Sunday, February 25, 2018

Go through it, get it over with, become the master of your life.

-by Joanne Dose
  Chelas of the will of God, may I have your God-controlled attention?  [“Yes!”  (13-second standing ovation)]...The mind must be trained.  Is your mind a stallion?  I say it ought to be, and a mighty good steed, but even stallions need training. ...
  Why not hasten to Mount Horeb and go to meet the I AM THAT I AM?  Yes, beloved, loving the will of God and his law, which is truly the law of profound love and wisdom, you shall then take heart--take courage to take on the path of the dark night of the soul and the Dark Night of the Spirit.  And you will become such a whirling sacred fire of diamond light as my diamond heart is superimposed upon you that you will literally charge through that dark night of the soul and charge through the initiations of the dark night of the Spirit! 
  Yes, beloved, loving the will of God and His Law, which is truly the Law of profound love and wisdom, you shall then take heart--take courage to take on the path of the dark night of the soul and the dark night of the Spirit.  And you will become such a whirling sacred fire of diamond light as my diamond heart is superimposed upon you that you will literally
Why not hasten to Mount Horeb and go to meet the I AM THAT I AM?  
  You will not languish.  You will not attenuate this suffering through your karma.  Nor will you suffer, for you will have that mighty sword in hand and you will slay every foe and you will beam such a concentrated, God-controlled ray of the seventh ray of the violet flame through that third-eye chakra that you will see the parting of the Red Sea of your own returning karma, the parting of the Red Sea of the fallen ones!   And you will march through triumphant!   And you will be riding your steed and it will not be riding you.  And I say it is true and you must do it!   You must accelerate, for acceleration is the key!
  Go through it, get it over with, become the master of your life.  Come to that place where I may speak through you, where I may dwell in you, where I may deliver the momentums of the highest levels of the etheric octaves through you.  And therefore we together, Guru and chela one together may pass through this earth and leave the foundations for our children and our children’s children that they might build that golden-age civilization.  Are you with me, beloved?  [“Yes!”  (24-second standing ovation)]
  I say then, beware the poisons.  Beware the poisons and embrace the antidotes of the Dhyani Buddhas.  Embrace the antidotes, beloved ones, for the poisons come and they poison the mind and they poison every organ of the body.  They poison the desires and the thoughts and the feelings.        -El Morya:  4-19-1992, Easter, at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
          -Thomas More portrait with Messengers M and E Prophet and a Prophet-child
I AM Seeking Out the Lost Chelas of the Ages
In Every Nation I Cast Forth a Net, and I Send Forth the Lifeline of the Will of God

       Ho!  Let the caravan proceed over the Arabian Desert!  So I come!  So I crack the whip of the will of God!  So let the consciousness of humanity come into alignment!  And let the four lower bodies now be drawn into focus for the perception of the all-seeing Eye of God that is clear as crystal-clear now as the light that dawns, as the shining light that appears as the Sun in her zenith over the desert skies.  So let the dream of God for mankind come forth unobstructed by the human will, unobstructed by the lesser self.
  So, chelas of the Most High God, I would represent you before the Court of the Sacred Fire.  I would come bearing the scroll of your names as devotees of the will of the flame.  So the mark of the M is the signet and my seal that I have placed upon the chela who is willing to submit to the will of the Law of his own being.
  Why do you rebel against the Law as though it were superimposed upon you from without when it is the Law of your own individuality?  What folly!  What folly to conceive the Law
as a prison, as bondage when the Law is you!  Do you not understand?  I say, be shaken then and come into alignment with your own blueprint!
  You call for the will of God.  Well, the will of God calls to you!  Well, the will of God makes demands upon you as that star aborning within you, as that diamond-fire light that compels the planet of your consciousness free!  You would be free, but you confuse bondage with freedom.  And you seek the bondage of the clay vessel while shunning the freedom of the immortal Spirit simply because the immortal Spirit would have you and would draw lines of force around your being--swirling, whirling electrodes of energy with the exact precision of the geometry of your own God consciousness!  And so you rebel against the Law and you think that you are apart from the Law.
  O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you?  Who hath bewitched you?  Why do you allow the carnal mind and all of the machinations of that energy to deprive you of the awareness of reality, to distort that reality and to make of the Holy Spirit a hall of mirrors where your form flows to and fro, fat and thin, short and long?
  You laugh!  And yet were you to see on the astral plane the distortion of your own reality because of your failure to submit your energies to the inner polarity you would see that the caricatures that come across in your daily newspapers are far more in the image of what is acting on the astral plane than you would even imagine.  In fact they are complimentary by comparison to the grotesque features and manifestations of mankind who have rebelled against their own inner reality.  For these manifestations appear as blobs against the screen of life, with no form or shape or dimension, for they are in rebellion against the Magnet of the Great Central Sun, starfire light within.
  I say then, cease to assign reality to unreality!  Call for your divine identity as I call the camels to come into alignment!  So I say:  Ho!  Let your identity now come back!  Let it be taken again from where it has been taken up by other forces and other sources, where you have been deprived of the magnificence of your individuality!
  So I stand as the defender of the will of the Law of your being within you.  So I say, claim it now!  For I claim it in the name of your own inner being.  And I pray in the name of your freewill and your consciousness that I may come into the temple of your being--if you will allow me--and blaze forth my blue energies for this year.  For I would see that the year 1975 be anchored within you as the precipitation of this sapphire light, this diamond light, so that the twenty-five-year cycl2 might manifest within you as a victory and a thrust for an immortal purpose--the purpose of your individual ascension, the purpose of magnetizing the ascension of an entire people, a planet, a home star.
  This is your home-star, even as you have made it your home, sojourning as you have as pilgrims who have come from other stars.  So I say, let’s make it home free—home free in the light!  Therefore I say, break the patterns of that rebellion!  Cease your warring with your inner Self!  And now let the harmony of truth bring conformity and let the soul know the peace of the law of being!
  Blaze forth, O starfire light of each one!  Blaze forth, O starfire light!  Burn through and pierce the gloom!  Burn through and let that star be the star, as Above so below, of the divine appearing.
  So I say, let the Mother-flame now adorn the star within each one.  And let these stars converge upon the altar of the sacred fire which I place and I mark at midpoint in this room and in this forcefield.  So let that altar be where you consecrate your destiny and the star of his appearing to the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, who laid down his life that you also might live in the light.
  I say, let gratitude abound.  For without gratitude there is slovenliness, there is that poverty consciousness, there is the stopping of the flow of abundance, and there is that swinish element of the human consciousness—that point of greed that wants more and more and more and cannot perceive the great gifts that have already been given.  These are the gifts that are as the sands of the sea innumerable, as the seed of Christ borne by the Patriarch Abraham.  So are the blessings of the light of the Father Alpha unto Omega unto the sons and daughters of God.
  I say then be grateful, O hearts of fire.  Be free from the weight and the density.  For a moment now experience the reality of the diamond-shining mind of God.  Come into that oneness,come into that fire.  For I AM a devotee of the will of God.  I AM a devotee of the World Mother and of Gautama Buddha, and I bow before that flame that is the life universal and triumphant, I AM THAT I AM.
  Now I come before you and I say, I am a Guru in search of a chela.  I am seeking out the chelas, the lost chelas of the ages, those souls who have been tethered to me and to other members of the Hierarchy over the past fifty thousand years who have gone astray, who have taken the path of self-will, self-centeredness and who have been blinded thereby for thousands of years.
  Now I am in search of that chela!  Now I come!  And I dangle before the chela the rose of promise as a fisherman dangles the hook and the bait before the fish.  For I am determined to captivate certain hearts upon this planet in this year, certain ones who are twinflames of the ascended Hierarchy--some who number among you, certain ones who are old, old souls who ought not to be tarrying here in time and space beyond this period of transition.
  I cast my net then on the right side of consciousness, the side of the Law of being.  And I make contact in this moment--as I coalesce energies through this Messenger and through your heart’s own chalice--with chelas of the sacred fire across the planetary body, known and unknown to themselves.  In every nation I cast forth the net.  I send forth the lifeline of the will of God from Darjeeling, from the diamond heart of Morya and of Mary.
  So I come.  And I come with a determination, a determination of the Ancient of Days, of a thousand, thousand, thousand eyes of God perceiving God in manifestation.  And I say, mark you well that this determination will cut through that human consciousness that thinks itself determined but is no match for the determination of the will of God.  So we will see how the freewill of an ascended master can magnetize the freewill of unascended chelas back to God!  I am determined that the consciousness of the chelas will have at least equal opportunity to choose the path of initiation.
  And therefore let that light roll.  Let it roll now as a steamroller . So let it roll!  Let that light roll and let it go forth!  And none can stay the hand of the determination of the will of God to bring the forces of light, the children of light and the sons and daughters of God into position in the cosmic mandala for the victory of the age.
  So I come to acknowledge and bow before Saint Germain, the Knight Commander, the magnificent one.  So I come to pay homage to the flame of freedom.  So I come, and I lay my all before the Lords of Karma.  I place the momentum of the ring of fire of my causal body on that altar for and on behalf of the endeavor of Saint Germain.  And I will stand and I will
serve.  And I will crack the whip until the LORD God calls me back.  So I will!  So I vow!  So I am determined to match the light again and again of that star aborning within you.  So I am determined that none of those who are given into the hand of the chohan of the ray of the will of God will be lost in this age.
  Will you join me in support of Saint Germain and the entire ascended Hierarchy to captivate souls for light, for victory, and for their own God-reality in this year?  Will you assist the cause of Saint Germain?  I ask you!  [Audience responds with a ringing “Yes!”]  So let that commitment be a rising, standing ovation to the God of Freedom, to a planet and a people!  [34-second applause as audience rises]
  I say, bravo, devotees of the fire!  For I feel the quickening within you and I see that quickening.  And I see now the tear of the Divine Mother and of the angelic hosts as your energies have crossed the sound waves, even as a candle of light, as a star of light reaching far-off worlds and allowing cosmic councils to know that upon Terra in this age there is a band of devotees who will stand for light, who will determine to win in this fight for America, for the world, for every nation and who will champion the cause of Christ-reality in every man, woman and child upon the planet!
  Ah, yes, this is a boon to Hierarchy.  And do you know that by your pledging of your energies so the ascended masters can go before the Court of the Sacred Fire and the ascended masters can go before cosmic councils and say “We ask for dispensations to serve Terra.”  And those mighty beings will look upon us with their eyes of flaming coals of fire and they will say “And what has Terra offered?”  And we will say “Look at the band of devotees! Hear their offering and see how they have come!  See how they have gathered in praise of the light and of the star aborning in the hearts of mankind.”
  So see how in this age there are some who care not for name, for reputation, for fame, who are willing to cast their lot with the ascended hosts, come what may.  Whatever the description or the conversation of their neighbors, their friends, their relatives, they are standing for God-reality.  And we shall see ere this conference has ended what allotment of cosmic energy can be increased for and on behalf of a planet and a people because some have come apart, because some have at last seen the light.
  Do you know that there are angels and ascended masters who have waited ten thousand years for this moment?  Do you understand how an angel can shed a tear to behold the labors of ten thousand years of inspiring souls and walking the last mile at your side, step-by-step, lifetime after lifetime?  These angels are emissaries of hierarchies of other systems of worlds from whence you have come.  These angels are the angels sent by your own twin flames, many of whom have been ascended for twenty thousand years.  Therefore I say, come apart and remain apart.  And be alert to the lies, to the temptations and to the distortions that would take you from the goal of the ascension.
  So I say, forevermore I place the stamp and the seal of my M:  M for Morya, the name of a devotee of the Mother-flame, M for Ma-ray, Michael and the Mother of the Ark.  And so Merlin of old, come forth!  
  Come forth, Saint Germain!  And let the alchemy of the sacred fire impress upon the etheric bodies that memory of the chalice, the Holy Grail, the search for that Grail and our coming together once again to draw the knights and ladies of the Table Round into that cosmic purpose.
  So I say, now, let the mandala of the twelve tribes of Israel be manifest!  So let the six-pointed star of victory be for the fulfillment of Alpha and Omega in those ones chosen to realize the flame of reality.  So I say, be numbered among the one hundred and forty-four thousand, symbolically, who come forth in the latter days to keep the flame of the one hundred and forty-four thousand virtues of the sacred fire.

  Ho!  Ho!  Let the wagontrain move on!  Ho!  Ho!  Forward into starlight!  Ho!                                    
                       (by Schmiechen, 1884)
                                 -Morya:  12-28-1974 at Anaheim via Messenger E C Prophet

                                                        -Rakoczy Castle, Transylvania

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