Sunday, October 17, 2021

Peril stalks while the nations sleep.

  Peril stalks while the nations sleep.  And the preachers preach “Peace!” when war is yet in the hearts of the betrayers of Christ.  It is the handwriting on the wall and the secrets of men’s hearts that I read.  This is no mystery, yet I unveil it as such.
  The right hand and the left—let them be in unison and let one know that which the other is doing.  Know God.  Know thyself.  Know the subconscious.  Know the true friend and know the tireless enemy.
  For they shall not prevail who have built their empires on the backs of the children of God who bear in their bodies the very Blood of Christ.  The people then who bear that light may no longer be used as foundation stones for the Cain civilization.…
  Who shall stand in the hour of his coming?  The Lord weeps not alone for his rejection by the good people but for their plight and predicament when they are found unprepared.
  Beloved ones, the prophecies shall be fulfilled as God has decreed them.  Where is the element of freewill?  It is present in ye all but alone in the divine spark.  And those who think they are free are not free, for they are bound by karma and the karma of inordinate desire….
  Beloved ones, preparedness is the key. If you do not think and act in terms of survival, then surely, surely I say, you will not survive!  And the place set apart in the hills of Glastonbury is for you and for these purposes.
  Even as I speak, beloved, meetings unending take place. The enemy is prepared to survive a nuclear war—the United States is not….But, beloved, I tell you frankly from our hearts, the hour is long past when there is opportunity for the many to respond.
  When spirals of malintent begin to cycle into the physical let the Keepers of the Flame watch and unite.  The time comes when the avalanche cannot be turned back.
Seeds of unrest and betrayal, seeds of the profligate ones, seeds of those who are unalterably tied to a pleasure cult of materialism, who sleep already and know it not—these shall not be turned back [i.e., converted, to the light]….
  Can you understand, beloved, what is the priority in the heart of God?  It is the survival of the soul. When God determines that the soul on its course of self-destruction shall indeed be destroyed for the neglect of Cosmic Law, then the intercessors are withdrawn, the Mediator may no longer mediate between a nation or an individual and his karma.
  Think of what I have said and simply observe life….Therefore it is necessary and you must understand—one accident in Chernobyl and pollution of the environment that has not been told that has reached your own bodies. Another accident, the pollution of a river.
  Beloved ones, how many “accidents” have the archangels prevented?  How many have they spared you because you have kept the light in the city?  And how long will they hold back this karma?
  Thus get thee to the mountain of Go that the angels and the elementals might perform their work that is necessary for the cleansing of the elements polluted, not alone by nuclear fallout but by the hatred of men’s hearts.
  Yes, it is planned, it is a possibility, and it becomes expedient for the East to wage war upon the West for economic reasons, for reasons of survival, and for reasons of Evil.  For Absolute Evil will outplay itself that it may be no more….
  The divine experiment is past. Let the reality be now!  Let those Keepers of the Flame living on these coasts from Canada south be no longer here beyond the end of 1988.  Understand, beloved, the unpredictability of the carnal mind. There are no guarantees, even from our level, else life should be a predestination and all should sit and do nothing….
  They never say die, beloved hearts, unless they can take one or a thousand with them.  You must prevent them by your Body, by your Blood as Christ did, as we all have done—our Life-essence magnified through the chakras seven, magnified by the power of the Great White Brotherhood.
  Let the wrath of the Almighty fill your spirits this night as the anger of the LORD is upon those who destroy the people of light nation by nation. But I tell you, beloved, though the wrath of God be upon the Assyrian, the Babylonian, the Soviet—what do you think is upon those who could prevent it and have not but have joined them, having been enticed all over again by the Serpent in the garden?…
  Be fearless, beloved, but be watchful.  Be bold but decree….I therefore, Saint Germain, assign to your heart, to the head of every household, to the mother and even to the child my angels who will warn and direct you personally, Keepers of the Flame.  These are sent to those who are loyal to God who have become a part of this fraternity that I have long desired to see in every nation….
  Therefore listen.  You must take fifteen minutes before retiring at night, establish the circle of fire round the place where you rest.  Give certain decrees and let all the house be silent as you meditate without interruption upon Almighty God, your Mighty I AM Presence.
  Then call to me.  Let my angels deliver you to the Royal Teton Retreat where you may be instructed.  Then take note, upon awakening, of the first voices, the first messages that come into your mind. Try the spirits of course and always, but be attentive.  For a thousand angels cannot alert you to your destiny if you are not tuned in, if you are not listening….
  Therefore do not ask the Messenger but watch the Messenger.  Then understand how your priorities may be parallel.  I can tell you, beloved, that the movement of the Messenger to the mountain of God is in fact contrary to that which she would choose to do, which would be to go out into all the world and preach again and again this Teaching….
  If it is not fire, it may be nuclear contamination.  If it is not nuclear contamination, it may be plague.  Only for such reasons, beloved, could we have chosen such an inconvenient spot for our Camelot.  


    -Saint Germain:  Thanksgiving, November 27, 1986 at Los Angeles, Pearl 29:75
  Contrary to what many have been led to believe, the billions of dollars in subsidies paid out annually to farmers are not a political payoff to a powerful constituency. Nor do government funds keep large numbers of inefficient farmers in business. Ritchie says “This system is aimed at taking commodities from farmers at prices far below the cost of production and giving them to multinational corporations and then making up for part of the loss that the farmers suffer by a payment from the taxpayers to the farmers.  It’s a brilliant system because it makes it look like farmers are the ones who are being subsidized.”
  Why do the grain merchants go to so much trouble to set low prices?  Simple economics. Grain companies make money on every bushel they handle. The lower the price, the more bushels they export, the more money they make.
Because of the heavy subsidies and low prices, grain companies can sell American grain more cheaply than farmers in other nations can grow it. This helps some of our biggest customers like the Soviets and the Chinese.
  But subsidized American grain also puts farmers in developing nations out of business. In fact, developing countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, Liberia and Senegal have become dependent on exports from the United States because many of their farmers, unable to grow grain as cheaply as the grain companies sell subsidized American grain, can’t afford to farm. So not only do the low prices hurt the American farmer, but they also keep other nations from becoming self-sufficient.
  There is a second reason why the grain companies like low prices. Grain companies are no longer simply grain exporters. They have become the biggest domestic grain users for their burgeoning livestock industry.
  “These big corporations–Cargill, Continental, ConAgra–are now among the biggest beef raisers, the biggest chicken feeders, the biggest pork raisers, the biggest producers of corn-based sweeteners,” Ritchie says.  “They set low prices and use taxpayer subsidies to keep farmers going, using the promise of more exports to justify them.  But the truth of the matter is that they want to set the price very low for their own internal domestic buying and consumption of these products.”…
  There is yet another reason why artificially high export volume hurts the balance of trade.  In order to meet export demand the government pressures farmers to get ever higher yields from their land.  But this requires that farmers purchase extra fuel, petroleum-based fertilizer and chemical-based pesticides, much of which is imported, thereby increasing the trade deficit.
  And there are environmental side-effects. The extra pesticides needed to increase yield per acre contribute to an environmental problem of staggering proportions.  
    -Messenger ECP:  5-21-1989 at NYC, Pearl 33:5


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