Monday, July 30, 2018

In the heart of the struggle we stand

To All Who Love Truth and Beauty:
       One of the magnificent feelings that God has ordained for every man is the sense of being in Christ “without blemish and without spot.”  How marvelous is the soul stamped with the divine Image, framed in the elements of universal truth foursquare, perfect in body, mind and feelings, perfect in memory!
  Unfortunately feelings of personal guilt for wrongs real or imagined, for sins committed or contemplated interfere with the beautiful and harmonious state of the soul fresh from God’s own hand.  In this frame of mind man becomes unduly uncomfortable, his emotions become unstable, his thoughts confused until finally his whole being is guilt-ridden.  In the name of the beauty that the Lord has placed in the souls of all men as well as the mercy He has extended to all let me warn those who aspire to do His will that just as it is dangerous to be without conscience so it is dangerous to be possessed with an unwieldy one.
  The forward movement of a lifestream is best organized and directed by God through the threefold flame within the soul and through the Holy Christ Self who is the Divine Mediator poised just above the physical form, dispensing the energies and graces of the Presence into the human chalice.  Thus has God provided the means, the link with Himself whereby man can receive the correct administration of cosmic justice and mercy in perfect balance–if he will invoke the legal aid of heaven and accept the hosts of light as the advocates of his real image.
  Ah yes, there was a day when man was free from sin, when he walked in the paradise of perfection which has been called the Garden of Eden.  And all can walk there again when through the Divine Mediator of the Holy Christ Self, the Lamb “without blemish and without spot,” they are able to absorb the cardinal principles of universal beauty and loveliness, to cleanse and free themselves by the electronic shower of the mercy of God of all energies stigmatizing the human soul and creating individual and national guilt.
  How the manipulators of the world love to create segmental guilt, the guilt that arises when one segment of society is pitted against another.  How they love to do the diabolical work of castigating and then fragmenting the peaceful nature of man, making him into a hunted animal that can no longer hold high his head and exhibit his true divine nature.
  Our thought for man today is first the thought of God–a thought of blamelessness, sinlessness and perfect beauty.  The despoiling of the pristine state came about as the result of man’s violations of the unwritten Law–for the perfect Law of Love between God and man does not require recording without; it was already recorded within the soul of man from the founding moment when his Creator gave him individualized existence.
“The strength of sin” as Saint Paul says “is the law.”  Therefore once man had broken the Law inscribed in the heart and made his sin the law of his world the great Law was enforced as the ordinance of God, as a wall of light that would keep man within the bounds of order and decency.  If it can be said that the strength of sin is in the restrictive covenants invoked by a wayward generation, it cannot be said that the strength of sin is in the universal Law of cosmic Love which first framed the worlds.  For it is the letter of the law which killeth—when man is driven into a state of harassment wherein the Law itself becomes a barrier to his progress, repressing the design of his nature and replacing the Spirit of the inward Law which giveth Life and which was intended to be an expression of his buoyant, God-ordained freedom.
  Let men perceive the various methods of stimulating the divine sense of beauty that is within.  Through the ritual of forgiveness of sins, through the balancing of man’s individual debts to Life, through the desire to do well wherever he finds himself man is able to rise above his environment into the arms of his universal purpose which when projected upon the screen of man’s vision becomes almost apocalyptic.  It speaks of a New Jerusalem, of a holy city, of a holy brotherhood, of a magnificent domain of consciousness in which man can forever happily dwell–if he elects to follow the high calling of the sons and daughters of God and the Law that is written in their inward parts.
  So long as man is content to feed upon the husks of life, to hold vision of lesser dream so long will he remain in bondage unto himself, a victim of his own desires.  When the people of the world illustrate their faith in the divine design through an active sense of commitment to the principles of the great Law they will begin to invoke the protection and the direction necessary to find their way out of the maze of problems that beset the race.  For faith begets love and love obedience which reaches up to a state of consciousness wherein man takes dominion over the earth.  Then his concern will be not so much with outer conditions as it will be with inner causes.  Then from the heights of communion with reality he will begin to untangle the skeins of the world web of deceit which, originating with the few, has gnarled the lives of billions of Earth’s evolutions.
  But today such freedom is not the common lot of the race.  Human greed, lurking in the hearts of the many, blinds them to the deceitful purposes of their overlords and closes the gateway to the realm of spiritual truth and perfection; thus they go their separate ways as neighbor is set against neighbor, race against race and men demand economic equality in defiance of the Law of their own karma.
  Long ago the Master Jesus reminded Peter of this Law when he sought to take justice into his own hands:  “Put up again thy sword into his place:  for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”  Thus man should not seek by intellectual or religious doctrine to cheat Life or experience, which in returning to him that which he has sent out would teach him those momentous Laws that alone can give him his individual freedom.
  If the economic standard of the whole world is to be reduced to a common denominator as some would have it–mostly those who have nothing to lose–the Law of Karma could not function.  Albeit all men are created equal, they have not always acted as good stewards, allowing their lives to be used as vehicles through which the living Law of cosmic Love could function.  Therefore the Law of Love decrees that they cannot reap that which they have not sown.
  In state-dominated countries where the central government has become a millstone around the neck of the people the enforcement of an economic determinism, inconsistent with the divine economy which of necessity is determined by cosmic Law, is wreaking havoc with the natural distribution of labor, talent and supply planned by God.  Here the course of human life is no longer divinely directed; but instead the strength of sin is in those laws which have not been sanctioned from on high which bind the people to a system that utterly frustrates the soul’s harmony with Nature until there is nothing left but a form of life devoid of meaning, empty and futile.
  Those who understand the meaning of true love understand that this love is the result of God’s infinite compassion and concern for the world as well as for the individual.  When in the course of human events men inject into the stream of civilization those factors of deviation from natural law that abort their opportunities and prevent the onward movement of their progressive enlightenment or those of the race they become the victims of their own misuse of freewill.  Then when the law of their own sin has removed them from His Presence they speculate that if there is a Deity He must be very far away, when in reality God is very much involved with the evolution of the creatures of His own heart and has placed man above all upon this earth to take dominion over the stream of life in manifestation.
  The current trend to demoralize the youth and to pit one segment of society against another through the misuse of those wondrous media and electronic facilities of the age is a sin against the Almighty, reminiscent of the violations of cosmic Law which preceded the destruction of the planet Maldek.  The Hierarchy never threatens, but it does warn humanity.  This is not a situation where the Lords of Karma say “If mankind will not do what is right, they will be punished,” but it is simply the inevitability of the outworking of cosmic Law.
  Because the mandates of individual as well as collective karma prevent the light of true beauty from shining through in its total spectrum we are concerned that the beautiful evolutionary pattern be sought in its entirety by men and nations.  Those dark threads that are appearing on the surface of civilization may be cut away and removed from the garment, and in their place the motif of divine Love embroidered by millions of devoted hearts will one day reveal unto all a more perfect structuring of universal purpose.  Until the tapestry of Life is thus completed men must in patience possess their souls, putting on the whole armor of God, being “strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”…Let men be about their Father’s business that the kingdom become a harvested reality.
    For the increase of virtue and beauty I AM    
                                Paul the Venetian:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:17

Devoted Friends of Freedom:
  … This season I wish particularly to call to the attention of all who will lend an ear to the Brotherhood that those who raise themselves up among men, those who insist upon being “king upon the hill” ruling large blocks of people, have throughout history employed the tactic of dividing the populace, setting one group against another, thereby creating those divisions necessary for controlling the masses.
  The alert must become wary of smear attempts from whatever source leveled against individuals and organizations.  They ought to recognize from their study of history, past and present, that there do exist in the world unscrupulous men and women who do not hesitate to tactically employ the accusing finger, thus diverting the spotlight from themselves and their own nefarious doings.  There are many crafty ones embodied upon the planet who take advantage of the tempest in a teapot that is typical of society today.  Peering over the affairs of men they lay their plans according to the ebb and flow of the tide of mass emotion and the cycles of the moon, taking advantage of the susceptibility of human beings to idle chatter and their failure to investigate the source of communications they receive.
  In the past, rumors have unseated kingdoms as well as kings; and today the world is being racked by a literal war of nerves calculated to destroy the poise of nations and individuals.  Those who are devoted to spiritual truth should take care not to allow themselves to become the victims of these contemporary plots, thinking they are too wise to be fooled; for I assure you that in other ages these same plots have been employed most unscrupulously and most successfully.
  Man should realize that the most important quality of individual life–that which will raise the entire world, that which must be placed above all else if a planet is to be righted in its course--is the glorious mastery of the self by the power of the Christ. This self-mastery of which I speak is the true definition of individual freedom, for freedom as I have said before is never license.  There is an area of interaction between peoples and nations which must be respected.  None can practice depredation upon another with impunity; likewise courtesy, tact and diplomacy universally employed are always a source of blessing to all.  This is freedom in social interaction.
  The grasp of divine sciences lies within the domain of all, but it requires of man certain significant dedications and consistencies of application….The world seems a giant ant hill and man but a slave of his own crucial endeavor.
  The lamentable state of affairs in the world order has left the man in the street entirely confused, for he knows not where to place his allegiance.  Almost numb with unbelief at the changes rapidly taking place in the world, some do not even feel that life is worth living; still they hesitate to go about ending it all, and wisely so.
  What is needed is a summoning to cosmic purpose, but ere they respond to the call from cosmic heights all who love freedom must recognize that they are being victimized by unseen forces in treacherous ways.  Saint Paul said “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Thus men must be willing to face the truth that their favorite organization, church,or party is no longer necessarily finding favor in heaven–if it ever did.  People must be loyal to principle, not to personality–let the chips fall where they may!  Above all men must not allow themselves to be driven by a competitive or a self-righteous spirit into a state of fury where in defending their so-called rights they destroy a culture and an age and then go down themselves with the destructive spirals they have initiated….
It is freedom to employ mind and heart
And consciousness and will
In the majestic service of being still
A friend to God and man.
It is freedom to reject
All that opposes the divine plan.
Upholding banner, guiding star,
Shedding light rays from afar
Into nearer newness, holy fragrance,
Man at last becomes content
To follow God’s Will–the way He bent
The twig of opportunity.
Dark has the hour of present time
In shadow shaped the world.
Now let the Sun of Love come out,
Its banner be unfurled.
The way of strength and brotherhood,
The way of peace made plain
Will bring to all upon the earth
The Glory of His Flame.
The Flame of worth and strength and purpose,
’Neath the banner of the free
Conceals no virtue, utters purpose,
The way each man can be.
If you will to be, the pure equality
Of freedom all can see
Appearing in the Flame
To keep the heart still free–
No darkness in its motive,
No failure in its heart–
The Way I AM is Freedom.
O won’t you now then start
To realize at last
The brave New World to be–
When man all one does understand
His graceful opportunity….

  In the heart of the struggle we stand as Captains of the Lord of Hosts and enlist your aid.      Devotedly in cosmic service I remain,       
                                   Saint Germain:    Pearls of Wisdom 14:18

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