Monday, October 11, 2021

The handful of rebels and demonstrators supporting one or two individuals in your government

   Who did make the decision?  The American people who have the light?  The Christed ones?  The children of God?  No.  The handful of rebels and demonstrators supporting one or two individuals in your government who manipulated these decisions, chief of which is Henry Kissinger.  And I repeat the judgment of Archangel Michael!  Let it be upon him, and let it be upon this nation, and let it be upon every individual in government who makes the decisions for the lightbearers yet has neither the light nor the authority of the Brotherhood to make such decisions.
What about the people who do not know the law of reincarnation, who have no sense of an afterlife, who know not where the soul departs when the body is no more?  For us, we see another day and another opportunity for these souls who have been lost.  And many of them, the most beautiful children of light in Russia and in China, have been received into incarnation in this land of America.  Many of these are here, and they bring with them a great light of the ages.  
-Saint Germain:  7-4-1976 at Washington D.C., Pearls of Wisdom 20:51
And it is the people’s money that the power elite then concentrate in the money systems to keep their corporate power and their controls in international commerce alive.
The only way out for the children of the light is for the sons of God in the Earth to lead them–by the teachings of the ascended masters and by example–to come out from among the power elite, to withdraw their monies from their investments in international establishment banking houses and corporations.  To withdraw support from the financial elite will no doubt contribute to their decline–for the only power and money they have is the people’s–but most importantly it will rescue the people from being destroyed along with the financial elite when they meet their karma that will surely descend according to the signs in the heavens and the signs in the earth.
The power elite believe they are the gods in the earth who hold our destiny in their hands, therefore they do not acknowledge Almighty God.      -
Messenger E C Prophet, see

 162.  In upward flights we learn the great gift of patience.  Radiant creative patience does not resemble the murky cloak of non-resistance to evil….Creative patience holds the key to the new World, therefore patience creates a power which is intensified with each hour of reality.   -M: Community 1926
36.  Soul energy is called the organ of the fourth dimension.  Indeed the fact of this dimension is relative–it only expresses the refined state of all feelings.  Great refinement bestows the possibility of understanding supermundane conditions.  
                 -Morya: Brotherhood 1937


True spiritual God-mastery is not measured by clairvoyance or psychic phenomena but by the God-control of the sacred fires of the heart and adeptship on the path of love.  Tne things that fall into the category of the psychic include dealing with spirits and spiritualism, automatic writing, involvement with UFOs and methods of divination such as worldly astrology, tarot, the pendulum and Ouija boards.  The psychic and psychic people have a peculiar vibration.  It is a vibration of entities and of a lower energy rate, and by and by you learn to recognize these people.
  There is a psychic net that the dark powers of the world use.  They weave a grid of dark energy in the same way that the angels weave a grid of light.  However the dark powers try to tie people together and have them pick up the vibrations of one another that are destructive.  This is mob psychology; this is how it is used and how it spreads.  
But there is a way to foil the plots of the sinister force and that is by the power of the spoken Word.  We read “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be establishe unto thee; by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”  This means that the spoken Word–when that spoken Word is given with a certain speed and a certain rhythm and accompanied by mental visualization–will cut through the psychic net.  The psychic realm is but a continuation of the physical plane and its many levels of consciousness.  

-Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet: Paths of Light and Darkness, chapter 2, 2003.


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