Saturday, July 28, 2018

Find the jewel, find the jewel


   So I come in this hour in the blue light of the Divine Mother Omega, of the Divine Father Alpha.  I am happy in the heart of mirrorlike wisdom, for the mirror that reflects the wisdom of God reflects all things as they are.  Thus I teach the way out of maya by showing you unreality for what it is, by showing you reality for what it is and reflecting both unreality and reality to the soul who cradles the Buddha of the heart.  The heart of wisdom knows no depths but only freedom.  Those who have the courage to challenge unreality will know me as an element of Self.
  Think of the Five Dhyani Buddhas as five chemical elements, as the mighty fruits of five wisdoms, counteracted by five poisons, restored by immersion in the magnificent jeweled antidotes.  Think then of the five secret rays as five wisdoms. There is a color of golden wisdom for each of the Five Dhyani Buddhas.  And within the spectrum of each color—be it white or blue or yellow or rose or green—you can see five aspects of that single color and therefore know gradations and tones of consciousness, nuances of beauty.  You can know the detail with which the great Tibetan artists have portrayed the Buddhas and placed them on their tankas for meditation, for entering in to the precise geometric formula whereby there is unleashed to the cosmos increments of our light and awareness.
  Those who fear reality embrace unreality.  They partake of a cup of poisoned wisdom, no longer wisdom but a rancid concoction.  Why lean upon that which has no enduring value?   Only because there is a fear that one may have no enduring reality and therefore in place of it one must cling to unreality.  What a pity!
  This takes place in some whose candles have been snuffed out by themselves or by others who have sent a blast of anger their way, and in return these victims have not defended the candle of the Buddha that burns on the altar.  Yes indeed it needs a hurricane lamp to protect it.  Protect the flame within the heart; protect the heart that contains the flame.  Protect the mind and the body, and do not go this way or that way.
  So many voices clamoring for your attention!   Be not moved upon the rough seas of your own astral body.  Let your mooring be that point of the vajra, the point of the diamond, the point of the brow that is furrowed in concentration that will not be moved to outer fringes of unreality.  Reality is the vajra, the diamond of the heart:  Om Akshobhya Hum.  Say it simply.  [Congregation joins Akshobhya:]  Om Akshobhya hum Om Akshobhya hum Om Akshobhya hum Om Akshobhya hum Om Akshobhya hum Om Akshobhya hum
  Realization of the Self in the sea of maya, this is the challenge.  O we are joyous!  O our laughter is released where there are none who are of the outside and the dark side who would attempt to unseat our disciples.
  Know that the Dhyani Buddhas contain levels upon levels of the Causal Body of God, that we welcome you to the levels of wisdom to which you aspire.   Conquer the level you are on, then aspire to the next.  The assimilation of wisdom is the taking in of the precious nectar of the Buddhas, and that nectar internalized is for the watering of the thousand-petaled crown chakra.
  So the Buddhas in manifestation manifest themselves infinitely in numberless numbers everywhere.  Yet those who have not reached up to touch the hem of our garments, who have not entered in to our mantras have not known the geometry of our being.  These dwell far removed from the realness that we focus in every possible dimension where human life struggles to discover the meaning of existence, to discover the meaning of the human self—only to realize that the human self is a placeholder for the divine Self which shall displace it.  Oh, becoming real!   It is the great call of the Great Divine Director to you.  His statement “I AM real” tells you all, all you can possibly know and much that you cannot possibly know of just how great is the great blue causal body of the great Buddha who is the Great Divine Director.
  So, beloved, cherish each morsel of reality you internalize and assimilate daily.  Cherish it, beloved, for as you do and as you savor it so you shall become it.
  The dangers of the vast canyons of the astral plane are very great and the karma that you make within the astral plane is dark and binding.  There are things you should fear.  As the fear of the Lord is the beginning of the wisdom of God so the fear of the Evil One is also the beginning of the wisdom of those who must move among the forces of Darkness to rescue souls, not the least of which their own.   So realize that these forces of Darkness are not to be underestimated.
  Enter then into thy God, become that God.  And with the sign of the earth-touching mudra banish the forces of the night who only have the power that you give them.  Thus to dally in any form of astral unreality is to empower them.  Thus be fearless, thus be fearless in the wisdom of fearlessness flame.
  Thus know that we the Buddhas of the five secret rays move among you, through you and around you.  Catch us!   Catch our garments, seek to fasten your chakras to our own.  Seek to unite with us even if it be for a moment or five minutes of the recitation of one of our mantras.  So know, beloved, that infinite reality is but a finger touch away, just a finger touch away.
  Let the mind conform to the Mind of God.  Then behold the great sphere of that Mind.  Then reach up, open the door and enter into the Sun behind the sun, the inner sphere of Being.
Thus think of this as the gentle opening and entering in to the heart of God through the Buddhic Mind.  Think of these steps as based on simplicity of purity of heart, purity of desire, purity of soul, purity of mind.  Purity is the antithesis of complexity.  Thus in the simplicity of a pure heart as a child now enter in and let go, let go.  Let go of all else but thine own reality—when you do this you shall contain all reality of the Spirit-matter cosmos and all reality beyond it.
  The way seems intricate but the intricacy is the intricacy of karma woven and rewoven.  The intricate undoing of the threads of karma is what seems to make the path so complicated.  But when all is said and done and all of those components of the threads of karma are consumed in one great violet flame bonfire you will come to know and you will remember one day that I have said the entering in is simplicity itself, humility itself, purity itself.
  Think upon these things, for I woo you to my heart of wisdom for the fructification of all true desire and the withering on the branch of the Tree of Life of all that is illusory desire, which will only hold you and bind you by ropes to lower levels.  If you must indulge a desire in order to neutralize it, remember that though it be an experiment, all action equals karma, all inaction equals karma and all are responsible for doing, not doing, undoing or overdoing anything.
  In the sweetness of my love for you I remind you that you are here to set the platform for our dictations.  Strengthen the bastions and you shall behold the glory of the Lord.
 -Akshobhya via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  December 31, 1993 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana

    Now in the light of the Buddha that you are becoming, that you are self-realizing I may enter into certain precepts, recepts of being—compartments of consciousness.  Partake then of the Buddhic light and know that the path that you are on is the path of the golden rays of the Sun of wisdom.
  I ask you to be certain that you secure each gain at both spiritual and human levels.  Explore the terrain that you now claim as yours in the Buddhic Mind and see where you yet have weaknesses, flaws in the diamond of self.  These can be purged and transmuted only through an enlightened awareness of self and such profound determination to be the conquering one and to complete all those commitments you have made to divine reality and to finish the course with that sense “I have given my all and my best, and I know that my all and my best are an acceptable offering.”
  Do not come to the altar, beloved, saying you have given your all and your best when you have not tried, when you have not been willing to go through the deep pain of conquering the self and gaining such a momentum of the splendor of the Victorious One, your Holy Christ Self, that you truly do know what is your all and what is your best.
  I say then from this day forward move gently with us.  Move gently into the world and know yourself as a citizen of the great Tao, of the great Dharmakaya, the great Causal Body of all Buddhas as one.  Know that it is step by step that the path is won–not in grandiose measures, not in lunging forward and then having no foundation upon which to place one’s efforts. The certain and sure footstep is the way.
  Many are in awe of Buddhic attainment and believe that they are not even close to that attainment nor will they be for many lifetimes—this is the distance that theology has placed between the least of the disciples of the sangha and Lord Gautama himself and even the Dhyani Buddhas.  We would erase this distance today.  So long as you contain a crumb of Buddhic wisdom you have cracked the door; from darkness to light you may step.
  So value each crumb as a jewel.  And as I have said, secure it, protect it, preserve it, build upon it, exercise it with mantra, with the fiat vajra!  With this you invoke a mighty thunderbolt from on high.  Shun all ego-strutting!  Shun ties to the denizens of the underworld who will empower you overnight and give you the glitter and glamour of success in your field.  When you look into your heart of hearts you must know that these successes are ephemeral and transient.   They have naught to do with the true God-success gained by planting one’s foot upon the rock and holding that place and not giving that place to Mara but daily maintaining the 360-degree watch of keeping the citadel of consciousness open to God.
  Be the ones who anticipate dark emanations and intents of Mara and the forces of evil.  Banish them with the power of mantra that you secure by conviction, by faith and belief in its repetition.  For mantra is a science and you prove it each time when in deep meditation you recite the mantra of your choice 108 times as our Buddhist devotees do.
  Mantra--whether in the form of ascended master decrees written in English or formulas in tongues of the East--is empowerment.  But only if you know it.  Mantra:  when you have made one or many your own it is as though you possessed the secret of a universal weapon that could annihilate all evil in the world while not touching a single point of good embodied by a single soul.
  How can warfare of such crudity as that which is waged upon this planet compare to the banishing effects of mantra?   The simple mantras you can pen on one sheet of paper can deliver you unto enlightenment if your heart is right with the Buddhas.
  As you capture the mantra in your heart your heart sings the mantra back to you and the mantra itself sings to you so that you hear from your innermost being the pure voice of your soul reciting that mantra.  This is in no way autohypnosis, this is the power of God within you.  And by accepting that power you authorize it to enter your world through your recitation of the mantra.
  Many of you have memorized complex formulas of chemistry, physics, mathematics and other disciplines. Understand that this is what the mantra is–a complex formula.  And the greatest gift that the buddhic one Mark Prophet has given to you is the gift of the mantras he has written down as those dynamic decrees for the Western devotee and for all devotees who may wish to translate these to their mother tongues.
  Above all, whichever mantra becomes the key mantra of your life, the keystone in the arch of your being, you must make it your own and you must know its power.  You must know the power of your being when you have so internalized the Word that the Word is speaking the mantra in your heart.
  Not a few of you have found yourselves waking up at night reciting your violet flame decrees or your calls to Archangel Michael.  And you have seen how you have encountered the forces of Mara not in your dreams but in actual encounters on the astral plane.  And these forces have fled at the sound of the mantra you were reciting while engaged in the warfare of the Spirit.
  Every now and then individuals come along and say “We will rewrite the decrees; they do not make sense” or “We will write our own decrees, for we too have talent in poetry.”  Recognize that it is not mere poetry that makes a decree but science and poetry and the inner engrams of the Word.
  These were yet in the causal body and in the chakras of Mark Prophet from ancient days of Atlantis when he was a Master of Invocation and a priest of the sacred fire.  Therefore through these hieroglyphs and glyphs of the mind held in the aura of this saint, this very human saint who moved among you, various members of the ascended host did dictate through him the formulas for total world liberation that you now have recorded in your decree books.
  And so I speak of ignorance.  If you are ignorant of the power and science of mantra so that when you use it you think “Well, ho hum, today I shall give my ‘Heart, Head and Hand Decrees,’ I shall give my required fifteen minutes of violet flame decrees, I shall give my required protection decrees” and so forth–if you say “ho hum” as you recite your Astreas, having no sense of co-measurement with the vastness of the Causal Bodies of the Seven Elohim who merge as one with the Divine Mother Astrea to banish from your cities untold millions of discarnates and demons who should have long ago decimated your ranks and this Community, then you will not experience the full efficacy of your decrees.
  You see, beloved, when with a fully enlightened mind you take each cadence and line of a mantra and you endow it with the fervor and sacred fire of all of your chakras you can surely move worlds, you can surely make the difference in the future of Earth and her evolutions.
  If there is one realization I should hope that you would take with you as you go to your homes and deal with your personal karma and the karma of 1994, it is this:  that at all times it is the mantra itself as a masterful formula of masterful beings such as the mantras dictated to your Messenger Mark Prophet that will clear you and your household of all burdens and all enemies.  It is your belief, your faith and your scientific understanding of the worded formula itself, born out of the original Word in the Beginning with God who was and is the Divine Mother, that is the power to see you through to your victory in this embodiment.
  Many of you look to yourselves and say “How can I, a sinner, how can I who am not consistent in my service or in my decrees even hope to arrive at the level of discipleship where I may make progress in this life?”  I tell you, banish all such notions!  Accept yourself as a child of God.  As Mother Teresa would say:   “Each one is made in the image and likeness of God.  Therefore you and all children of God are worthy of love, all have a right to love.”  Such is the message of the Mother of Calcutta and such is the message of the Divine Mother.
  As you recognize yourself in that image and likeness and give no power to your own sin or to another’s so you will enter in to the joy of the mantra and you will see the power that will come to you.  But then there will also come the testing of Mara who will say to you:  “See what power you have with the mantra; now use it against this one and that one who has wronged you.”  Ah, beloved, beware of this!  For if you accept the temptation of Mara and engage in wishing and willing the death of others, you will surely have a heap of karma descend upon you as though a giant cosmic garbage truck had let out all of its refuse on your head at once.  This will be the accumulation of your karma of many thousands of years.  Err on the side of being humble and conservative and loving toward all.  Read the scriptures!   Read the scriptures and every word of your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and of his apostles in the Gnostic gospels as well as in the New Testament.  Read these words, beloved, and you will see just how many Laws the Savior has laid down for your protection against unrighteousness.
  Therefore I come by the power of wisdom to banish unrighteousness, the incorrect use of the Laws of God.  Therefore resist temptation and know that Mara is always waiting behind the rock, behind the tree to catch you fallen asleep to insert some needlepoint of error into your very flesh that you scarcely even sense.
  This is a time for diligence and vigilance; it is a time not to be moved.  It is a time to give fiats in imitation of your first Mother of the Flame, Clara Louise, in the fierceness of the fire of Serapis Bey and of Amen Bey, her twinflame.  In that fierceness which she demonstrated in the Earth her fiats would travel across the planet as she stood in defense of all children, many of whom are now in embodiment and in this very court thanks to her decrees and prayers.  Become mothers and fathers of the world quickly, for the world quickly needs thy intercession.
  Thus be not fooled.  Be ever the alert one whose mind is tethered to the farthest reaches of inner and outer space.  Be the watchman on the wall guarding the buddha, the dharma, the sangha--the watchman who does see the enemy before he should overtake a living soul or a single member of this Community.
  You have indeed been given great empowerment, not only by the science of mantra but by the science of the dictations themselves as you have sorted out the mantras that tumble out of the deliveries of the ascended masters.  So understand, beloved, that when such empowerment is given and given at large to all who come to our gates some who are not developed spiritually may find themselves very quickly overtaken by a spirit of pride as they feel the power of God come upon them.  Go not the way of the tempter, I say.  But let all recognize--even the very newest students--that when you have the forces of light, the armies of the Lord working with you and through yo, it is surely a time to be on guard and to always enter by the gentle way.
  So, beloved, these are my thoughts this day.  And I utter them because I see what you do not see, and it is the future--the future that is tonight and tomorrow and the next day.  You may think you are done with 1993 and all years and centuries past, but of course you are not done with them.  For the records of Earth’s evolutions remain in the Earth since those who are the spiritual leaders of the people have not taken the teachings of Saint Germain or the violet flame and given them to their followers.  Therefore much karma remains and that karma can fall upon you inadvertently simply because you are at the wrong place at the wrong time, out of alignment and not attuned with your inner being.
  There are minefields everywhere and not merely in nations where warfare continues today.  Thus the minefields of planetary karma can prevent you from fulfilling your choicest and most urgent goals.  My message is a message that you have heard before.  I plant it as I would plant a tree to grow in a barren wasteland.  I plant it in the field of your mind, and I say let this tree grow and let it be a bountiful tree.  Let the birds of the air come and nest in the branches of this tree. Moreover let your own Tree of Life bear much fruit that you may then give as a gift of yourself to others.
  Examine yourself, beloved.  If you are not able to give of yourself, then I say you are not yet in the fullness of the compassionate Buddha.  Thus liberate yourself by mastering the unresolved issues of your psyche and of your spiritual path as well as all your human doings and see to it that you do nothing that will cause grief or shame to your beloved El Morya.
  In this then I stand with you one and all, for I am truly aware of all things that shall come to pass in your individual lifetimes.  And I am aware that among you those who hear me well and who will make very firm resolves this day shall pass through unscathed as the fires of hell reach the surface of the Earth in many places.  Those who take lightly my words will find the going to be very rough.  For without linking your chakras to the path and science of mantra you will not have the stored power in your chakras to meet the day of the enemy of your being.
  In either case I shall be there.  And to those who take my advice I say it shall be a matter of a simple quickening for us to protect you.  And to those who have not built the words and signs and sounds of mantra in their auras I say it will be more difficult for us to reach you, for you will be lower in the astral plane.
  And so you see, as you have been taught, we may descend only so deep into the astral plane, only as far as our chelas descend to balance their karma by preaching to the rebellious spirits and by reciting our mantras; thus we are all limited by cosmic Law as to the depths of darkness to which we may descend to rescue our disciples.
  My New Year’s dispensation then on behalf of the Dhyani Buddhas is the clearing of the records and the burdens of all devotees of light whom Sanat Kumara ordains may receive this dispensation.  Thus where it is possible you shall indeed have a clean white page upon which to write the writings of the Buddha of your heart, the Buddha of the Ruby Ray.  May you take this opportunity of the New Year, beloved, for very few souls upon Earth have this dispensation.  Yet I say, those who labor long in the Father’s vineyard receive their rewards not only in heaven but on earth as well.
  I AM profoundly touched by the Grace of God and I bless you for the good; I rebuke you for that which has not been the good and I say:  come up higher; you are made of better stuff. Now show yourself to the Lord of the World that he might see how you have been transformed by his mighty dispensation.
-Amitabha via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  January 2, 1994 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana      
                                    -Clara Louise
-Mark Prophet
         I come in the tenderness of the Divine Mother to woo you back to Her heart of consolation, of equalization whereby the rough places are made plain, the valleys are exalted and all that has troubled your heart will seem as a nightmare of the dark night.  But with the coming of the dawn of Ratnasambhava--Om Ratnasambhava Tram--I say, nestle your heart, your soul, your being in the arms, the breast, the womb of the Divine Mother.  And in that embrace know all surcease from pain and separation and dismembering--that is, being separated from the great members of light of your own Being, being separated from the great antahkarana of Life.
  I AM the brooding one, I give compassion and charity and all that is necessary for the soul to transcend herself.  Although I give and give again some are so disconsolate that they are unable to receive.  Thus I send you to the heart of the Mother of all Buddhas.  We are streams of light from Her heart, tributaries.  You may follow the stream to Her heart and on the way be purified.  It is a sublime experience of letting go, of not trying to do everything for yourself but recognizing that some things are done for you by the God within, the Goddess within, by the One who dwells in the innermost parts of your being.
  Come then, let the Divine Mother water the seed and fear not to take the first little baby step to be the bodhisattva becoming the Buddha.  Children are eager to take their steps when the time is right; so take yours.  Take yours after you have had enough of crawling.  Then come to the place where you are fearless and though you may fall down many, many times you get up and walk and run again.  Remember the security you had as a little one and know that you have that security today.  If you try to do everything for yourself, life becomes drudgery--drudgery without trust in the divine Being who holds you every moment of the day and the night.  O the Divine Mother, how She does seek Her own!
  And we the Dhyani Buddhas have come to establish points--points of reference of the five elements of being so that in the elements you may find the synthesis of our Buddhahood and in the synthesis find the Vajrasattva.   It is a cause of great rejoicing that many souls have pulled us to the lower levels of being.  Thus we are truly everywhere in the consciousness of God.
  I pray then that you will pursue the path of wise dominion to slay the conceit of ego by the perception that equality is in the Beginning; equality is yet available to all.  What each one has done with the gift of equality marks the measure of attainment.  Equal opportunity then defines your decisions, your choices.  Equal opportunity, equal time, equal light, equal air and sunshine--all these things are thine.  So in the equality of the inner Buddha welcome all and bow to the light within all and be the servant of that light, as Jesus taught you.
  We then place our Presence in the earth that there might be mutual recognition by all for all.  Many espouse this principle and they carry it through so long as they are among those whom they consider to be worthy of being their equal.  But they do not observe the stature of the soul and when there come along those whom they deem to be less advanced, less accomplished, less schooled, less having their life together, so to speak, they immediately place themselves above them in intellectual, social or spiritual standing.  So then there is a hierarchy of such individuals here and there centered around the ego.  And these position themselves--the lowly ones beneath them, the great ones above them; and this is a state of idolatry.  For to see oneself either above or below another is idolatry.
  So there is freedom of religion in the earth, and this is a nation that is determined to eliminate racial and religious prejudice.  And yet only those who strive to gain this ultimate reality truly come to the understanding of the deep brotherhood that ties all to the one God and ultimately to the ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood.
  Beloved, the categorizing of people is so natural to the carnal mind that it is almost impossible to erase its stain.  The cast of the mind that assesses each passerby must needs be to elevate one’s own human ego.  For a moment now imagine yourself as an egoless being.  Imagine yourself not being concerned about what others think of you, having no thoughts or opinions of others but only the freedom to acknowledge the light, to bow to the atman within and to treasure a soul to whom God has given the vessel of body and mind.
  That soul must be very special and very important to God–in fact, of ultimate importance.  For why should the God of very gods sponsor a soul if that soul has no chance, no something within that can spring forth as a flower, even as a shoot pushes up through the crusty earth?  O blessed ones, God has so valued each one that to each one He has given the very image of Himself, the I AM Presence, the Holy Christ Self in whose image you are made.  Find the jewel, find the jewel: find sangha, find buddha, find dharma all locked within the inner divine spark.
  Enjoy then the peace of noncompetition, of not engaging in mental competition with others whom you think are more or less advanced than you are.  What a pity that so many spend so much energy in defending their relative position in the social strata of life!  Would you not agree, beloved ones?  [Congregation responds: “Yes.”]
  We do not often come apart to examine our thoughts and feelings--our faulty thoughts, our faulty feelings.  But this is the hour to do so; it is so liberating.  Think of the blessed ones of the East.  Think of Lao-tzu, Confucius, the golden emperor and many, many unnamed devotees of light and bodhisattvas robed in their saffron robes.  Think of them, beloved, glorifying God in their members and do follow after them.  Do realize that self-emptying is the process whereby you are self-filled with the real Self.
  The Buddhist teachings of the Dhyani Buddhas are necessarily inner teachings of the inner five secret rays.  And thus we speak on these things, for these are the levels and the depths that you must enter in order to be free of the binding shackles of the human condition.  Sages have taught these truths over many, many centuries, and you may say “What is new, Ratnasambhava?”  What is new is that I am a Buddha and I am speaking through a messenger and therefore you have the direct light from my heart to quicken and make alive the precepts you may have read again and again.
  I release streams of light, white and blue and yellow and rose and green.  I release streams of light so that there may be the alchemy of change for you in my words, which are not words alone but cups of light empowered--yes, empowered--to turn you around and set you on the path of overcoming and to the realization of your own seed of Buddhahood unfolding.
  This is the meaning and purpose of a dictation--not always to reveal some grand new fact of the universe but to empower you to employ and internalize the simple truths of being rather than merely hear about them.  For as I receive you so I place my Presence over you and in your heart.  And I come for the washing of the waters by the Word.  I come for the washing of the waters by the Divine Mother.
  I call for the crystallization of light, I call for the melting of the elements that they might be poured into new vessels, new molds.  I come to restore you to the higher planes of Being whence you descended to this world.  I come to take from you all self-criticism, self-deprecation.  I come to deliver you of sorrow, of aches and pains of the heart regarding loved ones.  These are not mere words, for in these words you discover what is my mission here and why I come with such profound love for each one of you.  For you have had your struggles, each and every one, in the past year and I have been there with my givingness of compassion and understanding.  And you have found that understanding in your God, in the friend, in the counsellor, in the professional who is able to help you sort out the elements of being.
  I say, beloved, as you have heard before, it is the sense of struggle that makes the struggle.  Let us cease the struggling and remember how easy it is to transmute all levels of struggle by the violet flame, how easy it is to turn one’s back on darkness and to face the light of the Divine Mother.  We then come for the consolation of all souls of light throughout the Spirit-matter universes.  We are everywhere in these universes.  And therefore my Word registered through the vocal-cords of one in embodiment enables all those at this level of consciousness anywhere on all worlds whatsoever to receive the same light, the piercing rays of light, of starfire, of energy in the core of vast celestial bodies that you have not seen but only know are there beyond the Great Beyond.
  There is an interconnection of all Life.  And therefore whenever those who are the immortal ones speak through an embodied soul at this level there is the transmission of that word to all lifestreams who are similarly abiding in this band of energy, which is your time and space and your compartment to work out your reason for being--your dharma as well as your karma.  Know this then that another function of having a messenger and dictations is the unification by the antahkarana, the great web of light, of all souls of a similar evolution.  And as the antahkarana quivers at the hand of the great Master Artist of Life there is a stepping up, a tuning of the sound that is heard from the quivering of the antahkarana.  And as you are able to transcend certain lower elements you find yourself rising to new levels of that web of life and to attunement with the higher sound.  This is the great mystery of Being--that you also though considering yourself finite are with us everywhere in the consciousness of God.
  So be still for a moment and resolve with inner resolution that this year will not be a year when you are tossed and tumbled by descending personal and world karma, that this will not be a year when you miss your moments, miss your cues, are not here and there and the next place where you need to be in consciousness and in time to proceed with the next challenge that your mentors of the Spirit would give you.   Do not be idle but remember, the angels of the dawn come to assist you to unburden yourself of your daily karma.  Meditate with them, walk with them, sing with them.  Give your calls to the violet flame.  Give yourself a boost by delivering yourself, yes, divesting yourself of the burdens of the day before they come upon you.
  So in the sweetness and the gentleness of all Buddhas out of all octaves I seal you in the flame of compassion and charity, remembering the words of precious Nada “I give you my love, for all else I have already given away.”  Let this be your motto, beloved.  Do not hold your hand closed tightly to hold on to your possessions but open your hand and your heart and give and give and give.  And the light shall increase in your heart with each gift you give to another whose paucity of consciousness perceives a need for material things whereas you need not have them in such abundance or duplication.  Value the things of the Spirit.  Continue to give, for I tell you a secret:  giving is what makes the threefold flame flower of the heart grow and grow and grow.  The more you give the more the light does flow.
  And I will tell all of you who seek this and that and the next recourse for healing--that your healing is in the Christ-flame and in the seed of the Buddha within.  Thus in love discover that all ailments are healed because you bring all things--by the threefold flame that you have expanded--into balance of the five elements and the Five Dhyani Buddhas.  Now picture us, one perched on each of your shoulders, one in the heart, one above the head and one beneath the feet.  We are also your guardian-angel Buddhas.     
-Ratnasambhava via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  January 1, 1994 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana

       I AM Amoghasiddhi in the heart of each one who loves God.  I AM the Presence who teaches the way step by step.  I AM the loving action of the Law, and I AM the embodiment of many Buddhas beyond the stars.
  We the Five Dhyani Buddhas come all together, invoked many times over by the devotees of this Community throughout the world to express full gratitude for your calls, your offering of our seed-syllables and your entering our names in a number of preambles to your decrees.  By so doing you have brought us closer to the Earth and her evolutions than we have been in many, many centuries.
  By our intercession through you we may accelerate the secret-ray spheres of your causal body and we may bring you to that place of equanimity wherein you are not moved by this side or that side, this news or that news or whatever may come your way to blast the image of the organization or any of its members.  In the way of the Dhyani Buddhas then we have come, as you might sense, in the minor keys that bring resolution and allow the soul to enter into resolution with the major keys.
  So, beloved, sound as you hear it in the music of the spheres that has penetrated the pores of your mind allows you to gain entry into higher octaves.  Thus God has sent certain composers into this world who have heard the inner sound, those who in other lifetimes have been initiates of the Buddha and therefore by sound alone have transmitted to Earth the wavelengths of  Buddhic Mind.  Thus through the world’s great music many have experienced the higher wavelengths and been transformed without any knowledge of the teachings of Buddha per se.
  Now understand how the fallen ones have attempted to drown out this great sound that you have heard.  They have come with their amplifiers and their synthesizers, and they have determined to create sounds that will shatter the matrices of the music of light.  This is the scourge of hell that has come upon the generations of the young throughout the Earth as technology has transmitted to every nation with the speed of light the vibrations of satanic rock and diabolical music such as rap music and other degradations that strip the chakras of young children of their virgin light.
  Recognize then that there is no greater power than the power of sound, as you have been told.  Sound has been used in the creation of worlds and sound has been used in the sinking of continents.  That is why we stress your use of the mantra and your recitation of the mantra in the secret chamber of the heart.
  For the momentum of that heart of light who is tied to the antahkarana of the Great White Brotherhood, who recites the mantras of his choice can neutralize discordant sounds and rhythms throughout the Earth that are destroying the minds, hearts, chakras, the sacred fire of so many who have come to embody upon Earth with such high hopes of accomplishing their calling in God yet have been steered out of the straight and narrow way by peer pressure.
  I bid you then be profoundly concerned with the plight of the youth of the world.  I know that many of them cannot be reached any other way than through the profound and powerful prayers of you who nurture all life through the womb of the Divine Mother.  Those of you who are in touch with today’s generation ought to go out and contact the youth directly when you sense that you have a certain empowerment from God and a shielding against the powers of darkness by the very momentum of your daily decrees.  Do not take on this assignment until you are ready, for many demons and fallen angels of a high order manipulate the youth, and surely Mara and the armies of the tempter shall move upon you when you go out to proclaim the message of the Buddhas to those among the youth who need it most.
  Therefore speak by the Holy Spirit to those whom you know will be receptive, for the Holy Spirit does instruct you and direct you.  And when you know there is not that receptivity in this one or that one whom you would approach, go your way until you are led to another lightbearer who is receptive, and to another and to another.  Remember that on the high side of the adventure of chelaship in which you are engaged, beloved, it takes but one or two or five or ten avatars in an age to transmute and transform an entire civilization.  Think of it!
  Therefore do not look at the equation of life as dreary and depressing as you see yourself up against five and a half billion lifestreams but look at it as a joyous opportunity as you see yourself one with God, having the power of the mantra and with that power the limitless light-energy-and- consciousness of God to move mountains of darkness into the all-consuming violet flame.
  The Five Dhyani Buddhas are can-do Buddhas.  We see the practical, we tackle that which can be accomplished in the moment and then we move on to the more difficult, never acknowledging that there even exists the impossible!  So, beloved, be as we are.
  It is the gentle, free movement of those who are free of the knots of a self-righteous selfhood to which you must aspire. When you have that freedom of not desiring recognition you will find yourself truly, truly absorbed in the heart of God.
And in that absorption and assimilation of God by you—and of you by God—you will know the way whereby you can accomplish far more through your spiritual service and ultimately through divine Love that saturates the pores of your being than you will ever see with human eye.
  I come for the sealing of all the messages of the Dhyani Buddhas.  I come for the sealing of the five.  I am touching each one now with the points of the five elements on certain points of the body that correspond to the secret-ray chakras.
And I am quickening those points in those who have shown themselves to be responsible with the energies of God and who have not succumbed, no matter what the provocation or the seeming justification–have not succumbed, I say–to releasing anger as a means of alchemical change.  For there is no such thing, beloved.  The alchemical change that you desire comes through love and through your coming to the altar of God and desiring resolution, confessing your sins to God alone and showing your remorse by the reformation of your life.  This is the way, beloved.  This is the way to empowerment; it is the only way.
  God does not entrust His powers to those whom He does not test.  He will test you right and left and up and down and over and over again until you show that you are not moved by circumstances or by accusations, true or false.  So I say to one and all:  in the God-center of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, who yet maintains a focus on this ranch in the mountain you have named Himalaya, call to us at any hour of the day or night for assistance in challenging whatever conflict, whatever calamity you see coming over the horizon.
  Meditate in your heart now that you might feel shafts of light from cosmic spheres entering your being for a strengthening, for a balancing, for a restoration to God-centeredness.  Would not all you who are here tonight desire to know that God-centeredness, to see just what God-centeredness can be when you maintain it for a day or for a week?  That centeredness in God, beloved, is the only place of bliss; through that centeredness you will rise to levels of nirvana.
  Thus the path is opened to you.  Thus mercy’s flame has called, Kuan Yin has knocked upon the door and you have opened your heart to Mercy.  And when that mercy-flame does consistently burn in your heart you shall know absolution of your own records of sin.  Mercy has opened the door to the new year.  Let all applaud her light and presence and being, truly the great Mother of Mercy.  We the Buddhas bow to her presence and to her example of laying down her life again and again in the process of becoming Bodhisattva, great Bodhisattva, great Mother of Buddhic light among all nations.
  In the heart of Kuan Yin I salute you with few words but many, many thoughts that shall burst into blossoms in your tree of life.        I AM Amoghasiddhi, I bow to the light within you
via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  January 2, 1994 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
-KUAN YIN by Ruth Hawkins

Vairochana: Finale from Mahler’s Third Symphony
Akshobhya Beginning of fourth movement from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
Gautama Buddha:  Conclusion of fourth movement from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
Ratnasambhava:  “Final Psalmody” from prelude to Boito’s Mefistofele
Buddha of the Ruby Ray:  Transformation music from Wagner’s Parsifal
Amitabha Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Amoghasiddhi:  Finale from Mahler’s Second Symphony, Resurrection

Sanat Kumara:  Sibelius’s Finlandia

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