Tuesday, June 26, 2018

a sense of proper perspective

-Auriel Besemer:  Twinflames

        Expand the flame of hope in every heart!  Expand the flame of hope in a single heart!  Turn up the light, increase the flow of radiance and let man see clearly the way in which he should go.  Let him see clearly how hope is a vital and expanding force to create in advance a sense of victory and progress.
  Darkness has ruled in the land of Egypt.  Darkness has ruled in the hearts of men, creating a Babylonian civilization.  They have builded tall towers, monuments to their own vanity. They have ignored the Lord God of Hosts.  They have sought in avarice and a false sense of security to amass to themselves fortunes in securities, in gold and in good opinions of men. But they have not thought upon the good opinions of God or respect for His Laws which the great fire of initiation demands.
  For the first demand of the fires of initiation concerns a sense of proper perspective--to recognize that light and life within is of old.  It was not created, for it always was.  It did not begin to be; therefore it could not cease to be.  The light of this reality, the light of God that never fails is a spiritual light of spiritual victory that overcomes the world.  Humanity suppose in their vanity and deceit, their allowance of bad conscience, that the world thought is correct and that by outer reports and knowledge they can subdue life and obtain satisfaction.  We know that all such matters are transitory, that all human concepts vanish away and become as darkness. Only the light sustains and can sustain.  Only the light endures and will create the fabric that endures--that becomes the mantle of the God-realized individual.
  The world wallows in deceit and misery.  They remain beneath the canopy of darkness of their own creation.  They do not pay proper heed to the voice that speaks from on high--the voice of conscience within their soul.  They ignore divine precepts and they permit their tie to higher octaves to be sundered so easily.
  We then today, mindful of past ages, past failures of men to appropriate their God-given gift--the divine prerogative to exercise their heavenly options--say to humanity:  Beware, for the day of judgment is at hand when the gift of freedom that lies so easily before thee now will be no more!
  Men and women have not sacrificed for freedom; they have accepted it as a right, handed down to them from posterity to posterity.  Let us now then say that the perils of this age created by the laggard civilization, the perils of this age fashioned out of darkness, exalted upon wings of darkness, cannot ever sustain the light of freedom.  The light of freedom is not so much stifled as it is removed.  If men and women continue on their present downhill course they will wind up beneath the wheels of a cruel juggernaut of their own creation.
  The time is short.  The day of the Lord is at hand.  And if the Lord removes from the planet the upper light radiance of the flame of freedom mankind will fall as a house of cards and there will be nothing but the stench of the henchmen of darkness to fill the world.  Succor will not be available.  Aid will have flown with the light.  For help lies only in the Lord and in His Light.  Help does not come from man but from God.  Those who turn their back upon Him and who forget Him will surely face one day their own destiny with a certain knowledge that they, and they alone, contributed to it.
  In the hope that men will adjust their minds and hearts to the holy vibration of hope that becomes pure charity, in hope that becomes faith inviolate I remain affectionately the brother upon the mountains with the helping hand.  Thank you.
    -Lord Maitreya:  6-28-1970 at Colorado Springs, Colorado via Messenger Mark Prophet 

    Light is upon the mountain.  And like snow melting in the presence of radiant heat of fiery Sun the light inundates the rocks below and flows downward into the world of men.  Symbolic initiation, the chastening rod of God moving earnestly among men seeking to bring forth Sons of God upon the earth that we may tear the veil from the eyes of men that they may penetrate the sacred mysteries of the past and know the joy that once mankind knew before hatred and sinister strategies came into view.
  The Peace of God that passeth all understanding I am scattering abroad as seeds of light in your midst and pouring the radiance of this scattering as a fire-mist out into the world in order that the minds and feelings of men may be affected by the memory of calm moments when the serenity and beauty of nature, as a placid lake, mirrored the Sun in the heavens and the passage from the east unto the west that like lightning conveyed to men below the care and concern throughout nature and the elements.  In olden days when storms and rain came, not to view, grass and green-growing things were watered by the loving dew that came down from on high, saturating the grass and revivifying the root structure thereof.
  I, Maitreya, am come this day for the same solemn and beautiful purpose of rekindling the awareness of the marvelous locked-in state of consciousness where man is able once again to bathe in the refreshing, cooling streams of a verdant age when peace and harmony existed, when every man was in effect a king and every woman a queen, when the sweet presence of God-communion was effortless, when there were no dark and winged bat-like creatures coming forth from the fissures in the earth, out of Pandora’s box, but only the presence of the angels--and little flowers blossomed along the pathway.
  We recall the day when so joyous was nature that whensoever a Son of God would move down a pathway the flowers would burst into bloom with the approaching footsteps of the blessed one.  We recall when birds of the air did sing in sweet melodies, when melodies were recognizably orchestrated so that it was as though great organs of song and choruses of many voices were manifesting throughout the kingdom of birds.  And the air was laden with the perfume of divine love as narcissus and lily of the valley poured forth in abundance the perfumes of hope upon the air.    
  I come then this day to remind you of the great universal drama that is taking place in the world of form.  The trial by fire that is coming to the world is the result of mankind’s own acts of willfulness.  But this willfulness, precious ones, never was the true nature of man.  It was shall we say a borrowed concept--borrowed from the denizens of darkness.  For when long ago the blessed sweet Earth became host to laggard civilizations from other planets there was the taking on of a tremendous karmic veil.
  Yet the mankind of Earth, born of their own angelic nature and their hearts of love did as sons of God welcome the laggards--those who in other star systems had refused under the banner of freewill to go onward toward the perfection of God, choosing instead to live their lives as they saw fit, paying homage to the flesh and things of matter, paying homage to separation of individuals from one another and pride in person and wisdom--which were luciferian concepts learned long ago in past ages by a distraught and untaught humanity who refused to pay heed to the great Eternal Laws of Universal Love.
  Yet Love is the nature of God, and Love has ever been His nature.  Love then that is the nature of God that so beautifully and naturally flows from the heart was the original pristine purity that the children of the Sun, the blessed children of the Holy One, showed forth.
  You have read of this in sacred writings--how the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives of all that they chose; and there were giants also in the earth in those days.  And your hearts have pondered these readings and you have wondered concerning the mysteries of the past.  Yet only a little is told in sacred scriptures but much more is told in akashaAnd the depth of akasha is a great fiery fount of historical accuracy.  But who can discern the face of akasha?  Who can peer behind the covering veil and bring to humanity the truth that their hearts hunger for?
  I AM Maitreya of the mountains and I seek to inundate the plains below with light--light flowing like a huge glacier, glistening white and coming into the realm of men to tell them once again of the “elder days of Art” when the builders, as your poets have said, “wrought with greatest care.”  Now that carelessness has become the natural function of humanity, now that carelessness seems to be in order it is also in order that we should ask ourselves the question of its origin.  How did men, created in the image of God, ever come to a state of consciousness where they could be careless about the precious gift of Life that is given to them?  Well, beloved ones, the answer is so simple that men fail to reckon with it.  It is a matter of contagion.  From one to another spread the diseases of spirit, of mind and of heart.
  From one to another the balm of Gilead flows.  In the hand of man as a gift lies the grace of God.  He can bestow it upon his children, teaching them graces of the Spiri, or he can allow them to become victims of callousness and cruelty of the world.  They can be schooled either in the arts of Spirit or in the arts of flesh.  And it is according to these matters that humanity have so ordered their lives as to in this day be in peril because the peril comes from their own carelessness, their own state of ignorance, their wisdom in things earthly and their ignorance in things heavenly.
  Today throughout the world there is an abominable manifestation of cruelty.  It is an activity called abortion.  And all of the intellectuals of the world in the main are beating drums in favor of abortion for humanity.  They are putting signs up in foreign countries; they are attempting to educate the people of all lands so that they will be able to effectively control the gates of birth, denying access into this world to millions of souls yet unborn who have for centuries in some cases clamored for opportunity to once again breathe the sweet air of Terra.
  I say to you all:  I AM Maitreya the Initiator.  And I say that humanity are being tested to see whether they will accept trust in God that will permit the Lords of heaven, the Karmic Lords, the Hierarchy of Light to have a voice in the manifestation of living souls upon the planet or whether they will seek according to the doctrines of Malthus to control the rate of birth, ingress through the gates of life.
  I come then in a stern and solemn warning to say that great shall be the penalty of those who practice this awful sin of abortion.  How many centuries shall they wait who take life thusly?  How many centuries after they have passed from the screen of life shall they knock and the door be not opened?
  I tell you, life is God.  And I tell you that this life that is God is governed by immutable Law, and all of these things should be ordered by heaven.  Is it not written “Whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder”?  Shall we then break these holy vows of marriage by creating destruction and death upon the incoming holy innocents?  In ages past they killed them, as they sought to kill the Christ with the sword and slaughtered the innocents in the time of Jesus’ birth.  Today they would put them to the sword before they are even given the opportunity to draw their first breath.
  I, Maitreya, say that I stand in support of the truths of Holy Church that all these blessed little ones of mine should have the opportunity to also learn upon this planet, to be taught by their mothers and fathers, to be taught to reverence God, to be taught to reverence nature, to be taught to reverence beauty, to be taught to reverence life, to be taught to understand the sweet music of the spheres that comes to mind and heart of man and flows with such delicacy into the world as to create a sense of beauty in the mind of the beholder.
  Let the children of men learn to sunder all banal ideas--ideas of shadow and shame, ideas of hatred and lust, ideas of pain and lack of progress.  Let them reach a state where they can take their hands both right and left and, holding them forth before them, say:   These are Thy hands, O God.  Thou hast made them, let them be instruments in Thy service.   Let them be careworn if necessary, but let them be functional on behalf of the light.
  Long ago Albrecht Durer created the masterpiece of “The Praying Hands” and revealed to humanity a symbol of service on behalf of not only those who are born but those who are not yet born.  A posterity yet to come will ask of this generation “Where is the dream of freedom man once knew?” And if the dream be lost and perish from the earth and if men fail to understand the sweetness and meaning of devotion, I am certain that those who have been instrumental in destroying the Banner of Freedom will also be those who will cry out and yearn for it the most.
  For you will recall the story of “the man without a country” who said he never again wanted to hear the name of his country, America, and of how he was put on a boat out into the ocean--and no man loved his country more than he.  For that which is denied mankind, as was said long ago “You never miss the water until the well runs dry,” is certainly that for which they will thirst.
  And therefore I say to all of you who would bend the bow of honest effort on behalf of preserving liberty and freedom:  know that you do it not only for yourselves but for little ones yet to come whose hopes then, as you fail to rally to the cause of freedom, are dashed in pieces.  And when the great egg is broken it will be as the fable of Humpty Dumpty, and humanity will find out that it is broken apart and they cannot so easily put the pieces together ever again.
  For centuries of development--back from the time of the Babylonian code of Hammurabi through English common law, the Mayflower Compact and other instruments of freedom--have created the evolution of freedom that has brought to humanity in this age opportunities for democracy, for expression of universal love and for the reaching out for those cosmic initiations which are also administered to the nations of the world, determining their fate, whether they shall remain voices of freedom throughout all lands or instruments of oppression.
  Today with the world half-slave and half-free and with the burden ever shifting to the side of oppression we urge upon humanity a realization and recognition of the sacred offering of freedom.  So many of the young people today have taken so much for granted.  They do not understand the priceless gift they hold within their hands.  If they did they would summon all the energy of the universe to actually respond to them and determine with all the fire of their hearts that they would reach out into the world of form and perform those necessary acts that would create, by the power of holy energy, a resurgence of the great balm of freedom, anointing the heart of the world and turning every mother and every father into an instructor in righteousness!
  O parents, teach your children!  O all people, hear the voice of freedom as Maitreya speaks!  For freedom melts from the mountains, it pours from the hills.  It is light!  It is compassion!  It is energy!  It is hope!  It is God!  For God is the author and finisher of the faith of humanity; He is also the author and finisher of freedom and liberty.
  Let it peal from the hills!  Let it rustle in every breeze!  Let it complete the magnificent gift that God Himself fashioned in the day when He gave to mankind the first breath within their nostrils, and man stood upright and became a living soul.
  So magnificent is the fruit of freedom that I say to you all:  you should all feel the beat of freedom within your hearts.  Each heartbeat is the impulse of God-freedom within your soul.  As you are tethered to Him, receive from Him the anointing of the fires of freedom and perceive that the very log of destiny is before you.  In it you must write with your own energies.  Shall those energies be on the side of the Lord?  Shall they be on the side of Righteousness?  Shall they be on the side of Justice?  Shall they be on the side of Truth?  Or shall they be written on the side of infamy and your energies go down the drain into a karmic cesspool where one day they will return to you for redemption because you have failed to understand the God-magnificence of the gift of Life you bear?
  I AM Maitreya of the mountains, and I say unto you:   I bring to you today the crux of initiation on behalf of freedom.  Will you today determine the course of your future?   Then I say, let it be on behalf of liberty for the people of the world.  For in liberty the Spirit of God blossoms.  In liberty light and beauty flourish.  In liberty industry weaves a tapestry of creation and the balm of the Lord is with men.  Peace be unto you and unto all men.    
     -Lord Maitreya:  7-3-1970 at Colorado Springs, Colorado via Messenger Mark Prophet
      This cosmic moment I call unto you on the winds of liberty:  come unto me!  I have called, I have beckoned unto your soul.  This night have I called.  You who are here, come unto me!  You do not think that you can come to our retreat here in the Far East.  Let me tell you, you can--and you will need no human aid.  For your consciousness may travel on wings of infinite harmony into our domain; and then I am sure that we will be able to teach you in a manner calculated to free you from the dregs of your own human feelings, delusions, confusions and problems.
  Here you will be free to receive the blessing of higher initiation conferred upon you first as an idea, as a concept. You will receive from us the direction to return to your body temples with the understanding that your feet, having walked upon the white marble of our retreat, will have received the blessing of our light--not only your feet but also your entire consciousness, that you may understand that the way to cosmic initiation is to become involved with those beings of light, that band of holy light ones, who are with me.  I have no intention of arranging an outer polytechnic display.  I have no intention of seeking to impress you or your outer minds with the efficacy of my call.  I simply call to you tonight--I call to you and I command your spirits free!
  And here is what I am going to do:  I have asked that an electrode of infinite light energy be formed in the cosmic ethers around you and that that electrode shall be energized and that the energizing of that electrode shall signal the ascent of your souls, in garments of light substance, to our domain.  But what energies do we use?  We use the energies of the sacred mantrams that have been uttered here and in all parts of the Far East for thousands and countless thousands of years.  The intonation of these mantrams by the sincere and faithful has evoked an enormous response from cosmic hierarchs themselves on behalf of those followers of our Brotherhood in the Far Eastern part of the world and also many adepts and students of the Light in the West.
  Let it be clear then:  we are invoking tonight on your behalf an alchemical experiment of considerable dimension.  Let it be clear that we expect the involvement of all of you who are capable of participating in this event so that you will understand that a more than ordinary experience is scheduled for you.  But you must participate willingly, for we will not in any manner force you to do anything against your will.  But we will certainly assist your divine will in fulfilling in you the fiat of this cosmic moment.
  The auspiciousness of this occasion--the call of disciples in the West to our retreat in the East—is an event of considerable importance, for it is experimental in nature and seldom practiced in a group as you see it now being practiced here by our request.  We urge you to understand that this electrode is being affixed directly above your crystal cord.  And when I say this I want you to understand that it is also extended down from your God Presence until it is touching your aura within one quarter of an inch of your head.
  While the Angels of Record are affixing these magnificent electrodes in place the great ones in the temples and tabernacles of the Spirit in the Far East are readying themselves for this assault upon the bastions of the West.  For it will be done by the winds of the Holy Spirit and it will be conferred upon you, one and all, who will receive it.  And you will travel then through cosmic ethers with the speed of light to that place where we are gathered together that you may hear those chants (if your spiritual ears are opened) that we make to invoke from the Deity those enormous responses that enable this planet to sustain its momentum around the cosmic Sun.
  Do you understand that I am speaking about those initiations that are transpiring in the souls of the faithful?  This is a great occasion for the West.  It is the initiating in humanity of certain responses which hitherto required a long novitiate in preparation; but because of our request before the cosmic lords and councils it has been granted to you tonight--if you are ready to receive it.
  If you are not ready, so signify by expressing in your heart that you would rather not receive it, and the Angels of Record will pass you by.  If you are ready to receive it, then prepare yourselves for your anointing by the energies that are being gathered from the four corners of the earth and specifically from the disciples here in the Far East who have prepared themselves at inner levels to serve the needs of humanity by invocation and the spirit of cosmic devotion.  For devotion and devotional chants that are preparing the platform here are calculated to invoke from the solar system a response that will be in itself an initiation to this planet Earth.  Do you understand that cosmic beings are preparing to anoint the body of the earth?  I say to the Angels of Record:  are all the electrodes fixed in place?
  There are three who have not yet received the electrode.  We will wait.  There seems to be some debate in the minds of two or three people as to whether or not they are worthy of our proffered gift.  Let me hasten to assure you that your own beloved Holy Christ Self is worthy.  Now that we have removed the recalcitrance of some in the group we are prepared to go on with the cosmic experiment.  The electrodes of all who desire to receive this transcendental experience are now in place.  We are prepared to begin the first release of the charge of our vital energies.  Let them flow!  [pause]
  There will be a step-up in the general heat within these rooms; do not be distressed.  This will precede a coolness that will come--and a calmness and a peace and an inner knowing that you will be safely raised and elevated in consciousness until you will be able to experience for yourself the initiation of allowing your consciousness to flow along safe lines of light where transmittal is assured into the domain of the cosmic ones who preside over our temple.  [pause]
  Now they are beginning the chant.  From the censers they have released sweet incense.  Coolness is beginning; calmness is beginning.  Faith is being affixed to the consciousness of the disciples.
  The white-robed ones are in place and the flame is upon the altar--the flame of initiation, the flame of purity.  Many of the cosmic monks so-called, devotees of the Spirit (I think you would call them “cosmic monks”), are now trooping into the vast marble chapel we have erected here in the etheric realm in the Himalayas.  [Lord Maitreya chants vowels through the Messenger.]
  …Come!  Let us arise and enter into the temple in the skies over the Himalayas and be at peace.  The formation of the cosmic figure of Kuan Yin is upon the altar.  She will soon replace it by her gracious presence and the oil in the lamps of Mercy will be lit.
  Let us remember, our brothers and sisters, that cosmic events are transpiring all around us.  Let us remember the stairsteps that lead to the stars affixed within the consciousness as holy centers--symbolic in the microcosm but real in the Macrocosm.  Let us remember those invisible sun- bodies that exist in the universe unknown to any because of the polarization of these bodies dimension-wide.  Let us remember, then, that in higher spheres of initiation those cosmic associations and affiliations are continuously taking place and that whereas there often rest on the body of humanity upon the earth the afflictions of life as the result of individual karma, in the realm of perfection and purification the spirit of mankind (often while he sleeps) has the privilege of attending our temples and entering into those rituals of purification and understanding whereby the soul is at last free.
  In case you are wondering about this transmission tonight let me assure you that it is being made in the West by telepathy. We are telepathing our words to the brethren in the West whom we have invited to our retreat that they may understand the meaning of our functions as Brothers in White.  Let body no longer then be a garment that you desire to wear.  Trust the angels who have brought you thus far and realize that they will take care of all of your body functions.  If you have not been successful in entering in to the full attunement with your Presence whereby you could actually leave your body, let us say to you that your consciousness can!  And therefore let your consciousness no longer be rooted and wedded to the physical body.
Rise three feet into the air [in consciousness].
Rise ten feet into the air.
Rise above the building fifty feet into the air.
Rise toward the stars one thousand feet into the air.
Move toward the East with the speed of light.
Labor in spiritual things and faint not.  Understand that the needs of humanity are very great.  Understand that your prayers are heard.  Understand that light can be invoked upon the entire human race.
We will now chant together the ancient chant of the Orient, OM MANI PADME HUM. Together:     OM MANI PADME HUM   OM MANI PADME HUM   OM MANI PADME HUM   OM MANI PADME HUM   OM MANI PADME HUM   OM MANI PADME HUM 
  O jewel in the sacred lotus of God’s heart, release the love-ray to humanity today!  Let love and strength and devotion of Almighty God for humanity be felt!  Let it be felt first in the hearts of babes that they may receive comfort from God.  Let it be felt by little children that they may receive Grace from God.  Let it be felt also by their angels who may receive additional Grace from God.  Let it be felt by the sacred Brothers in White all over the planetary body!  And now I say in an almost unparalleled request, let it be felt by all mankind according to their highest capacity to receive!  
  The steps are before humanity. The doorway to the temple--”Man, Know Thy Self!--is opening.  The figure of the Cosmic Christ Self within invokes for all the realization that because they have a divine Mediator--O Lord Most High and Most Holy--that divine Mediator will proclaim to the world:  Lo, I AM thy point of contact with thy God Presence!  And I bring to all the temples, viharas, mosques and places of worship upon the planetary body a special and specific release of the angelic host calculated to make mankind aware of the potential of initiation for all.
  Tonight we ask and we pray for this planet Earth the special function of being a world tabernacle.  Let us make every atom and cell of the planet to sing!  Let us make the hearts of men to cling to their divine garments of light!  Let us bring into the world the Hope of the world, the Light of the world through the universal Christ consciousness.  And let us make men to see that there is hope in this tremendous Light.  O Light, intensify!  O Light, intensify!  O Light, intensify!
  My invocation has reached the Central Sun, and the light upon the planetary body is intensifying!  It is flowing like a river of light over the planetary body until the very hills are rejoicing!  And the hopes of cosmic merriment fill the hearts of ascended beings who have long served mankind--often without recompense, often without recognition from many. And the angels, the blessed angels, how they have served and how they have given their life!
  As you know, at Shigatse a great organ has been created by beloved Kuthumi which he plays for those who are departing from this world and therefore brings to their consciousness the melody and harmony of higher spheres.  Tonight I have asked that the great organ at Shigatse be opened to your own inner hearing that you also may receive this great radiance of the giant organ played by your own brother Kuthumi.  There will be a pause as we now ask you to listen to the transmittal of radiation and music from higher spheres of light through the great organ of the Brotherhood at Shigatse.  [pause]  The bell-like tones you hear with inner ears are the communion with far-off worlds.  They are the melody of sacred spheres.  They are the consummation of love of planetary bodies ascended.  They are the love of cosmic beings, of archangels and their archeiai, of Elohim and sacred fire beings seldom heard upon this planetary body--composed into a love-symphony by your own beloved Kuthumi.
  And now as we draw the curtains of light upon the amphitheater of our retreat in the etheric realm we ask the Angels of Record and accompanying angels to guide you safely back to your body consciousness.  We ask you, as you arrive very quickly with the speed of light over your focus of light, to descend now from higher levels of one thousand feet, down to the ten-foot level, down to the three-foot level, once again to return safely to your body consciousness, intact with full breath and full record and memory of this event wherever the great cosmic Law will allow.
  And we ask that this be extended also to all who will hear this recording that they too may come to our retreat and our abode, that they may dwell with us in thought and in spirit and invoke in the crucible of human experience those dramatic confrontations that will enable men to see at last the reality and purposes of life, that they will no longer be concerned with trivial manifestations upon the planet of darkened doings but will understand the awakening of beautiful Christ consciousness within them.  And now that you have once again returned to human levels may I extend to you evolving upon this planetary body, from the Far East, from our etheric home of light a welcome to visit us often in your finer bodies while your physical bodies sleep.  And then let your souls awaken within our retreat that you may have the knowledge and the desire and the beautiful concepts we desire to convey to you.
  For initiation is the conferment of mantles of accomplishment, of cosmic achievement.  Initiation is the personal accomplishment of the soul, one with the Holy Christ Self, wedded to the God Presence and invoking in the human levels of thought and feeling those transcendental experiences which are the forte of our radiance released unto humanity today.  I, Lord Maitreya, lay at your feet my own crown of cosmic achievement as the potential of your own lifestream, as the potential of fulfillment for humanity.  For men are intended to be a complete manifestation of the Cosmic Christ in all of the beauty and wonder of solid communion between themselves and the living God.
  Know you not that the Living God is a living fire, a consummate spiritual Being, creative in essence and manifesting and magnifying Himself in all ascended and God-free beings?  Well then, beloved hearts, won’t you accept Him tonight within the forcefield of your own consciousness, within the chalice of your own being, within the strength of your own heart and within the strength of your own offering of yourself unto the living God!
  So then there will be born upon the planetary body many wondrous babes, coming at last into the realization of spirituality conferred upon them as a mantle of strength shining in its righteousness that will ultimately do as in the case of Elijah--transport them in a chariot of living fire into those other octaves of achievement which are before you.
  The dawning doorway of our initiation is ever before you!  Let none ever forget that magnificent doorway with those beautiful carvings of cosmic crosses upon it.  Let them never forget the Angels of Record who stand to the right and to the left of that doorway, and let them never forget that lamp of cosmic knowledge that is carved just above the lintel itself.
O beloved ones, you are welcome here again and again and again—until at last the refreshment of your souls has gained for you a crown that will not perish from the universe, that is a crown of personal achievement under the aegis of the Spiritual Brotherhood/Fraternity of Light who are with you now and confer upon you the mantle of our blessing.
May eternal peace abide with you always.    
           -Lord Maitreya:  4-9-1971 at Colorado Springs, Colorado via Messenger Mark Prophet

     Transfiguring Affirmations by Jesus the Christ
I AM the open door which no man can shut
I AM the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world
I AM the way
I AM the truth
I AM the life
I AM the resurrection
I AM the ascension in the light
I AM the fulfillment of all my needs and requirements
of the hour 
I AM abundant supply poured out upon all life
I AM perfect sight and hearing
I AM the manifest perfection of being
I AM the illimitable light of God made manifest everywhere
I AM the light of the holy of holies
I AM a son of God
I AM the light in the holy mountain of God
-Archeia Mary:  7-3-1984 at Royal Teton Ranch via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet

       From Shamballa I am come to initiate the cycle of rebirth--of the resurrection in the hearts of those unascended both in and out of embodiment.  I initiate the cycles of rebirth and I part the veil of superstition, of doctrine and intellectual dogma that would prevent the incoming of souls of light.  I say, let it be shattered this day!  Let the all-seeing Eye of God appear and let its beacon follow across the land and illumine hearts of mothers and fathers, of parents who have sworn before the altar of Almighty God to sponsor the incoming souls.
  I say to the hordes of night:  Depart!  Depart and go back--and recede into the night and into nothingness.  For an era of enlightenment and peace is upon us by the authority of the Buddha.  And so let the flame blaze around the planet the power of resurrection, the power of Easter morning, the power of the risen Christ.
  Initiations must come to all and they come as a gathering of heart-fires and as a gathering of solar fires and the meeting thereto of microcosm and macrocosm.  As the fire descends from Above, the fire must rise from below; and in the all-seeing Eye of God is the merging of flame of God and flame of man.  And so I say:  Watch and keep the flame, for the hour of the descent of the Paraclete is nigh.  Therefore,the initiation that leads thereto is upon you.
  Be not afraid, precious hearts.  Let the flow of the Cosmic Mother sweep through the planet, through your being.  Let the winds of the Holy Spirit and the fire of the Father also merge in your consciousness--and become the Christ!  Let the mighty sword of Maitreya descend now by the power of ten thousand angels to shatter the condemnation leveled upon the heads of the sons and daughters of God.  Let the Lord of Hosts and the thousands upon the hillsides of the world, the angels gathered to do His bidding, come forth now.
  There is hope in the heart of every ascended being this day, there is hope in the heart of the Buddha.  Let there be hope in your hearts also.  Let there be a reflection of divine hope among the devotees.  Let the threefold flame expand and let the fire of rebirth kindle within you your own divine blueprint and the scepter of your authority to bring in the golden age.
  Nothing is impossible unto you, for all power in heaven and earth is given unto you who have sworn to uphold the principles of Christ.  This is the hour when victory shall strike. This is the hour of the completion of the cycle.  As one cycle finishes another begins and the momentum of the wave of light carries those who are tethered to the course of the divine will to their ultimate victory.  The responsibility for the majority of lightbearers is upon you--the majority of lightbearers who are in embodiment.  Respond therefore to the holy communion of saints and move forward to conquer the age.
  I, Maitreya, have set the cycles of initiation--not only for the devotees but for an entire planet, its elementals, the angelic hosts and even those fallen angels who lurk among you seeking to sow tares in the garden of mankind’s consciousness.  They shall not succeed; their cycles have been arrested.  See to it then,that you perceive the moment to gather the tares, to separate the wheat therefrom and to burn the tares, for there is a cosmic moment and a timing for everything.
  Now is the time then to separate and to clear the debris, to call for the transmutation of all that would impede the free flow of the all-seeing Eye of God in mankind.  For even though their bodies are bowed down with burdens of karma, of wrong food, of superstition, of pornographic art--though they be weighted in sin, still the momentum of light is greater, still the momentum of Christ within the heart is able to break through and to show mankind the way--to open their eyes! open their eyes! open their eyes!
  And so from the hand of Alpha and Omega comes forth this day the edict for the opening of the eyes of mankind.  I say then master the cycles of precipitation and stand in the center of the all-seeing Eye of God.  Master precipitation of the threefold flame in the four lower bodies and stand fast, dedicated to the high calling of the sons and daughters of God.  For this is the hour when victory shall strike, and this is the hour when you shall see that victory delivered unto the mental belt and then into the emotions and finally into the physical stature of the inhabitants of this planet.  Stand fast and you shall see the victory of the Lord’s hosts.
  I, Maitreya, salute you this day in the bonds of sacred fire in the name of the Living Christ.  And with great affection for my son Jesus whom I overshadowed in his final embodiment I impart to you the Grace which I gave unto him.  I impart to you the words, wisdom,  understanding and power to go forth in the name of God on the highways and byways to preach the gospel of the everlasting kingdom.  So let it be.  For I have pledged before Alpha and Omega to overshadow each one of you and every soul who is dedicated to the spreading abroad of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.  I will be with you.
  Remember then to call unto me and to make yourselves congruent with the consciousness of your Christ Self, of Jesus, of my own momentum, and especially with the heart of Lord Buddha--Lord Gautama, who radiates the love of Father/Mother God unto you all.  Turn toward Shamballa, as you would turn toward the East, and salute the flame-fire of his heart each day.  Make contact with the Father-ray that you might receive that ray in the crucible of your being, the chalice which is the Mother-ray.
  So be the full manifestation of God-awareness in this hemisphere and upon this globe, and watch and see how we will work a wondrous work through you, one and all.
Let us be up and doing then.  To the victory!  Ho!
-Lord Maitreya:  3-12-1972 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet 
        Children of one Father, I greet you in the holy name of the preparatory vibration to your investiture with the Grace of divine Christhood.  For the world waits for the dawn, for the renaissance of our love.  And our love is overwhelmingly made manifest to each of you according to your faith.
  I, Maitreya, come to you this night in God’s holy name to kindle and to quicken your consciousness and the vibratory action thereof that you may be a new creature in Christ, in the consciousness and awareness of who and what you are.
  We have called you forth out of the land of bondage, out of the darkness into the light.  And beloved hearts, what we long to see manifest in all of the student body--those who are devoted to the unfailing light of the Christ--is an increase and step-up in the level of radiance of your own God Presence as it manifests already in your world but now more fully as you admit it into the sacred precinct of your own God-centered will.
  We say:  let the will stand forth and devote itself upon the altar of fealty to the perfection of your God Presence and to the great cosmic release of that ineffable light which your own beloved I AM Presence is manifesting both now and always, because you are the light in the Eye of God!  You are a blessed part of cosmos, of the creative manifestation of universal perfection.  When you call forth your perfection do so with the authority of Almighty God.  For who shall act for you if not yourself, your True Self--that portion of divine manhood which is wholly devoted to the release of the perfection of your Presence in your own practical daily life?
  Beloved ones, when you pray “Give us this day our daily bread,” is it not because you epect that daily bread to be made manifest?  Well then is it not time for each one to recognize at last that the cosmic hour has struck, that all mankind should come into such sweet consonance and perfection as to make them truly brothers in manifestation?  What is it in the world save Antichrist that causes brother to sever connection with brother and spreads abroad in the world the shroud of separation and darkness?  What is it that draws mankind into the universal magnet of cosmic harmony but your own God Presence?  The magnet of your Presence is manifest here now!
  I speak to you as a Father, I speak to you as a Brother, I speak to you as one who has gone on before but who is with you still, because the flame of your true cosmic Identity is ablaze within the center of your being.  And because that flame is there I am there also--as is every other ascended being and the universal embodiment of the perfection of the whole God-panoply of manifestation.  All are there in the chambers and recesses of your heart--those beautiful vaulted regions where the power of expansion dwells.
  Do you not know that the temple of your heart is the doorway to the love of God?  That the great love-ray in manifestation literally pours forth to inundate the entire world with that indwelling love for the Universal Christ which will change the face and complexion of mankind until they wear upon their face, as within their heart, the smile of God--a smile that is as the smile upon the face of a little child who is willing to walk through darkness and tremble not, for he knows that on the other side of darkness--of this current region of infamy which mankind call temporary life--he will find the light, if he be constant to his trust which God has placed in him as God is also constant to His trust?
  Then you see, on the other side the beautiful light that shall never be extinguished shall manifest not only for yourselves but for all mankind.  And what a bonanza!  What a gift of cosmic love when humanity are gathered together--the entire family of nations under one divine regent, under the living omnipresence of the Son of God.
  The time is now when mankind must commence the gathering together for a cosmic purpose.  And when we come together with you as we are now doing it is not alone that we come; for we come also with myriad hosts of angelic beings. And we come also with great hosts of heaven, the ascended masters’ consciousness, to renovate your hearts, to create a renaissance of hearts that men may once again realize the power of cosmic vision!
  What is cosmic vision if it is not the ability to perceive?  And it is by your new perceptions of your new reality, of your new investiture which the universe has put upon you that you will begin to perceive at last that you are a new creature in Christ--one who is no longer like unto his former self, being changed from glory unto glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord.  For the cosmic Truth that is with you is the omnipresence of God.  It comes into your heart as though it were a tiny babe and then it begins the expansion process, for God within you grows within you.  God matures within you as you grow up in understanding of the compassion of your Presence for every part of life.
  Life is one.  And when men are admitted to the sacred precincts of the Great White Brotherhood, when they come into that sacrosanct area,the holy ground upon which we tread, they will be each one a different person.  For the vibratory quality of sacred Law of Sacred Fire which is within your heart now ablaze will lead you and guide you across desert sands--the emptiness of life, failures in life and weaknesses of life—to the time of your greatest strength, the time of a new beginning, the time of the dawn, the time when the Sun of the Eternal Presence comes up with the thunder of God to make you aware of the newness of life in a new and living way.
  Why is it, beloved ones, that men and women created in His image, endowed with His power and His ability are so prone to allow themselves to become pitiful creatures of happenstance and circumstance, learning from one another what is not the will of God or the wisdom of God but what is in reality the corruption of the divine image?
  Do you think, beloved ones, that when you are admitted to our presence in the holy mountain and you stand before the great Lords of Karma you will be able to hide those activities which you have performed that were not actually in unity with God?  I do not think so.  So, dear hearts, recognize the need to be able to raise yourself and to rid yourself of those unwanted qualities of darkness and deceit which are the hypocrisy of the present time.  For contemporary man has often carried out in secret that which he would never do openly, and this has occurred throughout the entire historical stream.
  We come then to make you aware of the great panacea of the Universal Christ-I-AM-ity, the great power of universal forgiveness--the power that reaches out to the very point in your heart that is the altar-stone of your heart to place there that living flame which will impart to each one, in the name of the Living God, the quality of infinite mercy and the forgiveness of sins.
  We are eager, God is eager, all of heaven is eager!  The angelic hosts are ready and they wait to bring to you the sweet oil of forgiveness that will change every thought in your life to a constructive one, that will change every quality of feeling in your feeling world into a feeling of divine and infinite devotion.
  Devotion is like a sweet oil, it is like a sweet incense.  It rises before the face of God.  It brings the flowers of devotion and the sacred white ash into manifestation in man that he may understand that some in every age, if they would be faithful to the great cosmic Truth, could be made ready for the ascension in that manner where their entire body would also ascend.
  We want you to understand that we have prepared the best gifts for you--that these are like lightning that cometh out of the East and goeth unto the West.  For the mounting crescendo of cosmic Love that is the result of mankind’s devotion for higher things may not appear to be a reality in the world, for many today do not reveal their cosmic affiliations with our Brotherhood.  We find many who desire instead to maintain that anonymity in which they do not tell all they know--in some cases not even one iota!  And yet at the same time, blessed hearts, there are those who must speak the Truth unto mankind.
  We say unto you that we love you all in whatsoever state you are in.  For we do not see you as though you were deeply mired in those elements of human sin, but instead we see you raised to the great cosmic head of Universal Christhood, the Universal Spirit that was manifest in Jesus.  We see the crown of thorns which humanity still presses into the heads of one another and into the head of the living Christ.  They do this in ignorance, and we cry out today as in days of old “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!”  Let this be your cry also, and let it be a cry of mercy.
  “Let forgiveness and love and mercy be unto all generations of them that fear Me and love My name,” God has said.  And we who have become the embodiment of all that He is also echo and reecho in the chambers of our minds and our hearts those sacred words and that sacred feeling that is the great Spirit of cosmic openness that goeth forth into the world creating newness of life and opportunity for every child of God.
  For humanity today in their era of darkness are often suspicious and they doubt the very powers of Life that gave them birth.  They do not understand how life today manifests.  They do not understand what great pathos there is in the universe that is the Spirit that spoke of old in the Master Jesus when he said:  “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you together, even as a hen gathers her young, and ye would not, O ye would not!”  The lamentations of the Spirit of God are the outcry in time itself against those ill deeds that are carried out by some men without understanding and without grace.
  Cosmic fires burn, ccosmic flame blazes.  And the great Grace of God is carried from snow upon the mountains down to cities of the plain that all men may break this sacred bread in God’s name, that they may understand His Grace and His Love as their own, that they may understand that His Grace and Love even today do atone for all that man has done, for all that man does.  And ye, we provide a new and a living way through his flesh--through the flesh that you wear!  For in reality you have also entered into the kingdom, the cosmic die is struck, and the divine image is perpetuated in yourself.
  Deep within the chalice of your heart you will find the replica of the God-flame, as in the fiery furnace when the Christ appeared with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, one like unto the Son of God, and they beheld him.  And no smoke nor harm came unto them and they emerged free and unscathed from the flame.  So will mankind do today if they will but understand the meaning and purpose of the perpetuation of the flame!  For the meaning and perpetuation of the flame is so that man may still enter in.
  Ho!  Everyone that thirsteth:  Come and drink.  Do you understand that the waters of Life are for all?  Who are those who deny humanity that for which they also thirst in their souls?  Who are those who deny themselves that which indeed will make them whole?  Who are those who deny themselves the great power of infinite freedom to sit upon the throne--the three-in-one radiance of the eternal Godhead made manifest within the chalice of their own beings?
  Let all come to that understanding then where they can lay down their frustrations, their feelings of separation and that which for far too long has kept them in a separate, unevolved or unevolving state.  We are concerned with the evolvement of mankind!  We are concerned with those cosmic initiations that will cause men to rise in consciousness and not remain wedded to the same old decaying concepts, which in many cases are the breaking up of crystals which are not of the light.  For the crystallization of various activities within mankind has created that hardness of heart and hardness of being which prevents the manifestation within them of the divine image!
  We come to you tonight with that sternness in our being--which means that those of you who profess that you would continue upon the spiritual path, upon finding the great Tree of Life that is in the midst of the Garden should also recognize the dynamic role which you ought to play as you accept the garments of God as your own.
  Mankind have no right to be untrue to this Presence of God that is so true to them.  They have no right to be faithless when God has invested so much of His faith in them.  The perfection of our Presence, the indwelling radiance in the human tents is encamped round about those that fear Him from all generations unto this present one.
  O mankind, as there is a great gathering together of the family of nations, as there is a great gathering together and a kindling of the hearts of people will you recognize your own role in supporting the light expansion in the domain of mankind?  Understand how many are gathered together in the marts of commerce, in the theaters of entertainment and in the world.  Will you understand how many strange images are being flashed to mankind upon the television screens of the world?  And will you understand at last, O blessed humanity, how the great Teachings of the Ascended Masters ought to also vie with them and create in those who still thirst for righteousness, who hunger for righteousness the desire that they should be full?
  For who has brought you here, in the name of God!  Why are you here?  Why were you brought before us save that you might find your place in the immortal realms?  You were not brought here simply for a little entertainment this evening.  You were brought here that you might understand that measure of your cosmic devotion that will kindle the God-flame within your own heart and mind, that you may function as a divine emissary in the realm of form to carry that God- flame unto your fellowmen.
  For when we speak of “breaking the bread,” we mean just that—that each crumb of the loaf of heaven should be carried thither and yon as by the wind of the Holy Spirit until those in the uttermost parts of the earth are able at last to enter into our kingdom.  For the kingdom of God is for those of the north, the east, the west and the south.  And the flame of God comes from the Land of the North; and yet as the lightning cometh from the East and goeth unto the West so shall the coming of the Son of man be.
  Let the light from the East arise in your heart.  Let the dawn of cosmic Truth speak to you as never before, and understand: with what measure of devotion you give unto the Eternal One you shall also receive from His own hand.
  Mankind come with a farthing and leave with a farthing. When they come with the allness of their being they find the great cosmic kindling within every cell, the multiplicity of the flame of Life in every cell, the energizing of mankind with that great cosmic verve which brings them awareness and cosmic stimulation which we desire to see played upon you tonight because we flash forth our flame in your midst.
  If we step up the vibratory action in these rooms, will you permit it?  Will you consent to it?  We ask you in the name of heaven, for by your answer we shall determine the great level of our expansiveness in your midst.  We will give you an outpouring of the cosmic Love of God that we invoke for you now--all of you who consent.  We invoke it and we say “Let it be done!”
  O cosmic angels of the sacred fire, gather then from every corner of the universe those blessings which compose a cosmic cornucopia, a release of our infinite Love in the name of God that shall enthuse mankind with the reality of God and see that he no longer gropes in blindness for the great cosmic hand that reaches through the dark, that commands his life, his virtue and his cosmic strength to arise.  We say:  arise in the God-flame and recognize who you are!  Recognize the staunchness of your ability to defend cosmic Law with every drop of your life which is within you:
For cosmic Law
Is an essence white, an essence bright,
An essence clean, an essence pure.
It comes to view and makes secure
The God in man
That makes him pure!
   We ask you then in the mighty name of the Eternal Presence to receive our blessing and to understand that it shall always continue each day of your life and forever, as you enter into that realm of praise to your own Mighty I AM God Presence and call unto your Christ Self and unto me, Maitreya, that you might receive the blessing of light made manifest now and forever through you who become the tabernacles of witness, the tabernacles of Grace--an oasis in the desert of humankind:

To whom is given
A white stone within your heart
The flame of Life that does impart
Grace for every problem,
Strength for every weakness,
Beauty for all human ugliness,
And the finality of the Grace of security
In the foreverness of Infinity.
   I, Maitreya, have spoken.  And out of the light have I sent forth more light.  It is your light I have used--the light of your God Presence.  Will you receive it and be free?
-Lord Maitreya:  3-31-1972 at Santa Barbara, California via Messenger Mark Prophet


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