1) I AM Patrick. And in my youth the Lord showed me a vision of other youth and of peoples of all ages and of those who were the power elite in our day. And the Lord showed me the vision of the conferment of light and preaching of His Word even unto the conversion of the leaders of the people themselves….
Men seek change. Beloved, they have always sought change and they have sought to implement it by power politics, by war, by massacre of entire towns and lifewaves, by science and invention, by humanism. But, my beloved, the only permanent change that has ever been wrought within this earth or within the very human soul itself is the change wrought by the Holy Spirit who cries in this hour from Croagh Patrick, from Camelot, from the hearts of the sons of God: Go forth! Go forth for the saving of My people! And in the saving of this My people so save thyself and move from the cosmic cross of white fire unto the crown of the Virgin Mother.
2) And the very oil itself, that is the foundation, with wheat of the economy of life, and the very radiation of the Sun, and the Sun of the atom as nuclear energy and the energy of Helios and Vesta, become focalpoints for the manipulation of the monopolies of the power elite.
Beloved ones, the suppression of the people by inordinate taxation is a fight that must be fought and won. This cannot endure, nor the manipulation of supply, nor inflation—the tampering with the very lifeblood of the children of the light, as there is the reinforcement from the power elite of those individuals who have determined to put down the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and of lightbearers from nation to nation and continent by continent.
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on November 2, 1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 55:17
3) Therefore freedom and liberty aborning in the soul of the seed of light did encounter the most difficult and horrendous of tests. This confrontation, beloved, with the power elite of Babylon, the Chaldeans themselves, is a confrontation which this reincarnation of the lightbearers must once again face in order to counteract the forces of anti-freedom.
Understand, beloved, that the mighty men of Babylon and their king did put to the sword the mighty men of Israel. And among those in Israel who were the princes and the mighty men, there were the sons of God and there were also fallen angels. Therefore they put to the sword the serpents of their own kind, for they are in an intergalactic rivalry. And it is the rivalry for the domination of the seed of light. Then they put to the sword the Christed ones, lest they lead a rebellion of the people, the humble people, against their rule. -Elohim Cyclopea, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 29:68
4) Blessed ones, by whatever non-indoctrination of the true divine doctrine that has come upon this people by whatever false gurus have come into their midst, the people of this nation have allowed their leaders, often the power elite come again as fallen angels, to do what they would with the government, with health and medical services and departments, with the monetary system, with those things that ought not to have been placed in their hands; and it was not so conceived by Saint Germain and those whom he contacted at the birth of a nation. -Jesus Christ: February 19, 1988 at Santa Barbara, Pearl 31:28
5) Therefore while you deliberate and speak plainly and hear the word that is reality upon earth and what is taking place, while you who would be called the common people yet who are an uncommon band of lightbearers know what the decisions ought to be among the nations in war and in peace, those who direct and make decisions in positions of power in every nation neglect to do and to be what to the people is obvious….
We have the key. It is quite simple. When you know the profile of the fallen angels incarnate, this Establishment of the power elite, you understand that it behooves them by their own inner alignment with darkness to snuff out the candle of freedom in the heart of every freedom fighter on Earth nation by nation, people by people.
Lest they pronounce their own judgment they must eliminate [creative hearts], whether through abortion, whether through neglect, whether through allowing people to be fooled [into thinking] that they will be helped and then they are not helped; [for the power elite have no intention of helping them–they but give the appearance to mollify the rest of the people]. -Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, March 31, 1991, Pearl 34:19
6) By the power of the Lord you may invoke the judgment of this power elite infesting every nation and oppressing the peoples not for tens or hundreds of years but for tens of thousands of years upon this earth body….
The power of the people of Earth is one. Let them unite!,,,Whether through taxation or any other means they have amassed the people’s power by fooling the people day by day….Therefore all that you have heard spoken this night has come from my heart and it is indeed, beloved, an urgent message! May you understand that you do not even know the tip of the iceberg of those plots that have been laid against the people in favor of the amassing of power by this Establishment. As I have said already, the day of their judgment has come. Let that day therefore descend and do not stand in its way and protect these ones who have used your light for so long.
Now therefore I say the healing of your soul must come, the healing of the individual. For the strength of God in the earth is by the power of that contact of each individual with the living God. -Saint Germain, delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 27, 1991 at San Francisco, Pearl 34:22
7) The answers to these questions must come from within; for after all you are the creator of this mind and we are not. Therefore uncreate it. We give you the tool of the Wun itself and the unlimited power of the Sun. Now be creative! Exercise the mind that God gave you, the mind that God created! And compute, yes, by the mathematics of a cosmos how you can clean escape the carnal box, the mortal bag. -Helios, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1991, Pearl 34:40
8) You know very well the conditions of the power elite in the Earth and of the fallen angels and their agenda. You have heard of it many times. This agenda moves on, beloved. It is important that you make the call that what is not being said on the evening news be revealed so that the whole world can see the crime of the fallen angels practiced against a helpless humanity. -Archeia Mary, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 15, 1993 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 47:32
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