Sunday, October 3, 2021

The subject of initiation seems to hold a great deal of mystery for the uninitiated.

 Friends on the Summit Road,
  Thoughtless acceptance of the best gifts of life does not enable the student of divine mystery to take proper spiritual advantage of his God-given opportunities.  Consciousness is an ever-flowing stream of energy which should be examined for its content and volume with a view to improving one’s use of this greatest blessing to the aspirant.
  The subject of initiation seems to hold a great deal of mystery for the uninitiated.  This awe of the unknown is compounded when his search for higher truth is hindered by unclear concepts.  It is the will of heaven to bring to the mind of each aspirant the beauty of the divine nature.  Those who would tear the veil from the face of nature may carelessly destroy the very beauty they seek to wrest from the sacred mysteries.  A childlike trust, a deep-rooted faith and a steadfast devotion should not be disregarded as the best means of developing the divine consciousness and a sense of the nearness of God.  He who seems remote to those who are caught in a mesh of problems is in reality so close, so concerned and so loving that His very closeness to the self makes it difficult for the self to acknowledge Him.
  The greatest initiations and the greatest revelations of sacred mysteries can be invoked through simple faith in the imminent possibility of deliverance from those conditions which seem so deeply entrenched that one could very easily consider them to be hopeless.  Not so with God.  As was spoken to Abraham of old by the angel visitant, “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”
  Yet men will acknowledge that they sometimes try to bargain with God, “You give me this, and I will give you that.”  This by cosmic Law they cannot do.   For when men tempt the Law by making promises that they may intend to keep but then do not, they are the losers, for those who dispense the quality of mercy that is inherent within the Law are bound by cosmic rules to search the akashic records and to observe the conduct of each applicant for mercy.  Then after examination of the personal history the decision is made as to whether the best interests of the individual are served by the merciful act of withholding descending karma or by letting fall the arc of the Law.
  Wise then are all who, in their erstwhile cosmic bargaining to enhance their positions, recognize the need to appreciate the blessings which life has already afforded them and not to be overly prone to complaint even when circumstances seem for a time to go against their best interests or what they think are their best interests.  After all who can say better than the Lords of Karma (who have at their disposal the complete file of the life records of every man, woman and child on the planet) as to just how the soul is best served?  Those who really understand the purposes of initiation are aware that in this day and age many of the initiations of the disciples are taken in the world outside of the temples of the Brotherhood.
  This means that those undergoing various tests may not openly see the hand of God or of the Karmic Board in the manipulated flow of their contact with various individuals and situations in which they find themselves which may or may not be to their liking.  If they could see what takes place behind the scenes they would be less inclined to react, as they sometimes do, to circumstances which are intended to create opportunity for a flow of healing love to pour through them, blessing one or more lifestreams with whom they may formerly have been involved.
  Nevertheless there are always those individuals who are reactors.  Blinded by their own uncontrolled passions they allow themselves to become upset over the unimportant or matters which they could not change in any case, thereby creating a springboard for the manifestation of recurring hatred or dislike.  The opportunities of life that afford man the means to overcome in little things are intended to fortify him for those greater struggles that come at the apex of events to produce opportunity for what we may call the giant leap into the arms of divine identity.
 The tendency of mankind to anthropomorphize various aspects of the Deity from time to time qualifies his consciousness with concepts which must be transmuted.  While God by the great wheel of His Law is able to make contact with man at any point in the individual lifecycle and to intercede on his behalf and render magnificent assistance, man by reason of his misconceptions of the Deity frequently interferes with that assistance and prevents its descent as drops of mercy from on high.
  Wise then is the soul who learns to retain that natural plasticity of mind and consciousness which will keep open the door to his highest good.  The ways of God are so much higher than the ways of men that in expressing understanding they too frequently employ the old familiar idioms, neglecting to consider that in assessing the mystery of the Divine they must use the building blocks of a new language of the Spirit and a set of transcendental values.  This language and these values must be inculcated into consciousness.  They must be builded into character, and they must precede the manifestation of greater understanding.
  As we deal with the expansion of the consciousness of God (of man’s awareness of God) in the manifest body of God on earth we look to every religious activity and to every spiritual endeavor to further our aims and we gently lead by the hand those who are ready and willing to be God-taught.  But alas there is that quality of human pride in men which sometimes causes them to reject the highest truth simply because it does not come to them in a form or through a medium with which they are familiar and which they have already accepted.  This attitude does not always promote the greatest progress.
  God who works in strange and mysterious ways wondrous to perform exhibits His love in both high places and low.  To impute to a manifestation of His love any degree of negativity is an error, for the heavenly manna that falls upon the desert of self to make it to blossom as a rose cometh to delight the earth below in answer to a call and, although the vessel be lowly as the sandy floor of the desert, the manna is not.  It is soul-nourishing, divine food upon which the fledgling strengthens his wings to soar to the greatest heights of attainment.
  Receive then the manna of the divine mystery as the beautifully contrived blessing from the high watch of the spiritual overseers who gaze out hopefully on the fields of man’s experience, helping him to extract from those fields a harvest of qualitative grace.  Such grace becomes sufficient for each day.  For the Hierarchy in these days of trouble upon the planet continues to show that now more than ever the nutritional value of the manna from above, of the word of divine delight, gives the courage to take one’s stand with Hierarchy.  This is increasingly important to each seeker for strength and illumination.
  The process of illumination, of initiation, of expansion of consciousness is never-ending.  It acts to convey each man, even as by the Spirit of the Lord, to that place in cosmic progress where his profit is indeed recognized by him as the obtaining of that greatness of soul which God seeks to convey—the best gift of Himself, the pattern of that manifestation He so dearly loves.
  Our Brotherhood awaits the investiture of each aspirant with those white robes of divine righteousness, the beautiful symbol of true initiation.  In His grace I remain your humble servant,   Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 11:8
O Mankind, Awake!
  Myriad diversifications, like glittering pieces of glass strewn in random fashion upon a game board, litter the world with confusion.  The kaleidoscope of human nonsense rearing its head from human slime dares to poke fun at those towering manifestations of cosmos to whom is accorded the direction of mortal affairs from inner levels.
  Strident voices raised in a cacophony of mockery reminiscent of the last days of Atlantis echo as a solemn warning to those who are dedicated to producing a spiritual climate upon earth.  That which can be brought to pass through many hearts and hands united in holy service will enable all people, from the little children to the aged, to receive the bountiful gift of divine aid if those who have been called will stand, ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to produce the miracle of the golden age.
  Men say that social pressures and the trends of the times, like crushing and grinding gears, have eliminated the high standards of living and have trapped them into those degrading actions which throughout the entire historical stream have spelled the doom of civilization.  Let me say then to those men and women of cosmic vision who can see the beautiful glyphs of spiritual initiation standing as marble stairs, whitened and waiting the feet of the initiate:  now is not the time to raise the white flag or to throw in the sponge!
  Those who know how to divide humanity have been quite successful in so doing.  The battle has been long, but the war between the legions of light and the denizens of darkness is not yet ended, although the victory is unquestioned.
  They have sought to divide those whose skins are darker from those whose skins are lighter. They have gloried in the responses they have evoked from the ignorant to promote a din of destruction in the family of nations.  They have exulted in racial dichotomies and in their dividing of generations, turning fathers against their children and children against their fathers.  They have gloated in the mockery of one religion by another, hoping all will fall under the hammer of self-destruction.
  Without recognition of their divinity, without compassion for their humanity civilization cannot mount; the nations of the world will be as nothing–reduced to the chaos of whistling winds shrieking in the dark night of their souls’ anguish and desolation.
  Ours is the hope that climbs into the Master’s chair.  The tiny babe born in hope, nurtured with wisdom and schooled in courtesy and order will bring to fruition a golden age society longed for by many hearts, both above and below–and there the light shall beam.
  Two thousand years ago a wise carpenter born in Bethlehem prophesied the signs that would appear in the last days.  Later the Apostle Paul, tutored by this Prince of Peace, commented “When they shall say Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them.”  The beloved Master in his presentation of timeless truth always showed the great unity of life and its divine purpose.  He revealed this purpose as the kingdom of God within every man.  He taught Paul that this kingdom was not meat or drink, “but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost,” albeit he also stated that all substance is holy–vibrating, dancing electrons, joyously fashioned by the eternal God–saying to Peter “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.”  Thus the Great Alchemist affirmed for all time the impartial Law of the kingdom of the Spirit, the mighty airy voice of a cosmos directed.
  Without cosmic direction so beautifully born within him by divine decree man could not govern his thoughts, his feelings, his desires. He would fall deeper and deeper into the bottomless pit of the carnal mind.  And as the theologians of the world have through the centuries distorted the great Christine truths, so without cosmic direction humanity would continue to distort the interpretation thereof.
  But we are concerned to open the eyes of all, to show them cosmic consideration.  His Eye is over the righteous and His Ear is open to their prayer.  Men seek in mysticism, in theology, even in the study of the ancient art of necromancy to find some power unto salvation or unto their own design.  Let them know that a God of infinite love has long ago completed that design which is the joy of the eternal Spirit, the cup that runneth over.
  Let men hasten to do His will.  Let men understand that in all their getting they have not gotten understanding.  Let them be made to know that their theology is devoid of practical meaning and of the infinite perceptions of the masters of spiritual wisdom.  Let them understand that there are great treasurehouses of knowledge guarded by the Hierarchs of the Brotherhood who stand ready to reveal the Law of Life, waiting hopefully to bestow upon mankind the eternal truth that will make them free.  But when they hear it they do not recognize it; for they suppose that some strange craft of the wit, some ancient ritual of darkness will lead them to a higher dominion.
  There is only one way, and that is the way of the eternal Christ.  It is the way of victory, of vision, of beauty, of transcendence, of eternal love.  Let the little children be taught cosmic truth.  Let them be taught how to live in harmony with the universe.  O mankind, awaken to the world of true spirituality, the golden circle of pure light and love vouchsafed to you in the name of the Christ!  This is the cup of cold water that you may drink in hope and thereby perceive that in Him your life is at last elevated out of the harshness and cruelty of a mundane existence.  “They shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest,” the Lord has said, “for they shall see Me face to face.  And I will be their God and they shall be My people.”
  Let all men understand that they must garland together those spiritual flowers of cosmic devotion that in united love speak of the promise of one kingdom under God.  These are not the harbingers of the schemes of the dark ones who would rally mankind under the satanic banner through a host of traps they employ to hypnotize the brains of the people. Let all understand that the Spirit does not require such underhanded devices to achieve its glorious ends, for the great bond of cosmic love is a magnet of such force and dimension as to call all homeward through that sweet obedience which is true cosmic joy.  Other devices may temporarily titillate the senses, holding mankind’s beating heart in a vice grip of passion; but these can never deliver the human race from its misery, nor can they provide the sacred eucharist that will change them from darkness into light.
  I am called the Initiator, but how shall I initiate those who do not even understand the meaning of initiation?  Men have a long way to go “because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”  Wise is the man who understands the tactics of the dark ones who would divide the world and plunder its temporary glitter. Wise is the man who understands that the real satisfactions of the soul emanate from the Spirit of Life and from those cosmic dogmas proven by angels, archangels and cosmic beings to be a measure of the eternal path.
  Follow onward, for my way is light!  Those who walk in darkness as the deceivers of mankind, those haughty spirits who disavow the Laws of God and the calling of the saints–they shall fall into their own snares, and when they cry out no man will answer them.
  Long ago he said to the children of the light “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Let all take on themselves the burden of the Lord and be diligent workers in the Father’s vineyard.  While the day is yet with man I remain devoted to the salvation of humanity from darkness unto light,   

                    Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:13
Children on the Ladder of Light’s Attainment:
  The process of initiation is a continuing one for all.  Some fail to realize that even a babe is not bereft of God.  A lack of sensorial development or mental maturity is no indication that the soul does not comprehend, through the light in the window of being, life in its infinite ranges.  The never failing light of God posited within the heartflame of man always knows and cannot be deceived.
  Human attempts to explain the warp and woof of the universe according to mortal mechanical concepts are understandable, but they do not afford the opportunity for clear seeing that is needed before the initiatic system can be meaningful.  Therefore those who aspire to the initiations of the Brotherhood probe beyond a mere surface rationalization of the causes behind the effects which they observe in their physical environment.
  The lessons of life are learned in two ways:  through the gathering and storing of data by the outer and inner mind, and by the assimilation of knowledge through the eyes of the soul at conscious and subconscious levels.  As the result of both methods the individual may, at intervals in the time stream, find the net gain of his soul-tutoring coming forth on the surface of his consciousness with profound admonishment.  Thus the process of enlightenment goes on whether or not it is recognized as such by the conscious mind.  We cannot decry this process nor do we fail to encourage man to study to show himself approved unto the living God.
  The callousness of those concerned only with  gratification of the senses is indicative of their emotional immaturity and lack of understanding of the larger concerns of life.  Those who are concerned with the mandates of the Almighty are also concerned with getting on with the purposes of life.  They do not wish to experience further delay and the frustrating dalliance of a purposeless existence.  Their discontent–the hallmark of true progress–is almost an aberration in the eyes of the world. They are restless of soul, eager to find the answers they seek and not unwilling to place personal peace last and divine knowledge first. As their Wayshower said “I came not to send peace on earth, but a sword.”
  I think also that the knowledge and light of truth may easily become a lash to the outer man; yet we know without question that the outer man must be conquered.  For man is a dual being:  he is both human and divine.  Thus the purposes of life are calculated to inspire men to forsake the former and to engage their attention with the latter.  Some have spoken out against this view as an impracticality.  Well it seems to us who have attained by the grace of God, that man is impractical either here or there, in heaven or on earth, in Spirit or in matter.
  Can we not seek then for our unascended chelas that perfect balance of body, mind and soul which we outpictured that they may bring into the realm of mortal affairs the practicality of the Spirit that enhances the quality of life for their fellowmen as well as for themselves?  Can we not also expect that they might bring at least an equal amount of their God-given genius to bear upon the process of attaining that spiritually natural habitat in which they will ultimately dwell in the foreverness of God?  Must humanity totally neglect the things of the Spirit in order to complete their round of mortality?  I do not think so.  If they will maintain the proper perspective between human and divine, they will certainly devote a reasonable portion of their lives to acquainting themselves with that wondrous realm of God-delight so totally foreign to many who yet dwell in the veils of time.
  Now we have observed that the things of the Spirit are becoming of increasing interest to mortals, and by their explorations they are raising themselves and the world to a new step in cosmic initiation.  Meanwhile unfortunate devices of cruelty are being employed to promote bigotry, prejudice and misunderstanding among men.  Racial tensions stirred by agitators accomplish little good in the world, while the fruit of a just understanding and the fair and intelligent examination of every problem confronting the children of God produces the miracles of faith that enhance the brotherhood of man and the building of the kingdom of heaven upon earth.
  Whereas the Fatherhood of God is obvious in higher realms, the permeation of His love and intent could also be seen in lower realms if man would will it so; yet humanity must have patience if they are to fulfill their destiny.  It is haste that construes so much evil in the world–haste, and man’s failure to take an impartial viewpoint when Good and evil must be adjudicated.  Because right methods are clear and easy, wrong methods need never to be used; yet they are.  While men may decry situations not to their liking let them remain spiritually unmoved midst the disturbing panorama of world events being used to produce fear, division and economic imbalance across the globe.
  Among the initiations the planet is currently passing through is one similar to that which humanity faced both preceding the destruction of the planet Maldek and during the period of the last days before the Flood.  This test involves the employment of creative genius and power to the glory of God.  In the aforementioned epochs scientists engaged in genetic manipulation and the creation of animal forms that took into account neither spiritual Law nor the existence of the Karmic Board, thus aborting the cycle of fulfillment that always follows the correct use of divine opportunity.
  Man’s attempt to alter the structure of the DNA molecule and thereby gain control of the human embryo is not new; successfully accomplished in past eras it may be achieved once again in this age.  When respected and rightly implemented by wise men of divine attainment this feat of science will present such marvelous possibilities to the race as to appear miraculous–albeit all miracles are the demonstration of natural law.  However the great danger in such discoveries lies in their misuse by corrupt men who, while playing God in the realm of matter, neglect to play God as they ought in the realm of Spirit.
  The possibility of failure, individual or collective, in the spirals of initiation is not to be taken lightly.  If the planet as a whole is to pass victoriously through the tests of this age, religion and science must go hand in hand, the one providing proof for the other in this time of advancing cycles.  The kingdom of God that is within you is the foundation for the successful pursuit of the initiatic process at the individual level.  And only through initiation, first at the individual level and then at the planetary level, is the miraculous sense of the divine restored and retained within the human consciousness under the guidance of the ascended masters.
  Our services are yours.  We offer them to you and to those among humanity who will believe in our existence, in our sincerity and above all in the sincerity of God.  Thus together we hold the balance, the health and the sanity of life waves moving on to perfection through the grand initiatic process of the Father of worlds without end.  Devoted to His service and to the service of the Universal Son of God, I remain confident of your confidence in our purposes.
      Triunely One,   Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:41


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