Monday, July 9, 2018

The essential ingredient is always the individual and his sacred labor.

                                                    -eye chakra petals

   The ascended masters are not the only teachers of mankind; they simply have the most direct route.  They point the way to the summit of being.  They are the true guides who provide their chelas with maps, directions and warnings of the pitfalls and detours along the way.
  Once you have given answer to the demand of your own real Self “Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (John 24:15) you must select the path of your service.  The path is a personal path for it accommodates the soul’s evolution, attainment, its karma and its dharma.  The path is a statement of the Law of cosmos and it is a formula of that Law that includes the equation of personal being.  The testings and the markings of the Law must be identical for every soul; but the application of the testing, the interpretation of the markings by the individual consciousness creates out of the impersonal Law the very personal path of initiation.  Thus the lives of the saints and sages of the centuries who have carved a destiny preordained tell the ever-new yet old, old story of the soul’s overcoming in the planes of Mater.
  Divine direction is the need of the hour, and therefore I have introduced to you the Great Divine Director as the Guru of Gurus.  Commissioned by the All-Father he stands at the gate of the cycles of the years to define and refine for initiates of the Great White Brotherhood the way and the calling of the flame of the Holy Spirit.  His name is the title of an office in the cosmic hierarchy given to the one who, by virtue of diligent application over the aeons, presently focuses within his causal body the formula of the ascension for the children of God and the sons and daughters of the Most High evolving in this cosmos.
  Day by day the cosmic computer of the mind of God adjusts the formula of the path according to the individual patterns of living, being, acting on the stage of life. For every action there is a corresponding reaction in the cosmos--an adjustment for the increase or decrease of light in manifestation which is the result of the individual application of freewill.  According to the choices you make daily your divine plan is adjusted and, in the blueprint of your soul’s evolution, adjustments are made for the balance of cycles….
  Daily choices to accelerate the divine plan, to make the most of life, to do one’s best and better than one’s best must be made if an identity is to be preserved.  Souls cry out:  “We know not the way to go!  We know not how to make the choices though choices we would make.”  This year mankind face the collective karma of their failure to make right choices in all past ages.  Thus the momentum of indecision reinforced by wrong decision pronounced by the pharaohs of the world stains the waters of Mother-flow even as the waters of Egypt were turned to blood by the edict of the Lord.
 There is a plan for you.  For every child of the light, for every chela of the Law there is a divine way.  But there is always the human alternative.  I come with the mantra of divine direction written by my teacher and dictated to Messenger Mark L. Prophet.  I bid you make the choice of entering into a novena to your own I AM Presence, to your own Real Self, to the Christed one and to the Guru who can assist you immeasurably to define the path of your own Self-realization.  I initiate you in the cycle of the thirty-three–a formula for alchemy--as an exercise in proving the path of your choosing.
  Begin by placing yourself at a desk, clean and cleared, where you will not be disturbed.  Take a blank sheet of white paper and with pen in hand commune with the innermost light of your being.  You can meditate upon your divine plan by visualizing a white sphere before you--approximately two feet in diameter this sphere is the symbol of your own cosmic consciousness which you contact in meditation.
  Now address the Lords of Life saying:  “In the name of my own Real Self, the I AM THAT I AM, and the Christed one of my being I call forth from the reservoir of my cosmic consciousness the divine plan of my life, the blueprint of being.  I call to the Lords of Life, to the Great Divine Director and to Saint Germain to assist me now in the implementation of the Law of cosmos as it applies to my individual identity, to my karma and my dharma and to the circumstances of my life in time and space.”
  Light a candle and consecrate it to the spark of divinity which is your very own opportunity to fulfill your cosmic destiny.  Let the flame be the focus of the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power that burns on the altar of your heart.  Let it be a focus of untapped resources, of energies available idling in the nexus of decision waiting for your command to descend as flowing fire for the crystallization of God-flame within you.
  Now take your pen and set forth in your own handwriting upon the white page before you, symbolizing the white page that God has given to you as the gift of life, the goals that you desire to accomplish while the sands of opportunity yet fall in the hourglass.  Measuring moment by moment the choices that you make in time and space write down your fondest hopes, your impossible dreams, your heart’s longings, your desire for soul fulfillment, your educational goals, your spiritual and material expectations, the service you desire to render unto God and man, the mark of mastery and the record of victory that you have determined to leave behind for those who will follow you on the path of initiation.  You may write and rewrite this outline of your life, examining it for purity of motive, for its practicality, its probability, your own ability, your own willingness to summon from God-flame within the energies of commitment, commeasurement and constancy.  When you have set forth to your own satisfaction a realistic as well as an idealistic set of goals make two copies.  Place one between the pages of your Bible and consign the other to the flame of the Holy Spirit--that is, put it in the physical fire in the ritual of the ancient alchemist that it might be secured in the etheric level of your consciousness and conveyed to the Great Divine Director and the Lords of Karma for the necessary ratification of the Law of cosmos.
  With your left hand on the Bible take in your right hand the mantra for divine direction included with this Pearl and give it fourteen times.  Repeat this exercise for thirty-three days.  Each day at the conclusion of your meditation and mantra take your pen and write upon another white page the thoughts of your mind, the feelings of your heart which come to you as a means to augment and to implement the goals you have set forth and to bring them into alignment with the goal of life for your lifestream held in the causal body of the Great Divine Director.
  Do not strain to hear the Word of God when the answer to your call is the bliss of the Great Silence; do not fret when the clarity of divine direction does not manifest to your outer consciousness.  For as sure as I live--and I AM Saint Germain--the alchemy of divine direction is at work within you like the leaven which the “woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened” (Matt. 13:33).
  Even so alchemy begins at the fiery core of being in the center of your heartflame, and it works hour by hour, day by day from the within to the without.  As you give the mantra and the meditation you are planting seeds of your own cosmic consciousness at conscious and subconscious levels of being.  These seeds will germinate and push through to the surface by the light of your own I AM Presence and by the watering of the living word of your own Christ Self….
I AM come to clear the way
For divine direction
That those idling in indecision
May see and know and choose
All right decision.
I AM in the cleansing fires
Of transmutation’s ray
The Master of the Seventh Ray.
       I AM  
                           Saint Germain:   Pearls of Wisdom 18:32

    In the name of my own real Self, the I AM THAT I AM, and the Christed one of my being I call forth from the reservoir of cosmic consciousness the divine plan of my life, the blueprint of being.  I call to the Lords of Life, to
the Great Divine Director and to Saint Germain to assist thy devotees now in the implementation of the Law of cosmos as it applies to our individual identities, to karma and dharma and to the circumstances of life in time and space:

1.  Divine Director come,
Seal us in thy ray,
Guide us to our home
By thy love I pray.

(refrain after each:)  Thy blue belt protect our world,
    Thy dazzling jewels so rare,
    Surround our form and adorn
    With essence of thy prayer

2.  Make us one, guard each hour
Like the Sun’s radiant power,
Let us be ever free
Now and for eternity

3.  Blessed Master R,
You are near not far,
Flood with light, God’s own might
Radiant like a star

4.  Divine Director dear,
Give us wisdom pure,
Thy power ever near
Helps us to endure

5.  Shed thy light on us,
Come make us whole,
Banner of the free,
Mold and shape our soul

By God’s grace, amen.
      What does it really mean to choose freedom?  It means to free the electrons in your body and consciousness to flow with freedom’s fire.  It means to allow the electron to choose the path of freedom and not to subject that electron to the bondage of a limited consciousness, a limited matrix.  It means to free your own self-awareness so that you can be aware of the self as having the potential of the Infinite….
  To prepare for the coming of the Christed one within you must be a John the Baptist preparing the way of freedom for the avatar of the age.  When you allow love to flow through your heart and mind and soul, when you consciously put down the human propensity to hate, to dislike, to dispute, to disrupt then you have made a conscious choice for the path of freedom, you have cleared the flow of consciousness for the fires of the Holy Spirit to carve rivers of crystal energy moving from the great Source of life and coalescing within you miniature suns, atoms and molecules of whirling energy that sustain the momentum of the cosmic consciousness of freedom.
  When you choose to give vent to uncontrolled energies, to the mouthings of the evil spirits who pronounce their cursings with every other breath--mind you, the breath of the Holy Spirit--you are choosing the way of bondage.  And if you choose that way, a muddied path in the swamplands of life, one day you will look up and see the pilgrims spiraling up the mountain on the path of freedom and you will wish that you too had taken that journey in the sunlight.
  There are some who have turned their backs on the path of freedom for want of self-discipline, and yet they have determined to enjoy the fruits of freedom.  Jesus spoke of these when he said “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matt. 11:12).  Fear not; they will not keep their ill-gotten gains.  Like the duck, the cat and the dog who refused to help the little red hen to plant the wheat, cut it and thresh it, take it to the mill to be ground into flour and make the flour into bread they will be there when the lovely bread of the Divine Mother is on the table but they will be turned away.
  If you would have the reward of the path of freedom, you must understand that there is a process that is called for, a very natural process like the transformation of the wheat or kneading of the dough--the cycles of life itself.  The essential ingredient is always the individual and his sacred labor.  The process is the alchemy of God forming and reforming Himself within you….
  Consecrate your hands in prayer each day and see how God will use those hands to work the wonder of wonders in this age.  And let the fire of the heart release the love of Mother and Father, the wisdom of Alpha and Omega and the power of Almighty God.  When you enter a house let it be lighted by the Sun within your heart.  If there is gloom and the odor of discarnates, let the fervent Sun of righteousness blazing on your heart’s altar dispel the dark, dank vibrations of the astral entities.  Let them flee when they hear your footsteps on the threshold!…
  Choose the path of freedom and see how you also can become the liberator of all who come in contact with your flame.  There was a man who gave his soul energies to place stones on a pathway leading upward on Mount Shasta.  Stone by stone he labored and left thereby unmistakable markings beckoning devotees to the summit of the fiery mountain.  His footprints--a the mark of his Electronic Presence, the very blueprint of the I AM THAT I AM--remain to this day to cheer the climber along life’s way.

Let the imprint of your lifestream
Be not the random to and fro
Of the leaves that blow
And toss and tumble
In the autumn
When from the dark clouds
A storm begins to rumble.
But let your markings on matter
Be the signet of Infinity.
Let the impressions of your mind
Leave markings far far behind
Of patterned snowflakes that are forever
So that when our Hänsel and Gretel
Look for the way out of the wood
They will find the Teachings
Of the White Brotherhood….
  Choose to be what you really are.  And when you really choose what you really are you will be on the path of freedom and you will find me there.
     I AM your teacher if you will have me,
(-Rembrandt:  Polish Rider, ~1655)
                   Saint Germain:     Pearls of Wisdom 18:34

To choose freedom is to choose life, and to choose bondage is to enter the downward spiral of death.  I come to isolate the path of freedom by providing definition and the standards of right choice.  The merchants who display their wares in the stalls of the marketplaces of the world present an array of merchandise to appeal to every aspect of the human consciousness.  Their motive is material gain, they are not concerned with the spiritual gain of their clientele.
Let us not be naïve.  There are those who stand in the stalls of spiritual marts enticing souls with their wares.  They appeal to the pride of the eye and the ego. They flatter the human consciousness--that same human consciousness which the real teacher will cut down as he would the brambles which choke the life of the tender rose.
The false teachers of mankind have one motive:  subjection of the soul and the energies of the four lower bodies unto their own egos, their own human will.  Like merchants with their fine silks and multicolored designs their motive is material gain--the subjugation of the Mother-(Mater) flame.  They must see to it that the soul is bound to the preferences, likes and  dislikes of the mortal mode of consciousness, for only thus will that soul remain subject to the false teacher and false teaching.
When the real teacher removes the veil of ignorance from his disciple and imparts enlightenment the disciple is freed not only from his own not-Self but also from the false identity of those who misrepresent the Great White Brotherhood.  Jesus foretold their coming in the last days.  He called them wolves in sheep’s clothing and he spoke of the hireling who would fail to give his life for the sheep of the Good Shepherd (Matt. 7:16; John 10:11-13).   He said:  “There shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect" (Matt. 24:24)....
I am watching your meditations even as I am the guard of your soul’s liberation in the Age of Aquarius,
Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:33 (8-17-1975)

            -Taj Mahal

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