Saturday, December 2, 2017

Remember that you came forth with great courage, great determination

-Amitabha Buddha, in Prayer and Meditation, 1978

         Pray therefore without ceasing that ye enter not into temptation in the final hours of testing and of the battle won.  In those hours when those denizens of darkness rise to stir the dust and create the fray, to opaque the vow, to ride in upon the delicate threads of your consciousness remember the vow that was made in the beginning before the world was of the fulfillment of the divinity of God in the humanity of man.  Remember that you came forth with great courage, great determination saying to the Lord of Hosts:  “Yea, Lord, I will go!  Send me also, I will go in the name of the risen Christ.”  And the Lord answered and said “As thou wilt.  So go forth, sons and daughters of dominion.  Go forth to challenge the night, the darkness, the discord and the fray.”
  I seal within your hearts this day the divine memory of the divine vow.  I seal it there so that at the hour of the final testing, of the battle won the divine memory shall appear as a giant screen of light to play again before your eyes that scene where you stood before the Most High God.
  The courage of action, the courage to do battle when all the world is set against thee must be invoked from the very Heart of hearts.  And prayer without ceasing must accompany the devotee who would win over the human consciousness with all of its deception, with all of its illusion, with all of its attempts to preserve itself against the day of the appearance of the Christ.  For in the hour of the Second Coming as the thief that cometh in the night the human consciousness is dissipated, it is scattered, it is no more.  That very human consciousness anticipates the coming of the great light of the Son of God, and so it attempts by devious methods and means, by all sorts of ruses and insanities to preserve that last straw of identity.
  Quicken the heart, quicken the mind and quicken the determination, beloved ones, to slay the last foe!  For the hour is indeed five minutes before twelve; it is the hour when the tail of the dragon Tiamat (Chaos) swings as a backlash against the sons and daughters of God and against the holy innocents.  It is the hour of victory for those who are ready to draw forth the light and challenge the tail of the great dragon—the challenge of the misuse of the sacred fire and the tail of man’s own carnality….Do you not realize that the defense of the Mother-flame and of the divine Manchild appearing in all of humanity is the supreme watch of the hour? …
  And as we are now in the final quadrant of the year will you summon the vision of the all-seeing Eye of God to clear the pathway before you unto the victory over all manifestations in the physical plane that are less than the perfection of Almighty God?  This is the supreme moment of opportunity to challenge all spirals and cycles initiated by yourselves and by mankind in the first three quadrants of the year.  There is still time, there is still opportunity to say to that proud wave:  “Thus far and no farther!  Halt!  I challenge you in the name of the living God.”…
  This is your hour of victory, blessed hearts.  And I have come this morning to tell you that there are indeed many cycles that must be challenged by you if this Earth is to come to the place on New Year’s Eve that it can receive the opportunities and the benedictions that are contemplated by the Lords of Karma….I place my hand then upon your foreheads this morning to seal within the focus there of the all-seeing Eye of God the immaculate conception of your own divinity….I, Mary, stand before the Most High God this day to intercede on behalf of humanity everywhere—those who call to me, those who spurn me, those who know me not.  From the least unto the greatest, all are the children of my heart….
  This is the beginning of the new order of the ages.  This is the Second Appearing.  This is the hour when the capstone is placed upon the Pyramid of each man’s identity, for the all-seeing Eye is the eye of the immaculate conception of the Christ.  And when he shall appear we shall see him as he is in man, in woman, in all life. 
  By the authority of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother who is the bride of the Holy Spirit I seal you in my love, in my protection and in the divine memory of the vows you have taken to serve until every last one has the opportunity for the victory and the ascension in the light.         
 (by Ruth Hawkins)
               -Archeia Mary:  10-13-1972 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet
all-seeing Eye by Charles Sindelar

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