Friday, February 9, 2018

midgame chess study

white to move and win

after !. Bf5! black has 3 lines:
a) 1…Rf8, 2. Be4 Rb3, 3. Rh5 Rb4, 4. Rh7+ Kg8, 5. Rc7 and white should win.  

 b) 1….Rg8, 2. Rg8+  Kg8, 3. Bd4 Rb3, 4. Bd5+  Kf8, 5. Re4 Nc6, 6. Re6 +-.

c) 1…Nf5, 2. Rf5 Rc7, 3. Rg5 h6, 4. Re8+ Kh7, 5. Rgg8 Rb3, 6. Rh8+ Kg6, 7. Reg8+ Kf7, 8. Rg4 Rc6, 9. Rh6 and white should win with kingside advance.

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