Thursday, May 2, 2019

when you make application with the words I AM

  Oh that students or any individuals who know the I AM Presence could but realize that there is no greater consciousness, no greater activity the conscious volition can set into action than the recognition and acceptance of the I AM Presence….There is no other statement or group of words in existence that actually sets such power into motion to accomplish any given purpose to which the conscious attention is directed as does this mighty expression.  This is why Jesus the Christ coupled it with the most important statements that he made….
  Here let me caution and assure you with great emphasis that no matter who or what you are, what place you may be in from the growth standpoint, when you make application with the words I AM you positively cannot fail to accomplish that to which you apply them if you will hold fast with unwavering determination….Go forth with  certainty in your hearts, always being aware:  “I AM the conquering, victorious Presence in any achievement I desire, that I AM now the full dominion of every application that I make, that I AM the Presence always within every demand, supplying and fulfilling it.”…the proper attitude is to joyously take the stand that “I AM the Presence which enables me to see or hear with the inner sight and hearing,” and at no time let oneself become disturbed because another is using a faculty different from one’s own….At all times turn to your own I AM Presence and demand to know and see clearly the plan that you should follow.
-Saint Germain:  12-12-1932 via Messenger Guy Ballard, in his I AM Discourses
  Beloved Jesus said “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved.”  The secret of the Tree of Life is to be found, but the seeker must first surrender his personal sense, his sense of separation from God and from life so that the universal consciousness can flow into him.  Thus the breath of the Great Alchemist shall become his own….
  As I prepare you for more advanced efforts made on your behalf and on behalf  of humanity it is essential that I endow you to the best of my ability through spiritual means with the vision of what God is.  Even in Our higher octaves it is impossible for Us who are yet in a lesser individualized state to realize the fullness of who and what the Greatest Alchemist is.  But we can approach the Holy of holies, we can draw nigh by transcending ourselves even as He is ever transcending Himself, being changed from glory unto glory by the one Universal Spirit.   
-Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:16
  Unfortunately the activities of darkness upon the earth are many.  These are lodged in the hearts of men in the moldering and sometimes smoldering karmic pile that is a bric-a-brac of consciousness, eaten with moths and maintaining no tender regard for the young children of the world or for life itself.  There is a continual attempt by the shadow of banality to extend its rule over the minds of men and to create the crassness of materialism and shame.  How frequently this will take the form of maligning the very teachers who would serve the needs of humanity and the spreading abroad of malicious gossip, jealousy and envy against their every attempt to serve the needs of humankind.
  Again and again the Covenants of Asha (purity) have been broken.  Again and again the young people have been misled by misguided social zealots who, in Christ’s name and through many of the churches, would substitute for the sacred eucharist, the very living body of Christ truth, a social gospel compounded in the evil minds of those men whose goal is world domination. 
  Now We know that mankind are beginning to realize that the world is in the grips of a very terrible force that seeks to utilize for the destruction of civilization the communications media and the great inventions brought forth by the masters through the scientists of the world for the benefit of man.  The youth are being corrupted and the more mature are witnessing an erosion of their own values.  These are the effects of the activities of the brothers of the shadow who have no power except that which men give to them as they seek to distort the values that have been the bulwark of civilization.
  Remember, beloved ones, true values of the Spirit are always held invulnerable, locked within the human soul, placed there by God and His Son, the eternal Christos.  Beware then of those who are wolves in sheep’s clothing who would becloud the Sun of diving beauty that is the great Pentecost of communion between man and God.    
-Maha Chohan:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:21



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