Wednesday, December 16, 2015

All then is seen as flow

I, ix, 16.  Hostile scoffing fills the corners with dust.  But with a feather of the wing you will wipe away the dust. Therefore guard the wing.           -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925

105.  When I say that the fall of a feather from the wing of a little bird causes thunder in the distant worlds, this is not a symbol but only a reminder of the cooperation of all that exists.  One needs to accustom oneself to the fact that there is no void.  One must greatly strengthen one's conviction of the importance of man's task, his obligation and duty.         -Morya:  Aum 1936

All then is seen as flow.  And the exercise for the etheric body is to plot the flow of God's energy as it comes forth from the divine memory bank as the electrons flow--mighty electrons as cosmic beings, cosmic masters, tiny electrons as sparks of love descending and ascending on the ladder of Hierarchy from the Great Central Sun all the way to the fiery core of the planet Earth or a million other planets scattered throughout the galaxies.  Thus the fourfold consciousness of man is expanded through discipline....
As the Master Jesus commanded his disciples to "cast the net on the right side of the ship," so the Cosmic Christ Lord Maitreya has commanded us in the name of the ascended Lanello to cast the net of our consciousness into the right side of humanity's being there to produce the tenfold opportunity for mankind through intensive study in our retreats to balance their karma in these latter days when the judgment of souls draws nigh and all are required to be ready to meet the Son of God in the air--that is in the purified mind of Christ which they have acclaimed and must claim as their own.         -Paul the Venetian:  Pearls of Wisdom 16:12    paul-the-venetian-banner

near Yreka, CA
Klamath River

 Siskiyou Pass

12-16-2015        8 Terrible Things About the Trans-Pacific Partnership

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