Monday, June 11, 2018

The existence of cosmic affinity is the most beautiful page of life

82.  The existence of cosmic affinity is the most beautiful page of life.   
154.  Not only creativeness through the simple principle of attraction but also the principle of affinity lies at the basis of creation, and in all its subtlety it is governed by highest reason.  Harmonization of the forces of the magnetic principle is expressed in all manifestations and in the most advanced forms.    
198.  Why is humanity in such a frenzy?  The universe shudders from the manifestations produced by man. And can one expect that man will advance without allegiance to the Cosmic Magnet?  For harmony, form must correspond to form.  Affirmation of evolution will increase only when man shows affinity with the development of the universe.  Either man will grow and very clearly indicate an advancement by entering the stream of evolution and adopting the process of self-perfecting, in order to win a place of higher tension in the cosmos, or the realm governed by man will be destroyed….If his striving is not in attunement with the universe, for betterment, for unity, for the affirmation of the general good, then the chain of his actions is unworthy.  
253.  Affinity with subtle energies becomes intense when it is harmonized with him who carries subtle energies. The current is generated when all is fused with Fire.  Hence the creativeness of Fire is so precipitant.  Creativeness is generated through striving toward affinity.   -M:  Infinity 1, 1930
144.  Striving and the receiving energies are dependent upon the potentiality of attraction, and when the affinity is great the combination will be pure.  Thus a receptive spirit imparts to energy the quality of striving.  Only the property of magnetization produces the effect.  Therefore the boundless path is illumined by the power of magnetization.  
468.  Upon the higher plane it is necessary to strive along with all higher affirmations.    -M:  Infinity 2, 1930
384.  Affinity is evidenced as the consequence of cooperation.  We call to such cooperation which binds forever.     -M:  Hierarchy 1931
135.  We too know the power of exalted thought and come together for the purpose of thinking unitedly about the Beautiful.  However we do not suggest one particular image; each individual selects the most beautiful according to his affinity.  Thus a symphony is created which comes close to the music of the spheres.  Its chords ring out like victorious trumpets, so harmonious that their very sounds fill the heart with joy. 
164.  It is time for people to realize that all events are connected and that unity reigns throughout cosmos.  Many different manifestations follow each step of evolution, but during those solemn times of transition people become particularly stubborn, reminding one of travelers who refuse to alight from the carriage when their journey is over.  Similarly during the consummation of achievement of the Great Pilgrim people did not want to leave their carriage and were unable to perceive the significance of events that were taking place in front of their eyes.   An incredible injustice was being committed, and no one dared tell the people how dreadful was the crime.
The Great Teacher had the wisdom of Pericles and certainly knew that He should not expect justice from the mobs.  He who gave so much knew that the law of proportion had been violated and simply warned the people not to overload their karma.
Thus the Teacher knew that events had been inevitable and began to teach from the subtle plane.  These Teachings also remained unrecorded and thus arose one more example of injustice.  
193.  The Thinker told his disciples “Be not offended by the malicious and ignorant who oppose your righteous path.  Hurt feelings will only weaken your forces, devouring the will and crushing life.  When you resist evil do so not out of offense but for the reestablishment of good. You cannot be hurt by the opinions of the ignorant. Be sorry for their ignorance but do not accept them as fellow seekers or their judgments as truth.  It is wise not to answer them at all.  Schools should teach that he who follows the right path is immunized against such offenses, and that only the unwise poison themselves by allowing their feelings to be hurt.”
196.  “Man is a social animal, but human herds do not know how to graze in peace, and do not realize that horns should be used only in defense.  Even a bull can be an example of decency.  May thought direct humanity toward the Infinite.”
The Thinker also said “The Guides are concerned about the preservation of Beauty.  Phidias was cast into prison, and by this act humanity cast itself into darkness.  People are amazed at their cruel fate, but have they not earned it themselves?
198.  The Thinker said, “We must be careful with characterless people,who sometimes should simply be left to their errors.  Most people do not understand how fleeting earthly possessions are, and it is impossible to convey to them the true meaning of life.  But after experiencing many incarnations they will gradually be liberated from the enchantment of objects.  They will learn to admire creativity without attachment to created things. 
200.  The Thinker said “Each man has within himself a potential force that can bring him into direct contact with the highest world.  This force builds the essence of his consciousness and enables us to transmit information into its core.  He who can establish constant contact with the highest world is able to help build the future, but if this communion is lost, man is limited to the life of a beast.
“Beautiful symbols have been given to people but they treat them as superstition. They look at depictions of winged creatures and consider them to be fantasies.  But does not each one of us soar?  It does not matter whether the flights are made in the luminous or dense body, they do take place, consciously or unconsciously. Sleep is a great gift of the gods and opens the entrance into the supermundane….“Friends, do not repeat in the marketplace what you have just heard, for people will consider you mad.  Time will come when these words will be understood; even the most innocent questions should not be asked prematurely.  Ignorant people can easily become tigers, and it is better not to create such beasts.”
201.  One day the disciples asked the Thinker the meaning of unification.  At that moment they were passing a gigantic wall, and He pointed to the powerful stonework saying "Observe how these stones support each other.  We cannot say which of them is the most important.  They are not joined by anything, yet they have withstood many earthquakes.  They are held together only by unification and the natural affinity of their surfaces….
“If people attempt to strengthen their relationships by artificial measures, they will not be protected against dissolution.  It is better and stronger when human hearts unite spontaneously.  Such unions need no artificial aids, least of all the bond of gold.  Beware especially the bonds of gold.
“I affirm that even the most ardent people may not be able to judge and correlate values; only human hearts build an adamantine wall.”  

213.  Human awareness does not seem to have any affinity with the idea of primal energy.  People discuss energies but do not dare to acknowledge that fundamentally there is only one.       
(-Roerich:  Fiat Rex 1931)
                                            -Morya: Supermundane 1, 1938

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