Sunday, July 12, 2020

when compromise holds sway purity is not preserved

  You see when compromise holds sway purity is not preserved--not for the elect, not for the children of God, not for the fallen ones.  And then the Church crumbles, becomes dead ritual--a hollow echo of former things, former glory and the hope that was, that cannot be realized because the honor flame has fallen to the ground.
  Therefore in the council of Jesus and Mary, of Saint Germain and Portia, representatives respectively of the Piscean and Aquarian Ages, the proclamation has gone forth that all hierarchies of light, the company of saints and all who have served the flame of the true Church should on this day and this hour transfer the flow of light, of dominion, of awareness of God to the one focalpoint that remains the only hope of salvation to Terra….
  It is a statement of the Law, of the Word in this hour that as the Lord Christ has vested his authority and his flame in the Mother and the Messenger of Hierarchy who stands before you, so for the building of the golden age, so for the building of the true Church every saint, every ascended being will from this hour forward give to this cause, to this purpose–into the heart, the head and the hand of the Mother on earth–the full momentum of striving, of overcoming, of building and of the chief cornerstone that the Church Universal and Triumphant might be built first as the temple within the heart of every member and then as that white edifice that shall be the testimony of the temple that is in the City Foursquare.
  Therefore I make known to you this day the withdrawal of energies from all churches and groups who have compromised the cosmic honor of the Christ and of Mother Mary.   And to them that have shall be given in this hour the talent, the virtue, the flow of light to establish upon earth this one true Church. It is an inner Church--and with inner attainment are we concerned,not with temples made with hands but with that cube of whitefire in the heart of every member.    
-Johannes:  2-10-1974 at Los Angeles via Messenger ECP
  in all of your experiencing of the path and all of that energy expended in getting here I desire that the stillness of the moment shall provide you with a heart’s cup worth of flame and light and truly a blessing untold….
  Beloved ones, the reward for love is great.  But those who deserve it often do not receive it because they are the ones who are the busy ones or the fighters—driving, working, serving.  And therefore let us pause together.  Let us be still then in these lower vehicles and let us feel the chakras shining as the seven Elohim, shining as the sun and the stars!…The means is not the goal, but the end is the star itself appearing.     
-Saint Germain:  7-6-1984 at RTR, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 27:49

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