Monday, December 7, 2015

There is no freedom unless that freedom to be, to breathe, to know, to experience divinity within be sealed

The altar of liberty is in your heart; it is in the secret chamber of the heart.  Life is hallowed where you are.  You have naught to do with the race of mechanization man and the godless and the feelingless and the heartless who have succeeded in existing by borrowing the science of the Divine Mother and of Sanat Kumara; and yet I tell you, their days of the misuse of that science are indeed numbered....
These violators of the genetic seed of the Christed ones of Earth must not be allowed to tamper with--to borrow--that sacred fire and thus perpetuate for aeons their robotic creation by even a microscopic portion of the liberty flame which itself is a part of the genetic code of the lightbearers....
It is most essential that you understand that Keepers of the Flame are inviolate before these aliens when you are clothed upon with our mantle, our Electronic Presence--and that Electronic Presence is always focused through the spoken Word....There is no freedom unless that freedom to be, to breathe, to know, to experience divinity within be sealed by an absolute cosmic protection spiritually, mentally, emotionally in the desire body and in the chakras!...
It is essential that a body of lightbearers upon earth have the will, the spine, the courage and the guts, yes I say the guts, to stick with the path and to understand that some must with constancy on a 24-hour basis in rotation keep this flame of protection from every form of assailant against the cosmic threefold flame of liberty and the ultimate victory of a planet.    -Goddess of Liberty:  7-2-1988 at RTR, Montana

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