, and each day there is reborn within the heart of men the understanding of the value of freedom.  Freedom is a light and hope to the world!  Freedom is the courage that men gather from their own Divine Presence and the flame that blazes within their hearts.
  We come then this day to those who are friends of old and those who we hope are newly made friends to carry the torch of freedom in the heart of the world.  The kindling of the flame of freedom in the beginning is today a torch that has been passed to your hearts and to your hands--a torch of action and of courage, a torch of understanding and a torch of reason, a torch that is never satisfied until it has pushed back the darkness and wielded those majestic thoughts of God within the fortress of the mind and heart that recreate, even in the midst of darkness, the memory of light.
  Many have died, beloved ones, for the cause of freedom; but we particularly in the name of Saint Germain wish to ask you today to stand and live for freedom.  [Audience rises.]   The sentiments we seek to evoke within your hearts are the sentiments of infinite purpose welded momentarily to finite purpose until that purpose can also fulfill the infinite purposes of God.  Those who kneel in subservience may fail to apprehend the purposes of the Godhead, but those who kneel with the desire to be able to unify their heart with the heart of God will understand the meaning of sacrifice and of love.
  We have sought to evoke courage as never before in the hearts not only of the students of the light themselves but of those individuals who abide yet in darkness even when they proclaim that they are followers of the light.  There is a need for man to understand the differences between people that whereas God made of one blood all nations to dwell upon the face of the earth, mankind by the misuse of freewill has sought his own aims without understanding universal purpose.  Won’t you please be seated.
  O realm of light and fascinating beauty, we invoke thy presence in the lives of all mankind!  We speak of the struggles of the soul to its own self-reali­zation.  We speak also of the social aspects of man’s inhumanity to man progres­sing--or I should say retrogressing--down the whole stream of human history and bringing many who abide in the realms of light above to a state where in their observations they cast their heads down in shame for mankind.  We therefore urge upon you some realization of what it means to become a bearer of light before humanity, to understand the breadth, the depth, the height and the majesty of God’s plan for men.
  Those of you who have gazed upon a miniature image of divine purpose may thirst for a greater vision of the scope of that purpose and the realization of how each of you by the indomitable divine will kindled within your heart may cast off the yoke of tyranny which so easily besets you and reestablish yourself in that divine, purposeful realm of light wherein dwell also the angels, cosmic beings and those who serve mankind in his hour of greatest need.
  I have often, even in the embodiment as Washington, sought out the intercession and help of those cosmic emissaries of light and have received the touch of their beautiful hand dedicated wholly to the purposes of serving the light.  I want to urge then upon every one of you the realization and the re-realization again and again of the need to commune with those powers of light that are already resident within these cosmic beings and angelic beings whom mankind from time to time do consider in the realm of fairy tales and as though they did not exist.
  We speak to you of this tremendous intercessory power which can be evoked in the salvation of this nation and in rolling back the third portion of the vision that was given unto me and reported unto mankind for many a year.  Those who have faith will not regard this as myth or the mere creation of a mind without inspiration, but rather as the reporting of the great cosmic veil of truth that is being lifted, revealing to mankind many ideas that are not always realized or accepted by mankind.  The mere fact that men will not accept a certain idea en masse does not in any way impugn the value of that idea when that idea is accepted and brought into the domain of the human heart and, bearing fruit, is able to reckon with many of the tyrannies and doubts and fears and oppressions of mankind and bring them trembling to their knees because of the victory of the light.
  When I speak of the victory of the light I speak of the victory of the armies of God in higher realms which do battle with the forces of evil that seek to assail the divine light within the heart of man.  The light within you is a light of hope!  The light within you is the light of God that never fails!  Will you always realize that, beloved ones?
  Will you attempt now to visualize with me the light of hope that is within yourselves as the light of God’s indomitable purpose working in the world community and envisioning the fruit of the Spirit as the fruit of cosmic brotherhood?  This light fulfills the destiny of all men and teaches them to live in harmony and peace with one another in the pursuit of those noble aims and goals for which we also gave the last farthing of our service in times past and which today we ask also of you in the name of God.  For we seek the restoration of all the former delights and beauties of God upon the world as in former times when the victory of Atla, the victory of Atlantis, was herself known unto all who dwelled in her sunny climes and were able to receive her manifold blessing.
  The New Atlantis born two hundred years ago in this land was the kindling of a great solar flame filled with hope and majesty and bringing hope and majesty to every heart, teaching all to abide in the presence of the light as the light of hope realized, not as the light of hope unrealized.   For once a man or a woman is able to capture the vision of the infinite plan of God for the family of nations--and also for the family of nations resident within America, which has become a great melting pot where there is manifest hope to all in every land and in every place--they will then be able to see the dawn of beauty and purpose in the world community as one where religion, true religion is enshrined in the human heart, where human values are cherished and upheld, where the light of cosmic joy runneth over into the world community and floods the lands with light.
  For all lands and all peoples were called by the infinite purposes of God to understand how they can live together in brotherhood and in the light of hope; but the rumblings of war and war’s delusions have again and again spilled over into the world community, spilled over into mankind’s realms and have caused untold misery, degradation and suffering.  We who have also in past lives engaged in acts of war are aware how conditions are created that make it intolerable for great nations and peoples to remain in bondage.
  And therefore as the children of Israel overthrew also the warlords of ancient Egypt so shall it come to pass that the powers of Gog and Magog shall find themselves thrown as the horse and rider into the sea!  And mankind seeing the great wings of an eagle uplifted in this land shall behold the fruit of the Spirit as a tribute to bring new hope to every child, to every person, to the ages that the ages themselves, echoing forth as a peal of thunder the words of infinite light from the heart of God, will bring to the world a new sense not of struggle but of victory--a new sense of victory over the tyrannies that have held men in bondage.
  I come then this night to bring to you a fountain of truth, to implant within you a new hope, to create within you a new spirit and a new faith that God in this age will through you bring forth and work hope anew, a tribute bright and filled with light to cherish both every day and every night.  O beloved ones, let your hearts be lifted up!  Let your spirits be lifted up!  Let all things be lifted up!  Let the world glow again with the fires of freedom!  And let Saint Germain’s name be glorified within you, even as it is done.  For the name of Christ, the name of beloved Jesus, is a name to be enshrined within your heart; and the name of Saint Germain, ranking as an elder brother and friend, deserves also to be enshrined even as we hopefully say every man and every woman will one day find the white stone within their heart whereupon there is written every other name upon the planetary body.  And in this great macrocosmic-microcosmic exchange of names and Spirit One the human family will begin to fashion anew a world of victory and freedom under God wherein will come to view the tributes of the divine rod extended as a rod of hope unto all.
  As I stand here upon this platform with beloved Lotus by my side I say to you, the tribute we bring of the light for America, as a brilliant light in the world community to help show the way to all, is today established anew.  For each day man can be raised to a higher plateau, a realm where progress is accepted as it is expected.  I say to you, may the same victory that came to me come also to you and to the world.  For out of this sense, out of this sense of beginningness will come forth the proper end of the cycle and all things shall be cleansed, rising as the phoenix of old into the air, out of the ashes of the present realm of chaos and confusion.
  In the name of God, in the name of Jesus the Christ, in the name of Saint Germain I salute your heart with the wonder and the light that is in the Eye of God even as by His mercy it is within my eye and I hope will be welcomed within the eye and vision of each of you.  Peace be on you!  Peace be on all!  Peace, glow!  I thank you.      

         -Godfre:  2-22-1972 at Colorado Springs, Colorado via Messenger Mark Prophet

  Hail, lightbearers!  Hail, sons and daughters of the flame of obedience!  I am come because you have called, because you have invoked the flame.  I AM in the center of the flame and thus I respond with the fullness of the intensity, the fullness of the identity of flaming obedience.
  I AM a God-free being; and because I AM God-free you too can be God-free.  That is the Law simply stated.  To accept that Law, to act upon it is wise indeed.  To become that Law is wiser still, for you become that Law by the infusion of love.  Love is the only way, love is obedience every day!
  I stand then to challenge in this place, on this coast those momentums originated on ancient Lemuria, actions in opposition to the fire of the Law of God.  I stand before you clothed in whitefire tinged with a deep pink, the rose of intense adoration.  I stand before you with the full momentum of my flame--and I thrust it forth as a sword!   And that sword is a fire--it is the manifestation of devotion, of fervor for the light.
  Now I rise over the coast, over California, and I extend that sword the length of the United States from the Canadian to the Mexican border.  And that sword with companies of seraphim and legions of purity is now wielded in defense of America, in defense of the light of every soul, especially those living on this coast who know not that the seeds of rebellion that have been sown here can be uprooted, can be burned, who know not that those seeds are also influencing subconsciously trends in art, in music, even in science and also the morals of a nation.
   I then raise my sword to cut the tie to rebellious priests of Mu who rebelled against the Mother-flame and caused the sinking of the continent.  This hour by edict of the Lords of Karma the ties of innocent souls in this nation to those dark ones are cut.  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  It is done.
  Now you see, the source, the germinating power of rebellion, is cut off.  These individuals yet have freewill; but by severing the tie to those who have used them as anchor-points for rebellion these souls will be free to choose the way of love.  They may also choose the way of stubbornness and defiance of the Law, but at least they have a greater attunement by the cutting of that tie with their own Christ consciousness.  At least they have the freedom to choose, whereas in that former state of bondage they did not even know that they had a choice, so ingrained in the subconscious were these momentums fed by the fallen ones.
  Now I say, let angels of light and legions of my company stand forth to cut the people free!  From the West to the East, from the East to the West so let lightning be the thread that is drawn through the eye of the needle.  And let lightning--blue lightning, white lightning and pink lightning--crisscross the nation this hour!  And so midst the gloom I come and I say:  America, arise!  America, stand to face your cosmic destiny!
  For I, Godfre, go before you.  I expose the lie of the energy crisis!  I expose the lie at every level of government!  And I say, stand up and see and behold how God will deliver this nation in this hour!  [Audience stands.]   And it shall be by the cosmic honor flame and because men have cared enough and women have cared enough to espouse truth and nobility and because they have determined to endure unto the end.
 What do I see as the prognostication for the future of America?  I behold only light!  I behold only victory!  For I see the love in the hearts of the people.  I thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your tribute to the flame that is America--won’t you please be seated.
  One can always see dark clouds, one can always look down to the ground and see mire.  One can always see selfishness, one can always see idolatry.  It all depends where the gaze is, where the vision is; and my vision for the victory of America is based on sound facts and figures.  For I have counted, one by one, heart-chakras across this land who burn with a fervor, a great desire, who plead before Almighty God to preserve this nation as a place of liberty, as a haven of light where souls can come, can retreat to, who have also espoused that honor flame.
  I want you to know that it was through the efforts of K-17, Lanello and me that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was exiled to the West rather than executed.  I want you to know that we were able to work this work of light because we had energy to use--energy that came from the steadfast calls of each one of you and of thousands of lightbearers throughout the land who do not fail to give the “Hail, Mary, full of grace”, who do not fail to set personal desires aside and to give those calls in those hours when they are most needed yet perhaps least desired by yourselves when there are so many demands upon you from so many responsibilities.
  And so you see, Hierarchy has now a reservoir of energy that it can use because you have built that reservoir by invocations and decrees by a rising momentum.  Then when there is crisis, when souls yearn to be free in China, when they work to keep the flame and they need protection and they need assistance and intervention we can leap to their sides and provide the energy--your energy multiplied ten thousand times ten thousand through the consciousness of Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ.
  And so, blessed hearts, the darkest hour precedes the dawn, and our dawn is a dawn of victory and of reality.  We predict nothing less than total victory in this age!  This then is our statement, this is our cosmic purpose.  And this is our plea:  that you intensify, that you act as minutemen of Saint Germain, that you act as patriots who stand for more than a nation--who stand for a flame.
  Do you think that the ascended masters recommend chauvinism?  I say, not so!  The ascended masters recommend that you guard America as a shrine of the flame of Liberty and the flame of the Mother, for this nation is the place where that flame must be upheld.  And if it is trampled upon and put down, that flame will no longer be safe in any nation upon earth.
  Do you understand then that as the ascended Hierarchy gave its full backing to Jesus the Christ in his hour of trial and triumph because he was the great example of the Christ-flame that all could become, because Hierarchy backs the individual it backs all mankind.  You understand that God is no respecter of persons:  God backs every son who is ready to take flight and to be free in the ritual of the ascension.  The succor and the love that was bestowed upon Jesus was given to him not alone that he was Jesus but because in him was represented the hope of the world,  in him was represented the very hope of all mankind.
  Therefore we back the nation that represents the hope of all nations--not out of preference but because this is the laboratory where the sacred fire will be proved individually and then collectively.  And then we shall see how one by one nation after nation will come into alignment with the cosmic cube because some have sacrificed, some have volunteered to be the sides of the cube and to hold up this divine matrix for fulfillment in this age.
  I would warn you, as K-17 would have me do, that just as we anticipate victory we anticipate a mustering of the forces of darkness against that victory.  These forces have been called antichrist, or the dark ones, the fallen ones, the Liar and the lie.  You must understand that a dragon that is cornered, or any enemy that is cornered, has no choice but to strike or be dead.
  Therefore you see, when the choice is to lash out or to retreat the dark ones have nothing to lose, for they have already lost their light.  They desire to perpetuate a questionable existence outside the pale of reality.  And this is all they have, but they will defend that right to be nonentities with a final release, a lashing out that is depicted in that dragon in the Book of Revelation.
  Realize then that of a truth by your light, by your sacrifice you have cornered the enemy.  Now you must be ready, now you must understand what the odds are.  Total light must be applied for total victory, and total victory can be won only by total surrender into the flame of all that is less than the Christ consciousness within you.
  You say, how can I do that?  You must understand that you may not realize how to do it, you simply do it.  You simply say  “In the name of Jesus the Christ I surrender unto the flame of God all that is less than the Christ consciousness within me.”  And as you say this each day day by day you realize more and more of what it means to be a God-free being, as you have less and less of that which encumbers you on the path.  And by and by as you repeat the exercise you will come to know what freedom in the soul truly is.  Be then God-free!  Carry the flame of Freedom and know that in what seems the darkest hour there is the thread, the golden lining of promise of that which is to come.  I say, prepare!  Be prepared!  But above all, be light!
  I AM the action of the cosmic honor flame for and on behalf of America at home and abroad, for and on behalf of every lightbearer in every nation upon earth.  And I stand to defend the Law of Liberty in each of the South American countries, both in Central and South America.  I stand with Saint Germain to espouse the cause of freedom, for we will see that hemispheric unity that is required to repel all darkness from this land that is consecrated in the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
  So I AM Godfre, and Lotus stands with me.  And our twinflames are yours to carry to unite those who proclaim the name of God I AM that all might be one in the flame as above, so below.  This is our hearts’ longing, and we serve until the hour of the victory of your ascension in the light.  Hail, sons and daughters of flame!  I AM in the heart of the flame, I return to the flame within your heart.      
               -Godfre:  2-26-1974 at Santa Barbara, California via Messenger E C Prophet


307.  But the trumpets of angels are inaudible to the ears of those who sleep.  More impregnable than the walls of Jericho are the structures of pettiness.  Are your ears free from dust?  I said it!       -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1924
II, iv, 1.  Our prolonged experiments will prepare for a great deal, as also for lengthy labor.  Many of our experiments require centuries.  So if you feel the endlessness of labor, you know one more of our feelings—all time is filled.
II, x, 7.  Knowing the sacraments of ancient mysteries, he suffered on seeing the non-comprehension of the oneness of the Source; knowing the simplicity of the Teaching of Jesus, Origen suffered on seeing the erection of churches.              -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
48:  Thus in the armor of personal responsibility let us make haste. 
78.  I welcome austerity as well as decisiveness.  I enjoin you to abolish jeering jests.  Each one should be helped to get out of entanglements.  One should nip each bud of vulgarity….The light of greatness is not to be extinguished.
199.  The stratification of striving into the future fills the whole existence of the Community. The entire attraction of objects is drowned in the current of aspiration.  Pillars of basalt do not evoke past events, but by their stability they affirm their fitness for the future….Indispensable is that quality of consciousness which sleeping or waking speaks the same; any other solution is inadmissible even in the form of a jest.     -M:  Community 1926
308.  To whom is creation nearer if not to those of Fire, the All-Penetrating?  It is difficult for people to understand the characteristics of this element.  Earth, water, air--these are evident.  But that fire penetrates through water will seem like a jest.  One must understand penetration by fire, otherwise one will not enter the fiery gates.   
467.  But people, as I said, turn everything into the ordinary so that all their actions, whether personal or national, whether material or spiritual, are deprived of enthusiasm.  But if our daily labor is consecrated in the name of the Teacher it cannot be ordinary or tiresome.  If we forget for what we labor, boredom will cover us with its shroud of decay, and all the jesters of the world will not be able to provoke a smile in us.     -M:  Agni Yoga 1929
168.  With what does humanity enshroud the Earth?  The most opaque sphere is that of egotism.  The most worthless sphere is that manifested by the worm of jealousy.  The most destructive sphere is that manifested by conceit.  These spheres destroy families, empires, churches and all kinds of organizations, whereas cosmos summons to cooperation.  The approaching change can sweep away human accumulations, but each participant in these accumulations carries the karma of the planet.         -M:  Infinity 2, 1930
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109.  The entire world is divided into black and white ones.  Some serve consciously, others according to their nature, and the third present a jelly-like mass unfit for anything.  The black lodge is strong because for the combat with light a powerful potentiality is needed.  It is unwise to underestimate the forces of the adversaries, especially when their beloved Kali Yuga comes to its end.  Certainly it is a decisive battle and one should take care that temptation and seduction do not touch the weak ones. 
351.  Even a chimney-sweep must climb to the roof in order to clean the flues. This cannot be done from below.  One cannot compose a symphony without one key for all instruments.         
(by Schmiechen, 1882)
                                                  -M: Hierarchy 1931
219.  There is much tension; one must understand how closely the world situation is bound with the work.  It is impossible to divide them when the general situation is equal to an unprecedented battle; therefore I command you to remain undivided, imbued with the tension of the moment.  There must be no retreat; it is necessary unitedly to press the obsessed ones.  If a jest be permitted, one may call this phase of the battle the battle against obsession.  Verily the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession.  But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession.  You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable.  Hence physicians could do so much useful work by directing attention to obsession.     
  Ask the physician whether he did not notice special peculiarities in the eyes of obsessed persons.  For one can judge duality of existence by the eyes.  But I do not refer to a purely superficial manifestation such as a dull or shifting glance.  Other symptoms must be observed.  One can also observe symptoms in the walk, the voice, and even a change in the weight.  Do not ask psychiatrists about it because their theories are fossilized, but physicians of the new type can observe impartially.  And yet how greatly such observations are needed, now when obsession is becoming epidemic!  Sensing the weakness of human hearts, hordes of sly spirits avidly rush to capture the flavor of Earth.   
332.  In higher planes flowers thrive in a richness of forms and their colors are indescribably more complex than the colors of Earth; the snows are whiter and more crystalline and richer than those of Earth…..Only the light-bearing consciousness of the heart will carry one’s subtle body into higher realms.  Thus everyone who prepares his heart and uplifts the hearts of his near ones already creates the will of Him who sent him!  When it is asked if the heart is not a balloon since it can rise aloft, say that the jest is not far from the truth. Verily the energy of the heart is so remarkably like helium and other of the finest gasses that it is not far from the spiritual truth to imagine the ascension of the heart. 
528.  An old Chinese fairy tale tells of a giant above the clouds and a jesting dwarf. The giant is described as standing with his head above the clouds, while the dwarf ridicules the giant for not seeing the earthly world.  But the giant endures all derision saying, "If I so desired, I could crawl upon the earth, but thou wilt never be able to peer above the clouds."  Thus let us be giants in spirit!          -M:  Heart 1932
266.  One should not laugh at Fire being the higher element.  Easy laughter and jests only demoralize one's consciousness.  Finally one loses sight of the boundary at which solemnity and striving begin.     -M:  Fiery World 1933
134.  Competition is one of the difficult concepts….A pure understanding of self-perfection will not evoke competition.  Where consciousness is wild and unrestricted there competition leads to mutual destruction.  Envy nests around competition.  It leads to the most subtle crimes.  Cooperation must bring balance to the misunderstood competition.  It is not easy to fix for oneself the boundary of a reasonable competition.  The word competition itself is already dangerous; in it is expressed jealousy, in other words a corrupt devotion.        
  -M:  Fiery World 1934
29.  No one should scoff at prayer.  Even though it be primitive, nevertheless it is an indication of spirituality.  It does not become man to revile the worthiest strivings of a brother.  Man has no right to sneer at an offering to the Highest.  Usually base people particularly attack the prayers of others.   
310.  Let us not lull ourselves with the idea that certain minds will solve the problems for everyone.  Humanity is obliged to think; it must strive unitedly for attainments.  One cannot allow the chaos of ignorance, gaudily attired, to crash in and jeer at knowledge.     
-M:  Aum 1936
63.  Even if a manifestation is undergoing involution, somewhere in it is concealed a spark of the highest energy.  People will usually reject something completely even if only one part is not understood by them.  An unwise or inexperienced person will act in this way, but with accumulated knowledge he will learn to appreciate each creative force even when it is in an unfit envelope.  Even jinn can build temples.  They may not understand the purpose of building, but because of their power they make good masons….Sometimes we must sternly forbid the crossing of particular boundaries.  In everything one should evaluate situations carefully.      -M:  Supermundane 1, 1938
267.  The Thinker liked to say in jest "I would like to know for whom we have just finished our dinner, for whom we have replenished our strength.  If it was only for ourselves, it would not have been worth eating!”
345.  Equilibrium requires mutual tension, for both cups of the scale must bear equal loads. Therefore both cups, the mundane and the supermundane, never stand empty.  In his ignorance man prefers to limit himself to one side or the other.  That is why humanity is lame; but can one hop for long on one foot? 
383.  The Thinker said "The burden is so great that we do not know what things must be jettisoned during the journey.”      -M:  Supermundane 2, 1938


                                                       -black walnut

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