Friday, July 24, 2020

the proof of the teaching is the vibration


  "What is the Spirit?  The Spirit cannot be heard with the ear.  The eye must be brilliantly perceptive and the heart must be open and attentive—and then the Spirit is suddenly revealed through one's own consciousness.   -Huang Ti, the Yellow Emperor:  Treatise on Internal Medicine, circa 2620 B.C.
  How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously,
so much torment and sorrow give her:  for she saith in her heart,
I sit a queen, and am no widow and shall see no sorrow.
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning, and famine;
and she shall be utterly burned with fire:  for strong is the Lord God
who judgeth her.   -Revelation 18:7-8
  When you know that you can survive, when you have the mentality "I will survive to serve my family and my people, come what may! by the grace of God and according to His will I will live to fulfill my destiny!" you have a profound sense of peace.  And this presence of peace conveys courage and strength and a can-do spirit to all people of peace throughout the world.   
-Elizabeth C. Prophet: October 23, 1989
  Some things have been turned around and some have not.  What has not been turned around is the enmity of the hordes of war who yet inhabit the Earth who are rejects from other planetary chains who have come in their disguises over the centuries.
  They yet plot war.  They lust after your souls and after the light of your souls. They lust after territory that they would gain.  And above all, beloved, they would destroy America, for America is the place of victory.  But always remember that they cannot deprive you of that victory unless you allow them to.
  Understand this principle:  if they can destroy America, there is no hope for the rest of the world.  And therefore these fallen angels have come to destroy the youth and the coming generations.   
-Saint Germain:  March 19, 1995 via Messenger ECP
  anyone in any government who is leading the nations astray—they “have found the culprit, they have found the enemy.”  And therefore you see how easily they can be deceived and why Jesus prefaced his teaching, “Be not deceived.”  Their inordinate fear has made them unstable, seeking security in their misinterpretation of the Word, as Peter said of the unlearned who are without the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit—they “wrest the scriptures unto their own destruction.” (II Pet. 3:16)
  Without the Holy Spirit, without the dividing of the way of light and darkness we cannot know what is the vibration of truth, what is the reality of Christ in us and with us.  So there are many false prophets and false teachers who are the Watchers come again, the scribes and Pharisees reincarnated.  They come to bury the light and to destroy the Spirit by the letter, by argument, by dissertations and discourses and dogma, proving why the Teachings of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ delivered to us through His Holy Spirit are not so.  But the proof of the teaching is the vibration.  “By their fruits ye shall know them.”  It is the light of the Son of God registering in your heart that is the proof—even when it contradicts timeworn doctrine, for the Lord is the witness within you.
  I'm not the proof of the teaching, you are not the proof of the teaching.  We are the proof of the teaching when the Father and the Son make their abode with us. When that Holy Spirit, that Maha Chohan (Great Lord) moves through us, when we know the Word of God and know His Presence we have the proof of the foundation of our individual life; and we can declare “Where I am there is the sunlight of God, there is the light of God in me.”  And thus we follow that light--and we are not deceived.
  Now Jesus gives the second command:  Go ye not therefore after them—the false teachers.  Do not be deceived, do not follow the false teachers.
Then he says:  But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified; for these things must first come to pass, but the end is not by and by.  Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. (Luke 21:9, 10).  All this we are seeing.  "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places—this we are also seeing—and famines, and pestilences.”  This we see.  We see famine around the world and pestilence in our own nation, as new diseases appearing, without understanding their cause or their cure. And fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. (Luke 21:11)
  "Great signs shall there be from heaven.”  We can interpret the signs from heaven, from the teachings of the Magi, from the ascended masters and the saints and the angels.  We see the signs of the “stars” (i.e., angels) falling from “heaven” (their citadels of world domination).  (Isa. 14:12; Rev. 6:13; 8:10; 9:1; 12:4)  And we see the sign of the fall of the Watchers from their lofty positions of power.  We can even see signs in the skies of the continual appearing of flying saucers, and so this verse is subject to much consideration.     
                                -Messenger ECP:  3-3-1983
  I am here in the earth to see this community, other spiritual communities of the light and all lightbearers of the planet be able to survive whatever may be coming on the agenda of Elohim and the agenda of the peoples of the world who have set up for themselves a horrendous karma in abortion, a horrendous karma of anger and all of the Martian energies that you have named.
  And so, beloved, I am close to this community.  I wish to assure you and all who are in this Church and all who have left this Church that the building of these very strongholds--shelters, as you call them--is indeed the will of God directed by God and directed by Saint Germain.  This is a very necessary step to have taken place for this community.  And it is important that it is now being completed with the systems necessary so that all is in readiness....
  My determination when I speak to those of many nations and those of the United States is to come and awaken you.  It is true that those who see before them an impending disaster yet also enter a season of denial—when it is too late and they are willing to awaken to the dire circumstances at hand they will not be prepared.  At least your eyes are opened.  At least you are prepared.  At least you have been warned.
  It has been now well over a decade that you have established your shelters.  And so I say it is the best thing you have ever done aside from publishing the teachings abroad and receiving the dictations of the ascended masters.  One day you will know why it is so.  But today I reinforce the mantle of the Messenger and I say to all who have said 'The Messenger was wrong; we wasted our money'—I, Padma Sambhava, say to you, you have not wasted your money.  You have done what God has wanted you to do and that is to carry on the flame of civilization, come what may.   
-Padma Sambhava:  June 30, 1996 via Messenger ECP

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