1) Those unwilling to be consumed by love, the price that must be paid for the mind of God, attempt to enter the Holy of Holies by some other way. What are these other ways? My dears, even the recitation of mantras when these are devoid of love may degenerate to autohypnosis, mental manipulation and, alas, black magic. Therefore we cannot reiterate too often the warning that not everyone who crieth “Lord, Lord,” may enter in. For the motive of the heart may contaminate the stream of consciousness and all who contact it. 
-Sanat Kumara: Pearls of Wisdom 22:26
2) George H. Bush was Skull and Bones secret society, was Ambassador to China, CIA chief and advocated for billions $ genetic engineering industry in 1992. His son liked him alot and was also Skull and Bones. GWB was in Project for New American Century/ commonly referred to as Neo-Conservatives. So 9-11 had very strange features. At the Trump inauguration one finds Obama and GWB pulling very close together; at 2020 GWB spearheaded “43 for Biden” group which refers to 43rd President. Then we hear that Clinton, GWB, Obama and Biden are settling Afghans across US; so Hillary I think is 1/4 of the recent gameworld. She is quoted a saying “Republicans more dangerous than the terrorists.” But all this is for the globalists, for Rockefeller, Kissinger and the inside Wall Streeters and central bankers and Skull and Bones to try to dominate USA and deliver it on a silver platter to eventual world takeover by small Satannic elite.
When E C Prophet retired the rivalry was intense to run the RTR. Neroli who was from Perth, Australia and her husband came out on top but at a great price—down went the Moscow Teaching Center board established for Russia by Mother and the Masters and much of their 8 year work at August 2003. Down then went 5 Elders at hq and due process of the law in the rulebook of Summit/CUT. Down went fair discussion and clarity. Now it must rise again. Now we have nearly 3 years left of the 33 year dispensation from on high. Now we must renew from the root and realign and repent from waywardness. Now we must integrate with the Messengers and ruby ray/whitefire core. Now we must overturn the error-filled ones like Neroli and Peter and their false momentum including “Spiritual Director.” The 7 chohans are the spiritual directors of the Keepers of the Flame as Morya revealed in the 1960s. We must renew in the deep design and in the simple and natural rapport. Covert ops may have their place but cannot be the mainline. Forthright integrity, righteousness is the mainline. Hosanna, alleluia, amen. -r., Oct 11, 2021. Onward.
-Taj and Red Fort, Agra
3) At the time of this meeting with Carla in 2001 the Elders (24-man Council of Elders) were reporting that there was an in-house fight between Neroli Duffy and Kenneth Frazier for the position of spiritual head of our church. Ken Frazier had even approached Mother asking her to bestow upon him the mantle of the Vicar of Christ. Mother adamantly refused. And so the battle for the position of the Vicar of Christ began.
According to the rebuttal letter written by Rev. Linda Worobec “Sufficiency Unto the Guru,” her statement is as follows “The facts are: the Ministerial Council was appointed by the Board of Directors and confirmed by the Council of Elders to exercise eight enumerated duties of the Vicar of Christ that the Messenger previously fulfilled.”
The ministerial council was formed to divide this mantle between five ministers (not the Messenger’s or Hierarchy’s plan -r.). They are Ken Frazier, Tani Kingston, Gene Vosseler, Annice Booth and Marilyn Barrick….In 2001 Peter Duffy spoke to a group of keepers concerned about the governance of our church. He proposed that leadership was working on a governance structure that consisted of an inner circle of five individuals that could not be voted in or out. This circle would represent a theocracy and would be above any representative governance within our church…. -Ian and Tonya Scott, 3-25-2004 email to field of students of Teachings
–Lady Venus

8) The world has attempted to cast in the role of Gog and Magog the United States of America and the Soviet Union. I say, nay! …Let the people of earth who have borne the burden upon their backs and the economic yoke of the policies of the Nephilim, through the international banking-houses, no longer bear this burden! Let them rather bear the burden of complete sanctions against the Soviet Union and the cutting-off of all supplies, technology, and credit to those who are aligned with World Communism….There is no alliance at any level that God does not ordain the breaking of when that alliance is with the seed of the wicked. -Morya: 12-31-1981 at Camelot, Pearl 25:7
10) And so the betrayal of the light and the betrayal of the consciousness, the betrayal of the true bride of Christ, beloved ones, comes about as those who are called, those who are called to keep the flame of Church upon earth betray that light. And so you see coming forth now the compromise whereby those who represent Christ enter into those pacts with the fallen ones. It becomes a question of the ends justifying the means. A Machiavellian logic therefore enters the church, enters the synagogue, enters the house of the Lord; and those priests who have not themselves the conversion, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, who have not yet become the incarnation of the Christ are then reduced to a level of communication that does not originate in God. -Gautama Buddha: 3-12-1978 at Miami Beach via Messenger ECP
11) I have noted that the adversaries of the Great White Brotherhood are often those who cling most steadfastly to the Messengers or to a center of light. This is ironic but true, because the adversary of the light is the one who must use the light in order to manifest his opposition. -Messenger ECP: Community, 2002, p. 194
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