Sunday, October 31, 2021

those who have the inner calling

  Children of God Who Expose the Antichrist
by the Mother-Flame,
…Now his time had come and his herald was before him, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah as the voice of one crying in the wilderness:  “Prepare ye the way of the Lord!  Make straight the paths of the descent of the Son Jesus Christ who has come into his temple to judge the twelve tribes of Israel and to initiate the loving, the obedient, the humble servant-sons in the Personhood of their own Christ Self!”…
  Before all the multitude gathered at Jordan he told them who they were:  a “generation of vipers,” the offspring of the Serpent.  He exposed them as the fallen angels who fell from grace and from serving as ministers of fire on the right hand of God with His Christ.  Cast out of heaven, they would soon be cast out of Earth by the blazing light of the Son of God.
  Now they sought not to amend their ways not to reconsider and to confess that living Christ.  No indeed, they sought to steal the light of the prophet by posing as children of God.  He knew that they were trembling before the oncoming light and that “the wrath to come” would be the light of Alpha and Omega dwelling bodily in the incarnate Word as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  John the Baptist wore the mantle of the Lamb, the same mantle he had worn as Elijah, denoting the office in Hierarchy that carries the authority of the Word and  judgment of God.  He had been His messenger then unto all of Israel, and he was His messenger reincarnated.
  He demanded of the Pharisees and Sadducees “fruits meet for repentance,” good works on the ledger of life, a record of good karma that would compensate for bad karma and therefore be the necessary and acceptable offering unto the Guru, a token expression of allegiance unto the Law whereby the Law might then increase the light of the supplicant.  But they had not the good works meet for repentance, for their works were done in evil….
  The evil work is the misqualification (mist-qualification, hence il­lusion) of the light of the Trinity and the Mother manifesting as the substance of sin, causing the soul to be out of alignment with the inner blueprint of the Logos—the image and likeness of God—the I AM THAT I AM out of which the soul was created and in which it will now be re-created first by water of John, then by fire of Jesus. …
  “If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.  But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God; this did not Abraham.”…
  My beloved, heed, O heed the warning of John and Jesus:  He who loves not the Christ in the Father’s incarnate servant-sons, in those whom He has anointed with the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost cannot be of the seed of Christ; therefore he is the seed of the Devil—the offspring of the Evil One, that Lucifer who first deified Evil and then became the personification, or personhood, of that deified energy-veil….
  The child is neither good nor evil because of his parents but because the Lord God has endowed him with a threefold flame that burns on the altar of the heart and with the gift of freewill which the child has used justly, wisely and well in previous lifetimes.  The ax that is laid unto the root of the trees is the ax of the Law wielded by the Person of the Lamb incarnate.  The tree is the symbol of Indivi­duality, male and female.  In the son, the daughter of God the Tree of Life does manifest the fruit of good works within its branches, ring upon ring of the causal body. And the tree trunk is the Christ Self through whom the soul is rooted in the bedrock of reality, nourished from below by the currents of Mother Earth as from above by the Spirit currents of the Father.
  But the seed of the Wicked One have been cut off from the I AM THAT I AM.  They are without causal body, without rings of fire, without the Christ Self or the root of knowledge in the Law of the Word.  When the all-seeing Eye of God scans their auric field in Spirit and in matter, in Alpha and Omega and reveals not the good fruit of works in the Holy Ghost therefore through the Person of the Son of God the ax of the Law is laid unto the cause and core of error, and truth herself in the Person of the sacred fire hews down and casts that fruitless tree into the vortex of all-consuming Love….
  Who are the Pharisees and Sadducees then and now?  By now you should have guessed, my beloved.  They are the left and the right, the plus and minus of human good and evil. Assuming their positions, pretending to be in opposition to each other they merely polarize the misqualified substance of the energy veil to suit their purposes which are always to deny the validity of God-good in the One whom He hath sent and in the ones chosen by God to believe on the One Sent and to anchor the light of His Spirit in the planes of matter….
  Thus the chela’s affirmation or denial of the messenger of the Gurus determines his relationship to the Gurus; likewise he who denies the Christ in the chela also denies the Gurus and their messenger.  And the chain of being, Alpha to Omega throughout rings upon rings of the Gurus and their chelas is one universal order of Life.  He who breaks a single link in the chain breaks the whole chain even as he who offends in one point of the Law is guilty of all. ….
  It is the intimacy, the unspeakable love of this Guru-chela relationship of which the Sadducees and Pharisees were envious—the estate of the Son sitting on the right hand of the Father which they had lost through pride and ambition.  But they would not relent, they would not repent, they would not confess the light which they both saw and feared in the Lord’s anointed….
  Always disputing, always denying, the Sadducees remain the spoilers midst every generation of lightbearers.  Their doctrine is a doctrine of denial.  They are the religious rationalists of then and now.  Do you think, little children, that they really disbelieve in the angels and spirits of God who are the ascended masters?  Do you think they really disbelieve in the miracles of the Anointed One?  Do you think they really dispute the Law and the Spirit of the resurrection?
  Now learn of an archangel, for the children of God must become “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”  They are the “wise” serpents, they once formed a ring of fire around the Central Sun.  They knew God face to face and they rebelled against the Law of the One, the Law of Love.  They knew and know the angels, for they themselves are fallen angels.  They tremble before the ascended masters and their messengers, and they know that only the miracles of God are able to thwart their conspiracy of Absolute Evil pitted against Absolute Good appearing as relative good and evil.
  They have seen the resurrection—o yes, they have!  They have seen the spiraling of sons and daughters of God back to the Great Central Sun, back to the heart of Helios and Vesta.  But all this they deny….Operating midst certain councils of the elders, of the Sanhedrin and priesthood, the Sadducees are one with them in vibration—one and the same, and their beginnings and their endings are the same—the same death spiral that began when they denounced the Lord God Almighty and His hosts as the legitimate Hierarchy of the Spirit/matter cosmos.
  Their priesthood is the anti-priesthood, the counterfeit of the Order of Melchizedek.   Knowing as they know the inner Law of the great Three-in-One they know that the knowledge of the Law will be the liberation of souls throughout the matter sphere and that with that liberation will come their own ultimate end, the second death of the fallen ones in the final judgment before the Court of   Sacred Fire on Sirius.
  They are not the Jews of today as you know them, but they have invaded the synagogues of the Jews even as they have invaded the Catholic church, the Jesuit Order, the Protestant churches and the mosques of Islam; and their seed has penetrated all of the races of Earth….They carry neither the affirmation of the Word nor the adoration of the Woman clothed with the Sun.  From their lips pass not the Our Father nor the Hail Mary.  The Mother of Christ is anathema to them, for she is Creator in matter even as God the Father is Creator in Spirit.  They are the protesters; with the descendants of the Pharisees, the offspring of the Sadducees go about protesting this and that in church and state, inciting the people in mass demonstrations and ignorant denunciations of the living Word. …
  The fanaticism displayed by these modernized cults of the scribes and Pharisees is always present when the Law is denuded of both the Person and \Principle of the Holy Ghost.  Little children, observe!  Where there is violence there in the midst of the people are the seed of the Wicked One, the violent ones inciting them to denounce their faith and their hope in the Person of Charity who is always present in the true shepherds of the people.
  Ponder my wisdom, for it is the wisdom of the universal Father and the universal Mother.  Then know yourself as the offspring of that Wisdom and be the harmless doves of their twin flames of the Spirit.

               -Archangel Gabriel: Pearl 22:8
  Understand that the fallen angels know well what is the covenant betwixt a people and their God.  And their intrusion into society in the West today is to create that vulnerability midst the people whereby through their disobedience they—the fallen ones incarnate--may have a means of entering in and overturning the children of the light.  Thus the careful enticement of the lightbearers of the world who embody the Spirit of America is that which has become and has ever been the strategy of these fallen ones.  It is a part of the strategy of this International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy to wear down the people of East and West through drugs and rock music and abortion, debilitating their bodies and weakening them through all manner of toxic substances--and then the disinformation and then the programming and deprogramming of them from a way of life that is free to the seeming carefreeness of a totalitarian rule.
  Beloved, understand the steps and stages of the revolution of the fallen ones meted against the people of light upon Earth.  Awake, I say!  You have been through this many times over!  Some who be here this night were among those who were of the bands of Zedekiah put to death, for they [you] were leaders in Judah.  And some of you were among the humble who were not considered dangerous who were left in Judah. And to them [you] was given a land and they made a rich harvest.
  And so the prophet took up his place and continued to deliver the Word--not only of the I AM THAT I AM but of the I AM THAT I AM as Elohim indivi­dualized therefore through us….
  Thus ultimately there is that sense on the part of these fallen ones of not to move where there is the presence of God, whereas on the other hand the same fallen ones through others (of their ilk) have lost their lives, even as many of the true prophets of Israel were murdered by the fallen ones.
  Therefore let neither prophet nor representative of the people nor ministers or pastors or rabbis nor those who lead a nation in any way consider that these Chaldeans, now reincarnate as the Soviets and the conspirators from the West who support them, will change their tune or their designs.  Remember that they have been around this planet for aeons, and they have been warring against others of other bands of fallen angels in their rivalry to attain supremacy.  And in these wars of the gods take heed, beloved, that you are not caught in the crossfire….
  We speak of the seriousness of the hour. But our message, beloved, is never to frighten but only to sober you to God-centeredness where you realize just how high the stakes are this day and just how much import the fallen ones place in overturning that leadership who move against their strategies….
  You must place supreme value upon your emergent Christhood.  Treat it as a diamond that must be cut and polished and treasured, beloved.  Through these shepherds we may yet hold the balance….
  Therefore I say, in the I AM Presence let your light and let your soul be raised up.  Come then into the mountain of the I AM THAT I AM which you can achieve here and now. And in that mountain of God, that Holy of Holies of your I AM Presence see and know the right course of physical action.  Take accountability for your personal economy and your survival and your livelihood.  And do not seek to depend upon church or state for that livelihood.  You therefore must forge and win that victory in your right place….
  Thus qualify yourselves in the order of the builders and master-builders who have come as a unique mandala of light.  Understand the qualification of the heart and spirit of non-condemnation and the Spirit of God-harmony.
  And therefore I say to all, hear my word!  For the land itself will not accept those who are there for ulterior motive and alternate reasons.  You must understand that the path of sainthood and purification of heart is the way of safety.  And you [who are out of alignment] will not be safe in or under your own bed or neath the trees of the hills.  You will not be safe, beloved, either within or without.  And when you consider the freak accidents and causes of death you must remember that there is vulnerability anywhere in the matter cosmos.  No one therefore who retains anxiety or fear of fallen angels will pass the tests necessary to be in the holy mountain of God….
  Beloved, we see what is set before you.  And surely, surely I have said you require the presence near of Elohim who have the power to precipitate the need of the hour.  You yourselves may call upon the mantle of Hercules and Amazonia as a corresponding focus for your chelaship empowered by God.  Therefore according to your diligence in the decree to Hercules [10.05] you will begin to feel that Presence around you.  This will surely come in answer to your call and to your devotion to the will of God and to your hearkening unto the inner voice.  Therefore it will come to those who earn it, who pursue it, and who claim it by the right of the Holy Christ Self. [16-sec. applause]…
  Now I offer my Presence and that of beloved Virginia, the virgin all-seeing Eye of God in the heart of the immaculate concept of Omega.  Now we offer this our Presence to you and we focus through you the all-seeing Eye of God not only for the exposure of the truth concerning the conspiracies of the reincarnated Chaldeans and Assyrians in the Earth, but also, beloved, for the binding of the seed of the wicked who oppose that vision and that truth and who espouse and embody that error.  Through your calls to the all-seeing Eye of God this will be accomplished and multiplied unto you as that opening of the inner vision for which you have longed….
  We have not placed the priority upon this but upon the building and securing of the Inner Retreat because we must devote ourselves to our chelas first and not in any way jeopardize their divine destiny.  Realize then, beloved, that when those who should be awakened and should espouse this cause do so, if they do so before it is too late, this communication will go to the heart of the lightbearers, and it will also go to the heart of the seed of the wicked—and as they tremble in this hour for the coming of the Lord’s day, so they will tremble in that hour for the coming of His Word and the sharper than the two-edged sword!  [16-sec. applause]
  Therefore, shepherds of the people, those who have the inner calling, those who have never lost contact with heart of Elohim whose hearts may be troubled, whose souls may be burdened, to you I speak and I say, teach—teach these children of the light who are already convinced of this path the way of giving the call to Cyclopea, the way of the call to Archangel Michael.  And know that a cosmic assistance has come upon you, that the Seven Archangels are standing now one-pointed and are at that very point of the delivery of a tremendous assistance that can turn the tide….
  All things are possible with Elohim!  O beloved, let the mountains ring—and the molecules and waters under the earth and the very Sun of Even Pressure in the heart of the Earth also reverberate with the sound of the call of the Word.  It is the sustaining power of physical systems and planetary homes….
  Beloved ones, the sound of the light reverberating through your microcosm is the power of the holy Word of God to restore you to that magnificent God-free being you were when you first descended into the matter spheres!  And in the aura and presence of that God-being which, I tell you, shall be unleashed from the whitefire core of every cell and atom of your being you will be effective in the Earth, you will stand as conquering heroes, so humble in the presence of Elohim, beloved, and yet so empowered as to tremble the very web of cosmos and of the deceit of the fallen ones.
  Understand then just how much God can become God in you when you know the one-pointed calling and when you remember the rise and fall of civiliza­tions--the wars, destructions and cataclysms to which you have been witness and by which you have been victimized again and again and again.  Remember the example of the one Russian saint, Igor.  Remember him, beloved, as the example of how one heart of light, however ignorant or humble, in devotion to the divine Mother Mary may hold the balance against hordes of darkness who have embodied out of death and hell.  And they are like that group entity whose name was Legion who rushed down the mountain in the herd of swine.
  Beloved ones, these demons rush through the troops of the Chaldeans and Assyrians and fallen ones of the Earth.  The demons rush through them--and ere they plunge headlong to their own destruction they destroy many children of God in their wake.  And this is the result of the rupturing of the astral plane into the physical octave by misuse of sound and rhythm in the Earth in this hour.  Let it be known then that the sound of symphony is in your heart, that the sound of divine music is in your being, beloved.  And when you sound the aum you activate it….And that initiation of Christhood, beloved, demands obedience to the Law of sound, rhythm and cosmic music of the spheres.  For should you who would be entrusted with God’s power in this age go out of the way of harmony and disobey the voice of the Messenger when the command is given “Peace, be still!” or when you cease your peace and remain in discord, when you refuse to stop and arrest the spirals of death and decay and rebellion—in that moment, beloved, you must not have the power of God at your disposal to misuse.  For so grave a karma should come upon you to sin against Elohim….
  Let the peace-commanding Presence of Elohim Peace and Aloha sustain you in the hour when you must pass those tests to rise in the God-centeredness of Elohim that you might indeed embody the original power of your lifestreams from the Great Central Sun.
The Law is sealed as a grid upon you.  Those who abuse the Law of harmony may not advance in increasing God consciousness. This is a protection to every disciple—not a punishment but a guardian action of the Great Silent Watchers.  Understand it and believe, beloved….
  Therefore, beloved, hear the cry!  We have spoken before.  We tell you again.  Submit your heart upon the altar of God.  Seek our counsel and live.  For it is the hour to choose to be a God and to ascend--as we have chosen to be God, as we are created as God, as we are God.  So, beloved, choose to be that Presence or not.  For it is the wye (Y), and the Y has come to all in this age. …
  Beloved ones, the Law does act.  And I also weep in this hour when I see those who have not been careful in these things around the world (not necessarily in this activity) who have lost precious souls entrusted to their care because they did not heed the warning of the prophets and Elohim and Brotherhood of the signs of these perilous times.  Centered in the Cosmic Christ of your victory I AM Cyclopea, Virginia, Elohim of the Fifth Ray.  Now let the sweeping up of this mantle of ourselves in this presence be the focus of that gigantic leap into the heart of the mountain.
  So be it!  It is done!  I have decreed it  Let those who see and know run and still run and not be weary, for the Lord is with you, upon you and in you to fulfill His good pleasure. Amen!  [43-sec. standing ovation] 
        -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 29:66


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