12-12-18 “The climate change industry supports the academics, scientists, non-governmental organizations, media and political groups that together promote the anthropogenic global warming movement,” Grant Jeffrey writes. “There is far greater financial support available to those who promote the man-made global warming agenda than there is for any scientists who dare to explore alternative research theories.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/is-climate-change-science-settled-no-way-say-scientists_2735242.html


-in Hidden Agenda by Grant Jeffrey, 2011, pp. 16 , 24.
2) US Civil War:
Rich in mineral and agricultural resources, containing a large white population, and controlling key transportation and communication networks, the border states were of vital importance. Had the border states seceded the Union's resources would have been significantly reduced and the Confederacy's strategic advantages correspondingly increased. Lincoln himself questioned whether the Confederacy could be subdued militarily if the border states left the Union. "I think to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game," he commented in justifying his cautious policy in that state. "Kentucky gone, we can not hold Missouri, nor, as I think, Maryland. These all against us, and the job on our hands is too large for us. We would as well consent to separation at once, including the surrender of this capitol." [6]
Rich in mineral and agricultural resources, containing a large white population, and controlling key transportation and communication networks, the border states were of vital importance. Had the border states seceded the Union's resources would have been significantly reduced and the Confederacy's strategic advantages correspondingly increased. Lincoln himself questioned whether the Confederacy could be subdued militarily if the border states left the Union. "I think to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game," he commented in justifying his cautious policy in that state. "Kentucky gone, we can not hold Missouri, nor, as I think, Maryland. These all against us, and the job on our hands is too large for us. We would as well consent to separation at once, including the surrender of this capitol." [6]
With such momentous consequences hanging in the balance, historians understandably have pointed to Lincoln's skillful handling of the border states as a notable example of his presidential leadership. "It was fortunate for the United States in the critical year 1861," Edward Smith wrote in praising his statesmanship, "that Abraham Lincoln understood perfectly the people of the Borderland.... [This knowledge] enabled him to frame surely the policies upon which the fate of the country depended." [7] Likewise, James Rawley began his book Turning Points of the Civil War with an analysis of the decision of the border states to remain in the Union. Speculating that the secession of the border states might well have changed the course of the war, Rawley carried his discussion only to the end of 1861, for by then, he argued, any possibility that the border states would join the Confederacy had ended.
This interpretation, however, does not analyze fully Lincoln's policies with respect to the border states. In examining the problem of the border states historians generally have lost interest once these states unequivocally cast their lot with the Union. They have concentrated on the opening months of the struggle, from the call for troops to Lincoln's first annual message in December, and except for his efforts to get them to adopt a program of gradual emancipation have given only limited attention to Lincoln's policies concerning the border states during the remainder of the war.[8] Lincoln's policy goals, however, extended beyond preventing these states from seceding, and his purposes had not been completely achieved by the end of 1861.
Lincoln's border state policy blended several objectives. The first was to preserve or establish loyal governments in each of these states. In summarizing the administration's policy in Maryland in the early weeks of the war, General Nathaniel P. Banks, who was stationed in Annapolis in 1861, declared "The secession leaders--the enemies of the people--were replaced and loyal men assigned to ... their duties. This made Maryland a loyal State." [9] In devising his border state policy, as would be true later with his Reconstruction program, Lincoln always gave first priority to placing loyal men in control of the state government. -Gienapp, 1992; https://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jala/2629860.0013.104/--abraham-lincoln-and-the-border-states?rgn=main;view=fulltext#note_6
10-16-2011 Kentucky was one of the Border slave states that did not go with the Confederacy during the secession winter nor the later secession of the middle border states. It was important in that there was a vast amount of agriculture in the state which could help provision Confederate armies, plus some of the best horses in the country came from the Bluegrass States. And there was the border, as was already mentioned. If the Confederacy could close the river to navigation by the Union navy, then there would have been a much harder time getting men and materials to and from the western theater. However, even if the river were in Confederate hands, or at least controlled by Confederate guns, there were miles of railroads across the river in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois that would be able to handle quite a bit of commercial and military traffic. Controlling the river also meant more border to protect, meaning more men stationed at points along the Ohio to keep Confederates from coming over.
Kentucky could have gone either way in the war. Thousands of men fought for both sides during the four years of conflict. One of the most famous, as I am sure you have read in Autumn of Glory, is the Orphan Brigade, made up of Kentuckians fighting for the South. Kentucky claimed neutrality. However, when Leonidas Polk decided that he was going to take Columbus on the Mississippi and fortify the heights, be technically invaded a neutral power. This gave Grant all he needed to come across and take Paducah, claiming that he was there to provide protection, which was accepted, and thus Kentucky was secured to the Union for the duration of the war. -J_Man0507 https://civilwartalk.com/threads/what-made-kentucky-so-important.31238/
10-17-2011 The subject of "neutrality" was a minor affair. The Confederacy had a war decided upon by the southern politicians. Only defense could enter into the computation; not "neutrality".
Of course the Gibraltar of the West--the Confederate defense of the Mississippi River at Columbus, Kentucky--was soon forgotten. No large battle occurred, as the Confederates had to withdraw when they were flanked to the east. The Union had the steamboats and used them to capture Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Nashville, flanking the Gibraltar of the West.
Island #10, Memphis and New Orleans, were soon captured. The Confederacy had started a war without any adequate defense of its waterways. The Ohio, the Mississippi to Memphis, the Cumberland to Nashville, and the Tennessee River, south to Muscle Shoals, Alabama, soon fell. The Confederacy had started the war with no navy and no way of protecting its major waterways. -Whitworth https://civilwartalk.com/threads/what-made-kentucky-so-important.31238/
3) US capitalism vs. European socialism:
How excessive staffing, little competition, generous contracts and archaic rules dramatically inflate capital costs for transit in New York. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html
1-26-18 It’s not just the Second Avenue Subway: Nearly all urban rail projects in the U.S. cost much more than their European counterparts. https://www.citylab.com
4) Bodie:
5-6-2019 To be an off-season caretaker of Bodie, California (winter population: 5), you need a high tolerance for cold, solitude and two-hour grocery runs.
Other miners trickled in, but it wasn’t until 1875, when a mine cave-in exposed a gold vein, that the big-city moneyed interests got involved. They invested in infrastructure, famously claimed over telegraph blast that “the mines are looking well,” and soon came the flood of miners, as well as those “mining the miners” in restaurants, hardware stores, opium dens and the red-light district. The boom was on.
At its peak around 1879 or 1880 somewhere between 6,000 and 10,000 people lived in Bodie, with 40 to 50 new people arriving by stagecoach every day. Many worked in one of the town’s nine stamp mills, or at one of its 200 restaurants, which served delicacies like oysters on the half-shell, imported all the way from San Francisco. When they could they drank in the town’s 65 saloons, where they’d often get involved in skirmishes https://www.citylab.com/life/2019/05/california-ghost-town-bodie-state-park-historic-preservation/588457/
Bodie is near Bridgeport, CA--elevation 6463 feet, population 575, county seat of Mono County, rainfall annual 16 inches, 85 miles south of Lake Tahoe on 395.
5) from Morya:
3) US capitalism vs. European socialism:
How excessive staffing, little competition, generous contracts and archaic rules dramatically inflate capital costs for transit in New York. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html
4) Bodie:
5-6-2019 To be an off-season caretaker of Bodie, California (winter population: 5), you need a high tolerance for cold, solitude and two-hour grocery runs.
At its peak around 1879 or 1880 somewhere between 6,000 and 10,000 people lived in Bodie, with 40 to 50 new people arriving by stagecoach every day. Many worked in one of the town’s nine stamp mills, or at one of its 200 restaurants, which served delicacies like oysters on the half-shell, imported all the way from San Francisco. When they could they drank in the town’s 65 saloons, where they’d often get involved in skirmishes https://www.citylab.com/life/2019/05/california-ghost-town-bodie-state-park-historic-preservation/588457/
Bodie is near Bridgeport, CA--elevation 6463 feet, population 575, county seat of Mono County, rainfall annual 16 inches, 85 miles south of Lake Tahoe on 395.
5) from Morya:
194. Visiting your countries I noticed that the word "control" is much feared there, whereas this concept is quite readily acceptable to Us. The hand which knows its work is not afraid to share it with a friend. This means that goodwill and knowledge are needed….For concealment an unusual courage of consciousness is needed, and it is impossible to attain it without lengthy preparation. The attainment of equilibrium of conditions is possible only through raising the quality of labor. Then each one can apply self-control. Then each one can ask any outside controller to show personally what is better. The voluntary controller must himself know how to work more thoroughly. Therefore it has been established with Us that every criticism must be based on better knowledge. This experience creates a convincingness which is spread far and wide.
-M: Community 1926
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91. I affirm that humanity's irrationality is inducing it to amass antagonism which will overtake it like an explosion. You correctly discerned the approaching ominous page. A great reorganization is coming! The scales are now being tipped. In cosmos there is a most gigantic equilibrium.
226. The attainment of balance takes such precedence in everything that the Magnet manifests the utmost attraction for the sake of this equilibrium. The rhythm evident throughout cosmos reveals this principle, which governs all actions in nature. Constructiveness depends upon this lofty principle. How, then, is it possible not to realize this process of nature? And in the construction of life the same principle is unavoidable. Rhythm, explosions, magnetic attraction--all these forces must be converted into the principle of equilibrium. -M: Infinity 1, 1930
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263. In the world community all spiritual impulses are acutely expressed. Thus Our affirmed Source expresses the equilibrium of the Cosmic Magnet. The world community is perverted by humanity, and instead of cooperation humanity establishes power by domination. -M: Infinity 2, 1930
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145. Unfortunately the present time fully corresponds to the last period of Atlantis. The very same pseudo-prophets and a pseudo-savior; the same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism. We take pride in the crumbs of civilization; the Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other. Temples likewise became defiled, and science became a subject of speculation and dissension. The same occurred in construction, as if they did not dare to build solidly! Likewise they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts a cataclysm was created.
-M: Hierarchy 1931
112. Those who understand the net of the best calls will understand the heroic action of a hermit's life, which is not at all one of solitude, but quite the opposite, is a service open to those who suffer.
198. To desire means to find the gates to the Subtle World. But it is difficult for people to learn to desire. They cannot bring their feelings into equilibrium and so they cannot create unwavering, unconquerable desire. Verily desire is a creative lever in the subtle world. This power came from the highest world, but it also demands the clarity of the highest world. When We direct you along the line of Hierarchy We prepare you for this sovereignty--the clarity of desire. Amidst the intercrossing of currents of the lowest sphere it is not so easy to detect the purified desire that is like an arrow. One can conquer the pressure of the earthly atmosphere by striving to the highest; therefore Hierarchy is the sole outlet. The flaming heart, which can reduce to ashes the unnecessary debris, also guides one to Hierarchy. From one's own experience one can notice how the external becomes the inner, the inalienable.
261. Whoever is in the wrong will not stand fast against balance, hence the stroke of the sword must be within the Law. Thus let us understand the heart as the focus of physical laws and the highest laws as well.
296. Pay attention to how widely the net of the Teaching is spread. Let people according to their custom hide the source; this is not important. It is useful that the Teaching be spread by unexpected ways to various parts of Earth.
315. Calmness is the equilibrium of tension. The unification of consciousness is first of all the preservation of energy. This important rule is usually forgotten.
532. People think in vain that each treason and malevolence does not evoke a rebounding blow. At times the blow may not be immediate, and often it cuts off all possibilities without any visible consequences. But the law of equilibrium is immutable. A heart must be engraved upon the indicator of the scales because it is the judge of balance. Hence all warnings against malevolence are not only ethical but are valuable as remedies.
-Morya: Heart 1932
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