Friday, October 22, 2021

Have we not been here from the beginning?

 1)  The Canaanite idea of child sacrifice, “burning their sons and daughters in the fire,” temple prostitution, and burnt offerings and sacrifices to Baal, imitated by the Israelites, recalled the last days of a decadent Atlantis.  These abominations, of Nephilim^  origin, were denounced by Jeremiah and Ezekiel as well as by Isaiah, Amos and Micah.    

                  -Jesus Christ:  Pearl 4:49
^ Nephilim [Hebrew “those who fell” or “those who were cast down,” from the Semitic root naphal ‘to fall’]:  A biblical race of giants or demigods, referred to in Genesis 6:4 (“There were giants in the earth in those days...”); the fallen angels who were cast out of heaven into the earth (Rev. 12:7-9).  Zecharia Sitchin concludes from his study of ancient Sumerian texts that the Nephilim were an extraterrestrial race who “fell” to Earth (landed) in spacecraft 450,000 years ago.  [Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet (New York: Avon Books, 1976), pp. 128-72, 410]
2)  Some with Lucifer created synthetic planets with synthetic evolutions computerized, robotized, functioning as the outermost satellite of a solar system (e.g., Pluto) or as the moons of so-called legitimate planets.  These stations, astral/physical in vibration, have served from time to time in the history of the galaxies to hold computers for the programming of the lifewaves of a solar system in a mass mechanization and manipulation of their own solar/soul energies….
  Thus the modus operandi of death is to invert life.  Invert the components of life—fire, air, water and earth--and you have created a spiral and an interchange that is anti-life.  The diseases and disorders of the subconscious and  conscious mind as well as of the emotional and physical bodies, prevalent and increasing in the evolutions of Earth, ought to be a warning to the true shepherds of the people of aliens in your midst.  
              -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearl 22:11
3)  Therefore, beloved ones, as you know this Peshu Alga, being not a native of this planet, did also descend via spacecraft and has been known as the first of the triad central—Anu, Enki, and Enlil.  Understand therefore that these fallen ones in their spacecraft who are not benign, who have come to lead the children astray and to program mankind genetically to obedience to them, must also be judged and bound.  And therefore the remnant who would take their revenge because of the loss of one of their leaders must come under the dominance of the hosts of the Lord ere they go forth seeking whom they may devour before their time is up.  
         -Archangel Michael,  delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1984 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 28:2
4)  The cosmos is a better place, especially in this sector of this solar system, for the great victory of your labor regarding the Twelfth Planet. This, beloved, provided a stupendous arena of a vast light show for many evolutions beyond who watched with wonder, some in joy and some in anger.  Let them look back in anger.  We look back and forward in joy!  
       -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia:  10-6-1990, Pearl  33:37
5)  For have we not sponsored the root races?  Have we not come forth as their Teachers?  Have we not been here from the beginning?  Therefore we say,  this Earth was our Earth before it was ever claimed by the fallen ones of the Twelfth Planet and elsewhere.  This Earth is the Lord’s and we are the Lord’s and we are one!
  Now rise to the standard of your cosmic teachers!  For we come, beloved, and we should come to you with the worded release far more often if you would hold the light of sanctification that we place upon you.  If you do not hold it, if you do not enter this consciousness, I must tell you the truth, and the truth is that our God shall diminish what will come forth through these dictations beginning January 1, 1991.    -Archangel Raphael:  December 30, 1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 34:3
6)  When things get bad enough will Americans trade their economic freedom for the security of more and more government control?
  In The Astrology of the Four Horsemen I also predicted that we could see the eclipsing of the power of the power elite, including the Federal Reserve.  During the next eight years a series of eclipses will fall in close aspect to the U.S. conceptional Pluto at 27 Capricorn in the second house.  Pluto in the second house represents the influence of the power elite in the nation’s economy.  The eclipses could indicate the removal of the power elite’s hold on the economy.  They could also signal the destruction of the economy itself.   -based on
     Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s lecture of October 14, 1991 at New Orleans, Pearl 34:63
7)  Now I say, beloved, there are portents, [some] that are positive, such as the handwriting in the skies [portending] the coming of avatars and Christed ones to be born under the auspicious astrology of Pluto exceeding its outer ring and moving toward the center [of the solar system] within the orbit of Neptune.  So you see, beloved, there is that light.  And as there is that crossing, so there can be the crossing over of lightbearers of tremendous dimension whose causal bodies coincide with the golden cycle of the Sun.  
    -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 14, 1991 at New Orleans:  Pearl of Wisdom 34:64
8)  The fallen ones have come from many systems of worlds and from the Twelfth Planet, for they must have the victory on planet Earth if they are to proceed in an order across the universes for the destruction of other planetary homes.  This is the planet most prepared and most equipped to meet this challenge, for I have given my life many times over and the gift of the seventh ray and of the violet flame [that the keepers of the flame of freedom might be aligned for the victory at this crucial hour].  And I thank God for you and for so many who have responded to the call on paths of raising of consciousness and service to the Lord, East and West.   -
     Saint Germain: December 29, 1991 at RTR, MT, Pearl 35:3
9)  “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.”  So it is written.  Serve one cause and let the Great White Brotherhood take care of all machinations of evil forces, whether of the power elite or of those who come from the Twelfth Planet or across the galaxies in their spacecraft.  Have nothing to do with them, beloved, for they have nothing to offer you.  All that you need is your Mighty I AM Presence, the righteousness of your Holy Christ Self and your soul’s pursuit of the path of the Law.
Beware of “this” and “that.”  Beware of all that phenomena. Everything is out there, beloved.  Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the powers of God shall be added unto you.   
          -Maha Chohan:  7-4-1994 at RTR, MT, Pearl 37:38
  Sun goes to Scorpio at 10 p.m. PDT 10-22-2021.  Sun at inconjunct to Moon and north lunar node.  This pattern points toward basic rhythm/coordination challenges.  (One may call, in the name I AM THAT I AM, Mighty Victory and Lords of Individuality, Elohim Cyclopea and Lords of Form, may the light energies modulate from Libra to Scorpio in the greater good, amen.)    -r.

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