Friday, October 1, 2021

the first demand of the fires of initiation concerns a sense of proper perspective

1)  The light is upon the mountain.  And like snow melting in the presence of the radiant heart of the fiery Sun, the light inundates the rocks below and flows downward into the world of men.
  Symbolic initiation, the chastening rod of God moving earnestly among men seeks to bring forth sons of God upon the Earth that we may tear the veil from the eyes of men that they may penetrate sacred mysteries of the past and know the joy that once mankind knew before hatred and sinister strategies came into view.
  The peace of God that passeth all understanding I am scattering abroad as seeds of light in your midst and pouring the radiance of this scattering as a fire-mist out into the world, in order that the minds and feelings of men may be affected by the memory of calm moments when serenity and beauty of nature as a placid lake mirrored the Sun in the heavens, and the passage from east unto west that like lightning conveyed to men below the care and concern throughout nature and the elements.  In olden days when storms and rain came not to view, the grass and green growing things were watered by loving dew that came down from on high, saturating the grass and revivifying the root structure thereof.                                             I, Maitreya, am come this day for the same solemn and beautiful purpose of rekindling awareness of the marvelous locked-in state of consciousness where man is able once again to bathe in the refreshing, cooling streams of a verdant age when peace and harmony existed, when every man was in effect a king and every woman a queen, when the sweet presence of God-communion was effortless, when there were no dark and winged batlike creatures coming forth from the fissures in the earth, out of Pandora’s box, but only the presence of angels, and little flowers blossomed along the pathway….
  I say to you all:  I AM Maitreya the Initiator.  And I say that humanity are being tested to see whether they will accept the trust in God that will permit the Lords of heaven, the Karmic Lords, the Hierarchy of Light to have a voice in the manifestation of living souls upon the planet, or whether they will seek according to the doctrines of Malthus to control the rate of birth, the ingress through the gates of life.
-Maitreya:  7-3-1970 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 27:21
  We say:  let the Will stand forth and devote itself upon the altar of fealty to the perfection of your God Presence and to the great cosmic release of that ineffable light which your own beloved I AM Presence is manifesting both now and always, because you are the light in the Eye of God!  You are a blessed part of cosmos, of the creative manifestation of universal perfection.
  When you call forth your perfection do so with the authority of Almighty God.  For who shall act for you if not yourself, your true Self, that portion of divine manhood which is wholly devoted to the release of the perfection of your Presence in your own practical daily life?
  Beloved ones, when you pray “Give us this day our daily bread” is it not because you expect that daily bread to be made manifest?  Well then, is it not time for each one to recognize at last that the cosmic hour has struck that all mankind should come into such sweet consonance and perfection as to make them truly brothers in manifestation?
  What is it in the world save Antichrist that causes brother to sever connection with brother and spreads abroad in the world the shroud of separation and darkness?  What is it that draws mankind into the universal magnet of cosmic harmony but your own God Presence?  The magnet of your Presence is manifest here now!
I speak to you as a Father.  I speak to you as a Brother.  I speak to you as one who has gone on before but who is with you still because the flame of your true cosmic identity is ablaze within the center of your being.  And because that flame is there I am there also--as is every other ascended being and universal embodiment of the perfection of the whole God-panoply of manifestation.  All are there in the chambers and recesses of your heart--those beautiful vaulted regions where the power of expansion dwells. …
    The cosmic fires burn, the cosmic flame blazes.  And the great grace of God is carried from snow upon the mountains down to the cities of the plain that all men may break this sacred bread in God’s name, that they may understand His grace and His love as their own, that they may understand that His grace and love even today does atone for all that man has done, for all that man does.  And yet we provide a new and a living way through his flesh--through the flesh that you wear!  For in reality you have also entered into the kingdom, the cosmic die is struck and the divine image is perpetuated in yourself.    

        -Maitreya:  3-31-1972 at Santa Barbara via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 27:40

3)   The initiation of the disciples and holy women into knowledge of the I AM consciousness--that state of being which was revealed to Moses in the flaming bush that burned but was not consumed--was the initiation of sacred fire and awareness of the God-potential of the devotee.  The multitudes could not understand that potential.  And therefore it was reserved for the elect (who had elected to follow the Christ) to be given that potential of the name of God, I AM.
   Dispensations over the last hundred years have afforded mankind at large a knowledge of some of the greatest mysteries that have ever been released in the retreats of the Brotherhood.  Do you know why this is so?  It is because enough among mankind have passed the initiations of sacred fire and of Maitreya so that their victory could stand as the collateral of light for the masses.   -Maitreya:  12-30-1973 at Mexico City via Messenger ECP, Pearls of Wisdom 27:46  


4)   Expand the flame of hope in every heart!  Expand the flame of hope in a single heart!  Turn up the light, increase the flow of radiance, and let man see clearly the way in which he should go.  Let him see clearly how hope is a vital and expanding force to create in advance a sense of victory and progress.
  Darkness has ruled in the land of Egypt. Darkness has ruled in the hearts of men, creating a Babylonian civilization.  They have builded tall towers, monuments to their own vanity.  They have ignored the Lord God of Hosts.  They have sought in avarice and a false sense of security to amass to themselves fortunes in securities, in gold and in good opinions of men.  But they have not thought upon the good opinions of God or the respect for His Laws which the great fire of initiation demands.
  For the first demand of the fires of initiation concerns a sense of proper perspective--to recognize that the light and life within is of old.  It was not created for it always was.  It did not begin to be, therefore it could not cease to be.  The light of this reality, the light of God that never fails is a spiritual light of spiritual victory that overcomes the world.  

         -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 27:20

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